LINK #142
December 2nd 2019
LINK’s Edition
K.A.NE P. 4 P. 6
Volunteers Collaborators
KNOW US P. 8 P. 9 P. 10
“What is the concept of tolerance for you?” “What is the barrier to your tolerance?” “In which situations do you think it is okay, to be intolerant?”
P. 13
HOW TO SAY P. 11 “Thank you very much & You’re welcome.” ARTICLES P. 12 P. 14
Never-ending tolerance Tolerance
INTERVIEW P. 16 Interview with a local volunteer P. 18 Interview with a Erasmus+ volunteer ANDVENTURE OF THE WEEK P. 20 Taygetus PLACE OF THE WEEK P. 21 Tricky cafe-bar EVENTS P. 16 P. 17
P. 19
Past events Future events
PLACE TO VISIT P. 22 Pilos QUOTE OF THE WEEK P. 23 Augustine of Hippo’s quote MUSIC OF THE WEEK P. 25 “Toi qui me juges” P. 24
Lasagne Alla Bolognese 2
Catarina Silva Editor
Roque Ribeiro
@kane.kalamata +30 272 108 188 2
Editorial Salaminos 8 24100 Kalamata Greece
Volunteers I’m Agathe! French. I don’t know yet what I want to be Agathe Hi, when I grow up, but I can picture a happy place with tre-
es, animals, music and people doing what they like. One of my favorite activity is to laugh, and I am really good at it. I am also good at napping. I came here to work at the dog shelter and spread love to all those good boys & girls!
Hey! My name is Alicja, I’m from Poland. I live in a small town near Gdynia. I graduated ecoonomic school. I’m interested in travelling and I really like hiking inin the mountains. I love music, that’s why I go to concerts and festivals when it’s possible and I realy love cats!
Olá! My name is Catarina and I’m from Porto, Portugal. My background is in International Relations, so being a volunteer for a NGO is a useful way of gaining experience and developing valuable skills! I left my 5 cats and dog in order to embrace this project for 11 months and now my dog does not recognize me over our skype calls but I’m sure It will be worth it. In my project I’m assisting in the day care center for the kids with autism.
My name is Chloé, I am from France, in the north of Lille. I’m 22 years old. I stopped my studies because I’m looking for training or work that really matches me. I think that my project at the horse therapy center includes everything I love, because in France I wanted to be a nurse but I also love animals, nature. I’m here to find my future project, to discover and share.
Hello, I’m Francesca and I’m from Bologna, Italy. I studied Social and Cultural Education and now I’m a volunteer at the KEFIAP center which works with people with disabilities. I think this experience will help me a lot because my dream is to work in the social field abroad. I really want to get to know this city and meet new people.
Hallo! :) My name is Lea and I am from Griesheim, a small town near Frankfurt. I am eighteen years old, just finished school and now I am going to spend an entire year here in Kalamata. I am volunteering in the Youth Centre and hopefully will hear many different stories from totally different people. I am fascinated by the art of literature, stars and other people and really enjoy sitting on the balcony with friends and enjoying unwinding music.
I decided to come to Kalamata, I promised that I wouldn’t Mariana When describe myself based on my work or studies. I believe that we are
more than that and people tend to reduce their history to their work. I born in 1993 and I’m the oldest sister of the two most amazing human beings. I find an amazing refuge in books and cinema, music and other kinds of art make me feel very good as well. We should see beyond our individuality and contribute to a better and sustainable world.
Hello! My name is Matilde and I’m a volunteer in the KEFIAP center. I was born in Italy and I live in Bologna. I finished high school last year and I decided to do a gap year in order to travel around the world. I’m a sweet girl who looks strong and I like very much to dance, eat and enjoy my time with friends.
Jak się masz? I come from Poland. I love travelling Patrycja Cześć! and one day I want to be a professional traveler. I like to
take photos, to film, meet new people from all over the world and to learn more about foreign cultures and history! My other passion is everything concerning Latin America: speaking Spanish, the latin dances... I also study English and Portuguese. Now I’m in Greece for 6 months to do an EVS project and hopefully discover this country in the best way possible!
