Link August 2022 sport and leisure time

TABLEOF CONTENTS page 3 Editorial pages 5 6 6 reasons to participate in sport by Alekszandra pages 7 8 Top 6 wirdests sports worldwide by Agata B page 4 Quote of the month pages 9-10 QUIZ TIME by Agata B pages 11-13 Psychological benefits of Yoga by Alba

Editorial Editor: Agata Creativedesigner: Viky Volunteers: Chloé, Mael, Agata S, Agata B, Vikiy, Alekszandra, Alba The link magazine for this month is dedicated to sport and leisure time. We have no doubts that sport and leisure time go hand in hand, and both are important if we want to enjoy long, healthy, and happy life:) We've prepared a bunch of interesting articles for you, quizzes to test your knowledge - seat comfortably and enjoy the reading.


You can get stronger, leaner, look better and healthier if you participate in sports and physical activities.
Author: Alekszandra
Exercise is good for your mental health too, as it can battle feelings of anxiety and depression, sharpen your focus, and improve self-esteem.
Physical activities triggers chemicals in the brain that can make you feel happier and relaxed. Also sport can reduce stress hormones in your body and stimulates the release of endorphins (also known as „feel-good” chemicals).
Probably some of you asking what are the points of getting sweaty, feeling muscle pain after a session on a treadmill or running after a ball?! It doesn’t make any sense. I’ll just sleep eight-ten more hours instead. Well, my friend sport is good for you. And if you don’t believe me, just read this six facts and very relatable scientific things about sport.

Fighting for a common goal with a group of players and coaches teaches you how to build teamwork and effectively communicate to solve problems.. Playing in a team helps you to develop many of the social skills they will need for life.
Watching your hard work pay off and achieving your goals develops selfconfidence. Achieving a sport or fitness goal encourages you to achieve other goals you set.
5. Stronger heart and improved lung functions! Your heart will improve in performance when it is regularly challenged with exercise. Stronger hearts can improve overall health of the body. Regular sport causes more oxygen to be drawn into the body with carbon monoxide and waste gases expelled.

Zorbing It is racing in a large transparent ball that rolls down over obstacles such as hills and river. Ostrichracing This sport originated in Africa and later came to the USA. Ostriches can run surprisingly fast, over 70 kilometres per hour. Rules are similar to horseback riding. The fastest one wins.
Author: Agata B
Is a combination of a boxing fight with a chess game. What was initially considered an art quickly evolved into a fully fledged sport. In a chess boxing duel, players play 11 rounds: 6 playing chess and 5 boxing. Chess matches are played in the odd rounds and boxing matches in the even rounds. Chess boxing is especially popular in Germany, UK and India.

Toewrestling Is a specific type of arm wrestling, because the competitors do not use their hands to fight, but bare feet, which are hooked together with their big fingers. The players compete on the floor and their feet are placed on a special mat.
Author: Agata B SepakTakraw
It is a cross between volleyball, football and karate, and the game also takes place on a badminton pitch. Discipline comes from Asia and is gaining more and more followers there. To score a point, players must use their feet to flip the ball over the net. They can use other parts of their body to keep the ball in the air in addition to their arms and hands.
Thetop6 wirdestsportsworldwide
Quidditch Discipline began as a fictional wizarding game in the popular "Harry Potter" series. Fans loved the idea of Quidditch so much that it soon became a real sport. The team consists of seven players who must play with a broom between their legs all the time. The sport combines elements of rugby, two fires and playing tag.

Quiztime Since which Summer Olympics has archery been on the official program of events? A) 1972 Summer Olympics C) 1980 Summer Olympics B) 1976 Summer Olympics D) 1984 Summer Olympics Which country is the headquarters of the World Karate Federation? A) China C) South Korea B) Sweden D) Spain Which tournament is known as the "Grand Prix Super Series"? A) Racing C) Polo B) Tennis D) Golf Who was the "top scorer" at the first FIBA World Basketball Championship in 1950? A) Alvaro Salvadores C) John Stanich B) Rufino Bernedo D) Oscar Furlong

Which country has the most golf courses in the world? A) Japan C) Canada B) the USA D) England When was scorecards first introduced to store scores? A) 1780 C) 1846 B) 1875 D) 1776 Which sport was known as the "Friends Provident Trophy"? A) Football C) Squash B) Volleyball D) Cricket The Football World Cup is usually held every how many years? A) 2 C) 4 B) 3 D) 5

