LiNK nr. 36 1st of April 2013

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‘The Anniversary ’ edition

1st of April 2013

L NK Nr.35

Local Life

Updated Program of Youth Centre [page 7-8] Future Activities & Μικρές Αγγελίες [page 9-10] K.A.NE. - all about the organization [page 11-14] Overview of anniversary party [page 19-22]

Special Reports

Greek Volunteer on EVS

Local Volunteers

Past & Present

Interview with founder of K.A.NE. & Youth Centre of Kalamata [page 15-18] Article about Greek volunteer’s EVS in Rome [page 23-24]

Full list of Local Volunteers of Youth Centre [page 25-52] Retrospect of 5 years of EVS volunteers in K.A.NE. (69 volunteers) [page 53-76]

Editor: Taaniel Stoitsev

European Volunteers: Bjartur Steingrímsson Diana Dias Dorian Agnel Gianluca Barbin Ieva Medinyte Ines Dupont Miault Irene Pena Herranz Jelena Scepanovic Kaja Napotnik Leonard Pristl Loic Marchand Manuela Gascon Marisa Carvalho Sandra Coelho Taaniel Stoitsev



Staff members of KANE: Filaretos Vourkos Fotini Arapi Georgia Giannakea Antzela Lenakaki


Contact us:

K.A.NE., Social Youth Development Youth Centre of Kalamata Plateia Othonos 10 Kalamata 24100 Greece e-mail:; url:

(K.A.NE.’s web is back in action) facebook page:


oday is the birthday of the

the 50% of youth unemployment, of

Youth Centre of Kalama-

the identity and community crisis,

ta and of K.A.NE. As you might

youth are starting to believe that they

know K.A.NE. was created on the

cannot make dreams. They are almost

1st of April 2008 and the Youth

convinced that they cannot change

centre, exactly one year later.

anything and they are adopting the

Our motto for this year is: Go to

pessimism and the lack of motiva-

sleep with a dream, wake up with

tion the news are spreading every day.

a purpose! Having a dream is the

The “grown-ups”, all these people who

most important thing in life, es-

think that they are old enough to know

pecially for the youth. What is

everything, are just telling them; “Try

the most important, though, is to

to find a job, no matter how badly it

make your dream a purpose. And

pays, and keep it, because you can’t do

that what the Youth Centre of

anything else” and “dreams are for the

Kalamata actually is. A dream,

stupid”. I so dislike those people. And

which became a purpose... an vivid

I dislike them because I know that it is

example of how people can be de-

not true.

termined, overpass all difficulties and create something nice

All this negative atmosphere is the rea-

for their community.

son that this year we decided to initiate activities in order to enhance the pos-

This period in Greece of the crisis, of

itive attitude of the people and use the

example of the Youth Centre to prove that everything

threatening us and accusing us as anti-systemic, the

Closing, I would like to thank all the people who

is possible. Why? Hmmm... the Youth Centre of Ka-

central right and left were quite snobs because they

trusted the youth centre of Kalamata since the be-

lamata is now a big youth structure, with a group of

couldn’t control it and the left was accusing us for be-

ginning and supported it to become what it is now,

60 volunteers and 2000 members. It offers on a dai-

ing systemic... all these without even knowing what

Daniel, Totya and Jeronimo, with whom we painted

ly basis several workshops, 50 in total per week, and

the YC is. Later on, when the Youth Centre started

the first place, Georgia who published the Y.C. in the

many external activities in the sociocultural area. But

being more accepted by the community and some

front page of Epikairotita newspaper back in 2009,

how did it start and how were the first years?

people saw its potential, many tried to exploit it and

my friend Giannis who suggested the first decoration

make profit out of it. Some others accused it that it

of the Y.C., my family for supporting me when ev-

The Youth center was born in a small place in Koutso-

offers things for free and created problems because

erything seemed to be “black” and Katerina for be-

mitopoulou street. One big room and a second very

of that, as if everything in life should be bought or

ing always there for me. Without them, maybe the

small one. That’s all. We had to work, make work-

sold. In parallel, we went through very serious finan-

“negative energy” could stop this project since its be-

shops, meetings, parties etc... everything in this small

cial problems which brought the Y.C. very close to its

ginning. Of course I would like to thank all of the

place. The only people; the founder and 3 foreign


2000 members, for your support and above all, all the

volunteers prepared the place in just one month and

volunteers who offered even one hour of their time...

started with few workshops. The first reaction of the

Despite all these, the Youth Centre of Kalamata man-

they are the magic ingredient which makes this huge

people? Except the first members who were attend-

aged to survive, to become strong enough and prove

experiment we call Youth Centre of Kalamata full of

ing the workshops, the local community was quite

that if you are committed (and maybe a little stub-

amazing activities!!!

negative. Comments like; “What is it needed for?”,

born) you can convert your dream to a purpose and

“Why you are doing that?”, “Why volunteerism?”, “It

the purpose to action and the action to energy and

will not succeed” and others. On top of that the po-

this energy will bring you new dreams... and the show

litical youth clubs were probably feeling intimidated

goes on!!! Just ignore those who are “obstacles” in ev-

by the openness, the non political and the non reli-

erything new, in everything that someone is doing

gious profile of this project and started creating small

beside them and that they are never reflecting why

problems or just snobbing it. The extreme right was

they are never doing anything in their lives.