Viva! I’m the short guy with dreadlocks who is coming from northern Portugal. For the next 10 months I’ll spend my time in Kalamata as a volunteer in K.A.NE.. I came into this adventure so I could meet new people, a different and new culture and to learn Greek. I’d to share with others all my knowledge, interests and beliefs. If you like sunsets, swimming, nature, hiking and listening to music, what are waiting for?! Join me! mundo! My name is Uxía Gómez and I am a 24 years-old girl. I am Uxía Hola Argentinian but I have lived in the south of Spain since I was six… and
now I’ll be in Kalamata for the next two months as a volunteer in the Kefiap Center. I am so excited about being a volunteer here because I just graduated my studies in Pedagogy. I love being in the nature, hiking and sharing good moments. I believe that humanity and knowledge is developed mostly in the contact with the others.
Hiya! My name is Zuzanna, but literally nobody calls me that - you can use Zuza, please and thank you! I am a volunteer in the Kalamata dog shelter, ready to give all the love to the dogs. In my free time I like making music, drawing, reading books and poetry. I am currently on my gap year between high school and university, so I decided to travel and help those in need.
Collaborators I am Filaretos Vourkos. For the last 15 years I am working Filaretos Hello, in the field of Non-formal education as a volunteer, youth worker
and youth trainer. 10 years ago,I decided to create the Youth Centre of Kalamata, in order to initiate youth work in Kalamata and promote active citizenship as factor for change.
Hi, I’m Jelena Scepanovic,an EVS coordinator in K.A.NE. and a volunteer of the Youth center. I came from Montenegro in 2012 as an EVS volunteer. I really liked the idea of the youth center and the work that K.A.NE. does, so I decided to stay and be part of it.
My name is Nantiana Koutiva and i am working in K.A.NE. as a project manager and EVS coordinator. I have studied greek philology and I am teacher of greek language as well. I love travelling and organizing festivals.
Hello World! I’m Nancy and I’m working in K.A.NE. since 2017 as a Project Manager and EVS/ESC coordinator. I’m passionate about meeting new people and exchange knowledge, experiences and ideas. I love the fact that many young people visit every year my hometown Kalamata and contribute to our society.
my name is Georgia Griva. For the past few years I am a youGeorgia Hello, th worker and project manager. This journey in youth field started
in 2014 with my first youth exchange and my EVS in Istanbul. I am proud to be member of K.A.NE. which represents my vision and my values as human and as an active citizen.
st Q U E S T I O N
What is the concept of tolerance for you?
Mariana It’s an eternally evolving concept but I like its modern definition: the welcoming of diversity as a force for the common good. Lea
In my opinion, we should be talking more about acceptance instead of tolerance. For me, tolerance always implies an unequal relationship with one person being superior and deciding if they like to tolerate the other person’s opinion or action or not.
Tolerance is the ability to connect with others, to put yourself in their place and to show empathy. Alicja Tolerance facilitates cooperation and communing with people.
For me, tolerance is above all respect for the other person, regardless of their origin, appearance, gender, sexual orientation or religion. Tolerance is an open mind and allowing others to live their lives.
For me, tolerance is being able to tolerate other opinions/points of view. Although when I read Lea’s opinion, I ended up identifying more with hers.
I believe that tolerance plays a role when two sides respect each other’s differences in a way that both of them can live on their way not affecting the other’s way of living.
I think for me it’s an attitude, it’s when you accept the difference of everyone Francesca The concept of tolerance encompasses many meanings, such as the ability of a person to understand and respect the opinions and beliefs of others, but also the ability to resist and endure difficult and painful situations.
Uxía Tolerance is directly related to respect, tolerance means be respectful with ideas, thoughts, emotions, and actions of other people.
Tolerance is leaving other people free to live. for me, the concept of tolerance can be summed up in one sentence: live and let live.
I think tolerance is simply being okay with habits, points of view, lifestyles and traditions different than our own, as long as they don’t hurt anybody.
nd What is Q U E S T I O N
the barrier to your tolerance?
