Pig Tales April 1971

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KPPC Kansas Pork Producers Council Newsletter

Affiliated with the National Park Producers Council

APRILS, 1971

Spring is officially here and with it came many barrow shows throughout the State. The following is a few of the shows and winners. Mankato

Champion - Loren Thiele, Norton Reserve Champion - Melvin Shipley, Esbon Champion Pen - Loren Thiele, Norton Champion Carcass - Herman Dohl, Lincoln

Washington Champion - Leo Swartz, Washington Reserve Champion - Harvey Herrs, Linn Champion Pen - Leo Swartz, Washington Champion Carcass - Leo Swartz, Washington Ottawa

Champion Purebred - Eddie Hull, Ottawa

Reserve Champion Purebred - R. J. Williams, Americus Champion Carcass - Eddie Hull, Ottawa

Reserve Champion Carcass - John Fish, Centerville Champion Commercial - Roger Gould, Ottawa

Reserve Champion Commercial - Sam Croucher> Westphalia Champion Carcass Commercial - Guy McDiffitt, Alta Vista Reserve Champion Carcass Commercial - Terry Silvius, Wellsville The KPPC tested boar sale was held at Manhattan on March 1.

There were 42

t^oars offered and 38 head sold for an average of $160. High selling pen was from Melvin Shipley, Esbon on two Hampshires that brought $430 each. This is the break-

down by breeds. 14 Hampshires $167 8 Yorkshires $160 13 Durocs

2 Spotted Poland China $138 1 Chester White



The test station is now receiving boars for the next test. There were 62 r'equests for entries for this test. Also, pigs for the State Fair Barrow contest ^re being received from now until May 30. The Kansas Porkette News is being included with the Pig Tales this month. The following are the minutes of the directors meeting held March 26.

Those present were Gene Reinhardt, Chanute (8); Dale Farmer, Menlo (1); Terry

Magel, Bushton (5); John Balthrop, Peabody (5); Jim Dobbins, Topeka; Harry Eshelman, ^edgwick (4); Merritt Atwell, Utica (2); Don Flipse, Oakley (2); Ben McKay, Ness (^ity, Robert Hines, Wendell Moyer, Willard Olson, Manhattan (6). The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The treasurer's report was given by Wendell Moyer. KPPC Fieldman Fund Sonoray Test Station

$3,157.00 1,701.41 1,325.20 794.54


John Balthrop moved (Farmer) to pay the balance for new feeders for test station boar pens. The money to be a loan until the test station account can afford to repay the KPPC general account. Motion passed. A bill for $164.85 was presented for printing of placemats. moved (Eshelman) to pay the bill. Motion passed.

Merritt Atwell

John Balthrop moved (Atwell) to furnish "Hogs Are Beautiful" buttons to the Motion passed.

State Young Farmers at their summer meeting in Abilene.

Merritt Atwell moved (Eshelman) to pay John Balthrop $18 for phone calls made for the membership drive.


Motion passed.

John Balthrop moved (Flipse) to repair the fences in the State Fair Barrow Motion passed.

Mrs. A. B. Cain, National Porkettes Program Chairman, reported on the national

program. Mrs. Pat Nagel, president of the Kansas Porkettes, reported on several items. Booth at NPPC meeting at Kansas City in 1971 Annual Meeting

Porkette mailing with KPPC Pig Tales

Any needed promotion material can be acquired from your district Porkettes director.

Merritt Atwell moved (Flipse) to pay Queen Contest expenses of $106.57.



John Balthrop moved (Flipse) to set up a fieldman committee to draw up goals and expected duties of a fieldman. Motion passed.

Those appointed by president Reinhardt are Floyd Meyer, Chairman, Jim Henry, and Merritt Atwell.

John Balthrop moved (Atwell) to set up a committee to look into the possibility

of securing a graduate assistant to operate the test station. President Reinhardt appointed the test station committee.

Motion passed.

Merritt Atwell moved

(Balthrop) to place Dr. R. H. Hines on the test station committee as supervisor. Motion passed.

John Balthrop moved (Hines) to purchase trophies for the Grand Champion carcass at the Wichita Spring Barrow Show, Arkansas City Spring Barrow Show, Mid-America

Fair, Kansas State Fair, and Kansas Junior Livestock Association show at Wichita. Motion passed.

John Balthrop moved (Flipse) to purchase a prize for the Block and Bridle

judging contest, held in May at KSU.

Motion passed.

John Balthrop moved (Atwell) that Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 each pay for the

showing of "A Second Look - The Case For Pork" to be shown on television stations KTVH, KAYS, KLOE, KTVC, and CATVlO on Saturday, April 17, 1971 at 1:30 p.m. The total cost will be $300.

Motion passed.

Merritt Atwell moved we adjourn at 4:30. Respectfully submitted, Willard Olson, Secretary

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