The Spark Book 2013

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The future belongs to the curious

The ones who are not afraid to

; try it

explore it


poke at it

TuRN iT iNsiDe ouT.

question it

The Southern Africa Innovation Summit presents to you

the spark book

innovation goes viral - catch it for growth!

proudly sponsored by:

he frailty of the global economy in the wake of the recession has made innovation an imperative for corporates looking to withstand 21st century business challenges. There is no doubt that the ability to innovate in general plays an important role in a country’s ability to sustain its global competitiveness. A major lesson from the 2008/9 recession, as exemplified by some countries, notably those based in Asia, is that innovative countries and corporates that strategically prepare for the worst barely flinch in the face of adversity. While South Africa is steadily earning recognition across the globe as home to some of the most innovative corporates, it’s perhaps fair to argue that its standing in the global innovation stakes isn’t a true reflection of gains and the depth of talent at the country’s disposal. For example, local research capability is what led to invention of the Lodox machine. Originally developed as a security tool to curb theft of diamonds, this machine has through further research and development evolved to become the world’s first full-body, low-dose, digital X-ray system. As the Industrial

Development Corporation (IDC), we are proud to be associated with Lodox Systems-the manufacturer of this product. The fact that we invested in Lodox Systems and own a significant stake in the company is proof of our commitment to innovation. The ability to provide full-body X-ray images at an exceptional quality and minimal radiation in only 13 seconds is one of the unique features of this machine. Now in its 11th year of trading, a particular focus on the South African healthcare landscape has ensured that 13 institutions, such as Chris Hani Baragwanath and Charlotte Maxeke hospitals are able to provide a world-class level of trauma care to South Africans, often only associated with first world countries. Lodox speaks volumes of South Africa’s research and innovative capabilities. As IDC chief executive, Geoffrey Qhena observes, “We acknowledge the cost challenges associated with innovation. Experience has taught us that technology businesses in the seed and start-up phases have historically found it difficult to access funding for development and commercialisation

of their technologies. In addition, there are not many funding entities prepared to invest large sums of money in unproven products. This and many other factors have impeded innovation locally.” Therefore emerging economies including South Africa have to continue making strategic choices regarding investing in enabling infrastructure and technologies that are able to fast-track socio-economic development and improve our country’s competitiveness. As the institution whose mandate it is to provide funding to both startups and established business, IDC is taking on a more focused role with regards to innovation; that of advancing South Africa’s innovation standing and breeding 21st century entrepreneurs that better understand the need to embrace both technology and innovation. For that to happen, the corporation acknowledges the need to be innovative, hence the creation of an internal Innovation department. The innovation department works on internal innovations and also collaborates with external stakeholders through open innovation aimed at identifying value-adding ideas from IDC and its broader

stakeholders. Launching an online platform that enables entrepreneurs to monitor progress regarding their application for funding and an initiative to improve turn-around times that have significantly reduced the waiting period for applicants to receive funding are just two innovations adopted internally to improve service delivery to clients. Furthermore, in support of its strategy to push innovation adoption particularly among entrepreneurs, the IDC established a strategic business unit (SBU) in 2007 called Venture Capital. Since inception, the IDC Venture Capital SBU has invested in excess of R600m in 32 new technology focused start-up companies. In addition, the corporation also manages the Department of Trade and Industry’s (DTI) Support Program for Industrial Innovation, which disburses funding of between R60m and R80m annually. As the IDC, we are committed to innovation. We strongly believe that South Africa and Africa at large is ready to claim its place in the global innovation arena.


e proudly present the 6th Southern Africa Innovation Summit, which has developed into a major event on the calendar throughout its six years of existence, attracting thought leaders, innovators as well as individuals and organisations that share a common interest, this interest being innovation.

The need for innovation in a developing country is enormous, yet it seems to have fallen short on the list of priorities. We want to change this, and as part of the Innovation Summit, we strive to create and sustain a platform that encourages innovation throughout South Africa. We believe that if a platform exists, innovation will happen. The platforms which we speak of include our ever-evolving and inventive competitions aimed at facilitating and enabling innovation in even the most rural part of South Africa. Firstly, the exciting Inventor’s Garage competition, which is sponsored by Eskom, was initiated to provide any person with an invention to showcase it via the Summit website, which allows everyone, including the general public, to vote for their favourite invention. Cash prizes for the winners make this a very attractive platform for those seeking recognition and further commercialisation of their invention. Secondly, the Sasol Pitching Den, which is sponsored by Sasol ChemCity, provides inventors with an opportunity to pitch their unique idea, product or business before a panel of judges, with the eventuality being potential funding and incubation, thereby providing them with a pathway to take their idea, product or business to the next level. Lessons learned from these platforms will be used to streamline the process moving forward. Our speaker line-up is, as always, very impressive and will not disappoint. We are honoured to have 30 speakers grace our event with their knowledge, expertise and fascinating tales of success in innovation. These speakers, both nationally and internationally known thought leaders, are the highlight of the SA Innovation Summit. It has been an amazing journey for the Innovation Summit team over the past six years. We have enjoyed incredible challenges and have been privileged to be part of this legacy. We are also thankful to YOU, the INNOVATOR, the INVENTOR, for making this event HAPPEN! Finally, to our partners who have been with us every step of the way, A HUGE THANK YOU! Without you, this would not be possible. the 6th sa innovation summit

Video Streaming


This year we have taken video streaming to a new level. We have invited all universities and universities of technology throughout South Africa to participate in the Innovation Summit by streaming the Summit live at each institution. This will give students the opportunity to benefit directly from the conference without having to physically attend. We are also streaming the Summit into 8 African universities using this to help drive innovation throughout Africa. Many of our Partners will be streaming the Innovation Summit to their staff members and clients really spreading the value deep into their cores.

We hope to stream The Innovation Summit to a million people to truly make “Innovation go viral�.

Accredited Programme Professor Annelie Jordaan, CEO of the South African Technology and Training Platform (SATTP), a non-profit organisation to promote Technology and Innovation at universities in Africa, will be managing the academic conference stream at the SA Innovation Summit 2013. This conference stream will offer two main benefits for engineers, architects and academics in that Conference Proceedings will be submitted: 1) for Validation at registered Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) Voluntary Associations (e.g. SAICE, SAAMA, CESA) and the Council of Engineering and the Built Environment (CBE) Voluntary Associations (e.g. SACAP, SACPC, SACPV); and 2) for accreditation at the SA Department of Higher Education and Training (DoHET). Validation at ECSA and CBE will provide the opportunity for engineers and architects to claim points for Continuous Professional Development (CPD) to renew their professional registration at these accredited bodies. Accreditation at DoHET will enable academics to submit their articles for university subsidy to fund their research activities. Both validation and accreditation take place on an annual basis.

Pitching Den


All entrepreneurs, researchers, inventors, incubators and innovators across all industries pitch their ideas to a well-rounded panel of judges. The idea / invention / product is owned by the party participating in the Pitching Den.

Pitching allows entrepreneurs to: • Showcase their technologies / ideas to a wider audience • Obtain access to funds • Tap into different markets • Connect with incubators that support specific types of innovative ideas • Access to technical expertise (advisors, IP specialists & venture capitalists) • Access other types of business support

Also: • Win a trademark or patent search from Spoor and Fisher • Win a share of R100,000 cash prizes

Pitches are based on: • Whether the innovation or pitch is demonstrable either as a working prototype or as a product or solution ready to commercialise • A good financial plan • Novelty and social impact • Whether the ideas are scalable and have the potential for job creation • Whether the ideas address a clear market need and target market • Whether the idea is commercially and technically viable • Potential for IP

Lead Pitching Den Partner

Pitching Den Partners

Tshwane, the African Capital City of Excellence

Tshwane is the capital city of South Africa and the seat of administrative government. It has grown into a metropolis that encapsulates our rainbow nation where people of all It is the single largest metropolitan municipality in South Africa and the first largest in Africa with 105 wards, 210 councillors and about 2,9 million residents. Tshwane is now also the third-largest city in the world in terms of land area, after New York and Tokyo/Yokohama and accommodates more than 100 embassies, trade delegations, consulates

and non-government organisations, which give it a cosmopolitan flavour. The main economic sectors in the Municipality’s area are community service followed by finance and manufacturing. The largest sub-sector within manufacturing is metal products, machinery in metal products, machinery and household appliances, followed by the manufacturing of transport equipment. Tshwane is a "smart city" – a leader in education, research and technology, electronics and information technology as well as defence design and construction. The City is home to the country's first science park – the Innovation Hub, which promotes innovation in high-tech enterprises, and forms part of a public-private partnership initiative of the Gauteng Provincial Government known as Blue IQ. It is home to two major internationally recognised tertiary institutions: the University of Pretoria and the University of South Africa (UNISA), the largest correspondence university in the world. Tshwane is home to a long list of research and development institutions, including Armscor, the Medical Research Council, the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and a number of universities. These centres support Tshwane’s claims of being the research centre of the country. It has the following tourism attractions: • Freedom Park • National Zoological Gardens of South Africa • Union Buildings • Pretoria Art Museum • Voortrekker Monument • Tswaing Meteorite Crater • Sizanani Cultural Village • Ezemvelo Nature Reserve • Dinokeng Game Reserve

Inventors Garage

#innovationSA Brought to you and hosted by the City of Tshwane The City of Tshwane (CoT), in partnership with the 6th SA Innovation Summit is hosting the Inventors Garage in endeavour to ignite excellence through inventions that can be further developed and implemented to enhance the quality of life for its citizens. This partnership of CoT in collaboration with The Innovation Hub will provide support to those who submit ideas that are implementable. To the City of Tshwane innovation is not just about creative ideas but the implementation of creative ideas to transform the manner in which service provision occurs within Tshwane.


The ten best competition entries will be displayed in the Sparklab exhibition area during the three days of the Summit, which attracts a wide range of people committed to taking innovation in South Africa to a higher and more sustainable level.

The judges, who comprise funders and incubators, are looking for entries that combine originality with practicality and realistic commercial potential.

Judging criteria: wow factor - originality - need - potential - practicality - creativity

...of your invention / discovery / design / creation / model / prototype.


In addition to possibilities of business support, incubation, partnerships, venture capital etc.

First prize for the best innovation: R 25 000 cash! Second prize for the best innovation: R 10 000 cash! Third Prize for the best invention: R 5 000 cash! Special prizes for the best mobile applications! Most votes on the SA Innovation Summit website prize: R 5 000 cash!