I think that the idea of tolerance is very beautiful but I am sometimes afraid that it still implies a superiority. Being tolerant is not only allowing other people to be different. Is to look to them as equal, promoting a fair debate. So, if we are all human beings the limits are on the well being of your body and mind.
I am not sure I ever reached this barrier, it is kind of abstract to me. I don’t have a specific rule about when tolerance should stop in my daily life, but obviously any kind of violence, or violations of civils rights is intolerable.
My tolerance threshold is very high. it is difficult for me to become intolerant, probably only in the case of racism, homophobia, any form of intolerance. above all, I do not tolerate teasing. Patrycja
I am a very tolerant person who does not interfere in the lives of others, but I do not accept various forms of discrimination (racism, homophobia, etc. ), harming others or violating their rights or restricting their freedom.
Traditions in the perception of other people. Catarina My barrier is actually quite low when I think It’s a matter of fact. Regarding other people’s opinions, I think I always tolerate it unless it implies discrimination or any kind of violence.
Roque I do not have a defined barrier to be tolerant. It basically depends on the situation and who I’m dealing with. Anyway, I always try to know and understand the other side’s history or motivation behind the behaviour.
Chloé I do not really have a barrier with tolerance but actually I don’t tolerate any form of violence, Racism, rejections for any form of intolerance.
My barrier is any thought, attitude or action that don’t respect basic rights.
My tolerance barrier corresponds to the disrespect of the other.
My limit of tolerance is set in a place where other people’s boundaries start. It means that I can tolerate everything that does not hurt other human beings, animals, society etc.
I stop showing acceptance towards any kind of behaviour that harms other human beings and that refuses them their most basic rights.
rd Q U E S T I O N
In which situations do you think it is okay, to be intolerant?
Mariana Simply: you shouldn’t tolerate the intolerance. The debate to build a fair society can only happen if all the parts are willing to accept and change for the better. Matilde In front of all the type of intolerance that makes the other life hard to live.
Whenever you feel that the person in front of you is intolerant herself. Francesca is right, she said it perfect.
Patrycja As in the previous question, my tolerance ends when someone tries to impose, control, discriminate against, harm, or take away rights or freedoms from me or others.
Alicja There is no tolerance for people who don’t comply with basic social norms.
In my opinion, to be intolerant is to be lazy, when it comes to thinking in a way to make things better. However, sometimes it is impossible to make understand that we want to do things better. In those cases, we need to show that we are willing to be intolerant.
It’s okay to be intolerant when the other person is intolerant too. As Karl Popper said, unlimited tolerance may lead to the disappearance of tolerance itself. Chloé For me, the disgust of others find nothing more tolerable.
Uxía I will always be intolerant to those movements, thoughts or actions that go against basic rights.
Francesca It is right to be intolerant when we are deprived of our rights and freedom.
The only situations worth justifying intolerance are, to me: being intolerant to intolerance (otherwise it’s impossible to create a tolerant society - Karl Popper’s paradox) and intolerant to hurting other people.
I think you should not only be intolerant but try to find other ways to make a change, because intolerance alone will not change anything alone, it is more the actions like protests that will cause a change.
How to say? “Thank you very much & You’re welcome. ” Dankeschön & Bitteschön
Merci beaucoup & C’est avec plaisier
Grazie mille & Prego
Dzikujie & Nie ma za co
Muchas gracias & De nada
Ευχαριστώ πολύ & Παρακαλώ
Obrigado & De nada
Tesekkürler ederim & Rica ederim Author: Lea
Never-ending tolerance Modern notion of tolerance: the welcoming of diversity as a force for the common good.
Recently, and especially with the resurgence of fanaticism and terrorism, we found ourselves in a dramatic point where we are asked to think, individually and as a community, about the limits of tolerance. How should we respond to the contemporary tensions from different fields as the religious, political, social or economic? Should we impose limits on freedom of pression in the name of human dignity or decency? How should we see the usage of religious symbols in public spaces? Can we tolerate the intolerant?
Nothing can save your day as the thought of the good meal you will eat once at home.
This modern concept was born in the Enlightenment as a reaction to the centuries of religious wars, first elaborated by philosophers such as John Locke and Voltaire.