THANK YOU!!! Filaretos

Local Life

Program of Youth Centre

(2013 April)

[in English]

Local Life

Future Activities

Μικρές Αγγελίες Y

outh Centre’s announcements:

* BICYCLES Do You happen to have a bike that You don’t use it anymore or is standing in a basement etc. and You don’t need it, then don’t let it get rusty without use & please bring it to Youth Centre - we have many volunteers who would kindly appreciate it! (Seriously, think about it and let us know, it doesn’t have to be perfect, just bike that is possible to bike with!!!) * MEDICINE We support the Social Solidarity Clinic of Kalamata and we invite the members of the Youth Centre to bring from Monday to Thursday between 17:00 and 22:00 any medicine that they do not need anymore. You can also deliver them directly to the Social Solidarity Clinic of Kalamata if it is more convenient for you, which is located near the old hospital of the city of Kalamata. * CHAIRS Strange as it may sound, the Youth Center is in need of chairs! As everything gets older by using it a lot, the chairs in the Youth Center keep breaking down once in a while and our dear volunteers have to move chairs from 1st floor to 2nd & vice versa all day long, in order to accomodate the different workshop. The workshops need chairs for the participants to sit & we don’t have enough to make the volunteer’s life easyer.

<<Μικρές Αγγελίες>> is periodical heading appearing on every LiNK,

that delivers help requests conserning Youth Centre. It is also avaliable for other advertisements & announcements, just let Us know during Youth Centre opening hours or writee-mail:

Local Life

Article by: Fotini



A.NE. is a Youth organization, active

es, youth initiatives, social, cultural and educational

successfully collaborating with local, regional and

mainly in local and regional level and

projects, etc., in line with the values of UNESCO’s

international organisations and public bodies.

implementing youth development projects. It

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD),

is based in the city of Kalamata, in the south

focusing mainly on Cultural Education, Gender

Social Youth Development (K.A.NE.) has long ex-

of Greece. Kalamata is the capital of Mes-

Equality and Sustainable Urbanisation.

perience in hosting international volunteers and in preparing and sending volunteers from Greece

sinia, a region known for its amazing natural beauty –as it combines perfectly the sea

These projects are open to all young people, most-

in other countries. More specifically, since 2008

with the Taygetos mountains- but also faces

ly aged between 16 and 30, with a focus on young

K.A.NE. has hosted 79 volunteers from all over Eu-

problems common in many rural regions (i.e.

people with fewer opportunities. Of course, due to

rope and has send 16 Greek volunteers abroad un-

lack of employment opportunities, cultur-

the main aims of our existence we focus more on lo-

der the Youth in Action –European Voluntary Ser-

al, educational and other leisure activities,

cal youngsters, trying to support their personal de-

vice (EVS) programme.

sense of isolation).

velopment through training, non-formal education and intercultural activities. The EVS volunteers that we host come from very

Since its establishment in 2008, K.A.NE. participates in, implements and promotes activities on a

The organisation has already created 2 youth struc-

different backgrounds and according to their skills,

local, regional and international level such as train-

tures; the Youth Centre of Kalamata and the Kala-

experiences and needs, assist in the implementation

ings, seminars, network meetings, youth exchang-

mata Street Festival. Additionally, now

of a variety of projects in our organisation and in other local organisations with which we cooperate, such as the Day Care centre for children with autism, the Centre of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation for People with Disabilities of Kalamata, the

Local Life



Therapeutic Horse Riding Project “Promise� and with Farma Fifa Permaculture. Moreover, the EVS volunteers are also assisting in the organization, development and implementation of new ideas and workshops in the Youth Center of Kalamata. It is the main structure that was initiated in 2009 from KANE and involves both local and international volunteers. Every year there are 4 international volunteers that assist in the organization and the smooth operation of the youth centre. They are also urged to use their imagination and creativity to create new projects, take initiatives and become more integrated in the local society. They share their passion and their time with other local people that want to learn traditional dances, latin, tai chi, video art, music, guitar, percussion etc. For more information you can visit our website: and our volunteers blog:

Special Reports

Interviewers: Taaniel & Antzela Interviewee: Filaretos

Interview with founder of K.A.NE. & Youth Centre of Kalamata Filaretos Vourkos - What

while, we became one big international company and I

thing anyway”. But growing up I just felt that I have to

found myself talking with this beautiful girl from Po-

find other ways to achieve change but still believing that

land... about EVS! I had no idea about this programme

I can do it. Additionally I had to prove my best friend

I studied Power Technology

and I was lucky to meet a person working already in this

(and all these people who are like him) wrong... K.A.NE.

engineering in the technical

field (she was a youth worker back home). I was fascinat-

is my way of fighting for a change in the world... and it

univercity of Athens.

ed! Next morning, well... around 13:00, I googled it and

seems that it is working. In the end of the day, I always

I spend my whole day in front of the computer learning

wanted to establish something innovative at my home-

about youth work. That was it. I’ve got the virus. After


did you studied

and where

- How

it happened that



are a youth work-

er now?

a year I attended my first international seminar and the job of the youth worker was more clear in my mind...

