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Recently my opposition has engaged in an extremely negative campaign strategy in an attempt to discredit myself and the Kanabec County Sheriff’s Office. These attacks are based on misleading information and misrepresentation of the true facts in each instance. In response to allegations regarding the mishandling of an investigation: Kanabec County Attorney Barbara McFadden has written a letter to the Editor to confirm the facts in question. A copy of this letter is available on my website. In response to a new piece of propaganda released regarding allegations of mishandling of an investigation claiming “top cops say”: In a phone call received from Cambridge Police Chief Tim Dwyer, I was informed that the quote my opponent used was in fact not a statement he made. Chief Dwyer was given a hypothetical situation and had not been allowed to review any actual facts. He does not agree with Mr. Rollins nor would he comment on a case in which he does not know the facts. Chief Dwyer is willing to confirm this with anyone. He can be contacted at: (763) 552-3244. I find it appalling that someone claiming to have integrity will intentionally mislead the public and attempt to destroy public trust for nothing more than personal gain! If you want to be informed find the facts from the source. Don’t be manipulated by the bits and pieces of information from my opponent. This election is about qualifications, professionalism and integrity. Take a close look at the background of both candidates and evaluate closely who is best qualified to be the next Sheriff of Kanabec County. I am proud of my record and eager to serve the citizens of Kanabec County as your next Sheriff! I would be happy to address your questions or concerns by phone at (320) 496-0767.


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Hometow S a l e s a n dn S e r v i c e!

Prepared and paid for by the CommiƩee to Elect Brian Smith Sheriī, Chairman Tim McNeilly, Mora, MN





Last week I stated that this week’s ad would address an “whisper campaign” against me and I am doing so now. Additionally, I have been asked a great many times what mine and Brian Smith’s positions are regarding the 2nd Amendment. I cannot say what Smith’s position is but you can see mine below. October 22, 2014 Several people have informed me that certain people have recently circulated a “whisper campaign” about a matter that took place almost 20 years ago in 1995. During this election process, I have raised a number of concerns about the serious issues in the current Sheriffs Department. Smith has chosen steadfastly to remain entirely silent about each of these issues. I don’t believe in ignoring concerns so I am providing this information to you even though most of you have not even heard about this. Space here greatly reduces the amount of detail, I can provide. However, I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to call me at 320 496 3232. False rumors have been circulating that I choked a young boy, some saying that he was only 13. The truth is A. I did not choke him. B. He was just shy of 18 not 13. C. My supervisor who was 2 or 3 feet away repeatedly said that I did not choke him. In fact, my supervisor was adamant that no one who is being choked would be able to yell and swear at the rate or volume like this young man continued to do. In this matter, the young man’s father was fed up with his many previous escapades as well as his actions in this incident. The father wanted nothing to do with any action against me. Additionally, the young man later refused to come to a hearing when he found he would have to testify under oath. Since then I have been hired as a full-time of¿cer by the Osseo Police Department and later the Mora Police Department. Additionally, I have worked part-time for the Minnesota State Fair Police Department since the year 2000 and the Howard Lake Police Department since the Mora Police Department was disbanded. Obviously, like any other applicant, I have undergone thorough background investigations prior to being hired by these agencies. Clearly, all departments would like to avoid a problem of¿cer and would not hire an applicant if there were any concerns whatsoever. In today’s world, many of¿cers who actually go out and work have experienced incidents in which those we are forced to interact with sometimes make complaints, valid or otherwise. If I had actually been guilty of choking this young man I would never have been hired by any of these agencies. Brian Smith is very well aware of this and knows that he would not hire someone guilty of such an action. That then begs the question; why are false rumors spreading. I would much rather have public discussion shifted away from rumors and focus on more current local issues? 2nd Amendment -I am a strong supporter of our 2nd Amendment rights. I recognize the need to exercise reasonable caution about some people and their possession of ¿rearms. Having said that I am adamantly opposed to the federal government con¿scating ¿rearms from the general population. In his ads candidate Brian Smith has repeatedly talked about his integrity, his accountability and his leadership experience. In his last ad Smith stated, “This election is about quali¿cations, professionalism and integrity’’. Smith went on to say, “My character and background speak for themselves.” I suggest that each voter consider Smith’s statements and claims against the facts, which are revealed in the government documents and other writings included in a mailer I recently sent to each address in Kanabec County. If you, like so many people, feel the need for a change in the leadership of the Sheriffs Department -vote for a REAL change.


— Prepared and paid for by Ken Rollins, Mora, MN 55051 on his own behalf –

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