19 minute read
Children and Youth
Hip Hop
This is a fun and exciting program to learn self-expression, movement improvisation, and structured dance steps and tricks.
Kamloops Performance Company
Thu Jan 12–Mar 2 6:30–7:30 pm 8/$132
This program is designed for those with beginner to advanced dance experience. Dancers will learn many fun and trendy dance steps that are used for all forms of dance, focusing on strength, flexibility, conditioning techniques, and progressions.
Kamloops Performance Company
Tue Jan 10–Feb 28 6:15–7:15 pm 8/$132
Line Dancing
Come and find out how easy line dancing is. Learn routines that have short step sequences and easy-to-follow travel steps. No previous dance experience or partner required. Join in the fun for all ages, and dance to all types of music.
West Highlands Community Centre
Tue Jan 10–Mar 14 3:00–4:00 pm 10/$125
Let’s Move Studio
Thu Jan 12–Mar 16 11:00 am–12:00 pm 10/$125
Social Ballroom Dancing
Learn the basic techniques and patterns that provide the foundation for popular Latin and ballroom-style dances. We will provide an enjoyable dance experience where you will feel comfortable dancing with a partner in a social atmosphere. Safety guidelines: singles will not be paired up with another single.
Kamloops School of the Arts Viennese Waltz
Tue Jan 31–Mar 14 7:00–7:45 pm 8/$100
West Coast Swing
Tue Jan 31–Mar 14 8:00–8:45 pm 8/$100
Drawing and Painting
Drawing on the Basics
Anyone can learn to draw. Really! This course offers you a chance to learn how to develop a basic skill in a relaxed, fun, and supportive environment. The course is based on a foundation of classical drawing techniques. Each week’s topic will be reinforced through still life exercises. Supplies are extra.
Parkview Activity Centre
Wed Feb 8–Mar 15 1:00–3:00 pm 6/$112.50
Watercolour Beyond the Basics
Are you ready to take your watercolours to the next level? This class is designed for students with some previous beginner watercolour experience who want to advance their skills. A variety of techniques will be explored, including wet-in-wet, pulled edges, and glazing. We will dabble in colour mixing and composition with a goal to create clean, luminous watercolour landscapes and florals. Supplies are extra.
Parkview Activity Centre
Fri Jan 27–Mar 17 10:00 am–12:00 pm 8/$150
Watercolour for the Beginner
For the beginning student, this friendly course introduces the exciting possibilities, delights, and challenges of watercolours. Fun and easy projects are designed to teach basic techniques and build students’ confidence to paint a basic landscape or a flower. Supplies are extra.
Parkview Activity Centre
Fri Jan 27–Mar 17 1:00–3:00 pm 8/$150
Our programs welcome people of all abilities. Support workers or guardians are free when coming with a registered participant.
Curbside Organic Waste Collection
In August 2022, Council authorized a city-wide curbside residential organic waste collection program. The program builds upon a year-long pilot program that tested organic waste collection in five select neighbourhoods to learn what works well and what could be improved for a communitywide program. One of the main goals of the pilot program was to determine how much organic waste residents could keep out of the landfill. By the end of the year-long pilot program, food waste diversion rates increased significantly—44% of surveyed participants said they were able to keep ALL food waste out of their garbage (up from 6% at the start). Visit our Let’s Talk page to learn more about the background, how the program works and what items will be included in collection, to read FAQs, and to subscribe to project updates.
Diverting organic waste from the landfill supports GHG emissions reduction targets in the Community Climate Action Plan. To learn more, visit LetsTalk.Kamloops.ca/Organics. Coming to a Curb Near You… a residential curbside organic waste collection program is coming to all single- and multi-family households along curbside collection routes in mid to late 2023.

On our Let's Talk website, you can subscribe to receive updates on the latest information on the community rollout including timing of cart delivery and organic waste collection start dates.
Educational Workshops
Declutter and Decorate your Home Series - Bedroom Addition
Welcome to the design and decorate bedroom edition. Each week will concentrate on a different aspect of decluttering and redecorating parts of your bedroom, with specific help on how to make your bedroom vision come true. There will be homework after each session so you can go home with a goal and plan for your space. Each week, there will be a little time set aside to ask questions to assist with any decorating challenges you might be facing in your space. By curating your rooms, you will be purposefully making it easier to clean your space and keep it tidy and inviting. By the end of the six-week session, you should be well on your way to having a beautifully “designed by you” and decluttered bedroom.
