Money Banking and Financial Markets 5th Edition Cecchetti TEST BANK Full download: Money Banking and Financial Markets 5th Edition Cecchetti SOLUTIONS MANUAL Full download: Chapter02 Moneyand thePaymentsSystem
Multiple-ChoiceQuestions 1. Whichof thefollowingwouldnotbeconsideredacharacteristicof money? a.Itisastoreof value. b. It isameansof payment. c.Itmusthaveintrinsicvalue. d. It isaunitof account. Ans:C Difficulty: 01 Easy Learning Objective: 02-01 AACSB:Reflective Thinking Blooms: Remember Topic: Money and How We Use It
2. A societywithoutanymoney: a.couldneverexchangegoods and/orservices. b. wouldfindpeopledoingeverythingfor themselves. c.wouldhavetorelyon barter. d. wouldbemoreefficientsincepeoplewouldbemoreself-sufficient. Ans:C Difficulty: 02 Medium Learning Objective: 02-01 AACSB:ReflectiveThinking Blooms: Understand Topic: Money and How We Use It
3. Theuse of moneymakes us moreefficientbecause: a.wespendmoretime tradingandmoretimeproducing.