Tolerance is an essential foundation of a pluralistic society (...)
Tolerance is an essential foundation of a pluralistic society and its circumscription will affect in a deep level a society that should be plural, fair and heterogeneous. All of us heard iconic quotations that one uses in a daily basis that demonstrate the guidelines of the occidental mentality towards tolerance and freedom, for example, “My freedom ends where yours begins” or the Voltairian quote “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”. Also, all of us found themselves in circumstances that test those that we believe that should be the limits of tolerance, of freedom.
But it is extremely difficult to establish clear limits to tolerance, to say when is it still fair to tolerate the intolerant, to, simply, say if something is intolerable and what is this something. In a political level, this discussion has consequences on policies, governance models and obliges the states and those that are in charge to choose a certain posture. They can either do nothing, allowing everything to happen, accepting total tolerance or they can intervene, creating laws and regulations that influence the level of tolerance that, in practice and for example, can be related to themes as hate speech, separation between church and state, discrimination based on physical aspects or even just the limits of one’s individual freedom.
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It has to be about (...) finding a balance(...) The truth is that tolerance is a very fragile concept. It’s an idea that is not stable, that is changing and evolving and this has its pros and cons. It’s a paradoxical concept that can’t be completely attached to moral and ethical norms. It has to be about otherness, about looking to the other, considering his freedom and finding a balance, where a fair and democratic society can be created, and people with opposite believes can cohabitate. Nowadays, tolerance is at risk (maybe it always is, no matter the circumstances) and totalitarian and nationalist movements are growing all over the world. It is easy to see that in the debate on identity, tolerance and multiculturalism, attitudes and feeling take precedence over knowledge. The discussion is easily transformed in an aggressive and sentimental confrontation, not allowing a constructive debate that, in the end, is the proper purpose of tolerance – creating a safe space where people can understand their one freedom and the freedom of the other. As almost everything that we want to change for the better in the world, tolerance is, as well (but not only) an education issue. Educating, informing, present the otherness, engaging in an informed debate that confronts the fears of the unknown, of the different, is a way to reverse this trend.
Author: Mariana
We have a lot of cases of intolerance all over the world. We should all be free and equal, but unfortunately, we often encounter an attack of racism.
n recent times, you can hear or read the word more often, but does everyone know what the word means?
We can’t accept a different skin color or culture. There are also those who pretend to be tolerant just to adapt to the environment. When you come face to face with, for example gay, it is important whether you see him as gay or a man.
(...) international day of tolerance (... ) on November 16.
Tolerance has become fashionable.
It is respect for one’s beliefs, preferences, differing from ours. There is even an international day of tolerance that takes place on November 16. Everyone considers themselves a tolerant person but unfortunately this is not the case. The truth is that we can’t show this tolerance. This is a problem for the whole of society.
Tolerance has become fashionable. The biggest stars talk about it and there are those who try to fit in, but is this really the case? Deep down, do they hate other people?
UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize
(...) tolerance is nothing but the recognition of one’s otherness.
In 1995, to mark the United Nations Year for Tolerance and the 125th anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi, UNESCO created a prize for the promotion of tolerance and non-violence. The UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize rewards significant activities in the scientific, artistic, cultural or communication fields aimed at the promotion of a spirit of tolerance and non-violence.
Tolerances should be tamed and taught her children practically in the first months of life. If otherness is not seen as the norm, there will be no problems with tolerance in societies because tolerance is nothing but the recognition of one’s otherness.
The prize is awarded every two years on the International Day for Tolerance, 16 November. The Prize may be awarded to institutions, organizations or persons, who have contributed in a particularly meritorious and effective manner to tolerance and non-violence.
Author: Alicja
Interview Meeting Daria, a volunteer at the Youth Center. Daria is a Russian girl living in Kalamata since march, and in Greece for almost 7 years.
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Local Volunteer
Everything is based on the enthusiasm of volunteers!
