Pesona Kampung Wisata Surakarta (en)

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Kampung Wisata


Badan Promosi Pariwisata Daerah Kota Surakarta

Joho Happy Village Page - 12

Baluwar Palace Village Page - 4

Ngemplak Climate Village Page - 16

Laweyan Ba k Village Page - 8

Kemlayan Maestro Village Page - 14

Kemlayan Maestro Village Page - 14

CHARM OF TOURISM VILLAGE OF SURAKARTA CITY “Enjoy the charm of the Cultural City Tourism Village in Full Aesthetic Shades in Surakarta.�


urakarta is a city full of cultural aesthe cs. Surakarta city is known as the paradise of Javanese Culture City. The existence of Surakarta city began when Sunan Pakubuwana II moved the central posi on of the kingdom from Kartasura to Solo, a village not far from the edge of Bengawan Solo river in the colonial period. During the struggle for independence, this city also contributed a lot to the struggle for the independence of the Indonesian State. The cultural and historical memory of the city of Surakarta at that me were s ll preserved un l now at each loca on of the Tourism Village. The Old Surakartan village region which has a charm and aesthe cs is transformed into a Tourism Village that can a ract visitors from various ci es and countries. Along with the development of the Surakarta City that bears the tle of Decent City, Surakarta is a city that is very comfortable for the community and tourists. All tourism elements as listed in Sapta Pesona Indonesia have been owned by this tourist-friendly city. In addi on, Surakarta con nues to develop every element of tourism support which includes: A rac on, Accessibility, Facili es, Ins tu onal. The Tourism Promo on Board (BPPD) of Surakarta City in its Task Func on will always be present at every opportunity to develop a Tourism Promo on in the City of Surakarta for every domes c and foreign tourist.

CONTENT Cover Photo Collage






Tourism Village List


Tourism Village Map


Public Facility


Baluwarti Palace Village


Kauman Batik Village


Laweyan Batik Village


Sondakan Historical Village


Joho Happy Village


Kemlayan Maestro Village


Ngemplak Climate Village


BPPD Surakarta ProďŹ le


Important Number in Surakarta City



Kampung Wisata


Tourism Village

Baluwarti Palace Village Kauman Batik Village Laweyan Batik Village Sondakan Historical Village Joho Happy Village Kemlayan Maestro Village Ngemplak Climate Village 1

Surakarta Tourism Village Map

Kampung Wisata


Scale 1 : 500.000

Legend Tourism Village

Train Station

Village Area




Market & Souvenir


Tourism Destination

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Public Facility Surakarta City Transportation Tirtonadi Bus Station Purwosari Railway Station Balapan Railway Station Jebres Railway Station City Railway Station

Market and Souvenir Solo Wholesale Center (PGS) Beteng Trade Center (BTC) Klewer Market Triwindu Market Solo Grand Mall Solo Square Mall

Destinasi Wisata Kasunanan Surakarta Palace Mangkunegaran Palace Radya Pustaka Museum Samanhoedi Museum Sriwedari Cultural Park Vastenburg Fort Balekambang Park Djoeang 45 Building National Pers Monument Manahan Stadium Tirtonadi Dam Park Taru Jurug Zoo and Park 3

Palace Village

The Surakarta City is synonymous with ancient villages that have existed from the colonial era un l now. The ancient township of the city of Surakarta, which uses the typical Javanese urban spa al concept of the past, is Baluwar Village. The name Baluwar comes from the Portuguese word 'Baluarte' which means the fort is absorbed into Javanese un l it means the palace walls. Baluwar Palace Village is the palace area of the Surakarta Kasunanan Palace in which there are se lements of the Sentana Dalem and Abdi Dalem. 4

The se lement pa ern of Baluwar Palace Village is very unique because the residents' home environment is inside the palace walls with a thickness of 2 meters and a height of about 5 meters. The architectural style of buildings in Baluwar Palace Village is a mixture of tradi onal Javanese, European and Chinese architectural styles. The spa al pa ern of Baluwar Palace Village is divided based on social status such as the dwelling group of the Nobility, the residen al group of Abdi Dalem and others.

Ac vi es that tourists can do in Baluwar Palace Village are seeing the concepts and pa erns of urban spa al planning in Java in the 16th century. Tourists are allowed to experience learning Javanese dance, Javanese song and other cultural ac vi es typical of the palace. Tourists can contact tourism-aware groups to enjoy Baluwar Palace Village tours and choose tour packages that suit their needs.


Batik Village

Kauman Surakarta City is one of the ci es famous for its varied ba k handicra s. One of the ba k cra centers in the city of Surakarta can be found in the Kauman Ba k Village. Kauman Ba k Village is located west of the Surakarta Grand Mosque. The loca on of Kauman Ba k Village in the middle of Surakarta City is very strategic and easy to reach. The word Kauman itself means se lements around mosques where the majority of the popula on is Muslim. Historically, Kauman Ba k Village is a residen al area of the Abdi Dalem Keraton Kasunan Surakarta that maintains tradi on by making ba k. Kauman Village is one of the oldest villages in the city of Surakarta.


