7 Effective Ways To Reward Your Employees. In a perfect world, as an employer you would be able to give everyone wonderfully large raises and hold a lavish company dinner every month, but that’s not a realistic possibility for most companies. Finding ways to doesn’t have to be extraordinarily expensive. When people say “it’s the thought that counts”, there’s a lot of truth to that statement. Simple, thoughtful gestures will go a long way to express your gratitude. Employees who feel appreciated will work harder and enjoy their job more, creating to everyone to IT recruitment firm in India. Praise won’t cost you a dime. Using meaningful praise is the simplest way to show that you care, and everyone will appreciate that. A handwritten thank you note or a private conversation detailing how much you appreciate an employee’s efforts will create a long lasting dialogue about performance while keeping your employees on the right track It recruitment firm in Delhi. Read more information visit at: http://bit.ly/2nFne2K