L IN K Nr.37
of April 2013
ic n i l m C ng a i y r t t s g i ro idar ntere eople ... P l P re New ial So with I o m ch Soc rviews u m e d t n n I A
Editor: Taaniel Stoitsev Coordinator: Bjartur Steingrimsson
European Volunteers: Bjartur SteingrĂmsson Diana Dias Dorian Agnel Gianluca Barbin Ieva Medinyte Ines Dupont Miault Irene Pena Herranz Jelena Scepanovic Kaja Napotnik Leonard Pristl Loic Marchand Manuela Gascon Marisa Carvalho Sandra Coelho Taaniel Stoitsev
Staff members of KANE: Filaretos Vourkos Fotini Arapi Georgia Giannakea Antzela Lenakaki
Contact us:
K.A.NE., Social Youth Development Youth Centre of Kalamata Plateia Othonos 10 Kalamata 24100 Greece e-mail: evstaaniel@gmail.com; info@ngokane.org url: http://www.kentroneon.wordpress.com
(K.A.NE.’s web is back in action) facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/kentroneon
foreword by Filaretos After a whole month of celebration for
will host 150 people from abroad, plus
the 4 years of the Youth Centre of Ka-
all those who will come from all over
lamata and the 5 years of K.A.NE. we
are now ready to go for the Easter holidays. During this month, we’ve creat-
Remember that the participation call
ed a video, we’ve presented the results
is still open and everyone who is in-
of the workshops, we’ve donated blood
terested in presenting any activity can
and of course we had a perfect concert
still apply to the email: info@ngokane.
and a party with 10 kilos of delicious
org . More information you can obtain
at the webpage: www.streetfestival.gr .
Resting will not last for long... In one
What are we expecting for this year?
week, we are coming back to the organ-
Much more people than the 3500 of last
isation of the 7th Kalamata Street Fes-
year and many more activities which
tival. This is the biggest external activ-
will rock the city for these 3 days... This
ity of our team. A difficult experiment
is the power of true volunteerism!
which started as a small local street festival and became a huge (for Kala-
We need to say no more words but that
mata’s numbers) international festival.
we are expecting all of you to send us
Until now, we are having quite good
your proposals, your ideas and your
news; Graffiti and hip-hop artists will
participation! In the end of the day, the
come from all over Europe and prob-
Kalamata Street Festival comes from
ably during the days of the festival we
the people and belongs to the people!
Local Life
Μικρές Αγγελίες
* BICYCLE Do You happen to have a bike that You don’t use it anymore or is standing in a basement etc. and You don’t need it, then don’t let it get rusty without use & please bring it to Youth Centre - we have many volunteers who would kindly appreciate it! (Seriously, think about it and let us know, it doesn’t have to be perfect, just bike that is possible to bike with!!!)
We support the Social Solida and we invite the members
bring from Monday to Thurs 22:00 any medicine that they
You can also deliver them dir
darity Clinic of Kalamata if it
you, which is located near the of Kalamata.
a moment we are glad to inform that we have new workshops in the Youth a moment also Music Theory, Music Improvisation, English Conversation G
<<Μικρές Αγγελίες>> is periodical heading appearing on every Li
It is also avaliable for other advertisements & announcements, just let U
arity Clinic of Kalamata
Strange as it may sound, the Youth Center is in need
of the Youth Centre to
of chairs! As everything gets older by using it a lot,
sday between 17:00 and
the chairs in the Youth Center keep breaking down
do not need anymore.
once in a while and our dear volunteers have to move
rectly to the Social Soli-
chairs from 1st floor to 2nd & vice versa all day long,
t is more convenient for
in order to accomodate the different workshop. The
e old hospital of the city
workshops need chairs for the participants to sit & we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have enough to make the volunteerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life easyer.
h Centre - Oriental Belly Dance & Muay Thai. Group, Hip-Hop, SwingDance, Tai Chi & Choire are open for more participants!
iNK, that delivers help requests conserning Youth Centre. Us know during Youth Centre opening hours or writee-mail: evstaaniel@gmail.com.
