10 minute read
Family and Early Years
Candace Hansma
Painting, Singing, Acting, Dancing Ages: 4–6
This camp program is a great opportunity for children who are interested in trying out new areas of the arts or that already loves multiple disciplines.
Kamloops Performance Company
Mon–Thu Jul 18–Jul 21 9:30–11:30 am 4/$100 Mon–Thu Aug 8–Aug 11 9:30–11:30 am 4/$100
Acro Dance Ages: 3–5
A mix of dance and gymnastics, this class is a fun way to build strength and increase body awareness. The class naturally progresses through skills at the student’s pace, achieving up to level 4 in acrobatics. Techniques such as stretching, strengthening, limbering, balancing, and tumbling will be covered.
Kamloops Performance Company
Thu Apr 7–Jun 23 3:45–4:30 pm 12/$114
Arts and Culture
Discover a variety of art and culture programs to introduce your child to creativity and movement.
Baby and Parent Dance Ages: 2 m–1 1/2
The class is designed for caregivers and infants to enjoy movement and music together. Bring your carrier or sling and wear your baby, hold your baby, and bring blanket/play mat to place on the oor. Movements will be at a slower pace and music will be played at a safe, baby-friendly level. Appropriate for any tness level and babies not yet crawling. Mothers, please consult with your physician before commencing any post-partum exercise.
West Highlands Community Centre
Sat Apr 2–May 28 9:30–10:00 am 8/$72
Creative Dance Ages: 4 1/2–6
Children are introduced to the joy of dance in a positive and encouraging environment. Imagination, motor skills, self-esteem, and social interaction are developed.
West Highlands Community Centre
Sat Apr 2–May 28 10:55–11:25 am 8/$72
Due to COVID-19, programs are subject to change and/or cancellation. For up-to-date information and programming, visit Kamloops.ca/PerfectMind.
First Step - Creative Dance Ages: 1 1/2–3
In this fun and encouraging environment you and your toddler explore movement through dancing, stretching, and creative play. Child must be accompanied by an adult.
West Highlands Community Centre
Sat Apr 2–May 28 8:45–9:15 am 8/$72
Hip Hop Ages: 4–6
This is a fun and exciting program for your little one to learn selfexpression, movement improvisation, and structured dance steps and tricks.
Kamloops Performance Company
Tue Apr 5–Jun 21 4:45–5:30 pm 12/$114
Introduction to Movement Ages: 3–5
Students will learn basic ballet, jazz, and other styles of movement. Throughout the session, students will use di erent props, such as ribbons, hula hoops, scarfs, and other objects, as a fun way of exploring dance.
Kamloops Performance Company
Wed Apr 6–Jun 22 3:45–4:30 pm 12/$114
Little Dancers Ages: 3–4
Your child will discover and explore basic movement skills, musical awareness, physical expression, and creativity through dance.
West Highlands Community Centre
Sat Apr 2–May 28 10:15–10:45 am 8/$72

Musical Theatre Ages: 3–5
Musical theatre will explore singing, dancing, and acting. Your little one will learn how to follow a song with basic movement while singing and adding facial expressions gestures.
Kamloops Performance Company
Wed Apr 6–Jun 22 4:30–5:15 pm 12/$114
Art Blast Ages: 4–6
Ignite children’s creativity as they explore shape, colour, abstract, impression, and portrait in this program. In this fun environment, your children learn techniques to help them get more out of their artwork. Materials included.
Kamloops Performance Company
Sat Apr 2–Jun 4 12:00–12:45 pm 8/$80
Do you want to know more about local history?
The Mary Balf Archives at the Kamloops Museum & Archives is open Tuesday–Friday, 1:15–4:00 pm, for walk-in research visits.
My First Museum Ages: 2–4
Introduce your little one to the museum through hands-on exploration and handling artifacts, stories, songs, and a caregiverassisted craft. Each session o ers exibility for young children to engage in the museum world through a variety of sensory and play experiences.