- Non-formal education is not as recognized as formal education in Greece, would you say what

I didn’t find this job... the job found me! During my stay in Athens, back in 2004, after the university, I was work-

- From

ing as an engineer. After a couple of years already I was

K.A.NE. ?

mal education?

ey was very good I was thinking of making a change.

Being an activist, I’ve always believed that every person

Non formal education is not recognised as formal educa-

At this period, I had some friends that were doing their

should be active in the way he/she can in order to keep

tion is, anywhere in Europe. Formally all member states

Erasmus at Panteion university. 6 people from Spain, Po-

society free and democratic. Participating in many pro-

have adopted laws for the recognition of non formal

land, France and Italy. One night, we were having a par-

tests and activist actions I was struggling to prove that

learning but the truth is that people don’t know about it

ty under the Acropolis with sangria, some guitars and a

people can achieve change. I still remember arguing with

and they don’t have access to non formal education ac-

beautiful full moon. Next to us another company of EVS

my best friend about that. He was saying; “you will grow

tivities. In Greece non formal learning is extensionally

volunteers. As it happens always in these cases, after a

up and you’ll forget about all these, you can’t change any-

used in second chance schools, in technical high schools

where you got the idea to establish

is it


what are the positive sides of non-for-

starting to get bored of this job and although the mon-

Special Reports and other educational facilities. In these we have to

- What

add many youth organisations working with Youth in

centre of

gave you inspiration to create youth


your mind, keeps you always interested. However the motivation comes from the results of our work and the inspiration directly from the people!

Action Programme which is the only Programme in European union which is directly targeting NFE. As

All started when I was 15 years old. Back then I creat-

you know, K.A.NE. has as main policy, the recognition

ed a music company working with new music bands

- Could

of NFL and the youth work. The main positive side of

and releasing music compilations and demo albums

outcomes of

NFE is that it gives educational opportunities to people

in local and international level. Having contact with

who would never re-enter the formal educational sys-

bands from Mexico to Japan and from Russia to Can-

The two main outcomes of our work in K.A.NE., are

tem or they don’t have access to it. But I will not anal-

ada, opened my horizons and my view of the world.

the Youth Centre and the Street Festival of Kalamata.

yse it more, as we will need few pages...

The Youth Centre of Kalamata is actually the evolution

2 youth structures which are trying to change the view

of a teenager’s dream. Then, I wanted to create a place

of the city and put its community in the map of active

where local bands will be able to experiment with mu-

citizenship. In parallel many local youth had the op-

sic, record their albums, music cafe etc. Growing up,

portunity to travel and participate in training courses

10 years later, and after experiencing youth work, this

abroad, gaining life experiences and friends from all

I attended several training courses organised by SALTO-

dream became more open and extended, including all

around Europe.

YOUTH resource centers (

kinds of arts, culture and learning opportunities for the

including the one year training of trainers. But most of

youth of the city... and here it is!!!

- Can you enlighten us with your future plans?

veloping my skills and knowledge on this issue. And

- Which

Beside achieving the sustainability of the Youth Cen-

as you need to be always innovative, you need to be

you going?

- As

you are certificated non-formal educa-

tion trainer, how did you become one?

you give us some examples of positive

K.A.NE. ?

all is a personal learning path. Every experience is deare the motivative factors that keep

always updated, reading a lot and developing your own educational material.

tre and working towards the recognition of youth work in Greece I think that my main plan is to take a year

For me everything is experimentation. When you are

break from what I am doing now and initiate a devel-

doing something new, you have no idea how it will be

opment project in Africa. Maybe I will manage to do it

in few months. Having this question mark always in

in 2014/15.

Local Life

Haaappy Biiirthday to youuu, haaappy biiirthday to youuu, HAAAPPY

Article by: Manuela

Anniversary party 30.03.13


or a few years, April is the most important month in Kalamata, Messinia and Greece’s everyday life, for sure! And you know why? Because

it’s the month of 2 big birthdays! Indeed, this year in 2013, the Social Youth Development organization K.A.NE is celebrating its 5 years old!! Already??? Yes, time is passing so fast! And we realize that the wonderful day that was the 1st of April 2008 is far. It is amazing to look behind now, and to realize how things have grown up so fast, and so well! Besides, the 1st of April 2013 is also the day celebrating the 4 years of existence of the Youth Centre of Kalamata. Even if it’s just 4 years old, it has also grown up in an incredible way. Can you imagine that 4 years ago, the Youth Center was opening its doors for the 1st time, and was starting its first year of activities and workshops with a few members registered. Today, in April 2013, we have nearly 2,000 members registered, and every month more and more workshops are created.

