Kamloops This Weekyz130131

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North Shore BIA says no controversy with new hire Page A7


Thursday, January 31, 2013 X Volume 26 No. 9

Kamloops, B.C., Canada X 30 cents at Newsstands


These schools were emptied — but they are not empty Page A11 Thompson River Publications Partnership Ltd.

Job shortage not yet critical in Kamloops By Dale Bass STAFF REPORTER dale@kamloopsthisweek.com

WELL, HELLO THERE! British Columbia Lt.-Gov. Judith Guichon shakes the hand of Grade 4 student Rusky Fontanilla at Stuart Wood elementary on Wednesday, Jan. 30, following a school assembly. Guichon spent 45 minutes speaking and answering many questions from students. Also at the school were Kamloops-Thompson school district superintendant Terry Sullivan and Kamloops Mayor Peter Milobar (behind Guichon in photo). Dave Eagles/KTW

As universities in the province sound an alarm about an impending job shortage, the head of Venture Kamloops said the situation isn’t critical in the Tournament Capital. Jim Anderson, who said he supports the universities in their quest for changes that will add to the work pool, said B.C. is not producing talented people fast enough to keep up with the need. Kamloops is not in a deficit position now, he said, thanks to a good labour pool. However, he added, there are some segments that are lacking. For example, one skill-set area that is falling behind in potential employees is in innovation, Anderson said. “And that’s not just equipment. It’s about managers, engineers, people in finance. People who can create new opportunities. “We’re not talking about someone inventing something new, but in advancing existing technologies for business.” Noting Kamloops tends to be an industry-based economy, Anderson said “attached to that is a certain way of life” that doesn’t always focus on innovation. “There is gap there we are attempting to breach.” Maurice Hindle, president of the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce, agreed all sectors that contribute to the economy “have to make sure we can support the growth that will be coming at us in the next five years.” He concurred with Anderson that the Kamloops economy is relatively

strong and expanding, noting he expects Domtar employees losing their jobs when one line is shut down will find opportunities in the community in other businesses that are expanding. The national chamber conducted a survey in 2012 to identify the top barriers to competitiveness and the No. 1 issue was a shortage of skilled trades, Hindle said. An update of the study is due to be released in February and Hindle said he expects that shortage will remain at the top of the list. Earlier this week, Thompson Rivers University joined with other post-secondary facilities in calling on the provincial government to enact three steps to fill what it says is a growing skills gap: • Fund a space for every qualified student to ensure 11,000 new student spaces in university, college and trades training in the next four years; • Guarantee students in need have resources to help finance their education, including grants, scholarships and improvements to student loans; • Commit to innovation and jobs by creating an Innovate BC initiative to bring government, business and post-secondary institutions together to build on the province’s research and innovation potential. TRU president Alan Shaver said the concern goes beyond simply skilled trades, noting research indicates more people are leaving the workforce in coming years than will be replaced. He said studies have shown demand for workers will exceed supply by 2016. X See KEEPING A12

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