Past & Present
Did you took part of it?
s everyone knows, March
But this party was just the be-
made a deep impression
ginning. Then, on Sunday, we
on our minds...
all gathered on the roof of the Youth Center to drink, to get
Not because there was the Inter-
dressed with angel wings and to
national Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day or Ant-
be psychologically prepared for
zelaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s birthday, but especially for
parading. When we went down
the surprising Carnival !
and walked in the streets to join the heart of the parade, we met
Indeed, for celebrating this event
plenty of people all shouting and
we had first, on Friday 15th , the
dancing. Every groups of the
carnival party at the Youth Cen-
Carnival were waiting along the
ter. A lot a people came dressed
Ipapadis street in an atmosphere
up as really weird characters.
of joy and happiness helped by
You could have noticed a tall guy
tsipouro. After half an hour, we
half disco vampire half Dutch
started to walk on the way and
tourist, the new pope, a Mexi-
then, everything began to be
can man, Dionysus, a facebook
blurred and non-sense... I just
page and a sexy nun...
remember some crazy people, streamers and confetti everywhere.
Ines, Bjartur, Taaniel
Last but not least, we had the opportunity to go to Nedousa to join its traditional carnival which was one of the most surprising event I’ve lived. When we entered the village, three tall and young men spread ash on our faces and we were invited to eat and drink at the villagers’ houses. Then we saw in the village square a ceremony with a fake wedding and funeral. To conclude these really festive days, we held a karaoke party in the mini-bus with we cwent there, and it was possible to hear “Touch me, touch me” once more...
Past & Present
Did you took part of it?
On out last edition of LiNK we gived overview of anniversary party [look more from LiNK nr.36]! Now there is time to look
back for the events that
have happened after the Anniversary party. Did you had chance to take part of some of these? ... To Start at Friday the 5nd of April we had a concert here in the Youth Center by a Jazz/ Blues band. The main floor of the youth center was full as usual, refreshments were served and the band kept the crowd entertained throughout the night.
Friday the 12th of April we had presentation of the workshops in the Kalamata park! Students and volunteers from the youth center participating in many different workshops showed off their skills in everything from salsa and percussion to guitar playing and choir singing. The park was full of people and we hope everyone had a great time.
During Sunday 14th of April there were Greece-wide action day to clean environment called “Let’s Do It”! Also Youth Centre of Kalamata took part of it and helped to make already quite clean Plateia Othonos even more cleaner. With music and positive environment cleaning almost seemed as a holiday, at least the feeling of doing something good! “Let’s Do It” is the movement born in 2008 in a little country of Northern Europe – Estonia. 50.000 people came together to get rid of 10.000 tons of illegal garbage from roadsides, forests and towns, cleaning the entire country in just 5 hours. (more info avaliable in website of Let’s Do It: http://www.letsdoitworld.org)
Greek National Agency info day on 17 about European Programs were held in on Kalamatas hotel, more about it read from page 15.
Past & Present
Did you took part of it?
During 19th of April there were possibility to donate blood right inside of the Youth Centre. More than 30 people came and 17 people were able to give blood! Thank you all of you for the willingness to take part of this action!
The 20th of april we had a one time only, special portuguese dances workshop merged with greek dances as well. Some gracious guest teachers from Portugal came to the youth center to teach traditional portuguese dances and also traditional greek dances were reached. People danced well into the night. + also some live music played in the evening to create even more cozy environment!