Local Life

For these two important events we organized on Saturday, the 30th of March,

uh girls?!

a huge party in the Youth Center. Too many things happened during this amazing night that I am not sure to be able to make a fair summary of the

• the time for speeches came - from Filaretos, Fotini and Georgia of


course, and also from us - volunteers. We presented ourselves (in Greek, yes!) and thanked everybody for being there. We blew the birthday ‘candles all to-

First of all, the Youth Center was over-crowded! You could see people every-

gether, such an emotion, youhou!

where in the building! Inside, outside, on the balconies, on the dance floor, on the sofas, at the café…everywhere!

• then, the 2 two impressive cakes –one chocolate and one strawberry–

cut by the staff (Fotini and Filaretos) and given to the guests by the volunteers. Plenty of small events happened during the party:

Some silent minutes followed this moment because of all the mouths were full

of cake.

• first of all, a big screen was settled in a corner of the dancing room.

Many pictures were showed during the first part of the party. By this way, we had an overview of the recent events organized by K.A.NE. and by the Youth

Center such as seminars, training courses, Carnival parade, parties, dinners…

been turned louder and the dance floor has been invaded till the end of the

• finally, the dancing party has been announced opened, the music has


• later, we had a very nice concert of 3 European volunteers: Inès play-

ing guitar, ukulele and singing, Kaja singing, and Sandra playing percussions.

Well, if I have to keep just a few things in mind, it would be around the fol-

They played 4 English songs, and everybody has noticed that they were closed

lowings: happiness, crazy, funny. And Thank you, to K.A.NE. as well as to the

to perfection since to the long hours of rehearsal they had (I live with one of

Youth Center, otherwise I wouldn’t be there to write this article! Happy Birthday

them, I can testify!). The public enjoyed this small concert a lot and I think I’ll

and Long live them!

get everybody’s agreement if I ask for more concerts within the next months,

Greek Volunteer on EVS

Article by: Κonstantina Drakatou

EVS in ROME EU’GO Study Visit in Rome


emember all the things in your life that you were expected to happen and they didn’t and all the things that you didn’t expect and they happen”.

Used to say my gradmother. Spending a year in Rome, wasn’t something that I was planning a lot time ago, but I may say it was spontaneous and followed by instinct. Things turn up very quickly: sending my CV to KANE for a vacant EVS placement, getting accepted, travelled to Kalamata to meet the organization and the people and taking a flight to Rome happened in less than 2 months ( well, as August in Greece is more a holiday-month I can say in one month).

ly! I had to understand what is this 2 year programme that is running, promote the event, create and print fliers, invitations, booklets and assist in every way to the organization of this visit. Learn to work under tension? Done! Taking part in the Study Visit and meet some of the most beautiful urban gardens in Rome? Done! Soon after the Visit, there was a youth exchange in a small village just outside Rome that was going to happen. Soon I also learned what is a youth exchange, how is it organized, what logistics has to be done and I was lucky enough to participate in the 3-day preparatory visit. In the next months, of 2012 things became more calm, I had time to visit the city not like tourist but like a ‘Romano’ good and bad points, interested and boring placed to visit, make friends and meet other EVS volunteers. Because, real Rome isn’t Colosseo or Via del Corso with the Gucci and Dolce& Gabbana shops; even not the expensive restaurants. 2013 has started and I realize that unfortunately I am in the second half of my project. Likely I assisted in the initially writing phase of a project (Work under tension Round.2) and after my on-arrival-training I had some good ideas for projects to develop. Nowadays, I am still working on the European Urban Garden (EU’GO project), I am organizing to be a youth leader in a youth exchange in Portugal and getting ready for my Mid-Term Evaluation training in North Italy. On arrival traing , Rimini

The good feeling that I had about this experience maybe was born from the plenary of emails and information that I had received and the fact that when I arrived 2 staff member from the hosting organization were waiting for me in the airport (unfortunately my tutor was in Greece at that time, but later I forgive him for his absence). They presented it me my room, the public transports, the office…they even told me were to buy cheap vegetables! It took me more than one month to adjust to the new environment and to understand some basic Italian. They inten- Thinking about the most valuable things that sive language courses that I had of course helped me in order to be able to properly EVS has by far provide me can be knowledge!… order a cappuccino and a ‘’cornetto’’. or no intercultural learning!…or no communication skills! ..or no a new language! But no..I Meanwhile, as my hosting organization , Cemea Del Mezzogiorno is an interna- think the most important thing that I have in tional office that works with European programs, shortly after my arrival a Study my EVS is the people that I have met. .. Visit of a Grundtvig programme about Urban Gardens happened in Rome. Quick-

Local Volunteers

Local Volunteers

Thank You all for making Youth Centre as it it today!

