KPPC Kansas Pork Producers Council Newsletter
Affiliated with the National Pork Producers Council
May 17, 1971
As you will note by the minutes of the last directors meeting, things are busy on the state level. The directors and committee chairmen are carrying on many projects, old and new. The date and the town for the annual meeting have been set, February 3, 1972 at Newton, Ks.
' Terry Nagel, promotion committee chairman, sent the secretary the fpllowing instructiqns Cor obtaining promotion material. Each Director should obtain for himself and his District Officers the 1971 Catalog of Educational Publications and Audio-Visual Aids. Plus Promotional Material available. Send your request to: Mr. John D. Lane, Secretary, Pork Industry Committee, National Livestock and Meat Board, 36 S. Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60603. Each District shall pay for material obtained from National Livestock and Meat Board. Each Porkette Director
has' the film strip "Getting Acquainted With Pork" and can be obtained, from her.
Information on
Hogs Are Beautiful buttons, stationery, posters and cookbooks and pig grills can be gotten -from Mrs. Harry (Mary) Eshelman, Sedgwick, Kansas 67135.
The follpwing. are the minutes of the April 30 directors meeting held at Salina. President Gene Reinhardt called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m.
Those present were
Merrltt Atwell, Utica (2); Don Flipse, Oakley (1); Frank Alexander, Corning (6); A. B. Cain, Benton (5); Don Gronau, Newton (5); Jim Henry, Longford (3); Terry Nagel, Bushton (4); Floyd Meyer, Palmer (3); Gene Reinhardt, Chanute (8); Eddie Hull, Ottawa (7); Harry Eshelman, Sedgwick
(5); Terry Schrick, Nebraska Pork Producers Association Field Secretary; Vernon Lohmann, Saline County Extension Agent; Robert Hines, Fred Moorman, Wendell Moyer, and Willard Olson, Manhattan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
The treasurers report was given
by 'Jendell Moyer, Treasurer, showing the following balance. Test Station $1,471.20 (Field-man Fund)
General Account
Checks not yet deposited
Check-off for March
Don Gronau moved (Hull) that we accept the treasurers report as read.
Motion carried.
Wendell Moyer read correspondence from Kathy Eilert, 1970 Pork Queen, Livestock Conservation Incorporated, and the Ritemix Milling Company of McCoolc, Nebraska. Merritt Atwell moved (Gronau) that the president send a letter of thanks to the Ritemix Milling Company for their check-off contribution to the ICPPC.
Motion passed.
Committee Reports
Promotion Committee — Terry Nagel reported the committee had met in Wichita on April 6. They discussed relocating the booth at the State. Fair and recommended to the directors that it
remain in the same place near the swine barn for this year.
worth of promotion material.
The committee has purchased $160
This material can be obtained from Mrs. John Musick, Lawrence.
also recommend that if large orders of material are needed to order them direct from the National
to save double postage; it x^rill also speed up delivery to you. They also ask that districts help pay for the material they would use.
On-Farra Testing Committee — Merritt Atwell reported on the meeting held in Manhattan on
April 21.
A new type information report to breeders will be used that will include a sire and
litter average by sexes. He also reported that if breeders with less than ten head wanted to test that they pool their hogs at one central point. The monthly report of swine tested will be Included in the Pig Tales newsletter. This will be a herd average by sexes of herds tested in
ii'. -2-
the preceding month.
Merritt also reported an emblem was being made to use in advertising.
emblem will familiarize commercial producers with KPPC tested breeding stock.
The committee also
recommended to the directors that the On-Farm Committee be made up of six members, each to serve
a three—year term. Names were selected and the following will be the committee for 1971. One—year term — Claude Messner, Caney, Chairman Harvey Herrs, Linn
Two-year term — Dale Farmer, Menlo Frank Alexander, Corning
Three-year term — John Balthrop, Peabody Merritt Atwell, Utica
The committee also voted to pay back $1,000 to the KPPC general fund which was used to purchase the Scanogram machine.
Swine Health — Eddie Hull reported that serum will not be used on feeder pigs after July 1.
He also expressed hope that Kansas would be cholera free by November 1.
Marketing Committee — Gene Reinhardt reported for Don Sailors that the committee had not met but have plans.to meet in the near future.
Feeder Pig Committee — Gene Reinhardt reported on the meeting held at Wichita on April 26.
Six associations were present: Mid-Kansas, Kingman, Fredonia, Miami, Harper, and Barber. Those present voted to form a state association as part of KPPC. Each association will nominate one person to represent their group on the state feeder pig committee.
Membership — Willard Olson reported on the membership drive and indicated that some districts were slow in sending in their membership slips. A new mailing list is being prepared and all new members should be on the list this month.
Total membership is nearing the 1,000 mark.
' Test Station Committee — Dr. R. H. Hines, supervisor of the test station, filed this report. The new feeders had been ordered but had not yet arrived; the State Fair Barrow barn pens were
completely repaired; and the test station boar pens were filled.
