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Facility Information
Hours of Operation
Facilities will be closed on all statutory holidays unless otherwise noted. Visit these web pages for up-to-date facility hours. TCC (Wellness Centre, APC & Fieldhouse) Kamloops.ca/TCC Canada Games Aquatic Centre Kamloops.ca/Swim Westsyde Pool and Fitness Centre Kamloops.ca/WestsydePool City Arenas Kamloops.ca/Arenas
Guest Code of Conduct
Our goal is to provide a friendly, safe, and fun environment for our guests.
• Please be respectful of others—their beliefs, opinions, belongings, and feelings. • Please be respectful of directions given by sta or volunteers. • Ensure conversation, behaviour, and language are appropriate for a public facility that caters to all cultures, diversities, and age groups. • Drugs, alcohol, and items that would be deemed as weapons are prohibited on site. • Recording with cameras and other devices, including smart phones, is strictly prohibited unless prior approval from the City is given. View the full City Venue Policy and Tournament Capital Centre Use Guidelines at Kamloops.ca/Guidelines.
Protect Your Valuables
Whenever possible, leave your valuables at home or use a wallet locker at the TCC. Lockers are 25¢. Change is available at the front counter. Using personal locks is not recommended.
Four bike lockers are available at the TCC for complimentary day use on a rst-come, rst-serve basis. A personal lock is required for this amenity.
Gym Age Policy
• All youth aged 12–18 are required to complete a FREE weight room orientation. • Upon completion of an orientation, youth aged 12–14 are required to use the gyms under direct supervision of a paying adult (19+ years). Youth aged 15–18 may use the gym on their own. • Drop-in orientations are available during operational hours with the exception of 11:30 am–1:30 pm and 4:30–6:30 pm, Monday–Friday.
Swim Age Policy
Children aged 6 or under must always be accompanied in the water and be within arm’s reach of a parent or other person aged 16 or older. Ratio of children aged 6 or under to parent/guardian must be no greater than 3:1.
Parking at the TCC
TCC visitors are required to register their licence plate number to receive two hours parking, Monday–Friday, 8:00 am–5:00 pm. Outside of these days and times, TCC visitors are not required to register their licence plate number. TCC visitors displaying a valid disabled parking permit do NOT need to register their licence plate number.