Kauman Ba k Village became the center of ba k cra when the Palace ordered the Abdi Dalem who se led there to make ba k for the needs of the Palace. Kauman Ba k Village produces 3 types of processed ba k namely wri en ba k, printed ba k and mixed tecniques. The characteris c of Kauman’s ba k is its color which tends to be simple dark such as brown and black. Kauman’s ba k has its own fans, from domes c collectors to foreign collectors.

Kauman Ba k Village has many home-based ba k industries that are of classic character and are based on the Kasunanan Surakarta Palace standard. Tourists can walk through the alleys of village se lements to see Kauman’s Ba k Villagestyle decora on that has a characteris c indische architectural style. Tourists can also interact with the public and see the process of ba k produc on from cu ng raw materials, giving solu on to the fabric, depic ng mo fs and finishing ba k cloth.


Batik Village


Laweyan Ba k Village is an Ancient se lement area that has been established since the me of the Pajang Kingdom. Laweyan Ba k Village was also the forerunner to the founding of the ďŹ rst indigenous trade union in Indonesia, the Sarekat Dagang Islam (SDI), which was founded by H. Samanhoedi on October 16, 1905.


Laweyan Ba k Village is unique in terms of the architectural style of the buildings that look semi-indische. The buildings are a blend of tradi onal Javanese, European, Chinese and Islamic architectural styles. The combina on of architectural styles in the buildings of Laweyan Ba k Village is commonly referred to as ''Gal Gendhu'', which is a characteris c of the triumph of Laweyan’s ba k merchants at that me. Laweyan Ba k Village has also been named the Na onal Cultural Heritage Area by the Indonesian government. Laweyan Ba k Village is a fairly complete tourist des na on with variants of shopping tourism, industrial tourism, educa onal tourism, cultural tourism, historical tourism and culinary tourism. Tourists can shop for typical Laweyan’s ba k with a choice of 50 more outlets with varying prices. Besides shopping, tourists can also learn about the ba k industry and ba k cra skills through workshops that have been provided. Typical culinary tours of the city of Surakarta such as apem cakes, ledre cakes, and heick snacks can be enjoyed in the Laweyan Ba k Village.


Historical Village


Sondakan Historical Village is one of the tourist villages in the city of Surakarta that has a vital role in the existence of the Kasunanan Surakarta Palace in the 16th century. Sondakan Historical Village was once led by a Beckel named Reksohandaka. Bekel Reksohandaka is Bekel who has an important role for the Kasunanan Palace in the Geger Pecinan conict. The name Sondakan Village is also taken from the character Reksohandaka who in his pronuncia on gradually becomes Sondakan.


Sondakan Historical Village has many contribu ons to the treasures of the Indonesian na onal movement. Kampung Sondakan is the founding area of the Sarekat Islam (SI) which was an organiza on of indigenous Islamic traders in the Colonial period. The Sarekat Islam Organiza on movement founded by H. Samanhoedi focused on the social, economic and poli cal ďŹ elds for the beneďŹ t of indigenous muslim people. Sarekat Islam con nues to grow un l it has branches in major ci es of Java and several ci es on the islands of Sulawesi and Sumatra. Visitors can enjoy historical tourism in Sondakan Historical Village by visi ng the Samanhoedi Museum which was the ini al motor for the Sarekat Islam movement. In addi on to historical tourism, visitors to Sondakan Village can also enjoy the process of making wayang puppet cra and ba k. There are many choices of tour packages provided by Sondakan Historical Village tourism awareness groups (pokdarwis) that can be adjusted to the needs.


Happy Village


Joho Village has the slogan as 'Happy Village' with characteris c ornaments in every colorful village hall that looks cheerful. Joho Happy Village ornaments consist of organic ornaments such as ornamental plants and various kinds of owers, as well as nonorganic ornaments such as bamboo handicra s, car res and other unused items. In addi on, the ac vi es of the local community in this village also reect the harmonious characteris cs of the Javanese. 12

Every alley in Joho Happy Village has many murals and reliefs made from wall to wall. The murals and reliefs are in the form of na onal ďŹ gures, wayang ďŹ gures, educa on sentences and even football supporters. The idea of a mural and relief decora on was originally coined by a Joho resident named Marjanto and con nues to grow un l now. The Joho Happy Village Mural is intended to educate residents and village tourists about the norms and values in socializing.


Community ac vi es in the Joho Happy Village also vary greatly, from caring for plants, literacy ac vi es with children and the elderly, playing with children to annual events such as the independence fes val and other na onal day celebra ons. Tips for you when you want to visit the Joho Tourism Village should be done in the a ernoon because there are many community ac vi es from children to adults. It's also good to come when there is a village event so that the lively atmosphere of Joho Happy Village can be enjoyed.