SPARKLAB An exhibition area that caters for: • Transfer offices. • Inventor-showcase opportunities. • Prototype display. • Interactive technology matching. • Company and country-specific focus areas. • Pause space for networking and innovation players

True innovation arises as a response to challenge situations and socio economic contexts. Seldom can innovation be neatly captured and presented through white papers and presentation sessions. The Sparklab offers an antidote to the ‘white paper paradigm’, by creating rare experiential insights into the activities of innovators, as they occur. A key function of the Sparklab design is the facilitation of enterprise matchmaking. The Sparklab has been structured to bring entrepreneurs together with technology providers, funders and government agencies. The Sparklab’s innovation architecture will showcase the possibilities of sustainable design, as well as the experience and ideas of all participants. The Sparklab is an organic innovation experience that encapsulates the activities, ambitions and business approaches of South Africa’s foremost thought leaders and innovation drivers. From arts to the sciences and everywhere in between, the Sparklab allows people to get their heads right under the bonnets of innovation engines. The single idea behind the Sparklab is a quest to allow innovation role players at all levels to share their experience, challenges and insights.

Sparklab Lead Partner

EVERY LITTLE BIT HELPS. “Use electricity wisely and together we can create a brighter future for all South Africans.”


Minister Malusi Gigaba


Aki Talk Radio 702 SUMMIT MC

As Talk Radio 702’s award winning trafficologist, Aki has endeared himself to generations of Joburgers by guiding them through the city’s gridlocked streets each morning and evening. This fulfils one of his life mantras, which is to help those in need, and his community service – both on-air and in his personal capacity – has earned him two Paul Harris Awards from Rotary. In 2011, he also earned the title of Best Traffic Presenter in the MTN Radio Awards. Aki’s other great passion is technology and he presents technology and gadget driven features on David O’Sullivan, Redi Tlhabi and Jenny Crwys-Williams’ shows on 702. He also co-hosts the weekly Tech on Tap show on Summit TV. He was one of the first South African personalities to use Twitter and continues to lead in this field. He consistently ranks as one of the most influential Twitter users in various polls and publications including mainstream magazine,

Cosmopolitan, which named him one of their Twitter Kings. Aki also consults and engages corporates and individuals on social media strategies. Although he refers to himself as the Greek Geek, Aki has an exceptionally outgoing personality and is able to work a crowd like few others can. For example, he manages to singlehandedly entertain a crowd of 50 000 people for five hours straight each year at the start of the Discovery 702 Walk the Talk. His good humour and boundless enthusiasm make him a natural communicator whether the situation is one-on-one or a large crowd and he is a sought after speaker at numerous techconferences and expos. The Consumer Electronics Expo in Las Vegas and the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona are two of the many international conferences he attends to stay ahead of trends and identify future trends. Follow him @akianastasiou or visit his website,

www . i n n o v a t i o n s u m m i t . c o . z a

The CEO panel is an interactive panel, hosted by the Business Day editor-in-chief Peter Bruce, will debate the theme: “Local innovation for global competitiveness�. Peter Bruce will challenge this interactive panel of thought leaders to share their opinions and insights on innovation challenges South African companies face daily and will guide them in addressing the need for South African companies to innovate in order to be relevant and competitive in a global market. The CEO panel consists of Siegmar Proebstl from Siemens South Africa, Carlman Moyo from Du Pont and Gidon Novick from Discovery Vitality to name but a few!

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Photo by Mark J Sebastian | Wikimedia Commons - cc-by-sa-2.0

enablers “Heights by great men reached and kept were not obtained by sudden flight

but, while their companions slept, they were toiling upward in the night.� Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Geoffrey Mvuleni



How the IDC utilises innovation for industrial development and growth: Sharing our Success stories and learnings




Be Competitively Unpredictable! Make it happen with innovation




Innovation to the Core: Building a Sustainable Enterprise Capability


van der Merwe


Funding Innovation in South Africa




World Design Capital Cape Town 2014: Planning and Legacy




World Design Capital Cape Town 2014: Planning and Legacy




Our corporations need innovation!




Innovation as a stimulant for Economic growth within cities

prof. Eugene



Achieving the extraordinary with ordinary people




Inspiring the Future




Drivers of Innovation at FNB




The Regeneration Roadmap: Innovation For Sustainability™




Innovation Platforms: Your next step is usually right in front of you.

dr. Gavin



Why being an expert is dangerous for innovation - and what you can do about it




A City-wide Test of a Crowdsourcing Transit Platform using ‘Superfans’ as Beta-testers




Enhancing Management Capability through SME Toolkit

dr. Zenia



Multi-layered partnerships: Creating win-win value propositions for competitive advantage




Shift in Marketing & Design of Research and Technology Parks as Hubs for Innovation




Designing a competitive South Africa




Mlab: Platform for Innovation




Stealth Thinking in Business Strategy Development




The implementation of the new R&D income tax incentive – how are taxpayers placed currently? And what does every FD need to know?




Gearing for Open Innovation Policy and Law in South Africa




How to partner and build innovation systems across countries: A case of making a conference go Viral

dr. Ron



Creating a pipeline for innovation funnels

prof. Michael



Spin-offs from military R&D: Three case studies




Creating a culture of innovation using Isivivane




Innovation Leadership

Dr. brian



Telkom launches innovation mega challenge




Adaptive Innovation a Critical Factor to Commercial Success in SA




JUMP: The Yoga of Time travel for Innovation




The Next Big Thing!




GO VIRAL! People who do THAT would probably want to do this...

ms. Haley



Creation of an Innovation Index

Dr. Stephen



Going from Concept to Commercialisation: A real-world success story

How the IDC utilises innovation for industrial development and growth: Sharing our Success stories and learnings The presentation shall showcase IDC Innovations and our support of innovative South African companies. BIOGRAPHY - A qualified Chartered Accountant, Mr Qhena completed a Bachelor of Accounting Science and B Compt Honours from the University of South Africa. He joined the Transnet Group as a Senior Manager in the restructuring department. He then joined the IDC occupying different roles until he was appointed Chief Financial Officer in 2003, and then Chief Executive Officer in 2005, a position he still occupies. Mr Qhena chairs the Board of Foskor and also serves on the Board of Acerinox S.A. Mr Qhena is very passionate about Innovation, its role and the opportunies it creates for both South Africa and the IDC. As CEO he has been at the forefront

of driving a culture that is supportive of innovation and is the key sponsor of Innovation.

“In a world of ever accelerating change, innovation is the only insurance against irrelevance� Rowan Gibson.

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Geoffrey Mvuleni



Industrial Development Corporation of SA Limited (IDC) Chief Executive Officer

the 6th sa innovation summit

Be Competitively Unpredictable! Make it happen with innovation Competitively unpredictable: two words that spell the key to success in today’s fast paced, highly competitive business arena. If your company has the ability to consistently outmaneuver the competition in ways they never see coming, then the future is bright. Why is being competitively unpredictable so essential now? One key reason is the ever-shrinking window of opportunity. In the past decades, depending on your industry, you could count on having three or five or even seven years after bringing something new to market to make good money before you needed to come up with the next new thing to keep revenues growing. This is no longer the case. While the pace of innovation used to be fast but still manageable, now the window of opportunity is getting shorter and moving faster so you’re forced to innovate ever

faster. One of the best examples is the mobile phone industry where they are now counting in months. Open innovation and business model innovation are key concepts for becoming competitively unpredictable and in this session Stefan Lindegaard shares his views on how companies can embrace these concepts in order to bring better innovation to market faster. Specifically, he will provide: • an overview of the current state of innovation and what the future will bring us • examples on how leading-edge companies merge open innovation and business model innovation • insights on why companies must embrace failure for better innovation • insights on how companies can use social media for their innovation efforts

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02 Lindegaard Stefan

Author, Speaker and Strategic Advisor BIOGRAPHY - Stefan Lindegaard is an author, speaker and strategic advisor. His focus on open innovation, innovation culture and communication for innovators has propelled him into being a trusted advisor to many large corporations. He believes open innovation requires a global perspective and he has given talks and worked with companies in Europe, South America, the U.S. and Asia. He has written three books and his blog is a globally recognized destination on open innovation. You can read further at

“People first, processes next, then ideas.� the 6th sa innovation summit

Innovation to the Core: Building a Sustainable Enterprise Capability Innovation is now recognised globally as the core driver of growth, strategic renewal and long-term business performance. Corporate leaders everywhere might acknowledge this fact, but in most organisations innovation is still more rhetoric than reality – more buzzword than core competence. Indeed, making innovation a deep, sustainable capability remains one of the great leadership challenges of our times. What today’s senior executives need is a blueprint for building and sustaining a corporate innovation system that actually works. Based on the cutting-edge innovation processes and practices described in his groundbreaking bestseller “Innovation to the Core”, Rowan Gibson will explain exactly how to turn enterprise-wide innovation into a reality. His argument is that for innovation to really work, and to be sustainable, it has to become a systemic and widely distributed capability—it has to be woven into the everyday fabric of the company just like

any other organisational capability, such as quality, or supply chain management, or customer service. Achieving innovation excellence requires that companies address four specific organisational components that need to be integrated as a system in order for innovationto become fully institutionalised: 1. LEADERSHIP AND STRUCTURE – highly committed leaders and an organisational structure that drives and supports innovation 2. PROCESSES AND TOOLS – systematic approach and enabling tools to enable idea generation and pipeline management 3. PEOPLE AND SKILLS – disciplined approach to building innovation capabilities and maximising engagement across the organisation 4. CULTURE AND VALUES – collaborative, open culture that encourages and rewards“all-the-time , everywhere” innovation

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03 Gibson Innovation Excellence Rowan

Innovation guru BIOGRAPHY - Rowan Gibson is the president of a global innovation consultancy and the co-founder of – the most popular innovation website on the internet. He is the bestselling author of two major business books, which are published today in over 20 languages, and he is recognised as one of the world’s foremost thought leaders on innovation. The media have labeled him “Mr. Innovation” and “The Innovation Grandmaster”. He has already delivered keynote speeches and masterclasses in 60 countries around the world.

“Imagine if every person in your firm came to work every day believing their ideas could influence the destiny of the company.” the 6th sa innovation summit

Funding Innovation in South Africa The South African landscape for funding venture capital, including the funding of innovation. biography - Erika van der Merwe is CEO of the South African Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (SAVCA), a non-profit member organisation whose objective is to promote venture capital and private equity in South Africa. It has around 100 members, who collectively account for about R130bn in assets under management. Erika holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) accreditation and has a master’s degree in economics from Cambridge University and from the former University of Natal. She joined the board of the CFA SA Society in 2012.

