Kamloops This WeekyP131119 a

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013 X Volume 26 No. 92 www.kamloopsthisweek.com X 30 cents at Newsstands

Kamloops council’s first-term trio — Nelly Dever (left), Donovan Cavers and Ken Christian — has experienced quite the workout during the first two years of the three-year madate. Dave Eagles/KTW

HOW’S THE FIRST TERM BEEN SO FAR? By Andrea Klassen • staff reporter • andrea@kamloopsthisweek.com Coun Coun Co un. Do Dono Dono nova vann Ca va Cave Cave vers rs ssqu quee qu eeze ee zess hi ze hiss ey eyes es sshhu hut in hut in tthho houg houg ughht ht th ht, the he co corn rner rn erss off hhiis er is mouth pulling back in what is either a grin or a grimace. “I don’t know how to answer that question,” he says after several false starts. The question: How’s the term going so far? A tthe As heyy en he ente terr th te thei eirr th ei thir irdd an ir andd fi fina nall ye na y ar ooff th this is ccit ityit y co coun unci un cill te ci term rm,, Ka rm Kaml mloo ml oops oo p ’ th ps thre reee re


For Christian, any chance to dig deeper into the inner workings of the city is “a real treat.” Dever, a gym owner who frames her council run as an extension of her mission to improve her clients’ quality of life, calls the term so far “productive” and says she’s proud of the first steps she has taken toward fulfilling campaign promises focused on beautifying Kamloops’ entryways and business retention.

SK COUN. KEN CHRISTIAN ABOUT THE term so far and you’ll get a list of everything he has learned in his new role — not so surprising from a man who sat on the Kamloops-Thompson school board for nigh on two decades. It could be the way the RCMP and bylaws officers interact, the operations at Kamloops Airport or regional governance via the Thompson-Nicola Regional District.

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firs fi rstt-ti rs time ime cou cou ounc ncil nc illlo il lors hhav lors avee, th av the heoret heor eti tic ical all lly ly ha ly, had lo had long eeno long noug no ughh to ug to ffiin ind thhei ind eir ir fe feett as as elected officials. Or at least, as first-termer Coun. Nelly Dever jokes, they’re no longer allowed too use “rookie” as an excuse if they mess up. But, as the three newbies look back on thei th eirr ti ei time me aatt ci city tyy hhal alll,l, oonl al nlyy tw nl twoo of tthe hem he m se seem em llik ikee th ik they eyy’rre ha havi ving vi ngg m muc uchh fu uc funn. n.


Cavers’ thoughts on the term so far have their own theme. “There’s so much that goes on,” he says over a cup of coffee on an overcast Friday afternoon. “It’s very intense as well. Like, I was expecting it to be intense, but it was doubly intense. It’s just very full on.” In some ways, Cavers may be feeling the pressure more than most of his colleagues. X See CITY HALL A7

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