In what consist of your work as a volunteer? I am a receptionist in the Youth Center one day a week. I am here to show people the daily running of the Youth centre, to show the classes we have, taking receipts, answering phone calls… It’s an administrative job all in all, but I am also the teacher in the beginner Russian class. Can you describe your work as a volunteer in three words? Huge, Social, and Experience. What is the thing you like the most and the one you like the less in this volunteering? I really like that this place allows and boosts the exchange of cultures. There is an atmosphere of diversity and respect in the Youth Center which is quite progressive. The lack of support from the municipality is a pity because this place is creating connections between people. Everything is based on the enthusiasm of volunteers!
Name Daria Organization Kentro Neon Kalamatas Type Youth Centre Volunteering Administrative job Place Kalamata | GREECE
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(...) challenge is an everyday issue...
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I found my path in tourism tours (...)
What did you study? I have a doctor license which is unfortunately not valid in Greece. When I arrived, I found my path in tourism tours, and I have been working in this matter since.
If you feel the desire to offer something that comes from you, then go!
Do you think will stop volunteering one day? Why? When the touristic season starts again, I will have to go back to work! What would you recommend to somebody hesitating to start to volunteer? Ask yourself if this activity who are about to volunteer to sounds familiar to you, if it can make you gain experience. If you feel the desire to offer something that comes from you, then go!
Interviewer: Agathe
Interview Today I am interviewing Alicja, an ESC volunteer from Poland. She is in Kalamata for two months and volunteers in Messini dog shelter. The shelter has over 800 dogs in it and is the largest Greek rescue relying solely on donations and the work of volunteers!
Erasmus+ Volunteer
My daily tasks are (...) making sure they have as good life as possible.
Interviewer: How did you find out about European Solidarity Corps? Alicja: I found out about it through a Facebook page. Interviewer: Can you tell us something more about the project you participate in? Alicja: I am a volunteer in a dog shelter in Messini, which is about twenty minutes driving from Kalamata. My daily tasks are cleaning the area, feeding the dogs, giving them water and medication – overall just making sure they have as good life as possible.
Name Alicja Szwichtenberg Nationality Polish Hosting NGO K.A.NE. Volunteering Dream Of A Safe Haven (DASH) Place Messini | GREECE
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(...) volunteer in a dog shelter in Messini (...)
Interviewer: And… What would be this blur question? Alicja: It’s probably the fact that there is lots of physical work, which can be exhausting at times. Sometimes we spend the entire day in sun, which is not very helpful, too. Also, of course it makes me sad to see some ill dogs or puppies that we know aren’t going to make it.
Are you planning on doing another ESC in the future?
It’s very rewarding to see that we make their lives a little happier
Interviewer: What is your best achievement? Alicja: I think it’s the fact that after a long day of tiring work, in the afternoon we can see the dogs being happy, playing and cuddling. It’s very rewarding to see that we make their lives a little happier and more bearable.
(...) try to be as open-minded as possible (...)
Interviewer: Do you have any tips for the future volunteers? Alicja: Remember to choose your projects carefully and to do your research before coming to a different country. Also try to be as open-minded as possible, because it may bring you many new friendships and possibilities. When it comes to working in the dog shelter – remember to be patient with them, try to learn as much as you can about their behaviour. You also need to be aware that this project is different and others, because it contains a lot of physical work.
Interviewer: Are you planning on doing another ESC in the future? Alicja: Yes, but I haven’t decided on the topic yet. Interviewer: Thank you for answering the questions! Alicja: Thank you.
Interviewer: Zuzanna
Adventure of the week Ταύγετος “Taygetus Mountain”
e went to a really nice trip: hiking to the north of the Tygeto Mountains. The excursion was organized by EOS Kalamata, a very cool association of hiking and climbing (you have to go with them if you like this kind of activities!). They organize different trips almost every weekend. In particular, the excursion was about the collecting of wild mushrooms. The trip began at 7.30 a.m., we left Kalamata around 8 a.m. by bus and we began to ascend the mountains… Just the way by bus worth waking up so early in the morning. We arrived at 9 a.m. to a little tiny chapel where they invited us to a really jammy sweet (it was perfect for taking some calories before the hiking!). Then we started to climb. The way is very wild and beautiful, there is no artificial path. After one hour and a half of climbing, we arrived at an awesome viewpoint (picture at the top).