Kamloops Museum & Archives
Wed Apr 6–Jun 22 10:00–10:45 am 12/$105
Saturdays on Seymour Ages: 3–8
Join the KMA on the last Saturday of the month for creative activities for the whole family to enjoy. Di erent theme each month!
Kamloops Museum & Archives
Sat Mar 26 10:00–10:45 am 1/Free Sat Apr 30 10:00–10:45 am 1/Free Sat May 28 10:00–10:45 am 1/Free Sat Jun 25 10:00–10:45 am 1/Free Sat Jul 30 10:00–10:45 am 1/Free Sat Aug 27 10:00–10:45 am 1/Free
SPORT Multi-Sport
Active Tots Ages: 4–6
Children are introduced to four sports—soccer, T-ball, oor hockey, and track and eld. They will develop their FUNdamental movement skills and movement patterns through games and activities. This program is in partnership with Paci cSport Interior BC.
West Highlands Community Centre
Wed Apr 13–May 18 5:30–6:30 pm 6/$60
Active Tots - Outdoor Ages: 4–6
Children are introduced to four sports—soccer, T-ball, oor hockey, and track and eld. They will develop their FUNdamental movement skills and movement patterns through games and activities. This program is in partnership with Paci cSport Interior BC.
Prince Charles Park
Wed Jun 1–Jul 6 5:30–6:30 pm 6/$60

Sportball I Ages: 13 m–2
In our parent and tot classes, toddlers are introduced to eight di erent sports through play-based, developmentally appropriate curriculum around key motor, social, and sport milestones. This program is in partnership with Sportball Kamloops.
Albert McGowan Park
Sun Apr 3–Jun 5 9:15–10:00 am 8/$95 Sun Jun 12–Aug 14 8:15–9:00 am 8/$95
Riverside Park
Sat Apr 2–May 28 9:15–10:00 am 8/$95
Valleyview Centennial Park
Tue May 31–Jul 19 4:00–4:45 pm 8/$95
West Highlands Community Centre
Tue Apr 5–May 24 9:00–9:45 am 8/$95 Thu Apr 7–May 26 9:00–9:45 am 8/$95
Sportball I & 2 Ages: 13 m–3
In our parent and tot classes, toddlers are introduced to eight di erent sports through play-based, developmentally appropriate curriculum around key motor, social, and sport milestones. This program is in partnership with Sportball Kamloops.
Brocklehurst Park
Mon Apr 4–May 30 4:00–4:45 pm 8/$95
Parkview Activity Centre
Thu Jun 2–Jul 21 5:00–5:45 pm 8/$95
Riverside Park
Sat Apr 2–May 28 12:15–1:00 pm 8/$95
Westsyde Centennial Park
Fri May 20–Jul 15 5:00–5:45 pm 8/$95
Sportball II Ages: 2–3
In our parent and tot classes, toddlers are introduced to eight di erent sports through play-based, developmentally appropriate curriculum around key motor, social, and sport milestones. This program is in partnership with Sportball Kamloops.
Albert McGowan Park
Sun Apr 3–Jun 5 10:15–11:00 am 8/$95 Sun Jun 12–Aug 14 9:15–10:00 am 8/$95 Sun Jun 12–Aug 14 1:15–2:00 pm 8/$95 Sun Jun 12–Aug 14 2:15–3:00 pm 8/$95
Prince Charles Park
Mon Jun 13–Aug 8 4:00–4:45 pm 8/$95 Wed Jun 15–Aug 3 4:00–4:45 pm 8/$95
Riverside Park
Sat Apr 2–May 28 10:15–11:00 am 8/$95
Valleyview Centennial Park
Tue May 31–Jul 19 5:00–5:45 pm 8/$95
West Highlands Community Centre
Tue Apr 5–May 24 10:00–10:45 am 8/$95 Thu Apr 7–May 26 10:00–10:45 am 8/$95
The Kamloops International Buskers Festival will be returning July 21–24, 2022! Check out KamloopsBuskers.com for more information.