Hi there! I’m Vassiliki, a tangoholic salsamaniac. I was born and raised is Kalamata, but feel a citizen of the world really, as my studies and work in translation and E.U. project management quite early emerged me in a multiethnic environment. Favourite pastimes? Well, in my childhood, as every self-respecting little girl, I engaged in some typically girly activities, such as rhythmic gymnastics, ballet and foreign languages, but also added one of my own: beating up little boys (sorry, but boys don’t seem all that cute when you’re seven). Growing up, I grew increasingly fond of boys, so gave up the “fighting” part and concentrated on nobler activities such as tai-chi, fitness and most of all dancing. Until, one day I discovered Argentine Tango and fell madly in love with it. I have been leading the tango workshop at the Youth centre with my friend Christos since the spring of 2011.

Hello, I am Panagiota Arapi and since last October I am fine!!! Why? I am a mentor to fantastic people from all over Europe, I attend amazing workshops given by people who want to share something they love, I participate in crazy indoor and outdoor activities throughout the city ...i.e. ... I am a volunteer and a member of the amazing Youth center of Kalamata group :D Αdd to that producing activities with happy and enthusiastic friends to get creatively occupied with our little creatures and it’s … magic!!

Alexandra Mantzari – Contemporary Dance

Hello! My name is Anastasia Tzavara. I was born and raised in Athens, but I have lived in Kalamata for nearly 8 years now. After my own experience decentralization is something that I definitely recommend to a lot of people independent of their age! At Kalamata’s Youth Center I attend Sign language courses, which are very interesting and I am also a mentor for the third consecutive year, because I really appreciate the work that is being done at the Youth Center, the whole team participating in it, and also because I believe that volunteering is quite valuable, especially during this harsh period. Well done guys!!!

Xenia Kozompoli – Creative Occupation for Children

Ali Husseini– Arabic Language Lessons

Hi, my name is Anna Giourga. I like to explore, to create, to share… I started as a member of the Youth Centre… hmmm, sounds interesting… I wonder what it is… The continuation is, of course, more interesting as I discovered my abilities, special people, innovative activities… and this is just the beginning. This year, together with other volunteers, I put my own mark on the Creative Occupation for Children workshop. I hope that each small action will become a motive for a more beautiful world. Happy Birthday, Youth Centre!

Hello! My name is Athanasia Mathiopoulou and I am 25 years old. I studied Biology and I have done master in Environmental Sciences. The last year I am volunteer at the Youth Center as I do the yoga workshop and I am also the mentor of an EVS volunteer. I like travelling, meeting new people and smiles!:D

Chara Panopoulou – Sign language for beginners

Hi, my name is Chrisa Kaouni. I am 27 years old and I was born in Kalamata. I studied Law in Athens and almost 2 years ago I returned to Kalamata to work as an advocate. I also studied Cultural Managment at Hellenic Open University. I am a volunteer in the Youth Center of Kalamata and I lead the percussion workshop for the second year now. I enjoy volunteering very much because it makes me feel useful to others and also gives me the opportunity to practise my hobbies. I hope everyone enjoys the workshops as much as me.

Christos Dardamanis – German Language Lesson

Christos Ioannou – Hip-Hop workshop

Hi My name is Christos Diakoumeas. I was born at Kalamata in 1964. I have studied in Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science in the University of Athens, specializing in Volleyball. Since 1990, I have been working at school as sports teacher and also as trainer for volleyball teams. In 1997 I made my first steps in Tango Argentino and until today I am in love with the dance and the music. I am offering the tango workshop in the Youth Centre, with my friend Vassiliki.

My name is Dimitris Georgopoulos and I’m feeling fine. Two years ago, I left Athens and came to Kalamata looking for quality of life. During my search I found Kalamata’s Youth Center and I thought... hmm... I might fit! And what a match! Through the KYC I have found my friends and a place to express myself! I immediately volunteered and I take part in the organization team of various events, I repair and service the bicycles of the KYC and I am a mentor of EVS volunteers. Cheers!

Dimitris Michalakis – plays piano for the choir

Elena Douroumi – make up

Elena Kakotylimenou– Assistance in the day-to-day running of the Youth Centre

Eva Zigouri – painting

My name is Evi Chronopoulou and I am a mathematician. This year, I am for the second time the mentor of one of the foreign volunteers of the Youth Centre. I am very happy that I am part of this creative team!

Hi! I am Fotini Lekka and I am a volunteer in the Youth Centre since 2011. I lead the Greek Sign Language workshop for Beginners. I would like to follow also the rest of the workshops, but lack of time makes it impossible. What is certain is that through these years I have gained wonderful experiences and have met people with whom we are now connected by friendship, even outside Greece. The Youth Centre of Kalamata gave a fresh breath to the city of Kalamata. It is a memorable experience for everyone! You are welcome to join us!

Hi, my name is Fouli Lagiou and from the beginning, I am Filaretos’ slave in the Youth Centre. I’m the “spastic” who grumbles for perfection! And I also try to help in informing people about the Centre. I believe that volunteerism first of all, helps yourself and like Joey (“Friends”) had said: It is a love based on giving and receiving as well as having and sharing. And the love that they give and have is shared and received. And through this having and giving and sharing and receiving, we too can share and love and have ... and receive.