“It has around 100 members, who collectively account for about R130bn in assets under management.”

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04 van der Merwe South African Venture Capital and Private Erika

Equity Association (SAVCA) CEO the 6th sa innovation summit

World Design Capital Cape Town 2014: Planning and Legacy Cape Town Design, NPC is the implementation company of World Design Capital Cape Town 2014. As an independent, not-for-profit organisation, the implementation company, is responsible for ensuring that the requirements of the World Design Capital 2014 Host City Agreement are met, and that programme delivery is aligned with Cape Town’s vision of bridging historic divides and repositioning the city for a sustainable inclusive future, through design.

development. Previous winners have been Helsinki, Seoul and Turin, and Cape Town won the 2014 bid against fierce competition from rival shortlisted cities, Bilbao and Dublin.

Cape Town was designated World Design Capital 2014 at the International Design Alliance (IDA) Congress in October 2011 in Taipei. This prestigious designation is bestowed biennially by the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID). World Design Capitals recognise the value of design thinking, and are dedicated to using design as tool for social, cultural and economic

Importantly, World Design Capital means that local initiatives will get the benefit of the global spotlight during 2014. Think more media, more exposure and many great networking possibilities.

Winning the bid means that Cape Town gets to play host to a number of World Design Capital Signature Events during 2014, including an International Design House Exhibition, International Design Policy Conference and an International Design Gala, to name a few.

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Whelan & Reesberg Chris

Alayne CEO

Cape Town Design


accelerate Cape Town


BIOGRAPHY - Chris is the CEO of Accelerate Cape Town, a business think tank and catalyst focussed on growing a robust, sustainable & inclusive regional economy. Chris has extensive skills & experience as a management consultant & is a qualified futurist. He has worked both locally & globally in the areas of strategic thinking, strategy development & business transformation. Prior to returning to SA to lead Accelerate Cape Town, Chris was the CKO for EY Knowledge in Asia Pacific. Chris specializes in the use of systems thinking, scenario planning and foresight development in performance improvement. He spends his time on leadership development, business relationship building & advocacy in the focus areas of Africa, innovation & entrepreneurship, connectedness & talent attraction & retention. BIOGRAPHY - Alayne Reesberg grew up in rural Northern Cape and graduated from the University of Cape Town. She has worked in management consulting, private equity and joined Microsoft Corporation at in 2001, where she worked for six years in Bill Gates’ Enterprise Division. Her work for Gates entailed intensive relationship management between Microsoft and its 100 top enterprise accounts. From 2007 until her present position as CEO of Cape Town Design, she had her own consulting company, working with many of SA’s blue-chip corporations.

“Innovation is the ‘lifeblood’ of development, whether it be in the business or social arena. Through out-of-the-box thinking we are able to overcome challenges and bring possibilities thinking to life!” the 6th sa innovation summit



he newly formed Companies and Intellectual Property Commission CIPC was established under Section 185(1) of the Companies Act of 2008 through amalgamation of the Companies and Intellectual Property Registration Office (CIPRO) and the Office of Companies and Intellectual Property Enforcement (OCIPE). CIPC opened its doors on 1st May 2011.

CIPC Main Functions: • • • •

Registration of Companies, External Companies and Co-operatives Registration of Intellectual Property Rights: Patents, Designs, Trade Marks and Copyright in Cinematograph Films Maintenance of the National Registers of Companies and Intellectual Property Rights Efficient and Effective Enforcement of all relevant legislation

One of the key broader government economic growth strategies, as articulated particularly in both the 10 year Innovation Strategy and the New Growth Path, is that South Africa is moving towards a knowledge economy: converting innovations (intellectual property) into commercially viable businesses which translate into economic growth. CIPC plays a key role in creating a conducive environment that will enable the realisation of those goals, particularly by protection of intellectual property rights through registration. CIPC is preparing to launch within the next few months an IP Trade Portal intended to be a marketplace where buyers and sellers of intellectual property are introduced to each other. On this portal the customers can find intellectual property that is offered for purchase or licensing. They can also advertise their own intellectual property for sale, licensing or franchising. The portal will be also extended to ideas and innovations that are not patented. Such ideas (e.g. business concept) can be negotiated for commercialization between buyers and sellers.

The CIPC IP Trade Portal supports the following objectives of CIPC: • •

To promote innovation and creativity and competitive local industries To promote the protection and commercial exploitation of innovations in key sectors.

Contact Details Contact details: : Customer Contact Centre: 086 100 2472

Our Corporations Need Innovation! BIOGRAPHY - Stafford is famous for establishing Google’s South African presence. If he acted in Alice in Wonderland... he’d be the rabbit and the mad-hatter combined. Stafford has been in the IT industry for more than 18 years and has assumed numerous roles throughout his career. He worked for Telkom and Dimension Data.

leading-edge technology startups...whilst flying microlights and single prop aircraft, scuba diving and snow skiing when time allows.

He spent 8 years in the USA where he played a significant role in the open source software arena and he has been responsible for global partnerships and corporate technology strategy for numerous international territories. Stafford was country manager for Novell South Africa and developed and launched Google S.A.

• Technology Futurist

Some of Stafford’s accolades and career highlights include: • South African Speaker of the year 2011

• Serial Entrepreneur • Technology Startup • Angel Investor

Stafford was country manager for Novell South Africa and developed and launched Google S.A. A self-confessed serial entrepreneur, he is involved in several www . i n n o v a t i o n s u m m i t . c o . z a

06 Masie Thumbzup Stafford

Technology Futurist, Serial Entrepreneur, Technology Startup Angel Investor

the 6th sa innovation summit

Innovation as a stimulant for Economic growth within cities biography - During his 16 years of service in Local Government Subesh has worked in various disciplines of Municipal Governance including Municipal Finance, Infrastructure Development (Engineering Services), Transport, Economic Development, Tourism as well as City Planning and Development. He currently also serves as the Chairperson of the Strategic Land Development Tribunal (2011 – current: City of Tshwane). He has in this time also serviced in various strategic committees. In 1999 he was appointed by the MEC for Local Government to service on the Municipal Facilitation Committee (MFC) which programme managed the establishment of the City of Tshwane. In addition he has served in the Audit Committee (2002-2004), the Loan Restructuring Committee (2001), the Budget Policy and Monitoring Committee

(2006 – 2009) as well as the Tshwane 2010 SWC Host City Political Committee (2007-2010). In 2004 and 2005 he served as a Judge in the Premiers Service Excellence Awards (Gauteng) and in 2012 also served as a Judge in the Proudly SA Home Grown Awards. In 2011 he was elected to the Gauteng Provincial Executive Committee of the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) and in December 2011 he was co-opted to the National Executive Committee (NEC) of SALGA where he heads the Finance and Corporate Administration Working Group. In this capacity, he has appeared before and presented to various Parliamentary Select Committees, The National Budget Forum (Chaired by the Minister of Finance). He also serves as the City of Tshwane representative on the Council of the

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07 Pillay City of Tshwane Subesh

Member of the Mayoral Committee (MMC) responsible for Economic Development and Planning in the City of Tshwane University of South Africa (UNISA). He currently holds a NQF 6 (Equivalent of B Degree) Certification in Executive Leadership and Management Development Programme (ELMDP) from the University of Pretoria. He is currently registered for a BA: Government Administration and Development through the University of South Africa. the 6th sa innovation summit

Achieving the extraordinary with ordinary people We all know the classic story of the tortoise and the hare. “There are kids in school who are smarter than you in some ways. But always remember the story of the tortoise and the hare. There are kids who are faster learners than you. But that does not mean they are ahead of you. If you will study at your own pace and keep on learning, you will pass people who learn quickly but then stop learning. Just because a child has good grades in school does not mean that child will do well in life”. Due to the uncertain future and the demands that comes with this territory, creative thinking has become more important than ever before. At the simplest level “creative” means bringing into being something that was not there before. One of the main purposes for the use of creative thinking is to find better ways of doing things. Although it is now beginning to do a little bit about the direct

teaching of thinking as a skill, education does very little indeed about teaching creative thinking. There is the assumption that creativity belongs in the “art” world and is a matter for talent. This view is so old-fashioned as to be medieval. There is a growing group of individuals in all areas who have come to realise that the future needs better thinking and the part of this better thinking is going to demand creativity. biography - Microbiologist and water expert Prof Cloete is the Vice-Rector: Research and Innovation at Stellenbosch University. Before taking up this position in September 2012, Prof Cloete served as the Dean of the Faculty of Science at Stellenbosch University. He is also the Founding Director of the Stellenbosch University Water Institute.

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08 Cloete Stellenbosch University prof. Eugene

Vice Rector: Research and Innovation He has received several awards, including the Havenga Price for Biology of the South African Academy for Science and Art, the Gold Medal of the Academy of Science for South Africa (ASSAf), the Rector’s Award for Research Excellence at Stellenbosch University, and the Chancellor’s Medal for Research at the University of Pretoria. Prof Cloete is a board member of the South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and also serves on the Board of the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA). He has promoted more than 100 MSc and PhD students, authored five books, holds 10 patents and has more than 160 scientific publications to his credit. Prof Cloete also serves on the editorial boards of several journals.

“There are no limits to stupidity and no limits to creative thinking.” the 6th sa innovation summit

Inspiring the Future • Why inspiring the future is so difficult • Who is doing it • How do you inspire the future - By creating relationships - By asking a big question - By listening for possibilities - By inventing together - By playing/dreaming biography - Charles has been a leader in the consulting world for the past 20 years and in 2003 he co-founded Promise. Having built up two very high profile consultancies, Charles is passionate about reinventing companies and brands through co-creation with customers and stakeholders. At Promise, he is hands-on in working with and advising clients. Before Promise, Charles was Chief Executive of FutureBrand, and was Managing Director of Enterprise IG before that. As a founding member of

both organisations, his leadership drove them to become leaders in their fields, establishing global reputations for their thinking, creativity and service delivery. He has advised companies and governments internationally, including British Airways, Volkswagen Group, Jumeirah, Visa and both the Dubai and UK Governments. He advised Tony Blair and New Labour on strategy in the 2005 general election, helping them achieve a historic third term in office. Charles is also a regular commentator in the media. Recent appearances have included the BBC, CNN, CNBC, Sky, Channel 4 and the Financial Times. He is also a regular speaker at industry events and is a judge on a number of industry awards. As well as having a young family, he plays football and tennis, and has interests in

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09 Trevail Promise Communispace Charles

CEO politics, theatre and his hometown Cornwall. Despite all this, Charles still finds time to do pro bono work, supporting and advising charities such as Marie Curie.

