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Connect 2 Rec
ARCH: Affordable Recreation for Community Health
The City aims to connect everyone to recreation and offers financial assistance to help make it happen. Use ARCH credits to buy a punch card or membership for the gym, pool, or ice rink or to sign up for a program.
Apply for a grant today! KidSport provides families with children aged 5-18 with financial assistance to participate in sports in Kamloops.
Find out more and apply at 250-828-3822, KidSportKamloops@SportBC.com, or visit Kamloops.ca/KidSport.
KamPASS is an affordable transit option to help you get to your next recreational activity. The program provides subsidized bus passes to qualified Kamloops residents to encourage using transit for work, appointments, recreation, education, and any other activities.
Boogie the Bridge Cultural Fund
This fund is intended to provide financial assistance for children and youth aged 5–18 to participate in cultural activities like dance, drawing, and music.
Trying out a new sport skill or exercise routine? Seeking feedback from others—whether health or fitness professionals, or friends and family—can increase selfconfidence and help motivate you to achieve your goals.
(Sport Information Resource Centre, 2022)