Μy name is Georgia Mavrea. I was raised in Kalamata. I studied Musicology at the University of Athens. I also love the libraries, the museums, dancing, and learning new languages. I like very much the Youth Center of Kalamata and I am glad it exists.

Giorgos Theophanidis - Bouzouki

Hello, I am Giorgos Chousenbelli and I am a 19 years old student (single). I am in the Youth Centre, since 2010, participating in the Latin dance workshop and in the year 2012-13, I became one of the leaders of this workshop together with Maria.

Aloha!!! I am Ilias Krompas and i am coming from a beautiful town named Kalamata. I am 27 years old and I like travelling, drinking coffee, being with children, to offer, parties, creativity and dance!!! In order to fulfil my desires I decided to participate at the youth centre since September as instructor of the workshops of contemporary dance with Alexandra Mantzari and at the workshop creative occupation for children with a lovely dream team. Additionally i am a mentor of a wonderful French girl. The youth centre for me is a way in order to be active and creative in my town and at same time to communicate and to react with the people of the town and especially young people!!

Katerina Nikolaiou – Creative Occupation for Children

Konstantinos Atmatzidis – general assistance

Γειά σας, my name is Leonidas Papadopoulos and I am from Kalamata. I studied Cinematography and I worked quite some years as a professional in Athens, but I missed my hometown and living close to nature so much that I decided to return and live here. I guess that 13 years of Tai Chi practise and meditation influenced this decision. I am happy to have the Tai Chi workshop in the Youth Center, as it gives an opportunity for people to experience and enjoy a rare art that helps us exercise with our body and inner self, making us more calm and happy. This year, apart from Tai Chi, I am also offering the Cinema Technique Workshop in the Youth Centre. See you at the lessons.

Lukas Mpousounis – General Assistance

Ηiii! I’m Manos Zachariadis and I’m on the third year of my Studies in the Speech Therapy faculty. For three years now I’m spending my time at YC every week! In the first two years I took classes (spanish, german, arts, sign language, salsa) and I also participated in a Shadow Theatre and the first Musical parody that YC organised! This year I’m for the first time a volunteer myself in the Creative occupation for children and i also learn Serbian with Jelena. My experience in YC has changed me very positively and it is really hard for me to think about my students life without YC here in Kalamata!! One of the best things that YC offered me is meeting all these volunteers with some of whom I still keep good contact :)

Hello! I’m Margarita Mitropoulou and I ‘m 20 years old. I come from here, I grew up in Athens but fate brought me to study in homeland. Of course this has proved very good for me because here I can do things I would like to surely easier than everywhere else. Youth center of course helps me to this because it gives me the chance to join groups as a volunteer or not. There I can be with my adorable kids, I can meet a lot of people from different countries, and I do dance lessons which help me be myself. Opa!! In the YC I learn things, I become a better person and I hope to continue being there because it gives color to my student’s life!!!

Hello there!:)I’m Maria Delimpaltadaki,I’m 27 years old and I come from Crete.I hate closed minds,rudeness and hasty work!I love children and young people, interesting conversations and dance!!I’ve been a volunteer in the Youth Center since 2010, helping organizing many different activities but basically as initiator of the Salsa workshop, which I adore!!I feel very lucky and grateful for being part of this team-company.. and I wish the same to you!;)See you around!

Maria Papadopoulou– Experiential Groups

Maria Mantziori – Creative Occupation for Children

Hello! My name Mariliana Diamantaki and I’m 26 years old. I come from Kalamata, but i was living away for years studying in Thessaloniki. Last year i came back and i try to discover again my hometown. At the Youth Center i found many nice people and many interesting activities! This year i participate in the group of “Creativity Occupation for Kids” in the center and I’m excited!! I hope we can manage to keep the Youth Center alive and active for many years to come because for all of us it is an island of freedom!

Marina – Creative Occupation for Children

Hello, my name is Milky, and I am not a volunteer of the Youth Center. My father helps, instead, by cleaning the mess I cause, healing “ill” computers and taking out various responsibilities. He takes part in a handful of workshops, having the chance to broaden his knowledge on subjects that interest him. He gets in touch with people who share the same interests as he does, as well. For the above reasons and the fact that the Youth Center offers a multicultural and animal-friendly environment, in my doggy opinion, the role of the Youth Center is very important in the local community.

Mpampis Maniatis– self defense for women

Hi!My name is Niki Nikolopoulou! I participate in the Youth Center by teaching Greek to foreigners. My participation began in 2011,when i attended some workshops for the first time. This year however I joined the Center more actively, I met interesting and special people from all over the world ,i enriched my skills but mainly I ‘ m part of an innovative idea and team which gives life and perspective to the city of Kalamata. I wish Youth Center to continue its actions and programmes and making a better world! :)

Hi, my name is Niki Panagiotopoulou. I am 24 years old and I am from Kalamata. I studied Economics in the Panteion University and when I finished university I came back to my home town. I am a volunteer in the Youth Centre, being a mentor for three EVS volunteers (2 last year and one this year). In February 2013, I became myself an EVS volunteer and I am not in Graz, Austria working in a Youth Centre. I enjoy the opportunity to meet and speak with young people from different countries, to discover new cultures, this is something I find very interesting!!!