Valleyview Community Hall
Tue Jan 24–Feb 28 9:00–11:00 am 6/$180
Quality Sport for Communities and Clubs
This workshop is intended to provide executive members and coaches from local sport clubs with quality sport practices while connecting them with community partners and resources. Based on the long-term development approach, this workshop is designed with everyone in mind, including women and girls, Indigenous populations, newcomers to Canada, and participants with physical or cognitive disabilities. Focusing on the qualities of good people, good places, and good programs, this workshop provides community best practices examples and a checklist as tool to assess and improve quality of programs. This session will highlight concepts and practices around optimal programming, inclusion as non-negotiable, and sport system collaboration.
TCC - Meeting Rooms C & D
Wed Jan 25, Feb 1 5:00–7:30 pm 1/$20
Fabric Arts

Macramé Workshop - Jar Cover
In this workshop, you will be introduced to a variety of basic knots and patterns while creating your own medium macramé jar cover. All supplies are provided.
Parkview Activity Centre
Fri Feb 24 6:30–9:30 pm 1/$85
Macramé Workshop - Plant Hanger
In this workshop, you will be introduced to a variety of basic knots and patterns while creating your own medium sized plant hanger. All supplies are provided.
Parkview Activity Centre
Sun Feb 12 1:30–4:00 pm 1/$85
This block-by-block quilting method allows you to build your quiltas-you-go. Each block is joined with boarders called sashing. This is another great way to build a large quilt on your own domestic sewing machine. Bring a lunch, your sewing machine, and supplies.
Heritage House
Sat Jan 28 9:00–5:00 pm 1/$112.50
Easy-to-Grow Plants, Trees, and Shrubs for Kamloops
Do you dream of a garden bursting with healthy, colourful plants? A hands-off garden that you can watch flourish with little effort on your part? Join Thompson Shuswap Master Gardener Corene McKay as she speaks to her favourite tried-and-true, tough-as-nails trees, flowers, shrubs, vegetables, and herbs that are both easy to look after and hardy enough to thrive in Kamloops’ semi-arid climate!
TCC - Meeting Room D
Sat Mar 18 10:00–11:00 am 1/$20
2023 City Budget
Share your thoughts on the next city budget with our new City Council!
Keep informed about key dates and opportunities to engage at LetsTalk.Kamloops.ca/Budget2023.
Indoor Seed Starting
Starting seeds indoors—it’s “sow” much fun. It’s a great way to save money and grow a wide variety of new, unusual, or heirloom plants that are not readily available at retail outlets. Join Thompson Shuswap Master Gardener Yenny Yao as she provides indoor seed starting tips from seed selection right through to planting in the outdoor garden.
TCC - Meeting Room D
Wed Jan 25 7:00–8:00 pm 1/$20
Invasive Species in the Garden
Low maintenance, fast growing, reseeding...these could only be the characteristics of the perfect, care-free plant for your garden, right? Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Invasive plants have many characteristics that may appear desirable to gardeners, but in reality, they often go hand-in-hand with a plant’s potential to wreak havoc through our yards, neighbourhoods, and beyond. When left unchecked, invasive plants can quickly infest large areas, create health hazards, and become very costly and time consuming to manage. Join Megan Blackmore, Master Gardener in training, certified horticulturalist, and ISCBC learning coordinator, to learn how you can ensure your garden is invasive free and stop the spread.
TCC - Meeting Room D
Thu Mar 9 7:00–8:00 pm 1/$20
Making the Most of a Small Urban Garden
Calling all small-scale garden enthusiasts! Do you want to learn skills that will help you grow a bountiful crop of organic produce from your tiny yard or community garden plot? Join Thompson Shuswap Master Gardeners’ Association members Yenny Yao and Sherry Bennett as they explore sustainable gardening practices for the small intensive garden. Learn the ins and outs of small garden layout, seed selection/planting, mulching, and watering. This class is suitable for new and seasoned gardeners.
TCC - Meeting Room D
Wed Jan 18 7:00–8:00 pm 1/$20
Pruning - Fruit and Ornamental Trees
Get your trees ready for spring by learning how to prune ornamental and fruit trees. Learn about reasons for pruning, types of pruning, and when to prune from an ISA-certified arborist. Practice trees generously provided by Agri Supply Ltd.
Parkview Activity Centre
Sat Mar 4 12:30–3:30 pm 1/$35
Pruning - Shrubs
Do your shrubs look more like hairy monsters than plants? Join an ISA-certified arborist to learn about reasons for pruning and how and when to prune your shrubs. Practice plants generously provided by Agri Supply Ltd.
Parkview Activity Centre
Sat Mar 11 1:00–3:30 pm 1/$35
Winter Sowing - Ready, Set, Grow!