Info Day about European Programs The Greek National Agency Foundation for Youth and Lifelong Learning, which manages the European Programmes “Youth in Action & Eurodesk” held an informative event for the European Programmes “Youth in Action & Eurodesk” on Wednesday, the 17th of April 2013 from 10:00 am to 13:00 at Pharae Palace Hotel (Navarinou and Riga Ferraiou street) with the contribution of the organization Social Youth Development.
he main topics that were presented during the event were the European Programmes that are managed by the Foundation for Youth and Lifelong Learning as well as European projects which are related to youth mobility in Europe. Some more topics covered during the event are the “EURES” programme, which was presented by Mrs. Nikolopoulou Stauroula, the Second Chance School, presented by Georgia Gallou, the “Youth
in Action” Programme, the EURODESK programme and the European Youth Card. Social Youth Development organization was presented by the project coordinator Fotini Arapi and there was also a presentation made by an EVS volunteer, Irene, which surprised everybody as she talked about her experience here in Greece as a volunteer and she managed to do the whole presentation in Greek.
Local Life
Program of Youth Cen
Workshops' program of KE
Youth Center is open fro
www.ngokane.org - T TIME
1st floor
17.00 18,00
18.00 19,00
19.00 20.00
Creative occupaction for children 1
2nd floor / big room
Spanish beginners 1
Hip-Hop beginners
20.00 21.00
1st floor
2nd floor /small room
Italian beginners 2
French 1 beginners 1 2
Μusic Spanish German 19.00 Improvisati beginners (advanced) 20.00 on 2
Self Defense for women
Yoga 20.00 beginners 21.00 2
Latin 21.00 beginners 22.00 1
Swing / rock n' roll
21.30 – 23.00 Sign language beginners
Greek for foreigners (beginners)
Greek for foreigners (advanced)
Spanish beginners 3
1 1
1 2
2 2
2 2
Lithuanian Latin 22.00 beginners 23.00 2
2nd floor / big room
Creative occupaction for French 18.00 - children 2 Theory of beginners 19,00 Music 1
Theater workshop 22.00 23.00
2nd floor /small room
Italian Αραβικά 17.00 beginners (προχωρη 18,00 1 µένοι)
Do It Yourself
21.00 22.00
Spanish advanced
2 2
(2013 April)
[in English]
om Monday to Thursday
Tel: (+30)2721110740
1st floor
2nd floor / big room
17.00 18,00
Traditional English dances (Conversat beginners ion Group)
18.00 19,00
Traditional dances advanced
TIME 2nd floor /small room
1st floor
Italian French 17.00 beginners beginners 3 18,00 3
Guitar for 18.00 children 19,00
French 18.00 advanced 3 19,00
Guitar for 19.00 20.00 adults
20.00 21.00
Contempor Guitar for 20.00 ary dance children 2 21.00 2
Latin 21.00 22.00 advanced 1
21.00 22.00
22.00 23.00
Tai Chi
2nd floor /small room
17.00 18,00
Contempor 19.00 ary dance 20.00 1
Tango beginners
2nd floor / big room
Portu19.00 guese 20.00 Advanced
Sign language advanced
Portu20.00 guese 21.00 Beginners
21.00 22.00
Arabic beginners 22.00 Latin German German 22.00 23.00 advanced 2 (advanced) (beginners) 23.00
Cine projection
21.30 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 19.00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 22.30 Sign 20.00 Language Italian (beginners) advanced
Special Reports
We have saved people from hunger, w Greek solidarity facing the destruc
ight now, in Greece, the number of means you can go to the emergency room, unemployed people is close to half a although you will have to pay for a signifi-
million, and 60% of those are youngsters. cant tax, but you will not be assisted in the The birth rate has lowered and child mal- public sector – in treatments or medication nutrition has increased. From 2010 to 2011, – in case of chronic or long-term disease. HIV infections increased 52% and the sui- In July 2011, the Greek government, graticide rate increased 17%. Since 2010 that the fying the bankers, robbed the taxpayers and Human Development Index is decreasing – reformed its’ health system. The European an index built with data regarding health, Commission said that the healthcare reeducation and income, which was growing form is considered a crucial component of without interruption since the 80’s. Will Greece’s efforts to increase the effectiveness we, soon, replace the clichés «Portugal is and efficiency of public spending, adding not Greece» or «Greece is not Ireland» for opportunities to reduce costs significantly, «southern Europe is not Africa?»
without compromising health-care quality.