Later we kept on going and after two hours we arrived at a little village where some guys of the association were waiting for us with a warm soup of mushrooms. It was great!! The village is called Agios Nikolaos (which means Saint Nicolas) and it is very near to Sparta. We enjoy very much the trip, I absolutely recommend it! Author: Uxía
Place of the week
Tricky Cafe-Bar
or me, the place of this week in Kalamata is absolutely Tricky. Tricky is a beach bar and it is the perfect place to enjoy a sunny day at the beach - even at the end of October when global warming is hitting up all over again and it’s 28 degrees on the outside. The people working at Tricky are really amazing, they are always smiling and will recognize you after you have been there one time. Plus, all the drinks are served in eco-friendly bamboo cups and bamboo straws. The prices are comparable with other beach bars; a frape costs 2,50, a Freddo cappuccino costs 3,50 and a glass of wine four euro. You can easily get there by either using a bike or by walking - just follow the Navarinou road, it is a bit further than the small church (Ιερος Ναος Αναστασεως Χριστος). Or, if you feel more lazy, you can also take the bus and get out at Navarinou 6 and walk 10 meters. Have fun and enjoy a nice day at the beach!
(...) all the drinks are served in eco-friendly bamboo cups and bamboo straws (...)
Author: Lea
WELLNESS AND SPORTS Emotional Yoga Release Name: Re:Think Organizer: Holistic Therapy Center. Place: Farma Fifa Date: November 16th
TRAVELLING Excursion to Kalavrita
Lab for the heart and mind, inside a natural farm that welcomed us to communicate, ground and release. Feelings are magical but they can also be trapped. Nature acts through sensation and sensation. The sessions incorporated techniques from the tradition of Hatha Yoga, physical exercises and pranayama breathing techniques, aimed at mobilizing the joints and activating the chakras; meridian stretching techniques of the body, as given by Shiatsu’s therapeutic technique; Yoga Nidra meditation with singing balls.
Place: Kalavrita Organizer: G & T travel Date: November 24th Cost: €20 person The first stop was Diakofto, to board on the Odontotos rack railway’s (OPTIONAL) to cross the Vouraikos ravine, where it reached Kalavryta. After there will be free time in Kalavryta for sightseeing and to have a meal. After, there was a visit to the historic Monastery of Ag. Lavra, known as the starting point of the Greek revolution. Then, at the evening, the excursion returned to Kalamata
MUSIC Live music concert
Place: Κουκκίδα DANCE Date: Every Saturday’s evening Time: 21:00 - 02:00 There is nothing better then having a delicious meal and a great talk while listening to a beautifull live concert. This place lets yourself envolve by the tyical and cozy greek atmosphere.
2nd Kalamata Dance Cup Place: Kalamata Municipal Philharmonic Amphitheater Date: November 31th to December 1st
The city of Dance hosted once more the International DanceSport Tournament, 2nd Kalamata Dance Cup & Training Camp - BEYOND THE LIMITSAll styles, all ages, all categories / Couples, solo, duo, groups. We hope you didn’t miss the chance to dance your heart out and enjoy your soul!
Talk about Olga Tokarczuk Place: House by Phaos Organizer: Makris 1928 Date: November 18th L. Makris Bookstore, hosted a discussion about Poland Olga Tokarczuk, awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature (2018) by the Swedish Academy, between Jan Henrik Swan, author and translator and by Theodosis Papadimitropoulos publisher, writer and translator.
Author: Matilde
PARTY Christmas Party
Place: Kentro Neon Kalamatas Organizers: KNK & ESC Volunteers Date: December 13th Time: 21:00
Art Exhibition Name: “OWN SEVEN” Organizer: George Vrahnos Place: A49 Art Gallery Date: Dec.6th - Jan.26th 2020
The atmosphere is in the air - Christmas is coming and KNK couldn’t miss the chance to organize a theme party for all those who are willing to come at the best most international place in town. We invive you to join us for this party that, as allways, will have lots of fun, music, dancing and some other surprises. Come over to check what we have prepared.
