“We’ve grown from a few city kids to the largest FFA chapter in Kansas,” Farmer said. Her students learn that there areagriculture careers for them; as a farmer or other ag opportunities. Growing up in FFA and 4-H in Texas, Farmer’s family raised and showed registered Southdown sheep. Her brothers and she had market pigs, steers, goats, rabbits and chickens. With a biology degree from Pittsburg State University, Farmer married and moved to Wichita for her husband’s job. Responding to a shortage of substitute teachers, she discovered her love of teaching. She later taught at an alternative school featuring hands-on projects; growing plants and starting a hay bale garden. Ultimately, the Wichita Southeast job became available. Farmer reflected...“I am super proud of the effort my students give and their willingness to try something new.”
Start an Agricultural Education Program Here are the Essential Program Standards needed for an accredited Agricultural Education program in Kansas:
1. A credentialed and licensed
Agricultural Education instructor shall be employed in every approved program.
2. Interactive classroom and
laboratory learning is offered through contextual, inquiry-based instruction.
3. Premier leadership, personal
growth and career success are available through engagement in FFA activities and programs.
4. Experiential, service and/or workbased learning are offered through the implementation of a Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program.
5. Operate under the auspices of a program advisory committee.
6. Approved programs must be
offered in accordance with policies and requirements of the Kansas State Department of Education. Contact Guy Shoulders (gshoulders@ksde.org) to learn more about starting a program.