Nikos Mpousounis Hello. I am Nikos and I am on fire!

Nikos Periklakis - Capoeira

Hi! I am Odysseas Fotopoulos and I am a volunteer in the Youth Centre, teaching guitar for children, teenagers and adults. I got to know the Youth Centre from my friends and from the various events of the centre. I think it’s an amazing place where different cultures can meet and communicate with each other.

Hello, my name is Olga Sopasi and I am 28 years-old. I live in Kalamata and I volunteer in the Youth Centre for the past 2 years, leading the traditional dance workshop and following other workshops. I started learning Greek traditional dances when I was very little and I am very happy that through the Youth Centre I have the possibility to share my knowledge with others and to transfer the energy that these dances have. I wish that we continue this way and that the Youth Centre will always be full of people with positive energy and willingness for the best! Happy Birthday to us!

Villy Potari – choir and general assistance

Panagiotis Tendes – painting

Paris Koumoundourou & Renia Dimopoulou – Swing

Semina – Creative Occupation for Children

Hi everyone!!! My name is Sofia Kostea, 27 years old from Kalamata, and I’m a volunteer and a “student” in the Youth Centre for 3 years now! :D This experience has given me so many opportunities: socialising with new people, learning about other cultures and exchanging ideas with young people. Each time I enter the Centre, I feel like a brand new person, full of freedom. As a mentor, I can only advice you to be part of the move and become one of us… there’s so much to gain and absolutely nothing to lose!! We are waiting for you… ;)

Hi. My name is Sotiria Lagiou and I for the second year now, I lead the sign language workshop at the Youth Centre of Kalamata. I am 26 years old and I live in Kalamata. I am interested in various things. Kisses!

Stauroula Mpardounioti– Theatre workshop


We are Sylvia and Ralf Moeffer, 54 and 55 years old. We studied have studied accountancy and insurance. We heard about the Youth Center in November 2012 through a Polish girl, and thought why not! Now we teach German in the Youth Center and we also learn Greek. We love this place; it’s very good and has social perspectives. We believe that it’s fantastic to give your free time to help the community with social problems. By volunteering, people offer their energy and transmit it to others.

Stella Dionisopoulou – Creative Occupation for Children

Tasos Spiliotopoulos

Past & Present

Retrospect of 5 years of K.A.NE. EVS volunteers, Erasmus & Leonardo Interns from 2008 to 2012

Veronique, France

Victor, France

Volkan, Turkey

Andrii, Ukraine

Angelina, France

Antonia, Austria

Artus, France

Astrid, France

Bozidar, Serbia

Celine, Belgium

Daniel, Portugal

Diana, Portugal

Ece, Turkey

Elisa, Italy

Farhana, Netherlands

Felicitas Germany

Florent, Germany

Gabriella, Spain

Georgia, Italy

Gianluca, Italy

Gulce, Turkey

Helen, Estonia

Hien, France

Hrafnhildur, Iceland

Hugo, France

Jeronimo, Portugal

Katarzyna, Poland

Katya, Ukraine

Kerli Estonia

Killian, France

Kristi, Estonia

Kristina, Estonia


Lea, Germany

Leire, Spain

Lina-Marie, Germany

Lucia Alexandra, Italy

Marcus, Sweden

Mari, Estonia [also Erasmus Enterpreneur in K.A.NE.]

Maria, Estonia

Marie, Germany

Mathilde, France

Michal, Czech Republic

Nicolas, France

Nigel, Ireland

Nina, Germany

Nurdan, Turkey

Rasa, Lithuania

Romain, France

Rudy, France

Sabray, France

Samuel, Spain

Sandra, Denmark

Sandra, Portugal

Sanna, Finland

Sara, France

Sarah, France

Shota, Georgia

Stefano, Italy

Teemu, Finland

ThĂŠophile France

Thomas, Denmark

Valentine, France

Vanessa, France

Vera, Georgia

Verena, Germany

Andre, Portugal [Leonardo da Vinci project]

Eleonora [Erasmus intern]

Kriste [Erasmus intern]

Who We Are

Coucou, my name is Inès, I’m 18 years old and I’m French. I like music, cinema, Kokostavros and playing ukulele. Since October, I work in the Youth Center where I’m teaching french and guitar for children. I will come back to France at the beggining of August, so I’m looking forward to summertime in Kalamata.