“Marketing and innovation deliver value – regard everything else as a cost.� Peter Drucker the 6th sa innovation summit

Drivers of Innovation at FNB Innovation deals with helping organisations stay competitive, and in most cases outsmarting competitors in order to reach a plausible future. The importance of creating competitive advantage and improving organisational growth through innovation cannot be understated in today’s fast changing and turbulent world. Encouraging and supporting self generated innovation can improve an organisation’s ability to respond to this exponential rate of business change. Ultimately, these elements are key ingredients to the development of both competitive advantage and organisational survival. FNB is a very innovative place. Some innovation highlights include: •

More than 8000 fully implemented innovations since 2004

• • •

Most Innovative Bank (2012 BAIFinacle Global Banking Innovation Awards) Most Innovative Bank in South Africa (2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007 Banking Innovation Study conducted by the Innovation Agency) The Minister of Science and Technology’s award for overall excellence (the highest accolade) and Excellence in the Management of Innovation (Technology Top 100 2012 awards)

If you are interested in understanding what dimensions of innovation management drive innovation performance within FNB, this presentation is for you. It highlights the role played by dimensions including Leadership, Strategy, Structure, Culture, Processes, People and Rewards.

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10 FNB head: FNB Innovators and Employment Branding

BIOGRAPHY - For those of you impressed by pieces of paper, Paul holds a MBA from Henley Business School (UK) and an honours degree in Industrial Psychology. If memberships are your thing, he is part of the South African Innovation Network (SAINe) and the South African Organisational Development Network (SAODN). Paul is slave to his 6 year-old daughter Olivia, and wife, Janene. They live in Bryanston, Johannesburg with their 4 sort-of-dogs.

“The thinking it took to get us into this mess is not the same thinking that is going to get us out of it.� albert Einstein the 6th sa innovation summit

The South African designed Lodox Statscan™, recently featured in a primetime medical drama on our screens, is a demonstration of advancing current technology and capabilities in the global medical imaging market through innovative thinking. As the world’s first and only full-body, highspeed digital X-ray imaging device, the

Lodox Statscan can safely provide life-saving information in extreme trauma situations in just 13 seconds.

If you have the entrepreneurial spirit and an innovative project that can contribute to creating jobs and building South Africa’s industrial capacity, visit to find out more about this year’s premier innovation event at the IDC.


Look into South Africa’s unmatched innovative thinking

Telephone: 086 069 3888 Email: To apply online for funding of R1 million or more go to



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The Regeneration Roadmap: Innovation For Sustainability tm • Sustainability ‘Leapfrog’ - From Creating Shareholder Value to Inclusive Wealth. • Innovation, Visionary Leadership, Trusted Collaboration, Re-inventing Business Models & Value Chains for Sustainability. • Alignment with the National Development Plans ideology: South Africa’s Shared Vision 2030, termed ‘Our Future Make it Work’, prominently recognises Innovation, united Leadership and a clear Vision, as key ingredients to unlocking Sustainable Growth in our emerging economy. BIOGRAPHY - Raldu is the Founder and Managing Director of Blank Canvas International (BCI), a Proudly South African Management Consultancy offering World-class Innovation for Sustainability™ Culture Transition Programmes. BCI guides and coaches clients across Industry to Strategically

Balance Idea and Project Portfolios as underpinned by the 6 Capitals Model, including human, social, natural, intellectual, financial and manufactured capital development initiatives. The BCI Team has a passion for Co-creating Solutions through applying Innovation and Design Thinking for Sustainability, as well as Leading the Implementation of Culture Transition Programmes unlocking Inclusive Wealth. BCI, in coalition with Frost & Sullivan and the Change Agent, is currently co-directing and spearheading Sustain our Africa (SOA), an active sustainability collaboration network, which acts as a catalyst for change. SOA cultivates awareness, showcases inspirational stories and hosts practical tools for change. SOA aims to build an abundant, resilient and re-generational Africa that can deliver ENOUGH. FOR ALL. FOREVER.

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11 Nel Blank Canvas Raldu

Managing Director, Blank Canvas International (BCI) Executing Director, Sustain our Africa (SOA)

the 6th sa innovation summit

Innovation Platforms: Your next step is usually right in front of you Instead of allowing the choice of innovation platform to be a blocker to getting started with your corporate Innovation Programme, use the toolset that you most probably already have: Microsoft SharePoint. In this session Roy will demonstrate how you can use Microsoft SharePoint, with its Innovation Process Management template, to take the next step within your organisation. BIOGRAPHY - Roy is the Business Development Executive the Information Worker Practise at Intervate, where he is responsible for the business from solution marketing strategy, through to sales & account management. Roy is an experienced business manager, programme manager, and technology solution specialist with over 15 years of experience. After building his own business into a leading Microsoft mobility solutions and software development

provider for 9 years, Roy’s business was acquired by Intervate in 2009. Roy’s unique approach is listening carefully and then coaching to the desired outcomes, and he applies these skills equally when assisting customers to match technology solutions to business requirements, and when leading a team of technologists to improved performance and growth. He completed his BSc Honours in Computer Science at Rhodes University, where he also cultivated his other passions of writing and singing.

“Without implementation, innovation is only a good idea!”

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12 HobsonIntervate Roy

Business Development Executive the 6th sa innovation summit

Why being an expert is dangerous for innovation - and what you can do about it We might think that experts are in the best position to come up with and assess different solutions to the problems in their environment. After all, that’s where their expertise lies. In fact, the opposite is often true. When it comes to identifying new ways of doing things, experts often have huge blind-spots and are far worse than other people. In this talk, we examine why this is the case, and why break-through ideas are often found by non-experts. We explore how this hampers innovation within organizations. And we put forward a solution – to help managers and employees avoid these blind-spots, and drive real innovation within the business.

BIOGRAPHY - Gavin Symanowitz, an actuary, headed up Strategic Product Innovation for Investments at First National Bank for over five years. He won the prestigious Innovator of the Year award in 2008, and subsequently left the bank to found a number of revolutionary web-based businesses, which have won international acclaim for innovation. Gavin holds a PhD in Mathematical Statistics. He created the Ideas4Results Programme on, and regularly gives talks on innovation topics such as how to bring innovation into your job.

Rather than focus on specific techniques, we propose a shift in the war managers and employees can approach their daily work life in order to build a culture of real innovation. www . i n n o v a t i o n s u m m i t . c o . z a

13 Symanowitz Dr. Gavin


“The world is full of bad ideas the key is to turn them into good ones!� the 6th sa innovation summit

A City-wide Test of a Crowdsourcing Transit Platform using ‘Superfans’ as Beta-testers A constant source of frustration amongst South African commuters is the inability to be certain of the timetables of public transport providers. With specific reference to the Metrorail at this stage, it was often the case that commuters were forced to leave home to head to work extra early so as not to be late, or to leave work early to be able to run errands and/ or collect their children on time due to unstable train schedules. A small tech startup seized the opportunity, in collaboration with Metrorail, to combine the knowledge that most commuters carry at least wap-enabled cellphones with them while travelling, with the notion of having real-time information delivered straight to mobile devices and created GoMetro - an innovation that allows commuters to access train timetables and real-time schedule changes from their cellphones. Launched 6 months ago, this platform

has grown, now processing more than 600 000 requests per month through the mobile web app. The latest step in a multiphase launch process is the launch of GoMetro v2.0, a crowdsourced “Twitter for Trains”. This presentation reports on a closed beta test of the GoMetro v2.0 application (app), where 75 loyal users of GoMetro in the Western Cape are not only able to create profiles with personalised preferences and have access to entertainment while commuting, but also to create networks amongst themselves to share real-time experiences and shape the app through constant feedback and interaction, whilst forming the core component of and partdesigning the app themselves.

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14 Coetzee GoMetro Justin

Founder BIOGRAPHY - Justin is the founder of GoMetro, South Africa’s first realtime public transport app. He has a Masters Degree in Transportation Engineering from the University of Stellenbosch. GoMetro was a winner of the Gauteng Innovation Competition in 2011, and is part of Cape Town World Design Capital 2014. IBM recently recognized the global potential of GoMetro with a Top 2 finish in IBM Smartcamp Africa. CNN recently featured GoMetro as one of 10 African Startups to watch.

“Innovation is gritty - it takes courage and determination to push through to something new.” the 6th sa innovation summit

Innovation underpins Siemens work in energy, healthcare, industry and urban development. /innovation Siemens is a global integrated technology company that develops products and solutions in key sectors such as energy, healthcare, industry, as well as infrastructure and urban development. It is one of the world’s largest providers of green technologies. Siemens South Africa chief executive Siegmar Proebstl says: “Innovation lies at the heart of our business worldwide and has driven our work in South Africa and on the African continent for over 150 years. “It is an exciting development for Siemens South Africa to be involved in this 6th SA Innovation Summit, an annual event we have watched with keen interest for some time. “Innovation leading to the development of new products and services across a range of different industries is exactly what our country and our continent needs. Forums such as this Summit are critical to inspire, inform, encourage and empower people in processing and developing their ideas into meaningful products and services that improve life and enhance business efficiency.” Profiling journalists who tell new innovation stories “However, what many of us may not realise is the crucial role the media plays in writing and telling stories about new innovations in ways that ordinary people can understand. “This is why we have linked our annual pan-African Profile Awards programme to this important event this year.” The Profile Awards programme has nurtured and developed quality science and technology reporting in South Africa and on the African continent for the past eleven years. Sponsored by the electrical engineering and electronics conglomerate, Siemens, with the support of the South African Department of Science and Technology, the Profile Awards competition is the premium science and technology journalism awards in Africa. South Africa’s Science and Technology Minister Derek Hanekom says that journalists and the media play an important role in communicating science, technology and innovation in ways that ordinary South Africans can understand and appreciate. “They help to share our national science and technology knowledge and build understanding in government, business and among the public.” “Journalists who write about science, engineering and technology in ways that excite, engage and inform ordinary people should be recognised and rewarded. More and more journalists from across Africa are working hard to provide a better understanding of the increasingly scientific and technological environments in which their readers and viewers live, work and play,” concludes Siemens South Africa chief executive Siegmar Proebstl. For more information visit

National Intellectual Property Management Office The National Intellectual Property Management Office plays an integral role in ensuring that the public derives greater benefit from the research and development investments made by the South African Government. NIPMO was established in terms of the Intellectual Property Rights from Publicly Financed Research and Development Act, 2008 (Act No. 51 of 2008). Our core function is to promote and manage the aims of the Act by ensuring that recipients of funds from government funding agencies identify, assess, protect and commercialise intellectual property to the benefit of all South Africans.