Maestro Village


Kemlayan Maestro Village is one of the villages in the city of Surakarta which is famous for its art and tradi onal food. Kemlayan Maestro Village was once inhabited by tradi onal arts maestros such as Abdul Fa ah as a ba k cra sman of the palace and Roesradi Widjojosawarno who created a fusion of story-based wayanng puppet arts and characters from the Bible. Kemlayan Maestro Village is now known for its murals.


colleagues. Tourism ac vi es that visitors can do in the Kemlayan Maestro Village include the search of Keraton colleague houses such as Ndalem Roesradi Widjojosawarno, Ndalem Prodjoloekitan, Ha Yin furniture houses and ancient wells named Ngampak, Bandung and Kamulyan. Tourists can also enjoy the crea ve murals of Solo ar sts along St. Gatot Subroto and St. Slamet Riyadi. The original culinary of Kemlayan Maestro Village that is worth a try is Lodoh Inggris. Lodoh Inggris is a food containing vegetables and can only be found in Kemlayan Maestro Village because it is not traded outside Village.

The building in Kemlayan Maestro Village has typical Javanese and Dutch architectural styles. Tradi onal Javanese tradi onal houses are also commonly found in this village area. The houses are houses le by Keraton Kasunanan and Mangkunegaran


Climate Village


Ngemplak Climate Village is one of the climate villages owned by the city of Surakarta. Ngemplak Climate Village is on St. Agung Timur, Jebres District, Surakarta City. Ngemplak Climate Village is included as the implementa on of government programs through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK). The Ministry of Environment and Forestry began launching the village climate program in 2012 but it was oďŹƒcially only realized on December 1, 2016. The Climate Village Program was launched in the hope of becoming a na onal movement in community-based climate change control.


Ngemplak Climate Village has various community empowerment movements related to environmental preserva on eorts. All villagers are encouraged to have a ower and vegetable garden that is managed regularly. In addi on, there are nurseries managed by the community which are then planted and managed by residents in the home environment. Ngemplak Climate Village community has also been working with Rumah Zakat and Cita Sehat since 2013 with the Nutri on Garden program. The Nutri on Garden Program aims to produce community health empowerment products and create food security in Indonesia.


If you want to travel to Ngemplak Climate Village it is best to do it in the a ernoon and holidays. Tourists will ďŹ nd community ac vi es in caring for and managing their plants at that me.


Surakarta City The Surakarta City is a tourist des na on that is o en visited by domes c and foreign tourists. The main tourist des na ons of the Surakarta City are the Kasunanan Surakarta Palace, the Mangkunegaran Palace, the Tourism Village and the Tradi onal Market. The Surakarta City also has a city walk that can be used by tourists to enjoy the atmosphere of the city by walking around at the Ngarsopuro area, Slamet Riyadi Street and Perin s Kemerdekaan Street. Natural tourism Natural tourism a rac ons around the Surakarta City include Bale Kambang, Taru Jurug Zoo also the Karanganyar Tourism Area (Tawangmangu and Kemuning) and the Boyolali Tourism Area (Selo). Fes vals and Celebra ons Surakarta is known as the City of Travel Agenda because the fes vals in this city are very numerous and varied. The fes val includes a cultural fes val held by the Kasunanan Surakarta, Mangkunegaran, the Surakartan people agenda to the agenda of na onal holidays. Culinary tour Surakarta's tradi onal cuisine is widely known as a tourist a rac on, including; Nasi Liwet, Timlo Solo, Nasi Gudeg, Gudeg Ceker, Pecel nDeso, Cabuk Rambak, Bes k Solo, Solo Strait, Srabi Solo, In p, Tengkleng, Sate Buntel, Sate Kere, Sun Soup, etc.

Badan Promosi Pariwisata Daerah Kota Surakarta


solotourismpromo Jl. Slamet Riyadi No.275, Sriwedari Laweyan, Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57141 (0271) 71650

Important Number Surakarta City


Surakarta City Phone Number Code : 0271 Medic & Hospital

Police Officer

Kasih Ibu Hospital: 714422 Surakarta Islamic Hospital: 710571 Kusta Islamic Hospital: 643013 Dr Oen Hospital Solobaru: 620220 Dr Oen Hospital Kandang Sapi: 643139 Dr Moewardi Hospital: 634634 Pan Waluyo Hospital: 712077 Brayat Minulyo Hospital: 716646 PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital: 714578 Slamet Riyadi Hospital: 726700 Orthopedi Hospital: 714458 Surakarta Red Cross Ambulance: 646505

City Resort Police: 712600 Task Force Traffic Police: 656969 Laweyan Sectoral Police: 713500 Banjarsari Sectoral Police: 644400 Serengan Sectoral Police: 646502 Pasar Kliwon Sec. Police: 633506 Jebres Sectoral Police: 644506

Public Transporta on Solo Balapan Train Sta on: 714039 Tirtonadi Bus Sta on: 738900 Adi Sumarmo Airport: 780400


Emergency Search and Rescue UNS: 660880 Firefighter: 655772 Cleanliness Complaints: 713495 Funeral Service: 655398 Security Breach: 714352 Power Failure PLN: 722091

Pesona Kampung Wisata


Badan Promosi Pariwisata Daerah Kota Surakarta


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