In Greece, if you are unemployed over one And like this, for the first time in the history year or if you owe money to the government of the Welfare State, long-term unemployed – taxes or an unpaid ticket – you lose the people have to pay for medical assistance. right to the public healthcare system. This Similar to what happens in the United States
we will save them from occupation: ction of the public healthcare system of America, where unemployment and disease together represent a death sentence: a study from the Harvard University, in 2009, concluded that about 45 thousand Americans die every year for lack of treatments. Greece is now below the european average in public health expenditure per capita. OECD reports conclude that the Greek public health expenditure increased in average, per year, 6.1% from 2000 to 2009, but decreased, just from 2009 to 2010, 6.5%. Solidarity actions in this field have therefore grown. There are presently, in the whole country, about 25 solidarity clinics, many of them belonging to municipalities. Most of these clinics were created in the past year, with the aggravation of the crisis and after the healthcare systems’ reform. In Kalamata, in southern Greece, in the Messinia region, I found the Social Solidarity Clinic of Kalamata, born from spontaneous and citizen initiative. It works in the old hospital of Kalamata, with donated equipment and with exclusively volunteer work – secretaries, doctors, nurses, dentists and
social workers. It responds to the needs of citizens excluded from the public structures, like the National Healthcare System or the Social Security, regardless of their nationality. It provides primary medical cares, through the services of Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Ultra-Sounds and Dentist. It has its’ own pharmacy, supplied exclusively by donations, that allows to give the necessary medication to the patients in the moment of their appointment. The Clinic is part of the Social Solidarity Clinics Network, which unites other sibling projects at a national level, as well as doctors and specialists working in the public or private system, that volunteer to reinforce and complement the provided services. In
Special Reports
Kalamata, the Network has about 50 doc- Kalamata is Dr. Poulopoulos. I have seen his tors, 6 private clinics, 7 dentists and 4 pedi- work during a few mornings and met some atricians. When the Clinic cannot respond of his patients: an elderly with renal failure to the needs of a patient, like in the case of in need of regular hemodialysis, a man in specialized exams, surgeries or complicated treatments, the responsible doctors connect with other Network specialists to make sure the patient is submitted to the right procedure, without any cost. One of the volunteer doctors in Internal Medicine in the Social Solidarity Clinic of need of a cardiovascular surgery, a mother with acute depression, a pregnant teenager, another man with diabetes in need for an exam to the coronary arteries. Many other people look just for medication, which they can no longer purchase with the co-participation of the government. Dr. Poulopoulos, that lets me follow his appointments and translates to me his patientsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; worries, has worked in the public hospital for 20 years, in the Nephrology Service, until he swapped the hard working conditions in the public sector for a private clinic and for the volunteer work in the Solidarity Clinic. He accuses the public system
of degenerating and of a dangerous loss of Why volunteer? I think people have to efficiency. The hospitals are full of debts and take things into their own hands. Solwith shortage on doctors, nurses, special- idarity, in these times, is a great struggle for democracy. My real wish is to see ists, equipments or medication. them standing up and fighting back, for their dignity and for their rights. I want to see them participate in this struggle, to prevent fear to push them to fascism. It is worth to note that Golden Dawn, the Greek fascist party, has 10% of the voters and 18 members in the parliament. The rise of fascism in Greece is worrying and is parallel to a dangerous physical and emotional weakness of the general population. The Welfare State, precious to any citizen, has always been crucial for the emigrant people who arrive in very hard life conditions. Right now, Dr. Poulopoulos alerts, many of these people, with no possibilities of preventing or treating diseases, living in poverty, witness health problems that had been solved in the 50â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. Another problem peaks, subtlety, behind the destruction of the Welfare State. Even considering that a small part of the population could afford the private health system, it is deceptive. The private system is a bubble: it seems stronger than
Special Reports
it really is. When the public system fails, there will be no real alternative. Manolis is a radiologist and a volunteer in the Clinic, while he waits for the second part of his internship, in Athens. He has built the patients’ registration system, created and organized the pharmacy. His motivation seems endless - and it is, in his opinion, the fundamental tool for the growth of solidarity and self-organization. He tells me, concerned, if only the private sector survives, health will enter the market logic and will be sold in what conditions and at what prices? How to save a public system we have paid for
and built through generations? How to stop our fellow citizens, and next door neighbors, to suffer from hunger, disease or from an immoral capitalist slavery? Is popular self-organization possible? Dr. Poulopoulos answers me: when Greece was occupied by Germany, the German soldiers took all the food to the battle fronts. To save people from hunger, the Greeks created solidarity committees – that originated the National Liberation Front – and created their own army, Hellas. Their slogan was «we have saved people from hunger, we will save them from occupation».