Enhancing Management Capability through SME Toolkit Start and manage your business with the SME Toolkit. The SME Toolkit is a project of the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Department of the World Bank Group, locally operated through Business Partners. Explore common SME challenges experienced by inventors & entrepreneurs. Learn how the SME Toolkit can assist you to research ideas, create a brand, apply for funding and get your business off the ground. biography - Yusuf is the founder of the consultancy, Milestone Ventures and Worksucks – Make Work, Work. A Chartered Accountant by profession, Yusuf is passionate about growing the next generation of entrepreneurs. He has delivered high impact programmes for several SME institutions. He is a MBA lecturer, author and a member of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants Continuing Professional Development committee. In 2011, he

received the HR Strategic Leadership Award at the World HRD Congress.

“Explore common SME challenges experienced by inventors & entrepreneurs.”

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15 Mahomedy Worksucks - Make Work, Work Yusuf

Founder the 6th sa innovation summit

Multi-layered partnerships: creating win-win value propositions for competitive advantage Partnerships can make or break a company. With increasing levels of competitiveness, getting various roleplayers together to create distinctive products and services, is becoming a critical success factor for many new and established companies. Partnerships bring together the “who” and the “what” you know. It takes a comprehensive stance on innovation to identify what you (as company director) do not know, what kind of knowledge you seek to incorporate as part of your core-offering, and who exactly you can engage as a potential partner to fill the identified gap. Not only does it (i.e. finding suitable strategic partners) require an extensive network of specialists, but also a clear vision and strategy of where your company is heading. It can animate your business plan, reduce your expenses and time-to-market, meet customer needs more efficiently, as well as improve

brand credibility and gravitas. Building and unlocking your networks is the key to enable multi-layered partnerships that will benefit your company. The pace of change in the world is occurring faster and faster. Technology provides us with the opportunity to expand our networks and gain up-todate information on just about anything and everything. However, it can also cause information overload/fatigue and shallow network-interaction (due to a numbers game) if not managed and nurtured with awareness. Such a scenario can outdo the potential of harnessing partnership opportunities to create mutually beneficial relationships and value propositions. This presentation takes a practical look at the benefits of partnerships, and how to create optimal collaborations for the advancement of companies and causes.

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16 Barnard University of Johannesburg Dr. Zenia

Researcher & Founder of Gradnet BIOGRAPHY - With more than a decade of experience in senior management, Zenia obtained her PhD in Information Science and created a spin-off company, Gradnet, in partnership with Google. She sold the company in 2012, and is currently researcher and senior lecturer at the University of Johannesburg. Barnard’s areas of expertise include web technologies, customer relationship management, new media, information systems, knowledge management, competitive intelligence and entrepreneurship. Sustainable development and action research forms the basis of her business ethos and acumen.

“Innovation is creativity with a job to do.” John Emmerling the 6th sa innovation summit

Shift in Marketing & Design of Research and Technology Parks as Hubs for Innovation The traditional science & technology park (or R&D park), as we know it today has provided the space for research and technology development. These parks typically include physical laboratory building space and an environment that protects intellectual property (IP). The traditional park model is still important for the core individual offices and R&D facilities, but the emphasis is shifting now to create more of a sense of community for networking purposes, through town centres, commercial areas, and natural amenity spaces. There is a shift towards more open innovation platforms and coordinated approaches, which translate into a somewhat different model for development focusing on mixed-use centres to complement the highly successful science and technology park model.

“ADEC is a leader in innovation economics driven by the quest to maximise the economic and financial benefits of innovation through partnerships for entrepreneurial development and job creation. Ultimately, successful innovation hubs ought to be seen as instruments to enhance the prestige of research institutions and their partners, and also raise the investment profile of the community in which they operate�.

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17 Chalunda ADEC – African Development Golden

Economic Consultants (pty) Ltd Research Associate BIOGRAPHY - Golden Chalunda is a Research Associate at ADEC, responsible for economic research and analysis. He focuses on assessment of economic conditions, competitive framework analysis, and preparation of property market analyses and community and economic development strategic plans. the 6th sa innovation summit

Designing a competitive South Africa South Africa needs solutions to its many problems. Our citizens have needs of every kind. Companies need to grow and become more efficient. Startups need assistance to overcome the many obstacles to success. Our government needs the ability to efficiently manage the levers of state and enable economic growth.

the World Economic Forum, taught at business schools and written for Core77, Management Today and others. Tasos is also CEO Arivi which aims to address energy poverty with safe and efficient energy products for low income homes.

These are all problems that can be solved using design. This talk takes a look at how the world’s most successful organizations use design to solve problems, create new products, services, processes and experiences.

“If you love something let it be free; if it comes back float an IPO with it.�

Biography - Tasos is an industrial designer and the CEO of Terrestrial, a consultancy to organizations like Motorola, P&G, BP and Philips. Terrestrial has won Red Dot and Good Design awards and been a finalist at the INDEX awards. Tasos has served at events like

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18 CalantzisTerrestrial Tasos

CEO the 6th sa innovation summit



Delegate receives

a FREE 12 month


Mlab: Platform for Innovation mLab Southern Africa (SA) is a mobile solutions laboratory and startup accelerator that provides entrepreneurs and mobile developers withthe support they need to develop innovative mobile applications and services. Our goal is to help build sustainable technology businesses by helping their founders mobilize their services and products to take advantage of the rapid growing base of mobile consumers in Africa and around the world. We support the development of mobile solutions in the consumer, design, enterprise, public and gaming sectors. mLab SA is based at The Innovation Hub in Tshwane, South Africa, with virtual programs throughout southern Africa and

plans to expand our labs to most major hubs in the region. biography - Derrick spent a number of years working for a start-up in the digital marketing industry to pursue opportunities in the growing mobile sector in Africa. He later joined Nokia as Developer Outreach Manager for East and Southern Africa. He returned to South Africa in 2009 to the start-up industry to lead mLab Southern Africa. He is passionate about mobile innovation and the open innovation communities who have become the new drive behind high tech solutions and services.

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the 6th sa innovation summit

Stealth Thinking in Business Strategy Development The workshop will start by challenging the audience to think about their organisations and where it is currently positioned in their industry/sandbox. This challenge will be positioned from a competitive perspective to ascertain if the game being played is leading to adequate or supremacy strategies.

We will then allow for the delegates to discuss a selected industry, and how a stealth competitor could enter it by introducing a game changing business model. BIOGRAPHY - Greg Carolin, Managing Partner of DPI Africa has an MBA in Marketing and Business Strategy.

We will then frame the “Stealth Competitor” that one needs to consider as an option for future strategy and how this competitor goes about changing the game in the industry/sandbox.

He has been consulting to organisations for over 13 years across industries and business of all sizes including projects where the “Stealth Competitor” has been part of the process.

We will then highlight some known examples both internationally and locally of “Stealth” competitive moves and give stories and case studies of how this process has been applied by DPI’s clients worldwide to change the game and create competitive supremacy.

One of his career highlights was successfully leading a series of strategy projects to assisting with the merger between Momentum Group and Metropolitan Holdings. Greg has also co-authored a book entitled “Leadership Pure and Simple”.

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20 Carolin Decision Processes International - Africa Greg

Managing Partner

“Strategic Innovation is the Corporate Fountain of Youth for any organisation� Michel Robert the 6th sa innovation summit

The implementation of the new R&D income tax incentive – how are taxpayers placed currently? And what does every FD need to know?” BIOGRAPHY - Darren commenced his professional career qualifying as a patent attorney, specialising in the drafting & prosecution of patent applications, and conducting patent searches. He also prepared opinions on novelty and infringement matters in the fields of patent, design and copyright law. He soon found that his interest lay in the commercial aspects of intellectual property (“IP”), and he became involved in the drafting of commercial agreements having IP as basis (typically: licence agreements, supply and distribution agreements with IP as basis, assignment of copyright agreements, confidentiality agreements). Darren continued to immerse himself and practice in these areas when he joined Adams & Adams patent attorneys. Darren was then invited to join Deloitte and Touche, where he

was involved in the investigation and assessment of taxpayers’ technologies and activities, with an eye to maximising R&D income tax deductions, and opinion work related to the same. There, he also enjoyed acting as advisor both to the National Treasury – on issues of legislative drafting in the Income Tax Act – and to the SA Revenue Services and the Department of Science & Technology – on issues of interpretation of income tax legislation, and its practice. Darren also has a particular interest in the exchange control issues that arise in international transactions having IP as basis. This privileged, rich background led Darren to found the specialist IP firm and tax consultancy, Margo™ Attorneys, Inc. where he and his team continue to practice in these specialised disciplines.

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21 Margo Margo Attorneys, Inc. Darren

Managing Director Collectively, Darren has conducted technical and legal work for a number of clients across a spectrum of industries, including the pharmaceutical, petrochemical, electronics, explosives, cosmetics, weapons and telecommunications industries, amongst others. the 6th sa innovation summit

Gearing for Open Innovation Policy and Law in South Africa Open innovation at the organisational level is dependent on a public policy environment that supports crosscollaboration and integrated approaches to research and development. Accordingly, countries looking to benefit from open innovation at the organisational level need to assess the policy and legal environment related to the ease of collaborative and integrated innovation methods. This presentation will consider the suitability of South Africa’s policy and legal frameworks in connection with open data, open source, access to information, access to knowledge and learning materials, access to publicly funded innovation, converged communications and intellectual property – as a lens into to South Africa’s regulatory readiness for open innovation. The presentation will close with recommendations from best practices in other countries and regions.

