Challenge #4 - Missed Appointments Patients not showing up for appointments is one of the biggest challenges of practices today. Missed or canceled appointments disrupt schedules and create gaps during the workday. Beyond the workday hassles, missed appointments can increase patient attrition rate and leave practices with a financial gap as well. One of the reasons why patients do not show up is that they are not reminded about their appointment. Sometimes they are too busy with their work schedules to visit a practice for their appointments. Whatever is the reason, “no-shows” make practices lose revenue.
The Solution - Improve Patient Management The best way to prevent and manage no-shows is to use chiropractic online scheduling software that helps you send automated patient reminders via text messaging or email notifications. With online scheduling software, practices can better manage: • • • •
Schedules and fill appointments gaps Save time and bring admin efficiency Patient experience Improve patient retention
Communicate more readily with patients about missed appointment and cancellation policies and the importance of completing chiropractic treatment schedules for their well-being so that they never miss appointments.
Practice Management Challenges