Are you looking to get a jump-start on your gardening season without investing in costly indoor growing equipment? Give winter sowing a try! Join Thompson Shuswap Master Gardeners’ Association members Sherry Bennett and Pat Johannson to learn how to transform everyday plastic milk jugs and 2 litre bottles into low-maintenance mini-greenhouses that can be kept outside during the winter’s coldest nights. Participants construct their own mini-greenhouse and explore winter sowing best practices, from seed starting to watering to transplanting. All materials provided.
TCC - Meeting Room D
Wed Jan 11 7:00–8:00 pm 1/$20
Spanish - Beginner
This fun, informal class will get you practising your Spanish. This program is designed for individuals who have little or no experience. You will learn basic Spanish grammar and how to read, write, and speak Spanish. The textbook is extra.
Parkview Activity Centre
Mon/Thu Jan 16–Feb 9 11:30 am–1:30 pm 8/$150
South Kamloops Secondary
Mon/Wed Jan 16–Feb 8 6:30–8:30 pm 8/$150
Spanish - Intermediate
This program will build on the skills learned in the beginner Spanish class or if you feel you are ready for an intermediate class. Intermediate Spanish is designed for those who want to improve their conversational skills. The textbook is extra.
Parkview Activity Centre
Mon/Thu Feb 13–Mar 13 11:30–1:30 pm 8/$150
South Kamloops Secondary
Mon/Wed Feb 13–Mar 13 6:30–8:30 pm 8/$150
Spanish - Advanced
This class is designed to continue developing and enhancing Spanish communication skills. Previous participants of the intermediate class can continue building their confidence by interacting in various social situations.
Parkview Activity Centre
Mon/Thu Jan 16–Feb 9 9:00–11:00 am 8/$150 Mon/Thu Feb 13–Mar 13 9:00–11:00 am 8/$150
Secwépemctsín - Lunch and Learn
This is an informal program designed for people who have little or no experience speaking Secwépemctsín. You will be introduced to basic Secwépemctsín greetings, personal introductions, and the sound system of Secwépemctsín.
Online Workshop
Wed Jan 25–Mar 15 12:10–12:55 pm 8/$80
Did you know that studies have shown that teens that cook have fewer incidence of depression. Preparing meals for themself and others also helps boost their self-esteem.

Improve your Photography
Enter a whole new world of photography by becoming more creative with your camera and moving beyond the manufacturer’s settings. In this five-part series, you will learn composition, such as purposefully blurring the background and sharpening the subject; accentuating or freezing motion; and capturing images when flash is impractical or not allowed.
Valleyview Secondary
Tue Jan 17–Feb 14 6:30–8:30 pm 5/$130
Smartphone Photography
Are you ready to take your smartphone photography to the next level? Bring your iPhone/Android/iPad/tablet (mobile device with a camera) to this fun class and learn how to take spectacular photos. During these three sessions, we will explore techniques that will allow you to move from the taking a snapshot to making a photograph. When you have finished the program, you will have acquired skills that will allow you to take smartphone photos worthy of being printed for home or office walls.
Valleyview Community Hall
Sun Jan 29–Feb 12 2:00–4:00 pm 3/$80
Brain injury is the number one killer and disabler of people under the age of 45. Wearing a CSA approved helmet is the easiest way to prevent brain injury while on the ice.

Aqua-Express Circuit
Challenge your aerobic and anaerobic systems using circuit training in a non-impact environment. Travel between stations using noodles, weights, and your body weight while using elements of water running for recovery.
Canada Games Aquatic Centre
Thu Jan 12–Mar 16 8:15–9:00 pm 9/$54.99
Join us at the barre for a dynamic workout that combines elements of ballet, Pilates, strength, and flexibility. Sculpt and tone your body with this focused workout that targets postural strength, alignment, and endurance. No dance experience necessary.
TCC - Fitness Studio
Thu Jan 12–Mar 16 6:15–7:15 pm 10/$93.30
Bodyweight Bootcamp
This is a circuit-style class that provides a mix of strength and cardiovascular training, working every muscle only using body weight exercises. It is suitable for novice exercisers and fitness enthusiasts alike as individuals are encouraged to work at their own personal level and intensity
Valleyview Community Hall
Thu Jan 12–Mar 16 4:30–5:30 pm 10/$81.50
Deep Water Running
By running in the water, you are able to strengthen your approximately 400 muscles equally with every move. Deep water running is practised with specific flotation shorts, which are included for classes. There is no impact on your joints, but it speeds up the recovery process, even while working with volume and intensity. Through this efficient training you will burn calories, improve core strength, and improve your functional daily performance!