Sportball III Ages: 3–5
In this drop-o class, children are introduced to eight di erent sports through play-based, developmentally appropriate curriculum around key motor, social, and sport milestones. This program is in partnership with Sportball Kamloops.
Albert McGowan Park
Sun Apr 3–Jun 5 11:15 am–12:00 pm 8/$95 Sun Apr 3–Jun 5 12:15–1:00 pm 8/$95 Sun Jun 12–Aug 14 10:15–11:00 am 8/$95 Sun Jun 12–Aug 14 11:15–12:00 pm 8/$95
Parkview Activity Centre
Mon Apr 4–May 30 5:00–5:45 pm 8/$95
Prince Charles Park
Mon Jun 13–Aug 8 5:00–5:45 pm 8/$95 Wed Jun 15–Aug 3 5:00–5:45 pm 8/$95
Riverside Park
Sat Apr 2–May 28 11:15 am–12:00 pm 8/$95
Valleyview Centennial Park
Tue May 31–Jul 19 6:00–6:45 pm 8/$95 Thu Jun 2–Jul 21 6:00–6:45 pm 8/$95
West Highlands Community Centre
Tue Apr 5–May 24 11:00–11:45 am 8/$95 Thu Apr 7–May 26 11:00–11:45 am 8/$95
Westsyde Centennial Park
Fri May 20–Jul 15 6:00–6:45 pm 8/$95
Sports on Mats Ages: 3–6
This program is designed for children to learn to move their bodies, including tumbling, falling, rolling, and lateral movements using mats and play. These skills will develop movement patterns to prepare for many activities and sports.
Valleyview Community Hall
Sat May 7–Jul 16 10:30–11:15 am 8/$80
Tots Run, Jump, Throw Ages: 3–5
Children are introduced to a variety of FUNdamental movement skills and patterns, which enhances their physical literacy. Children will learn through fun and active games, songs, and activities. This program is in partnership with Paci cSport Interior BC.
Prince Charles Park
Thu May 5–Jun 9 5:30–6:15 pm 6/$45
Valleyview Community Hall
Wed May 4–Jun 8 9:00–9:45 am 6/$45
Family Soccer Ages: 6+
In this program, your family will learn new FUNdamental movement and soccer skills. You will get to socialize with other families, make new friends and get some physical activity. Children must be accompanied by an adult. In partnership with PLAYKamloops and Kamloops Immigrant Services.
Prince Charles Park
Thu Jun 16–Jul 21 5:30–6:30 pm 6/Free
Tots Soccer I Ages: 2 1/2–3 1/2
Introduce your child to basic soccer skills and other movement patterns. Children will learn and practice various FUNdamental movement skills, enhancing their physical literacy. This is a parent participation class.
Albert McGowan Park
Sat May 7–Jun 18 9:30–10:00 am 6/$45 Sat May 7–Jun 18 10:45–11:15 am 6/$45 Wed May 11–Jun 15 9:00–9:30 am 6/$45 Wed May 11–Jun 15 5:00–5:30 pm 6/$45 Thu May 12–Jun 16 5:00–5:30 pm 6/$45 Tue Jul 5–Aug 9 5:00–5:30 pm 6/$45
Juniper Park
Sat May 7–Jun 18 9:00–9:30 am 6/$45 Wed May 11–Jun 15 5:00–5:30 pm 6/$45 Tue Jul 5–Aug 9 5:00–5:30 pm 6/$45
McDonald Park
Thu May 12–Jun 16 5:00–5:30 pm 6/$45
Prince Charles Park
Wed May 11–Jun 15 5:00–5:30 pm 6/$45
Rae-Mor Park Ball 1
Sat May 7–Jun 18 9:30–10:00 am 6/$45
Todd Hill Park
Sat May 7–Jun 18 11:15–11:45 am 6/$45
Westsyde Centennial Park
Sat May 7–Jun 18 9:00–9:30 am 6/$45 Sat May 7–Jun 18 10:45–11:15 am 6/$38.57 Thu Jul 7–Aug 11 5:30–6:00 pm 6/$45

More than 60% of Canadians reported spending more time using the Internet and watching TV during the pandemic, which signi cantly increases unhealthy sedentary behaviours (ParticipACTION). Make healthy changes today and try out our physical activity, recreation, tness, and sport programs to get you moving this spring!