Yòga, from the Sanskrit voice ‹Ióoġa›, which means propriet "Union, conjunction (of man with divinity), is a term that indicates originally a vast complex of ascetic techniques. With a more restricted meaning, in the Western world is know as a set of gymnastic and breathing techniques practiced for the psychophysical relaxation.
The psychophysical benefits it brings to the practitioner are now well known and supported by scientific evidence. Thereare9psychologicalbenefitsthatYogacanbringtoyour life.Keepreadingtofindoutmore:)

The mind is a super powerful tool that we all have at our disposal. Yoga teaches us to use it to the fullest: the practice of positions, combined with meditation and breathing techniques, allows us to learn to know, control and use our mind in the correct way, with the result that apparently difficult purposes, such as quitting smoking or controlling weight quickly become more understandable and easier to put into practice.
The body Asanas, or yoga poses, are performed in complete coordination with breathing. Thanks to this association, the internal organs are massaged through the breath, and are enriched with oxygen. This allows the body to eliminate toxins through breathing.
Reduces Anxiety, Depression, Panic Attacks Through the practice of breathing and meditation techniques, we learn to manage the emotional field, and this helps us to manage unconscious fears.
Doing yoga also means improving the relationship with your body. It means learning to know and love it. With the practice of yoga you learn to accept your limits and to love yourself more. Loving yourself more means having more confidence in yourself and a healthy self-esteem and consequently also being more predisposed to meeting other people, even from a physical point of view.
Doing yoga helps keep the cardio-circulatory system healthy, lowers blood pressure and slows the heartbeat. One of the effects of yoga is to promote better blood circulation in the body; through the practice of the positions our cardio-circulatory system is put in a position to be able to perform its function in a fluid and efficient way.
Practicing yoga helps to relax and reduces fatigue, promoting good quality sleep. Scientific studies have shown that 20 minutes of yoga a day can help you fall asleep faster by using relaxation techniques. Increaseconcentration,reducestress
The essential ingredients for doing yoga are attention and concentration, and when you do things with attention and concentration, awareness develops. The more we become aware, the more we can generate mental clarity and consequently relax the mind. A relaxed mind is able to manage the challenges of daily life without generating physical and emotional tensions in the body, that is, without generating stress and allows us to improve our short and long-term memory.
Thanks to yoga you learn to breathe correctly. Correct breathing is useful not only for improving sports performance, but also for managing emotions. The use of breathing techniques (pranayama, in Sanskrit) is important as it helps us manage and control panic attacks, performance anxiety and mental relaxation.

OlympicGamesGamesinAncientGreece Author: Chloe

The Olympics games were celebrated without interruption from 776 BC to 393 AD. They took place every 4 years in Olympia. this period of two months a truce was proclaimed in all Greece. If a city did not respect this truce it was banned from the games, like Sparta in 420 BC. Three functions are attributed to these Olympics panegyrics* Religious : In honour of Zeus with sacrifices and banquets Uniting people : Hercules is said to be the inventor of these games to unit people and be stronger against external threats and end internal wars. According to the orator Lysias, "[Hercules] thought indeed that the gathering in this place would be the beginning of the friendship of the Greeks for each other", Olympic Oration, I,2. Valuing "Beauty" : - beauty of body linked to moral beauty ( athletes were naked with oil on their body ) panegyrics : assembly of the people of a city around a common sanctuary
beauty of gestures beauty of the arts : music and literary competitions
: 1)
Conditions : At the beginning only men who were part of the city, then children were admitted and a specific raise for girls were created. Training : 10 months before the event the participants had to train in their home town. Also they couldn't eat meat until the 5th century BC. They were supervised by judges ( hellanocides).
Reward : wild olive wreath + the name and the city of the winners listed in a register which was sacrificed in the Prytaneum. Then because of the domination of the Romans the Olympic games took end. In 393 AD Theodose I banned all pagan games and after in 426 AD Theodose II orders the destruction of the temple at Olympia and burn the city. Revival of the Olympic Games on the 23 June 1894 by Pierre de Coubertin.
After the pankration and the pugilat were added as the horce raises.
The duration of the games depended on the number of sporting events which were added year after year. It was a pentathlon ( speed / force/ endurance/ address/ agility): speed race/ long jump / javelin throw and discobole / struggle