Local Life
Interviewer: Ines Interviewee: Bjartur
EVS Volunteer you make a little presentation of
“The viking” in his natural habitat
I’m Bjartur, I’m a 20 year old Icelandic guy. I like dogs, some cats, nature, beer and I really really like volunteering. Why
did you choose this project, and
Greece? I was looking to get out of Iceland and experience something new. I knew of the EVS project from a friend of mine and I signed up for a post list of interesting EVS projects. Eventually this one here in Kalamata popped up and I just immediately applied and was eventually accepted to come. It didn’t hurt that I was already really interested in Greece why in
If you had to change something in Greece, what would it be ? I would lower the price of beer. Seriously, I don’t know. I would like to tackle the way people look at the structure of the society, the government etc. Of course Greek people have some good reasons not to trust their politicians, etc, but when the people lack trust in the fundamental institutions that make up their society is has a negative effect on everybody. You
come from the exotic country
called Iceland, do you think that your skin will survive during the summer-
gets too strong I will wear my big black woolen cloak and go hunting for fresh meat. Besides, lying on the beach is no fun anyway, I prefer sleeping in my casket. If
your project was cancelled for any
a cat, vomiting on
tini’s piano etc...), what will you do then?
If my project was cancelled I’d start bartending in Kitaro, or more probably become mayor of Kalamata and reinstate the youth center with a bigger house, a pool and a proper god damn bar. Your Greek lovers would like to know the secret of your natural beauty... What will you answer to them? Eat a lot of corn flakes, smile like an idiot at everyone and have good genes. Mostly just the genes. Let’s
be serious, if you would be a
flower - which one and why? ? This is getting silly. Interview is over now. I am a vampire viking. When the summer sun Thanks for reading! time, or are you anxious about it
Local Life
Interview with a local voluntee
Macwaia Saloum from Tanzania
for Dependent Individuals (KETHEA, from its initials in Greek; Kentro Therapeias Exartimenon Atomon). KETHEA is a self-managed legal entitity of private law and comes under the ausppices of the ministry of health and social solidarity. It’s a Drug Free programme, therapeutic programs do not employ pharmaceutical substances for treatment. My goal was to adopt a new way of life and behaviour and a new value system, which make me able to face life’s challenges and difficulties related to alcohol and drugs. The main point is that I’m back in social What
are you doing here in
It’s exactly four years (16-04-13) since I came here to Kalamata. My decision to come here was a brave decision, because I was an alcoholic and doing hard narcotics. I came to join the Therapy Center
reintegraton or social activation. When
and how did you become in-
volved in the youth center?
I came in contact with the youth center through the therapeutic programme I talked about above.
