2 minute read
March 2023 Happy St. Patrick’s Day
27TH -
Kamloops Festival of the Performing Arts
See and hear ar tists’ and musicians’ talents shine through music, vocals, ar ts and performances at different venues throughout the city
Kamloops Film Festival
Paramount Theatre - 503 Vic toria St
27th Annual 10-day celebration of excellence in filmmaking. Variety of films for families to dark fest with opening and closing galas, workshops, special guests and other events
First Metis Man of Odesa
Sagebrush Theatre - 1300 9th Ave
16TH - 25TH network is at your home. It’s like taking a piece of pipe or wiring to a plumber or electrician. For them to do their job they need to see how it interacts with a system as a whole, the same goes for IT services.
Remember, questions are how we learn. Ask questions all the time, even if you think they’re dumb, chances are they aren’t, you might be uninformed but you want to learn. That’s the first step every person takes to learn about anything. If you have a question you aren’t comfortable asking a store clerk, a friend or family member; shoot me an email. I’m happy to answer questions and I don’t judge. I promise. Stay safe and stay curious, it could lead you to learning some amazing tricks online that even your family may not know about.
Legal Services Webber L
A romantic comedy for an unpredictable world After meeting on a theatre research trip in Kyiv, a Canadian playwright and a Ukrainian ar tist spark up a romance that takes them from the beaches of the Black Sea to the riverbanks of the Nor th Saskatchewan River y
An Evening
with Kukpi7
Rosanne Casimir & Mayor Reid Hamer-Jackson
Campus Activity Centre – Thompson Rivers University
1055 University Dr
• Admission $99 99 – $149 99 • 5:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Kukpi7 Rosanne Casimir & Mayor Reid Hamer-Jackson will each take the stage to discuss their vision for the regional business community for 2023 and beyond How can we strengthen our business community? What challenges do we face and how will we, as a community, tackle them
Peter Milobar Todd Stone
MLA K amloops-Nor th Thompson
618B Tranquille Road
Kamloops, BC V2B 3H6 peter.milobar.mla@leg.bc.ca
MLA K amloops-South Thompson 446 Vic toria Street Kamloops, BC V2C 2A7 todd.stone.mla@leg.bc.ca
So many surgeries were put off during the pandemic and during the various bouts of staffing and physician shortages. Hospitals and dental surgeons are finally starting to process the backlog and people are getting notified that their surgeries are moving ahead.
With the passage of time comes risks that a surgeon or surgical staff are not as well versed on the latest techniques, or have become rusty.
The delay in medical attendances can cause a failure or delay in diagnosis, and a condition is now worse than it should have been if caught in the expected course of time.
Negligence is always an issue in any field, but in the medical or dental field a mistake involving medication or management of procedures can be life altering. Obtaining consultation or consent can be missed in the race to push people through and clear out the backlog of patients waiting for their turn for surgical intervention.
The impact of these various forms of malpractice have deep and far reaching psychological, financial and physical effects on patients as well as the health care providers and our system in general. Figuring out if you have received negligent or inadequate care from your doctor, dentist or staff under their direction can be difficult to determine.
The complications that arise for patients from a medical professional’s mistakes depend on so many complicated factors – seeing a legal professional to help navigate these issues is a must.

Find a lawyer experienced in medical or dental malpractice and book in for a free consultation. There is a two-year time limit from when the malpractice happened for you to proceed with any course of action, so it is best not to delay!