Seven artists exhibit their creations and invite you to discover what unites them. George Vrachnos, Iris Roussaki, Odin Asteriou, Romanos Chrousoglou, Ioannis Nassopoulos, Elias Urpassian, Stella Syrigou from different origins compose a homogeneous - conscious and moral - imagery and a kaleidoscope of kaleidoscope Plastic Art.
MUSIC Jitterbugs live concert Place: Baroque Date: December 6th Time: 22:00 - 01:00
WELLNESS Shiva & Shakti Waves Vinyasa Yoga & Yin Yoga Organizer: Collective Gym Date: December 7th Time: 18:00 - 20:00 Cost: €10
Jitterbugs is a three member music band from Athens. Created in 1999, they were driven by their love for the 1950s music trends. Today, the same members play songs by Elvis PresBetty Papadopoulou will share with you some of her ley, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins, Buddy Holy, Gene yoga experience, lots of songs, music and joy on. The Vincent, and more. but also their own compomoney will be donated to the Kalamata Animal Club. sitions, serving authentic Rock ‘n’ Roll music. The course is open to everyone and all levels of trainees. However, reservation is needed.
Author: Roque
Place to Travel Πύλος “”
he place you have to visit when you are on the Peloponnese is Pylos. Pylos is a picturesquely situated town whose history dates back to ancient times. For these reasons, this is a place where you can not be bored and everyone will find something for themselves. They will be in Pylos you have to go to the ruins of the citadel (for those who have a European Youth Card entrance is free), from which you can enjoy the beautiful views of the city, cliffs, sea and mountains. There are also several museums in the building where you can see things from ancient times, such as vases, jewellery and sculptures. There is also a beautiful temple in the Citadel. It is also worth a walk between the streets of the city and go to the port where there are many restaurants and pastries. After sightseeing, you can relax on the beach and swim in the beautiful blue sea. In case when someone would have more time. could also visit the surrounding beaches (including the famous Voidokilia Beach or Divari Beach) or waterfalls (such as Stenosis Waterfalls or Kalamaris waterfall).
Author: Alicja
Quote of the week
“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” Augustine of Hippo
Song of the week “Toi qui me juges”
LYRICS Toi qui me juges tu froisses mon intégrité Si les apparences sont trompeuses, je peux sûrement vous l’expliquer Tu me vois tel que je suis, c’est toute la complexité Du personnage que j’incarne dans toute sa diversité Toi qui me juges es-tu capable de te regarder ? Es-tu prêt à franchir ce cap avant de me critiquer ? Si trop de différences vous séparent, c’est ça la mixité Alors essaye de comprendre ça avant de fabuler Translation in English:
By I Woks Sound
« You who judge me you upset my integrity If appearances are deceptive, I can surely explain it to you You see me as I am, it’s all the complexity The character I embody in all its diversity You who judge me are you able to look at yourself? Are you ready to cross this course before criticizing me? If there are too many differences between you, that’s the mix So try to understand that before you make it »
The first reaction to intolerance is judgment. In this sound they sing about diversity. The general idea is to stop judgment and stigmatization.
Author: Chloé
Restaurant of the week MYLÓ Indian Palace 4,5 Average cost: $$-$$$ Address: Aristomenous 26, Kalamata 24100 Contact: 2721 098888 Openning hours: 08:00 - 00:00 Monday 08:00 - 00:00 Tuesday Wednesday 08:00 - 00:00 08:00 - 00:00 Tuesday 08:00 - 00:00 Friday 08:00 - 00:00 Saturday 08:00 - 00:00 Sunday
Inspired by the miraculous Greek and International gastronomy, the cuisine of MYLÓ proposes to you dishes comparatively low budget, without being deprived of the inspiration of good flavors and the “gourmet” philosophy! It is an original and whimsical creative cuisine, totally loyal to the natural quality products, that we suggest you to enjoy in cozy atmosphere, with no predaciousness, full of people who care only for you to have fun!! For me, it’s really good place. I try the traditional chicken curry with rice and it’s so good. The service was fast and the prices are also very reasonable. There is also a good choice for vegan. I definitely recommend this restaurant, it’s a pretty place.