Interviewer: Bjartur Interviewee: Macwaia
(also known to us as Mac) What
do you do here in the youth
IATREIO (Social Clinic), where I give my
The first time I was here just for Greek les-
services until today.
sons, but later I found out that I can do many other things apart of lessons; vol-
are your thoughts on volun-
unteerism, exchanging ideas with many
teering in general?
volunteers from other countries, making
Volunteering means supporting each oth-
new friends, learning about other cultures
er, love, a strong person is not the one with
apart of Greek. It’s really a fantastic expe-
power, or body builder. It’s the one who
rience here at the youth centre. I feel that
gives a hand to someone who has fallen,
we are a family. Apart from all their prob-
in order to stand up on his knee. People
lems people here are always wearing smil-
should know what is solidarity, and have
ing faces, dancing, happiness, love. Help-
to be informed what is volunteering.
ing each other. This is a great word “help” when you help somebody first of all and
then yourself.
new volunteers?
advice you have for other and
My advice to other volunteers is to Have you done any volunteer work?
never give up even if someone refus-
In general volunteering means “solidarity”.
es to give you a hand or refuses your
I’ve been doing it for the past two years here
at Kalamata. I started with DHIMOTIKA
TeddyBear TIME travelling Article: Bjartur Photoediting: Loic
Teddy Bear decided to take some time off and go travel, and after he found a mysterious time travelling machine in the Youth Center (Loic’s green sunglasses) he decided to go travel in TIME!!!
• Teddy Bear starts in Ancient Athens to see Socrates. Unfortunately he comes at a very bad time :(
• Teddy travels to Judaea in the past and out of nowhere there’s a huge flood! Luckily some guy comes by on a really, really big boat. Unfortunately for Teddy, the boat is full of animals of all species, and all of them a couple! So it was quite a lonely boat ride.
• Then Teddy decides to go to Ancient Rome to experience some culture. Unfortunately all he finds is some guys in dresses arguing all the time! That’s certainly not the way we work at the Youth Center!
• After that he makes a short detour to ancient Egypt. He of course discovers that egyptians really were sideways and funny looking back then, just like on the pictures. Teddy never learned to walk like an egyptian, so this was a short stop.
• French Revolution! Teddy went to France to have a relaxing time, but everybody was waving their guns :(
• Finally Teddy is in the mood to meet some great men. These three look like they’re good friends, and they’re definitely celebrating something. What it is Teddy can’t really know, but he’s glad he could join them.
Taaniel Stoitšev / 20 / Estonian / likes nature, different music, meaningful conversations and biking & much more to be honest / volunteer in K.A.NE. Youth Centre with e-structures - from September 2012 to September 2013
Who We Are
Coucou, my name is Inès, I’m 18 years old and I’m French. I like music, cinema, Kokostavros and playing ukulele. Since October, I work in the Youth Center where I’m teaching french and guitar for children. I will come back to France at the beggining of August, so I’m looking forward to summertime in Kalamata.
Dorian Agnel / 21 / Working as a volunteer in horseriding school with children with disabilities and teach French and Swing dance in youth centre / My project started in September 2012 and will last 1 year
Kaja Napotnik / 22 / Slovenia / likes long walks, reading, dancing, volunteering and eating chocolate / volunteer at Farma Fifa on the project “Natural farming and environmental awarness” / from October 2012 to August 2013
Hi my name is Fotini Arapi and I am project manager at K.A.NE. organisation. I started working here in September 2011 and fell in love with the Youth Centre, its dynamic and most of all its incredible team of foreign and local volunteers! See you around :-D
Loic MARCHAND / 27 / French / likes penguin, origami, Turkish movies and the waffles / volunteer in K.A.NE. Youth Centre from September 2012 to September 2013 >>
Hi everybody! My name is Angela, I am 24 and I come from Creta. Some words about me: I hate sports, I love meeting new people and at this period of my life I am really interested in searching the meaning of life - if by chance you find it, please contact me. This year I am working with the volunteers of the Youth Center and coordinating its projects and activities.
Hello to everyone! My name is Georgia. I am 24 years old and I live in Kalamata. I spent the last 5 years in Athens doing my Bachelor in Management and Business Administration and the last year in the Netherlands continuing my studies for a Master’s degree. I am glad to be back to Kalamata after all those years, especially since I am a new member of “K.A.NE.”. I am happy to be part of this organization
I’m Bjartur and I’m a 20 year old guy from Iceland. I’m an EVS volunteer and I will be working at the youth center in Kalamata for the next 7 months. I’m very interested in Greek culture and history as well as politics and social change. If you have any questions about the frozen north feel free to ask me!