Lawyer and Policy Advisor

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22 Chetty The Innovation Hub Pria

Innovation Law thought leader BIOGRAPHY - Pria is passionate about development of Africa’s tech law and policy environment to facilitate improved access to ICT opportunities. Technology lawyer (2003-2013) - Tech Law and Policy advisor to developing country governments - Consultant to international organisations including UN organisations - Speaker, Analyst, Writer, – Tech Law and Policy for Development - Director of Brightest Young Minds – youth leadership network - Advisory Board Member – Southern African Innovation Network - Selected as one of SA’s Brightest Young Minds (2001) - Mail and Guardian Top Young South Africans List (2009) (2010) - Founder of Chetty Law ( 2007-2011) - Technology and Innovation Law Firm acquired by PricewaterhouseCoopers - Associate Director – PwC (2011 – 2013) responsible for establishing national Technology Legal Advisory Practice for PwC Advisory the 6th sa innovation summit

The Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) was established in terms of the TIA act, 2008 (act no. 26 of 2008), with the objective of stimulating and intensifying technological innovation in order to improve economic growth and the quality of life of all South Africans by developing and exploiting technological innovations. TIA’s core business objective is to support the development and commercialisation of competitive technology-based services and products. The Agency primarily uses South Africa’s science and technology base to develop new industries, create sustainable jobs and help diversify the economy. It invests in the following technology sectors: Advanced Manufacturing, Agriculture, Industrial Biotechnology, Health, Mining, Energy and IcT.

Mandate TIA’s mandate is to support and enable technology innovation across all sectors of the economy in order to achieve socioeconomic benefits for South Africa, thereby enhancing its global competitiveness. This entails supporting the development and commercialisation of research outputs from higher education institutions, science councils, public entities and private research institutions, with a view to bringing these to the market.

Vision To be a world class innovation agency that supports and enables technological innovation to achieve socio-economic benefits for South Africa.

Mission To support technology innovators to unlock South Africa’s global competitiveness and deliver socio-economic value.

strategic objectiVes The Agency’s strategic objectives are as follows:1. To stimulate the development and demonstration of technology based products, processes and services. 2. To support the commercialisation of technology innovations. 3. To develop an enabling environment for technology innovation and commercialisation in South Africa. 4. To develop an enabling internal environment within TIA to successfully execute its strategy. 5. To facilitate the development of innovations skills to support technology innovation and commercialisation. 6. To become a schedule 3B entity in terms of the Public Finance Management Act. The key TIA differentiator with the government funding agencies is that TIA invests in high-risk early stage technology. TIA has invested in more than R2 billion in technology innovation ideas of which some of these are beginning to be profitable. For enquiries, Funding Application Guidelines and Application Forms visit

An initiative of the Department of Science and Technology

Your compass on the road to innovation.

Spoor & Fisher. Proud IP Partners of the 2013 Innovation Summit. Your partners in protecting your innovations.

How to partner and build innovation systems across countries: A case of making a conference go Viral The Southern Africa Innovation Support (SAIS) Programme is a development partnership between Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia and Zambia supported by Finland. SAIS programme’s overall long-term objective is to build capacity and stimulate operational elements of the systems of innovations within and across the four pilot countries, so as to positively contribute to the drive for sustainable economic growth and reduction of poverty. South Africa is a knowledge sharing partner of the programme, and SAIS works closely with regional and international partners to execute its mandate. SAIS main beneficiaries and stakeholders include four actors within the multihelix namely private sector, public sector, academia and civil society. The decentralised model is based on supporting four partner institutions for implementation of three key instruments

of networking, training, capacity building and encouraging regional project implementation through a seed fund. Within the networking, capacity building and regional knowledge exchange area, SAIS has successfully implemented various instruments for working across boundaries and is currently exploring models for seamless integration of a regional innovation agenda in SADC. Explore how the SAIS Programme has used the SA Innovation Summit for collaboration and dissemination as a key convening focal point to host a regional innovation fair including think tank sessions, innovation dialogue and discourse, and an exhibit to support and celebrate local innovators in all our partner countries. SAIS is proud to be a regional partner of the Innovation Summit for the second year in a row and we look forward to collaboration on innovation in the SADC region.

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23 Swettenham Southern Africa Innovation Support Thiru

(SAIS) Programme Programme Coordinator BIOGRAPHY - Thiru is a practitioner in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) and ICT for Development (ICT4D). She has over 20 years experience in STI, firstly as a researcher and for the past 6 years as a development practitioner. The SAIS Programme is an ideal place for her to bring her skills in project management, financial resource and organisational management, monitoring and evaluation of development projects, stakeholder and relationship management e.g. multi-donor and multi-partner projects, strategic thinking and planning, risk assessment, sustainability, and regional knowledge sharing.

“Innovation is the lifeblood of any organisation and needs to be nurtured, celebrated and supported at all levels. Organisations must strive to always encourage practical inclusive innovation which is of benefit to society at large as opposed to remaining the exclusive property of the select few.� the 6th sa innovation summit

Creating a pipeline for innovation funnels This presentation will focus on the establishment of a pipeline for innovation from the perspective of the Young Engineers and Scientists of Africa (YESA). The emphasis is on Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Innovation (STEMI) which is a underdeveloped section of the market. Key components of this approach is the use of Fabrication Laboratories or FabLabs to nurture FabKids to unleash creativity, use of MXit to reach out to learners using social media on the back seat of a taxi and to identify talent, real world experiences of Hydrogen Fuel Cells through compelling competitions, etc. In order to increase the current feeder stock of young minds needed to contribute to the National System of Innovation (NSI) requires a significantly different approach. We cannot continue adopting the same old approach to

education and expect to produce more Einteins. biography - Dr. Ron Beyers has experienced first-hand many young and creative individuals who, given the chance, have revealed extraordinary talents. This has been made possible through exposure to such programs as FabKids within FabLabs, using Hydrogen Fuel Cells as part of Destination Zero Carbon and through interacting with a larger community on MXit as a social medium, amongst others. With 3 decades of teaching experience which was turned into a recent PhD he is keen to put his learning experiences in to developing future inventors.

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24 Beyers Young Engineers and Scientists of Africa DR. Ron

Managing Director

�We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them�. albert Einstein the 6th sa innovation summit

Spin-offs from military R&D: three case studies South Africa devoted considerable expenditure on military R&D through to the early 1990s, giving rise to a number of sectoral systems of innovation. This paper examines the telemetry system of innovation that emerged in two sites: one in the South, linked to the navy; the other in the North linked to the Army and Air Force. This sectoral system grew from considerable public investment into R&D. A number of case studies are used to show how this investment sponsored and triggered technology startups in telemetry and ICT that have gone on to become medium size companies with global footprints. This suggests that there is often a long-term pay-back to the public of investment in military R&D. The case studies also show the initial importance of mentorship and academic

research to the startup pioneers. As the companies mature they appear to shift their search for information toward the market and their own value chains. This autonomous behaviour accords with the international pattern revealed through CIS type innovation systems. The autonomy raises difficult questions for innovation policy makers. biography - Michael Kahn is an analyst in research and innovation policy. His specializations cover: • policy formulation, strategy and planning • process facilitation • measurement and evaluation He has worked in government, education and NGO sectors, and is Professor Extraordinaire at Stellenbosch University. He holds a doctorate in mathematical physics and a masters degree in policy, thereby straddling the ‘two cultures.’

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Prof. Michael



Edunet Director

His interests are wide ranging from photography and cycling, reading history and economics, to education, research and innovation, fixing things and education. Living in Scarborough near Cape Point makes this all possible.

“Innovation occurs under all conditions, to meet personal or social needs. Innovation measurement is in dire need of innovation!� the 6th sa innovation summit

Creating a culture of innovation using Isivivane This presentation explores how ancient African techniques of memory management can be used by modern organisations. We look at Isivivane as a tool used to consciously shape aspects of organisational culture that facilitate responsible innovation. biography - I’m a consultant, media developer, public speaker and facilitator specialising in organisational Change Management, KM and storytelling with over 20 years experience. I qualified as a psychologist in the UK then worked as a lecturer in Information Systems at Wits for 4 years before setting out as a consultant. I’ve developed multi-media, organisational stories, change & KM programs, feedback systems, models and games. I have worked with and facilitated diverse groups ranging from schoolchildren through youth to top management and leadership of NGOs, Government and Multinationals. .??

“The ability to change the point of view from which you see the world and yourself is the well from which innovation springs.”

www . i n n o v a t i o n s u m m i t . c o . z a

26 Banhegyi Steve

Steve Banhegyi & Associates Partner the 6th sa innovation summit

Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it. Roald Dahl

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Innovation Leadership How corporates can build an environment supportive of innovation. The presentation shall focus on corporate culture, leadership and measurement of innovation. biography - Zanele is the current chairman of SAINE (South African Innovator’s Network). She has a B.Com degree and LLM Tax. She is currently completing a Masters in Finance with Wits Business School. She has been working in the financial services for the last 15 years and has worked in various roles, with the most recent roles being at the IDC as Head: Strategic High Impact Projects (2006 - 2010) and in 2010 she was appointed Head of Innovations Department at the IDC. Her role as Head of Innovation involves working on internal innovations to improve efficiencies, create new financial products/services/ processes and collaborations on innovation with external stakeholders.

“Love what you do and do what you love: These are the essentials for keeping the innovation fire burning.”

www . i n n o v a t i o n s u m m i t . c o . z a

27 Monnakgotla Industrial Development Corporation Zanele

of SA Limited (IDC), Head: Innovation Department the 6th sa innovation summit

Telkom launches innovation mega challenge In addition to announcing specifics with regards to the mega-challenge, Dr. Brian Armstrong will address on the significance of Telkom’s participation in this initiative.

product launches, consistently high levels of customer service, significantly improved customer satisfaction, and improved staff motivation and engagement.

BIOGRAPHY - Dr. Brian Armstrong was appointed as Telkom Group Chief Operating Officer on 1 April 2013, in which capacity he has responsibility for the entire customer facing aspects of Telkom’s business and operations.

Brian has over 25 years ICT experience, in ICT research and development, telecommunications, technology management, networking services, and outsourcing. Before joining Telkom in 2010 he was BT’s Vice President for Middle East and Africa (MEA), with overall responsibility to oversee and grow BT’s activities across the region, extending from Turkey in the North, to Pakistan in the East, down to South Africa. Before that his work experience includes South Africa’s CSIR, ultimately as the Director of the Division for Information and Communications Technology; and South African listed ICT services group AST (now Gijima), as Managing Director of AST Networks.