Hines also presented the follow
ing proposal for hiring a graduate assistant to operate the test station. KAI>ISAS PORK PRODUCERS COUNCIL
Graduate Assistantship
Graduate Assistantship in Sx^ine Nutrition
Kansas Pork- Producers Council (KPPC) agreed to sponsor a graduate assistantship (GA) to be used in the area of swine nutrition. This assistantship Xi7ill be for the amount of $4000/year.
The stipend for the GA will be $3500 x^ith the additional $500 provided to the Department of
Animal Science and Industry for the GA to conduct his research, purchase necessary supplies, travel etc. The GA will have the responsibility of managing and caring for the KPPC swine test station located at Manhattan, Kansas under the supervision of one of the Kansas State University Animal Science and Industry faculty.
Co-operators in the test station will continue to pay for the labor and services rendered by the GA in the conducting of the boar test.
Their charges will be kept on an hourly basis
and charges at a rate of $1.75/hour. Therefore, KPPC xs^ill only fund the difference in the stipend designated in number 1 and the labor charges for conducting the test designated in number 2.
Supervision of the program of study for the graduate assistant will be under the direction of a member of the Animal Science and Industry staff.
The program of research for the GA x^ill be decided by the GA and his major advisor x^ith the advice and council of the executive committee of the KPPC or a committee so appointed by the executive committee.
Duration of the graduate assistantship shall be a period of two years. At the end of the initial two years the sponsorship will be reviewed for possible continuance at two year inter
Pat Nagel, Porkiette President, reported on their activities. They asked that the directors help set up guidelines for the queen activities, Don Flipse and Frank Alexander were appointed to assist the Porkettes. Mrs. Nagel also discussed the ordering of promotion material and asked that when districts need material that they order the material from the National and pay for it themselves. She also stated that Mrs. John Musick of Lawrence would have a limited supply of material on hand.
Mrs. A. B, Cain, National Porkettes Program Chairman, reported on their recent meeting at Des Moines. She commented on the following items. Each state make a listing of items they are
offering for sale. News items from each state be sent to the National for release. There are rules and guidelines for the national queen. She may make one appearance in each state at the national's expense.
Floyd Meyer, Chairman of the fieldman committee, introduced Mr. Terry Schrick, Nebraska Pork Producers Association Fieldman Secretary x^ho presented the guidelines and program for a fieldman
Terry also discussed how their program yas started and how it now functions.
He made
comments and suggestions which will be helpful to our state organization.
A bill for $60 for 400 Hogs Are Beautiful buttons was presented, that the treasurer pay this statement. Motion carried.
Don Gronau moved (Flipse)
Floyd Meyer moved (Gronau) that the State Fair booth remain at the same location this year. Motion passed.
Don Gronau moved (Flipse) to set up a fund for a graduate assistant to operate the test station as recommended by R. H, Hines.
Motion carried,
Floyd Meyer moved that KPPC hold their annual meeting the day preceding the NPPC annual meeting in Kansas City and host a reception for all members attending the NPPC meeting following our state meeting. thereafter.
The date bf Our annual meeting to be the first Thursday in February each year
After discussion Mbyer withdrew his motion.
Don Gronau moved (Nagel) the annual meeting be held on the regular scheduled day, this being February 3, 1972, and the meeting place to be at Newton, Kansas with more details to be planned in the future.
Motion carried,
Don Flipse moved (Alexander) that the treasurer pay for trophies donated this past year for district swine carcass champions. Motion passed, Wendell Moyer discussed feed additive withdraxi^al time,
Don Gronau moved (Flipse) to send Willard Olson, secretary for KPPC, to Des Moines to attend a fieldman secretary meeting in May.• Motion passed. full.
Wendell Moyer discussed the State Fair Barrow Performance Class and indicated the barn was Don Gronau, Chairman, A. B. Cain, and Seth Lauer are on a committee to determine the future
plans for this program.
Merritt Atwell moved (Meyer) that 10,000 .brochures be printed.
Motion passed.
Wendell Moyer announced dates for district swine meetings this fall. November November
8 9
November 10 November 11
November 15
November 16
November 17
November 18
Floyd Meyer moved (Atwell) that pie shape graphs be placed in the KPPC brochure sh6winfe>£he income and expense for 1970.
Motion passed.
•The next meetingiwill be held July 9 at Manhattan at 1:00. Further details are not yet available.
Don Flipse moved we adjourn at 4:30.
Respectfully submitted.
Willard Olson
Here is a list of committees selected by the board of directors for 1971 Activities Coordination
Test Station
Eugene Busenitz, Nex^^ton,'Chairman Fred DeLano, El Dorado*
Robert Hines, Manhattan, Supervisor
Charles Smith, Winfield Duahe Van Horn, Lyons
Jim Yearout, Emporia •Emery Berry, Minneapolis =' Floyd Meyer,- Palmer
Joe Bellerive, Stockton Pat Boyer, Topeka Shannon Nickelson, Sabetha •
; * •'
Vyrl Fegel, Chanute Legislative
Fred Moorman, Manhattan, Chairman
Roy Stroup, Fontana, Chairman Jasper DeVore, Arkansas City Wallace Wolf, Sonth- HaVen .