Hi, my name is Marisa Carvalho/ volunteer of Program Leonardo Da Vinci/ 23 years old/ Portuguese. I studied Science of Education and School AdministrationW Some words about me: I like music, cinema, reading, meeting new people.
W Ar W
Diana Dias / gal / I am a Farma Foifa w Kaja and I’m Kalamata aga
Who re We
/ 23 / Portuvolunteer at with Ieva and glad to be in ain! ;)
My name is Irene, I am 27 years old and I am coming from Spain. I studied Classical Philology and one of my dreams was to come to Greece, so here I am! I work at the Youth Center of Kalamata, I am Spanish teacher and I also help with the general organization of the Youth Center and its activities and events. My project started in September 2012 and I will be here until September 2013!
Hi everybody, I’m Alice, I am 25 and I come from Toulouse, in the south of France. I studied sciences of education and I work as an animator with children. I enjoy travelling. I arrived in Kalamata a week ago, and I’ll stay since august. I will work for the horse riding project and for KEKYKAmeA.
Sandra Coelho / 27 / Portugal / likes alternative media, photography, freuds’ dream interpretation, playing guitar, camping, travelling and discovering natures’ magic creations. Working as Leonardo Da Vinci intern at K.A.NE. Youth Center from February to April 2013.
Filaretos Vourkos / Last 7 years I am working in the field of non formal education as a volunteer, youth worker and youth trainer. 4 years ago, I decided to create the Youth Centre of Kalamata, in order to initiate the youth work in Kalamata and promote active citizenship as factor of change.
Gianluca Barbin / 28 / Italian / likes reading narrative and sociological book, running, watch movies, use the bicycle, draw and paint, make manual works and magic tricks / volunteer in Κεντρο Ημερας for the children with autism and in K.A.NE. Youth Centre for the italian lessons, from October 2012 to April 2013
Manuela Gascon / 23 years old / France / I like music, volley-ball, wine, cinema, laughing, long nights with my friends, eating watermelons / volunteer in the Youth Center – organization and communication of Miden Festival / From September 2012 to August 2013 :)
Jelena Scepanovic / 27 / Montenegro / volunteer in K.A.NE. Youth Centre from November 2012 to November 2013
Ieva Medinytė / 19 / Lithuania / interests: nature, learning, exploring (places, people, myself) / Volunteer at Farma Fifa (Αγρόκτημα Φοίφα): helping with daily farm maintenance and supporting ongoing projects (permaculture education, re:think, etc.) / September 2012 – June 2013
Leonard Pristl / 18 / I love going for skiing in the winter, I love the white mountains and the nature but I also fell in love with the sea and the beaches here / I work in ΚΕΦΙΑΠ Μεσσηνίας from January 2013 to January 2014 as a EVS volunteer.
Who We Are
Hi! I’m TeddyBear! I know I look younger than I am ;) I like to hug people around Youth Center and also I enjoy to work in a office after all people have left! I’m a magic teddybear :) Most of the time I just look around the Youth Center and basically am as cute as I am!! I don’t remember when my “project” started, but I hope to be here at least as long as I already have:)
Thank You fo
Next issu
If You have any
tions concernin donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t hesitate
[evstaaniel@ Enj
This project has been funde sion. This publication [comm thor, anvd the Commission c may be made of the informa
The volunteers Greece in the f gramme, Action
Your time!
ue will be
ng soon
y recommenda-
ng LiNK, please to let us know
@gmail.com]! joy ..
Cover photo by: Taaniel
ed with support from the European Commismunication] reflects the views only of the aucannot be held responsible for any use which ation contained therein.
s responsible for this publication are hosted in framework of the European Youth in Action pron 2- European Voluntary Service.