Canada Games Aquatic Centre
Thu Jan 12–Feb 16 11:00 am–12:00 pm 6/$93.50 Thu Feb 23–Mar 16 11:00 am–12:00 pm 4/$62.32
HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training
Come prepared to sweat in this fast-paced class! Using Tabatastyle or high-intensity intervals followed by a short rest, you will be invigorated by this challenging, full-body workout.
David Thompson Elementary
Thu Jan 12–Mar 16 5:30–6:30 pm 10/$90.56
TCC - Fitness Studio
Thu Jan 12–Mar 16 5:00–6:00 pm 10/$90.56
National Coaching Certification Program
The NCCP provides standardized, inclusive, and safe sport education to coaches and coach developers across 65 sports.
Looking to become a certified coach? Check out page 74.

Intro to Mindfulness
This 60-minute class is for anyone interested in or who has an existing practice of mindfulness or meditation. We will explore the different offerings from the western lens and the yogic philosophy. Breathwork with mindful awareness are complementary tools we can use in most areas of our lives. Science has proven the profound effects these practices can have on reducing stress and increasing longevity. Weekly handouts will be provided to support your practice.
Westsyde Location TBD
Tue Jan 10–Mar 14 6:00–7:00 pm 9/$83.97
Introduction to Weight Training
This introductory class is designed to teach the fundamental principles of weight training. You will learn how to set up the equipment properly and safely and how to create your own program to meet your goals. You will discover how to progress or regress an exercise to meet your needs. This foundation will help provide peace of mind and confidence when you’re in the gym. This course is taught by a certified personal trainer.
TCC - Training Lab
Mon Jan 9–Feb 6 6:15–7:15 pm 5/$62.50
Low Intensity Circuit
This circuit-style class encourages you to work at your own level. You will be introduced to a variety of cardio, strength, and flexibility exercises to help keep you strong and mobile for your daily activities.
Westsyde Pool and Fitness Centre
Mon Jan 9–Feb 6 11:30–12:30 pm 9/$73.35 Fri Jan13–Feb10 1:30–2:30 pm 10/$81.50
Stretch and Relax
Be guided through a full-body stretch that promotes flexibility, mobility, breathing, and relaxation. Participants must be comfortable with getting down to the floor and back up again.
TCC - Fitness Studio
Mon Jan 9–Mar 13 10:15–11:15 am 10/$81.50 Wed Jan 11–Mar 15 10:15–11:45 am 10/$122.30
Water Running
Are you a runner looking for some cross-training or do you have an injury? This coached, deep-water running class uses similar tools to land-based running, including pickups and drills, to increase your fitness in a low-impact environment. Work at your own pace to build your running base without the impact of running.
Canada Games Aquatic Centre
Tue Jan 10–Mar 28 8:15–9:00 am 12/$73.32
Zumba® fitness is known for—zesty Latin music like salsa, merengue, cumbia, and reggaeton; exhilarating, easy-to-follow moves; and an invigorating, party-like atmosphere. This is a total-body workout that combines all elements of fitness—cardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility, boosted energy, and a serious dose of awesome each time you leave class.
Hal Rogers
Tue Jan 10–Mar 14 5:30–6:30 pm 10/$96.30
TCC - Fitness Studio
Tue Jan 10–Mar 14 5:00–6:00 pm 10/$93.30
Fitness Testing
This package includes a two-part package, including a 60-minute FMS assessment and 60-minute Functional Movement Screen corrective exercise training session.
Functional Movement Screen Assessment
The Functional Movement Screen Assessment captures fundamental movements and motor control within movement patterns and competence of basic movements uncomplicated by specific skills. The Functional Movement Screen determines the greatest areas of movement deficiency, demonstrates limitations or asymmetries, and eventually correlates these with an outcome. The movement screen is a rating and ranking system that uses seven movement patterns and three clearance tests, which require a balance of mobility and stability to set the baseline for fundamental movement competency. The primary goal of movement screening is to quickly identify pain or limitations that need to be addressed.
Functional Movement Screen Corrective Exercises
The Functional Movement Screen Corrective Exercises focus on addressing issues identified in the Functional Movement Screen Assessment. The program design and exercise selection is based on improving your fundamental movement baseline and provides corrective exercise essentials—breathing, mobility, motor control, transitional postures, and functional loading. For each of the seven tests within the Functional Movement Screen, specific exercise progressions will be laid out in order to provide the best path to improve, maintain, and strengthen those movement patterns. The program design provides specific mobility and motor control strategies to improve the movement limitations as identified in the Functional Movement Screen Assessment, taking into consideration individual goals. The ultimate goal of the Functional Movement Screen Corrective Exercise is to gain the ability to express higher levels of neuromuscular control while improving physical condition. 2 hrs/$150
Personal Training
Train Smart Package
This is a two-part package that includes a 30-minute assessment to establish your baseline fitness level. The second 60-minute session is to learn your personalized fitness program and increase your confidence with your exercise program.