Dan Thie^S^, Independence
Neill Walker, McPherson Melvin Shipley, Esbon Lowell Lauer, Hope Gail Roepke, Waterville • John Musick, Lawrence
"On-Farm" Testing
1 yr.
Olaude^Messner, Caney,-Chairman
Harvey Herrs, Linn
Dale Farmer, Menlo
Merritt Atwell, Utica, Chairman
yr. yr.
Prank Alexander, Coming John Balthrop, Peabody
Jbhri Bal thtop, •'Peab ody
Merritt Atwell, Utica
• Jim -Henry,' Longford- •'' Frank Alexander, Coming Marketing
Don Jim Jim Joe
Terry Nagel, Bushton, Chairman Dick Strohl, Cunningham*
' •
Sailors, Erie, Chairman Swercinsky, Topeka Strong, Moran Reed, Peru
Mrs. Mike 0'Bryan, Hiattville
Jim Dobbins,- Topeka
: '
Larry Steckline, Wichita George Logan, Topeka i Mrs. A. B. Cain;" =Benton
Max Porter, Glen* Elder '' Bob Rose, Cawker City Doyle Boyd, Sawyer
•> -
George Stephens, Kansas City James Sprague, St. Joseph
Purebred Activities
Mrs. Galen Harms, Whitewater
Frank Wilson, Arkansas City, Chairman Tom Orx^ig, Abilene Seth Lauer, Hope
Mrs. Jim Henry, Longford
John Nagel, Valley Center
Frank Wilson, Arkansas City
Don Gronau, Newton
•' ' '
Jerry Sleichter, Abilene Eddie Hull, Ottawa
Dean Funston, Atiilene
W. W. 0*Bryan, Hepler Ed Sklenar, Tampa Delbert Hollinger, Lyons Verl Cundiff, Manchester Frank Alexander, Coming
John Nagel, Valley Center
Don Flipse, Oakley
Feeder Pig Gene Sturgeon, Nickerson (Mid-Kansas) Dick Strohl, Cunningham (Kingman) Don Olcnhouse, Freddhia (Southeast Kansas) Mike Yorum,-Paola (Miami County)
- r'.
Swine Health
Bob Rose, Cawker City, Chairman Purebred
1 yr.
Lew Anderson, Garden City
2 yr.
Don Gronau, Newton
3 yr.
John Balthrop, Peabody
1 yr. 2 yr.
Bob Rose, CaX'7ker City Richard Featherston, Sabetha
3 yr. Roy Stroup, Fontana Feeder Pig 1 yr. Don Olenhouse, Fredonia
2 yr.
Gene Sturgeon, Cunningham
3 yr.
Terry Nagel, Bushton
The Porkette Board met April 30, 1971 at the Ramada Inn in Salina. The meeting was called to order with five members present, by Pat Nagel, President. Those present were Mrs. Armella Struss, WaKeeney, Dist. 1; Pat Nagel, Bushton, Dist. 4; Dorothea Cain, Benton, Dist. 5; Mary Eshelman, Sedg\-7ick, Dist. 5. Was your district represented to its fullest? If not, do something about it, attend the next meeting and see that your vote gets counted.
Minutes of the previous meeting, which was held March 26 in Manhattan, were read and approved.
Treasure balance on April 30 was $262.96.
We paid out $140.58 for bills and promotion. On May 1,
1971 our Treasurer deposited $152.20.
We discussed writing some guidelines for the queen and it was decided that there should be a committee for this.
Armella Struss moved to include in dress rules for queen to wear pant suit
where it's appropriate. The motion was seconded by Dorothea Cain. Motion carried. The KPPC was recommended to pay the queen's expenses (10<? per mile) to all state events, such as Kansas State Fair, Mid America Fair, annual meeting, national meeting, boar test sale, Swine Day, and to sign The Proclamation in Topeka, Each district and county are to pay for queen appearance if she is there on request.
On April 30 we had 194 paid members for 1971. It's been decided to sell the Hogs Are Beautiful buttons for 15d each. The Pig Notes are selling for $1,00 until June 1 then the price
$1.25 due to the raise in cost for the notes. We ordered 15 more pig grills and should be here
Each district director is requested to order their oim material so that each district will have material at once instead of wasting time and postage. The address of the National Livestock and Meat Board is 36 S. Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60603. All you need to ask for is the
1971 catalog of Educational Publications and Audio-Visual Aids. Mrs. Evelyn Musick will keep a
stock pile of extra items and you are to contact her if you need something in a hurry and don't have time to order your own.
The National Livestock and Meat Board each year offers free literature
for each county, for the county fairs. We are asking that each one of you order your material and distribute it at your county fairs. The material that is left over will be used at the State Parkette members nex^7 and old please send your membership dues to our secretary, Mrs. Mary Eshelman, Sedgwick, Kansas 67135. Name Address
Yearly dues are $2.00 and are due now.
Detach and mail today.
U. S. Postage Paid 66502
Manhattan, Kansas 66502 Permit No.