Dorian Agnel / 21 / Working as a volunteer in horseriding school with children with disabilities and teach French and Swing dance in youth centre / My project started in September 2012 and will last 1 year

Hi my name is Fotini Arapi and I am project manager at K.A.NE. organisation. I started working here in September 2011 and fell in love with the Youth Centre, its dynamic and most of all its incredible team of foreign and local volunteers! See you around :-D

Loic MARCHAND / 27 / French / likes penguin, origami, Turkish movies and the waffles / volunteer in K.A.NE. Youth Centre from September 2012 to September 2013 >>

Hi everybody! My name is Angela, I am 24 and I come from Creta. Some words about me: I hate sports, I love meeting new people and at this period of my life I am really interested in searching the meaning of life - if by chance you find it, please contact me. This year I am working with the volunteers of the Youth Center and coordinating its projects and activities.

Hello to everyone! My name is Georgia. I am 24 years old and I live in Kalamata. I spent the last 5 years in Athens doing my Bachelor in Management and Business Administration and the last year in the Netherlands continuing my studies for a Master’s degree. I am glad to be back to Kalamata after all those years, especially since I am a new member of “K.A.NE.”. I am happy to be part of this organization

I’m Bjartur and I’m a 20 year old guy from Iceland. I’m an EVS volunteer and I will be working at the youth center in Kalamata for the next 7 months. I’m very interested in Greek culture and history as well as politics and social change. If you have any questions about the frozen north feel free to ask me!

Hi, my name is Marisa Carvalho/ volunteer of Program Leonardo Da Vinci/ 23 years old/ Portuguese. I studied Science of Education and School AdministrationW Some words about me: I like music, cinema, reading, meeting new people.

Hi! I’m TeddyBear! I know I look younger than I am ;) I like to hug people around Youth Center and also I enjoy to work in a office after all people have left! I’m a magic teddybear :) Most of the time I just look around the Youth Center and basically am as cute as I am!! I don’t remember when my “project” started, but I hope to be here at least as long as I already have:)

Who Are We Diana Dias / 23 / Portugal / I am a volunteer at Farma Foifa with Ieva and Kaja and I’m glad to be in Kalamata again! ;)

My name is Irene, I am 27 years old and I am coming from Spain. I studied Classical Philology and one of my dreams was to come to Greece, so here I am! I work at the Youth Center of Kalamata, I am Spanish teacher and I also help with the general organization of the Youth Center and its activities and events. My project started in September 2012 and I will be here until September 2013!

Hi everybody, I’m Alice, I am 25 and I come from Toulouse, in the south of France. I studied sciences of education and I work as an animator with children. I enjoy travelling. I arrived in Kalamata a week ago, and I’ll stay since august. I will work for the horse riding project and for KEKYKAmeA.

Sandra Coelho / 27 / Portugal / likes alternative media, photography, freuds’ dream interpretation, playing guitar, camping, travelling and discovering natures’ magic creations. Working as Leonardo Da Vinci intern at K.A.NE. Youth Center from February to April 2013.

Filaretos Vourkos / Last 7 years I am working in the field of non formal education as a volunteer, youth worker and youth trainer. 4 years ago, I decided to create the Youth Centre of Kalamata, in order to initiate the youth work in Kalamata and promote active citizenship as factor of change.

Gianluca Barbin / 28 / Italian / likes reading narrative and sociological book, running, watch movies, use the bicycle, draw and paint, make manual works and magic tricks / volunteer in Κεντρο Ημερας for the children with autism and in K.A.NE. Youth Centre for the italian lessons, from October 2012 to April 2013

Manuela Gascon / 23 years old / France / I like music, volley-ball, wine, cinema, laughing, long nights with my friends, eating watermelons / volunteer in the Youth Center – organization and communication of Miden Festival / From September 2012 to August 2013 :)

Jelena Scepanovic / 27 / Montenegro / volunteer in K.A.NE. Youth Centre from November 2012 to November 2013

Ieva Medinytė / 19 / Lithuania / interests: nature, learning, exploring (places, people, myself) / Volunteer at Farma Fifa (Αγρόκτημα Φοίφα): helping with daily farm maintenance and supporting ongoing projects (permaculture education, re:think, etc.) / September 2012 – June 2013

Leonard Pristl / 18 / I love going for skiing in the winter, I love the white mountains and the nature but I also fell in love with the sea and the beaches here / I work in ΚΕΦΙΑΠ Μεσσηνίας from January 2013 to January 2014 as a EVS volunteer.

Who We Are

Taaniel Stoitšev / 20 / Estonian / likes nature, different music, meaningful conversations and biking & much more to be honest / volunteer in K.A.NE. Youth Centre with e-structures - from September 2012 to September 2013

Kaja Napotnik / 22 / Slovenia / likes long walks, reading, dancing, volunteering and eating chocolate / volunteer at Farma Fifa on the project “Natural farming and environmental awarness” / from October 2012 to August 2013

Thank You for Your time! Next issue will be launching soon :)

If You have any recommendations concerning LiNK, please don’t hesitate to let us know []! Enjoy ..

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, anvd the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. The volunteers responsible for this publication are hosted in Greece in the framework of the European Youth in Action programme, Action 2- European Voluntary Service.

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