Prior to this appointment he was Managing Director of Telkom Business for approximately three years, during which time he developed and executed that Business Unit’s turnaround strategy. Telkom Business is the largest of Telkom’s business units, and the strategy has resulted in returning the unit’s net revenues to growth after a period of sustained decline, significant improvements in innovation and new

www . i n n o v a t i o n s u m m i t . c o . z a

Armstrong Telkom28SA Dr. Brian

Group Chief Operating Officer Brian completed his BSc (Eng) and MSc (Eng) at the University of the Witwatersrand in 1982 and 1984 respectively, and obtained his PhD from University College London in 1992. Brian has published several papers in IEE (Institution of Electrical Engineers) and IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Proceedings, and holds several awards including the Fleming Award for the best Engineering PhD thesis at University of London in 1992 and the Mountbatten Premium for the best paper published in IEE Proceedings part in 1996. His professional interests include business leadership, strategic change leadership and management, corporate entrepreneurship, organisational design, multinational and multicultural business optimisation, and venture creation. the 6th sa innovation summit

Adaptive Innovation a Critical Factor to Commercial Success in SA Adaptive Innovation a Critical Factor to Commercial Success in SA. The successful growth of an economy depends on the number of commercial successes, organisations entrepreneurs and industry achieves at grass root level. This presentation demonstrates the important role that adaptive innovators can play in the commercialization of ideas and technologies. This paper describes how we identify adaptors and how we can change our innovative style to increase the likelihood of commercial successes. Second, this paper also describes the selection of technologies best suited and knowing the difference between pure process and product innovation. Third, this paper describes the importance of structured innovation, and the role it plays in assisting the commercialization process. Finally, this paper describes what our policy makers should be doing

to bring about a positive change. The paper also provides examples and case studies where lack of adaptation, has resulted in lost opportunities for South Africa. Lessons learned from these case studies are critical to increase the success rate of future innovation initiatives. biography • Senior Client Partner at BMGI specializing in design, innovation and technology transfer. Holder of 2 International Patents, with consulting work experience in the US, Europe and China. • Chairman of the Powder Metallurgy Association of South Africa • Technology transfer specialist and certified Chartered Engineer for the Institute of Materials (London) • Master’s degree in Materials Engineering (Wits University) • Have 14 years of Experience in the consulting industry in the Fields of Lean Six Sigma and Design for Six Sigma.

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29 BMGi Senior Client Partner

the 6th sa innovation summit

JUMP: The Yoga of Time travel for Innovation Merlin is said to be moving from the future towards the past. That is why he can prophesize the future. But we can all do it. Amanda will offer ideas of the magicians archetype for innovation, the manipulation of time, jumping timelines and remembering the future including an intro to quantum physics, the yoga of time travel, morphogenetic fields, the

brain, consciousness and remote viewing technologies applied to Innovation. This will be followed by an experiential exercise which will show you how to use the yoga of time travel to meet your future self. Amanda uses this as a coaching and mentoring tool for Entrepreneurs. This will be for coaches who love experiential learning.

“It’s a poor sort of memory that only works backwards” the Queen remarked. Lewis Carroll: Through the Looking Glass www . i n n o v a t i o n s u m m i t . c o . z a

30 Gifford Amanda Gifford | Geniuslab Amanda

Innovator, Time Traveller, Drama Therapist, Family Constellations facilitator and trainer BIOGRAPHY - Founder Mothership: The Institute for Dimensional Mind Training, the Future Dreaming You: Time-Space Yoga Technology of Self Training, Co Founder and Co Director of GeniusLAB, Masters in Counselling Psychology Drama Therapy from the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco USA - Drama Therapist, Family & Systems Constellations Facilitator and Trainer and Coach. the 6th sa innovation summit

Tel : +27 (0) 12 844 0000



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The Next Big Thing! An important question arises when one thinks of youth development. Are young people’s thoughts and behaviours shaped by media or is it that media merely exhibits the way young people of today think and behave; and consequently the leaders they will become? This is a question of much tension and controversy. Regardless of which theory one may subscribe to, media is the number one tool to gain the attention of and transmit information to young people. As such, media can play an important role in youth development and more especially society. With majority of the population being the youth and with young people being the biggest consumers of media; the most affected by unemployment and HIV/Aids, we need to ask ourselves what messages does our media transcend to the youth daily. How can we work around the serial promotion of adultery, materialism, sex,

lust, violence, short-cuts, false religions, praise for “celebrities” as role models, of whom many have not achieved anything worthy of being truly “celebrated” - as the true meaning of the word celebrity implies – to be celebrated! What content should South African media seek to produce for the next generation of leaders whom are the thinkers and doers of today.

“When we use our brains, we can change our lives. When we use our hearts, we can change the lives of others. When we use both, we can change the world.”

www . i n n o v a t i o n s u m m i t . c o . z a

31 Mahlo Young Entrepreneurs Platform SA Mashokane

Director and Founder BIOGRAPHY - Mashokane Mahlo is an Economics Science Honours student at Wits and a UCT Bcom Law and Economics graduate. She has been a Fellow at the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation which has cultivated her entrepreneurship spirit and gave her the courage to start her own media company, “Young Entrepreneurs Platform SA.� She is now currently Director of the organisation. She has been the Organising President of the AIESEC National Student Apprentice Challenge 2012 and has actively been involved in a non-profit youth development organisation called Enke: Make Your Mark, where she presents development curriculum to grade 10 and 11 learners at a Forum held in JHB. Her vision is to change society through Media and Entrepreneurship which she believes has the power to shape society. the 6th sa innovation summit

GO VIRAL! People who do THAT would probably want to do this... Predictions of future products based on a study of popular apps, news headlines, memes, trends, viral videos and human behavior in general What you’ll learn: Inspiragialism - the art of ‘copy, paste & adapt’ to ride the remix of Africa i.e. how to jump on existing technology and fly it your own way. In business its called ‘Innovation’, in art its called ‘having an influence’ and in nature its called ‘Evolution’. Either way you’re involved, so you may as well learn the process of turning ‘Why The Fail?’ into ‘Write The Future’. BIOGRAPHY - Peter Greenwall comes from the showbiz world of composing original scores for musicals and corporate events, which is where he figured out the missing link between

the two: Accessible innovation through multimedia musical comedy presentations. His book, ‘LOGICAL STUPIDITY’ deals with art of PIFYAFFING: Pulling Ideas From Your Asspirations For FINancial Gain. Designed to access the creative soul within each of us, his workshops reveal outrageous products from the future and the thinking process behind them.

Book name: LOGICAL STUPIDITY, Innovation by navigating through nonsense

www . i n n o v a t i o n s u m m i t . c o . z a

32 GreenwallInnovation101 Peter

Errorthoughtical Engineer the 6th sa innovation summit

Creation of an Innovation Index biography - Hayley Walters is a member of Accenture South Africa’s Leadership within the Management Consulting Practise. She is the South African lead for Operations and heads up Innovation and Capital Projects in Africa. She has worked extensively in the fields of strategic sourcing & procurement and integrated supply-chain management. Hayley has been involved in large African transformation programmes, including those involving cost transformations, operating model design and journey and stakeholder management efforts in various industries focussing on energy, mining and utilities. Hayley is based in Johannesburg and can be reached at:

“Haley is the South African lead for Operations and heads up Innovation and Capital Projects in Africa.”

www . i n n o v a t i o n s u m m i t . c o . z a

33 Walters Accenture Ms. Hayley

Accenture Leadership the 6th sa innovation summit

Going from Concept to Commercialisation: A real-world success story Dr. Bell describes his leading hands-on role in invention, patenting, and plotting a value added commercialisation course catering for target customers. Planning, Preparing, then Executing – a case study highlighting the classic steps he used to transform a start up company from virtual reality into reality in the USA. The presentation briefly covers invention, intellectual property, business strategy, financing, infrastructure, personnel, proof of concept, quality control, networking, partnering, licensing, and exit strategies. Now, utilising the same model, the South African Business Links to Experts (SABLE) Accelerator headquartered in Silicon Valley, has a global network of mainly expat SA experts serving SA innovators in their respective quests to commercialise new ideas.

biography - Dr. Bell, a South African living in the USA, is managing partner of SABLE Life Sciences. A serial entrepreneur who co-founded a public biopharma company that was recently acquired. Dr. Bell is also Trustee (Fiduciary), Monitor and Advisor overseeing the execution of the anti-trust Order arising from the $68 billion Pfizer acquisition of Wyeth in 2009. He has also held various seniorlevel and executive appointments worldwide at leading pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies including Roche Pharmaceuticals, The Upjohn Company (Pfizer), Boehringer Infelheim, BioSante Pharmaceuticals, and Solvay Pharmaceuticals. Boehringer Ingelheim USA, BioSante Pharmaceuticals USA and Solvay Pharmaceuticals USA.

www . i n n o v a t i o n s u m m i t . c o . z a

34 Bell Sable Accelerator

Dr. Stephen

Managing Partner - Life Sciences

“Innovation is nothing but trained and organised common sense.� the 6th sa innovation summit

enabling innovation

enabling innovation

Research Institute for Innovation and Sustainability Suite M36 | Innovation Centre | The Innovation Hub | Pretoria +27 (0)12 844 0208 | |

experiment play be curious have fun and keep a pen and paper at hand

How to below:




2. Turn the paper over to the other side. Fold the paper in half, crease well and open and then fold again in the other direction.

Fold the end points upwards along the outside edges, then unfold.

Fold the top of the model downwards, crease well and unfold.

Start with a square piece of paper, fold in half twice, as shown, to create two creases.




Open one side of the model slightly and push the bottom end point flap up and tuck inside itself to create the head. Repeat on the other side to create the tail.




Turn the model over and repeat step 4-6 on the other side.

Fold the top triangular flaps into the centre and unfold.

Fold down the top of the right end point as shown to create a crease, then unfold and push down to ‘inside reverse the fold’ to create the head. Fold down the wings as shown.

Fold the top of the model downwa Open the uppermost flap of the model, bringing it upwards and pressing the sides of the model inwards at the same time. Flatten down and crease well. rds, crease well and unfold.

Using the creases, bring the top 3 corners of the paper down to the bottom corner. Flatten model as shown.

enter here

“I have these ideas trapped in my head like a bird in a cage;

the world will change the day I figure out how to let them fly.� Guiol Harrison

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” - Apple Inc. -

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.� - Michael Jordan -

“Curiosity is lying in wait for every secret.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson -

“Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.” - Steve Jobs -

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” - Walt Disney -

“Choose your corner, pick away at it carefully, intensely and to the best of your ability and that way you might change the world.� - Charles Eames -

“That is what learning is, you suddenly understand something you’ve understood all you life, but in a new way.” - Doris Lessing -

“What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.” - Ralph Marston -

“Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds.” - Gordon B. Hinckley -

“Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience.” - Albert Einstein -

“It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” - Mark Twain -

“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.” Alexander Graham Bell


head to neck

upper body Neck to waist

lower body waist to knee


Knee to feet

Everybody is a genius.