1 session (90 mins)/$99
Personal Training Add-Ons
Once you have completed a Train Smart package, you can purchase additional 60-minute personal training sessions. These appointments can be made at your convenience, whether you would like to meet regularly to help with motivation or just when you need an update to your program.
1 session (1 hr)/$65 4 sessions (4 hrs)/$250 12 sessions (12 hrs)/$690
Train Smart with a Friend!
Put a fun twist on training by teaming up with a friend. This semiprivate personal training package will help build your motivation while addressing your personal goals. The first session includes individual assessments and is followed by three 60-minute sessions to work together on your new exercise program. 4 sessions (4 hrs)/$320 ($160 each)
Introduction to Personal Training
Are you aged 12–17 and just starting out in the gym? Are you looking to set up an exercise program? Our qualified personal trainer will give you a one-on-one orientation to learn gym safety and etiquette while showing you a beginner workout routine to get you started. This package also includes a one-month, gym-only facility pass.
1 (1 hr) session/$50

Winter Fun for the Family!
Come try drop-in cross-country skiing with the family. This is a fun morning full of new skills and movements. All equipment included.
Learn more on page 37.
Mary Jane Amora
Kinesiology Training

Train Smart Assessment with a Kinesiologist
If you have an injury, chronic condition, or concerns about the safety of exercise, this program is designed for you! Complete a comprehensive fitness assessment and exercise program with a Kinesiologist. With focused education ranging from chronic disease to orthopaedics, working with a kinesiologist will help you meet your fitness goals safely and effectively (program includes two 60-minute sessions). Call 250–828–3742 for information. 2 (1 hr) sessions/$150
Train Smart with a Kinesiologist Add-Ons
These 60-minute kinesiology sessions are designed with you in mind. Use these sessions for ongoing support with your exercise program or update your old program to further your exercise goals! Participants must complete a Train Smart assessment with a kinesiologist prior to registering for additional sessions. 1 session (1 hr)/$75 4 sessions (4 hrs)/$280 12 sessions (12 hrs)/$780
Fitness Fusion
Experience a Pilates exercise program that includes yoga poses. This winning combination will lengthen your muscles, improve your core, and strengthen your spine.
TCC - Fitness Studio
Wed Jan 11–Mar 15 6:15–7:15 pm 11/$93.28
Intermediate Pilates
For those who have Pilates experience and are looking for a challenge, this class will build on the principles and apply them to mat exercises focused on improving core strength and stability, relieving back pain, improving posture, and stress reduction.
TCC - Fitness Studio
Tue Jan 10–Mar 14 8:30–9:30 am 10/$93.30
Sleep is being increasingly recognized as vital to athletic performance. Neuroscientist Dr. Matthew Walker found that when compared to sleeping 9 hours a night, sleeping 5–6 hours a night increases one’s risk of injury by over 200% over the course of a season.
(Sport Information Resource Centre, 2022)
Pilates with Props
Pilates with Props is an intermediate class that uses a variety of equipment to target your core stabilizes, activate your deep abdominal muscles, reinforce your balance, and stability, and enhance your neuromuscular function.
TCC - Fitness Studio
Fri Jan 13–Mar 24 8:30–9:30 am 11/$102.63
Pre & Post Natal
Postnatal Mom and Baby Yoga
Join Dina, mom and experienced post-natal yoga instructor, in this safe and inclusive class that provides a consistent place for self-care and compassion to nurture both mom and baby with an emphasis on fun and exploration. Empower and strengthen your mind and body in this mindful and gentle hatha yoga class that will support you and your baby through these beautiful yet challenging times. Alleviate tension resulting from baby holding and other repetitive and exhausting baby caring positions. No experience is necessary. Each class is approximately 45 minutes of activity and 10–15 min of education and optional sharing. Weekly handouts will be given if you wish to practise at home. Moms must be 4–6 weeks post natural delivery or 8–10 weeks post caesarean. Babies must not be able to crawl.
Valleyview Community Hall
Thu Jan 12–Feb 6 10:15–11:15 am 6/$55.98 Thu Feb 20–Mar 13 10:15–11:15 am 4/$37.32
TCC - Fitness Studio
Mon Jan 9–Feb 3 11:30 am–12:30 pm 6/$55.98 Mon Feb 20–Mar 13 11:30 am–12:30 pm 4/$37.32