Teen Advisory Panel Minutes

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Kane County REALITY Teen Advisory Panel January 7, 2010 Meeting Minutes Students from St. Charles North High School, St.Charles East High School, Geneva High School, Mooseheart and Wredling Middle School were present. 1. Sharing of projects from each school St. Charles North said that recently they participated in Red Ribbon Week. They hung posters, showed videos, and handed out bracelets. Geneva High school reported that they participated in the S.S. Raiders, a program for elementary school students. They helped with the Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll fundraisers. The students participated in Red Ribbon week by decorating the school and downtown. They have been working on suicide prevention and Stall Street Journals. Mooseheart students reported that they are trying to have a group started at their school. Planning to do the Smoke Free Pledge and Key to Being Smoke Free and Stall Street Journals. St. Charles East is working on videos and Stall Street Journals and a variety of topics. 2. Compliance Checks St. Charles Police Department spoke about how compliance checks are done 3. New Projects

Surveys about smoke free parks. Would like to try to make parks smoke free. Each school took 100 surveys to fill out. Talked about possibly doing radio ads for local TV or radio, or posting them on Facebook. Each school can do their own or can possibly have a few people from different schools do one together. Discussed doing a project with 1215. 1215 is the number of people who die each day from a smoking related illness. 1215 can be posted around the school. Reality students can wear tshirts with 1215. At the end of the week, an announcement can be made to the school telling what 1215 is. No smoking signs were handed out to the students. They are to be given to any businesses that are seen without one. 4. Stall Street Journals

Stall Streets Journals were handed out. They can be used to be posted at the schools. 5. Facebook communication Talked about how we can use Facebook to connect with other schools

Great Pizza was shared by all and congratulations to the winners of the raffle for the Best Buy and ITunes Gift Cards. Each student also received a black REALITY hoodie and aluminum water canister. The next meeting of the Kane County Teen Advisory Panel will be held in April. Hope to see you all there!

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