(...) MYLÓ proposes to you dishes comparatively low budget (...)
(...) chicken curry with rice and it’s so good.
Author: Chloé
Recipes of the week Lasagne alla bolognese
Medium 01 h 00 mins 8 servings
Flemish Beef Stew is one of the traditional dish of Northern French Cuisine. Albeit it’s a national dish of Belgium but is also loved by the French. This dish is also known as Carbonnnades Flamandes (literally ‘’ Flemish Stew’’). It can be served with rice or French fries. If serving the Stew for a family supper, don’t worry about the beer in the recipe .
- Lasagne Green Egg Pastry 21 - Parmigiano Reggiano DOP for grating 250 g - Ground pork meat (very fat) 250 g - Beef chopped pulp 500 g - Tomato puree 250 g - Carrots 50 g - Onions 50 g - Celery 50 g - Whole milk 40 g - Extra virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon - Salt to taste - Black pepper to taste - White wine 250 g - Water 3 l
- To prepare the lasagne Alla Bolognese, begin by finely chopping with a knife the celery, the peeled and blunt carrot and the cleaned onion so as to obtain 50 g for each ingredient. - Heat the oil in a pan and add the chopped vegetables, stewed for about ten minutes over a low heat while stirring from time to time. Add the coarsely minced beef and the minced pork (the fresh bacon, a very fatty part). - The meat will also have to brown slowly for about ten minutes, so stir to seal well. Initially, all the juices will come out, but once dried, you can fade with 250 g of white wine. As soon as the alcohol has evaporated completely and the bottom will be well dry, pour the tomato sauce.
- Then add only 1 of the 3 litres of water, add a pinch of salt, stir and leave to cook over low-medium heat for an hour. After the first hour, you can add the second litre of water, stir and continue cooking for another hour. At the end of the second hour of cooking, pour in the last litre of water and continue to cook over a low flame for another hour. In this way, the meat sauce will cook for at least 3 hours with 3 litres of water added at the indicated time. - At the end of cooking, the result must be dense (not too dry for this type of oven preparation). Adjust the salt and pepper, turn off the heat and add the milk, stir and set aside the sauce.
Medium 00 h 30 mins 8 servings
Bechamel Ingredients: - Fresh whole milk 1 l - Butter 100 g - Flour 00 100 g - Grater nutmeg to taste - Salt up to 1 pinch
- Take a saucepan and heat the milk. In the meantime, in another pan, melt the butter in pieces over low heat and, when it has melted, remove it from the heat and add the sifted flour. Mix vigorously with a whisk to obtain a mixture without lumps. - Then put the saucepan back on the heat, to lightly brown it. - When the milk is hot, flavour it with the grated nutmeg and a pinch of salt. Now you can add it to the butter and flour mixture. Mix the ingredients vigorously with a hand whisk and thicken over low heat: the mixture must be homogeneous and without lumps. - Cook the béchamel for about 5-6 minutes on a low heat until it is creamy. - Then move on to the composition of the lasagne: take a rectangular baking sheet or baking pan with dimensions of 30x20 cm. - Spread a drizzle of béchamel on the pan evenly over the entire surface, then lay the green lasagne with spinach and pour again a thin layer of béchamel and one of ragout. and grated Parmesan cheese, taking care to cover the entire surface of the pan. - Then create another layer of green lasagne. Then proceed to create a new layer of béchamel sauce.
- Take care to distribute it over the entire surface of the pan. Add the ragout as well and continue like this for all the layers, alternating between green sheets, béchamel, ragout and Parmesan cheese. - Finish with a layer of meat sauce and a sprinkling of plenty of grated Parmesan cheese (25-26). Once you have finished preparing the pan, cook in a static oven preheated to 200° for about 25 minutes (or in a ventilated oven at 180° for 15 minutes): the lasagne will be ready when you see a light golden crust on the surface. Take them out of the oven and let them cool down before bringing them to the table and enjoying your lasagne Bolognese style!
Author: Francesca