Tots Soccer II Ages: 3 1/2–6
Introduce your child to basic soccer skills and other movement patterns. Children will learn and practice various FUNdamental movement skills, enhancing their physical literacy. This is a parent participation class.
Albert McGowan Park
Sat May 7–Jun 18 9:45–10:30 am 6/$60 Sat May 7–Jun 18 10:15–11:00 am 6/$60 Sat May 7–Jun 18 11:30 am–12:15 pm 6/$60 Wed May 11–Jun 15 9:45–10:30 am 6/$60 Wed May 11–Jun 15 5:45–6:30 pm 6/$60 Thu May 12–Jun 16 5:45–6:30 pm 6/$60 Tue Jul 5–Aug 9 5:45–6:30 pm 6/$60
Juniper Park
Sat May 7–Jun 18 9:45–10:30 am 6/$60 Wed May 11–Jun 15 5:45–6:30 pm 6/$60 Tue Jul 5–Aug 9 5:45–6:30 pm 6/$60
McDonald Park
Thu May 12–Jun 16 5:45–6:30 pm 6/$60
Prince Charles Park
Wed May 11–Jun 15 5:45–6:30 pm 6/$60
Rae-Mor Park Ball 1
Sat May 7–Jun 18 10:15–11:00 am 6/$60
Todd Hill Park
Sat May 7–Jun 18 12:00–12:45 pm 6/$60
Westsyde Centennial Park
Sat May 7–Jun 18 9:45–10:30 am 6/$60 Thu Jul 7–Aug 11 6:15–7:00 pm 6/$60
Tots Soccer Together Ages: 2 1/2–5
Introduce your child to basic soccer skills and other movement patterns. Children will learn and practice various FUNdamental movement skills, enhancing their physical literacy. This is a parent participation class.
Albert McGowan Park
Thu Jul 7–Aug 11 5:45–6:30 pm 6/$60
Juniper Park
Thu May 12–Jun 16 5:45–6:30 pm 6/$60
McDonald Park
Tue Jul 5–Aug 9 4:45–5:30 pm 6/$60
Prince Charles Park
Thu May 12–Jun 16 5:30–6:15 pm 6/$60 Thu Jul 7–Aug 11 5:45–6:30 pm 6/$60
Rae-Mor Park Ball 1
Mon Jul 4–Aug 15 5:30–6:15 pm 6/$60
Todd Hill Park
Wed Jul 6–Aug 10 5:15–6:00 pm 6/$60
Westsyde Centennial Park
Sat May 7–Jun 18 11:30–12:15 pm 6/$60 Wed May 11–Jun 15 5:45–6:30 pm 6/$60 Thu May 12–Jun 16 5:45–6:30 pm 6/$60
Tots T-Ball Ages: 4–6
Introduce your child to the FUNdamentals of throwing, catching, and other movement skills that will enhance their physical literacy. This is a parent participation class.
Albert McGowan Park
Mon May 2–Jun 13 4:45–5:30 pm 6/$45 Mon May 2–Jun 13 5:45–6:30 pm 6/$45 Tue May 3–Jun 7 4:45–5:30 pm 6/$45 Tue May 3–Jun 7 5:45–6:30 pm 6/$45
McDonald Park
Mon May 2–Jun 13 5:30–6:15 pm 6/$45
Prince Charles Park
Tue May 3–Jun 7 5:30–6:15 pm 6/$45