BuT by its ability to climb a


it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.

Albert Einstein

if you judge a fish

a very big thank you to:

partners Lead Summit Partner

Lead Pitching Den Partner

SparkLab Partner

Mega Challenge Partner


enabling innovation

Official Design

Inventor’s Garage

Advisory Partner



innovation directory Business incubation The Innovation Hub Pria Chetty Innovation Law thought leader Science and Technology Park. +27 (0)21 844 0000 Change management & culture Steve Banhegyi & Associates Steve Banhegyi Partner. Consultant Our mission is to help people and organisations craft, record, and celebrate stories in ways that transform all of our lives. +27 (0)73 698 1537 Corporate innovation ADEC - African Development Economic Consultants (pty) Ltd Golden Chalunda Research Associate Economic analysts and strategic planners specilaising in,innovation

economics, property economics, LED regional development, and TOD. +27 (0)11 728 1965 +27 (0)82 827 9941 BMGI Dimitri Markoulides Senior Partner Design and Innovation Business Problem Solving Strategic Planning Transform Strategies into Results. +27 (0)12 460 0310 +27 (0)84 608 2565 ESKOM Kammy Dhaver-Young Innovation Circuit Manager Eskom is fostering innovation through a number of external and in-house initiatives, particularly Research and Development (R&D), with a significant investment in the development and demonstration of new and better technologies. +27 (0)11 800 4426 +27 (0)83 310 4556 karmatchee.dhaver@ FNB Paul Steenkamp Head: FNB Innovators and Employment

Branding Protecting and nurturing innovation at FNB. Custodian of the employee experience, Employee Value Proposition and Employment Brand. +27 (0)72 018 7391 Industrial Development Corporation of SA Limited (IDC) Zanele Monnakgotla Head: Innovation Department Providing finance for industrial development projects and playing a catalytic role in promoting partnerships across industries. +27 (0)11 269 3299 +27 (0)79 512 3637 Innovation Excellence Rowan Gibson Innovation guru Visit www. – the most popular innovation website on the internet. +31 (0)40 222 2104 innovationtothecore. com innovationexcellence. com SASOL

Nevashnee Naicker Corporate Affairs Managers Small business incubator focusing on SMME’s in the engery, chemical and related value chains. +27 (0)11 441 3034 +27 (0)82 655 2202 nevashnee.naicker@sasol. com Creative thinking specialists Accelerate Cape Town Chris Whelan CEO Developing and implementing a long-term vision for sustainable, inclusive economic growth in Cape Town. +27 (0)21 408 7425 +27 (0)83 633 8366 chris@acceleratecapetown. com acceleratecapetown. Amanda Gifford | Geniuslab Amanda Gifford Innovator, Time Traveller, Drama Therapist, Family Constellations facilitator and trainer Individual Consulting for an emerging world, Future Systems and Innovation Organisational Workshops, Family

Systems & Organisational Constellations, Platform for creativity, springboard for inspiration and incubator of change. +27 (0)78 499 6472 Cape Town Design Alayne Reesberg CEO Cape Town was designated World Design Capital for 2014 at the International Design Alliance Congress. +27 (0)21 409 2460 +27 (0)83 633 8366 chris@acceleratecapetown. com Innovation101 Peter Greenwall Errorthoughtical Engineer Accessible Innovation Strategy: Custom designed multimedia musical comedy presentations for creating a culture of innovation. +27 (0)21 439 0975 +27 (0)72 683 1000 watch?v=ke93lDT7JDg Design & architecture AFRICAN HAPPY PANTS ROTHIA DU TOIT / VIVIENNE SCHULTZ Manager Innovative coporate wear and accessories / recycled. +27 (0)12 346 8200 +27 (0)78 021 2579 happypants@ K&i Design Studio Karl Mynhardt Creative Director Design studio specialising in creative thinking, graphic design and illustration, with a hands-on, authentic, and imaginative approach. +27 (0)21 788 3165 +27 (0)78 172 6554 SABS Design Institute Esme Kruger Specialist: Design Institute Promote and facilitate design and innovation for positive net benefit to all society. +27 (0)12 428 6332 +27 (0)82 338 9455 Terrestrial Tasos Calantzis Director Design of products, services, processes and experiences. +27 (0)12 343 1578 +27 (0)83 407 3032 Education Young Engineers and Scientists of Africa Dr Ron Beyers Owner and Managing Director Creating a pipeline for Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Innovation (STEMI). +27 (0)41 581 1983 +27 (0)83 310 8843 Entrepreneurial innovation GoMetro Justin Coetzee Founder Mobile app business development and strategy. +27 (0)84 557 0118 Thumbzup Stafford Massie Technology Futurist, Serial Entrepreneur, Technology Startup Angel Investor The Thumbzup Pebble

connects simply and easily via a mobile phone audio plug to many common smartphones and tablets. +27 (0)82 611 9947 Funding Technology Innovation Agency Kgomotso Matjila GM: Marketing and Branding Supporting South Africa’s technological innovations by providing financial and non-financial support. +27 (0)12 472 2737 +27 (0)86 638 4784 ICT and technology Intervate Roy Hobson Business Development Executive Intervate is a specialist provider of Enterprise Information Management (EIM) solutions that improve productivity and collaboration, reduce costs and increase legal compliancy. Intervate has been building and operating Innovation Platforms for South African corporates for over 10 years. +27 (0)11 236 3860 +27 (0)82 774 5217 Telkom SA Thuli Sekgololo External Communication +27 (0)12 311 7465 dr. Zenia Barnard Zenia Barnard PhD Information Science Collaboration, awareness and strategic partnerships are key to Barnard’s vision for success. Innovation consultants Blockbuster Gavin Symanowitz Managing Director Runs courses and gives talks on innovation topics. +27 (0)86 161 6100 +27 (0)82 896 2861 gavin@ blockbusterinnovation. com Decision Processes International Africa Greg Carolin Managing Partner Solving problems through utilising propriatary critical thinking processes. +27 (0)11 706 8118 +27 (0)82 452 8963 decisionprocesses. Research and Innovation Associates Prof Michael Kahn Director Supporting education, research and innovation policy and measurement both nationally and internationally. +27 (0)21 780 1787 +27 (0)82 854 9777 Research Institute for Innovation and Sustainability Audrey Verhaeghe CEO Innovation Enablement. +27 (0)12 844 0670 +27 (0)82 578 0728 Worksucks - Make Work, Work Yusuf Mahomedy Founder

Start, Build & Grow your Business without the pain. +27 (0)11 642 0834 +27 (0)84 581 4922 yusuf.mahomedy@gmail. com Innovation Management systems Accenture Ms. Hayley Walters Accenture Leadership Job Description: South African lead for Operations and heads up Innovation and Capital Projects in Africa. +27 (0)11 208 3242 +27 (0)82 858 7991 hayley.walters@accenture. com Blank Canvas International (BCI) Suzette Heydenreich Marketing Director Innovation for Sustainability. +27 (0)72 774 2206 Intellectual Property Margo Intellectual Property Darren Margo Managing Director A dedicated specialist, equally, in the demanding disciplines of IP law, taxation and technology. +27 (0)11 268 2113 National Intellectual property Management Office (NIPMO) Letlhogonolo Metsileng Marketing and communication To promote and manage the objects of the IPR-PFRD Act, 2008 (Act no. 51 of 2008).

+27 (0)12 844 0222 +27 (0)72 064 6812 spoor & Fisher Lodewyk Cilliers Partner Spoor & Fisher is a specialist, full service international intellectual property (IP) law firm. +27 (0)12 676 1045 Marketing and media BDFM Publishers Peter Bruce Editor in Chief & Publisher Business Day is a national daily newspaper in South Africa, published from Monday to Friday and also available as an e-paper. +27 (0)11 280 5501 Jenni Newman Public Relations (Pty) Ltd Thulaganyo Khensani Mthombeni Account Director One of South Africa’s leading PR and communications companies. +27 (0)11 506 7342 +27 (0)71 886 9188 Mail & Guardian Media Ltd Nthabeleng Mohapi Project Administrator Premier source of fearless and independent news, information and entertainment through multimedia platforms. +27 (0)11 250 7300 +27 (0)82 309 3502 Primedia Aki Anastasio

MC South Africa’s leading media group. +27 (0)11 506 3492 +27 (0)83 634 4707 Young Entrepreneurs Media Platform South Africa Mashokane Mahlo Director Celebrating and endorsing the future leaders of today - the inspired, empowered and the dreamer. +27 (0)11 943 1177 +27 (0)76 128 9726 open Innovation Stefan Lindegaard Author, Speaker and Strategic Advisor Focusing on open innovation, innovation culture and communication for innovators. +45 (0)40 53 99 30 Research Institute for Innovation and Sustainability Audrey Verhaeghe CEO Innovation Enablement. +27 (0)12 844 0670 +27 (0)82 578 0728 Social & developmental innovation City of Tshwane Bridgette Morris Director: Innovation Centre Sustainably enhancing the quality of life of all people in Tshwane through a developmental system of local government and rendering efficient, effective and affordable services.

+27 (0)12 358 2421 +27 (0)76 084 4014 bridgetteMo2@tshwane. mLab Derrick Coetzee CEO A mobile applications development laboratory that supports innovators and entrepreneurs in building their mobile ideas to maximum impact, and encourages and supports government in enhancing service delivery through the mobile channel. +27 (0)83 333 6377 SA Innovation Summit (PTY) LTD Jonathan Darker Executive Premier Innovation event in Southern Africa. +27 (0)12 844 0674 +27 (0)71 216 4521 jonathan@ SAINE – The Southern African Innovation Network Linda Swart National Coordinator A platform for innovation in South Africa. +27 (0)12 844 0672 +27 (0)82 568 2127 Southern Africa Innovation Support Programme Thiru Swettenham Programme Coordinator Supporting collaboration between the innovation systems of African countries in order to create a positive impact on economic and social development in the region. +27 (0)0264 61 2072763 +27 (0)0264 85 1242850

+27 (0)12 844 0674 @innovsummit /SAInnovationSummit

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