Pig Tales September 1970

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KSIA Kansas Swine Improvement Association Newsletter Affiliated with the National Park Producers Council September 10, 1970

The Test Station Boar Sale was held at Ci-Co Park, Monday, August 31 at 7:00 p.m.

after everyone participated in a delicious grilled pork chop dinner. Those attending were also honored by the presence of two attractive queens, Miss Kathy Eilert, the 1970 Kansas Pork Queen and Miss Nora Lee Nagel, this year's National Duroc Queen.

Both young ladies

are from Valley Center.

Fifty-five boars brought an average price of $296.18, ranging from $110.00 to $660.00. Dr. and Mrs. Berl Koch, Kerri and Kevin left Manhattan for Nigeria on August 26 and will arrive in Nigeria on September 10. Kerri and Kevin will remain in Switzerland where they are to be in school. Their Nigerian address will be Ahmadu Belle University, PMB 1045, Zaria, Nigeria.

Remember the Kansas All Breed Sale to be held October 8-9 at the Dickinson County Fairgrounds at Abilene.

Swine Industry Day is October 1, 1970. There will be demonstrations at 8:30 a.m., then hog talks on "Cooked Whole Soybeans for Swine," "Can We Afford Exotic Feed Processing for Swine?", and "Haste Disposal For Swine Units in the 70's". The featured speaker will be Dr. J. A. Hoefer, Associate Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station,

Michigan State University, and his topic will be "New Decade of Swine Production". Research reports will pertain to pig starters, various additives for swine finishing rations, liquid feeding, mechanical pig brooder and other topics. The KSIA directors met in Weber Hall on Monday, August 31. were as

Discussions and decisions


" KSIA'will pay Mrs. A. B. Cain's way to Chicago to attend the National Pork Promotion Education Workshop, September 28-29, 1970. The workshop is to be presented by the Pork Industry Committee of the National Live Stock and Meat Board.

The board agreed that the annual meeting of KSIA V7ill be held in Salina at the Statler Hilton Hotel on Thursday, February 4, 1971 and that a ceiling of $4.25 be placed on the cost of the meal.

Information from the National Pork Producers Council indicated that if KSIA affiliates

with the Kansas Farm Bureau, it would no longer be eligible for affiliation with NPPC. Mr. Robert Pokorny, publisher of the farm paper "Green Acres," from Norton, spoke to the group concerning promotion and the publication of KSIA news. He described two possi bilities, one was a separate publication which would be quite expensive and a second in

which one page of each issue of "Green Acres", published twice a month, would be devoted to KSIA news.

He suggested that under the second plan KSIA should take membership sub

scriptions for each of its members at $2.50 each per year.

about 25,000 per issue. such arrangepients.

Circulation of the paper is

A committee was appointed to investigate the possibilities of

Committee members are Mr. Shannon Nickelson and Mr. Floyd Meyer with

Mr. Nickelson serving as chairman.

The budget for the display booth at the State Fair at Hutchinson, presented by Mr. Dick Strohl, totaling $1550.00 was approved. Mrs. A. B. Cain, Jr. will be at the fair nine days to supervise the booth.


The district responsibilities for the booth are as follows: Saturday - September 19 - District 8 Sunday - September 20 - District 5 Monday - September 21 - All directors Tuesday - September 22 - District 4 Wednesday - September 23 - District 7 Thursday - September 24 - District 1 Friday - September 25) - District 2 Saturday - September 26 d District 3


September 27 - District 6 : :



NPPC i<rill pay KSIA $400.00 which is 40 percent of Willard Olson's salary for the . sumiCner.

The board agreed that beginning in October'1970, half of the check off receipts and money to repay half the. loan for the An Scan go into..a "field man" fund. Mr. John Meetz, Executive Vice President of the KLA, described the willingness of the Association to furnish office space for a field secretary and secretarial help for KSIA at cost. Mr. James Henry and his committee which studied the possibility of using office

space with the Farm Bureau,are to meet with officers of KLA

discuss possible arrange

ments and costs.

If the Fann Bureau furnishes secretarial seryices, office space, and other facilities

on a contract or.cp.st ^pjlus basis,, the cost would bp. ;?65.p^0Q per month. I.f KSIA became affiliated withi/the. (Farm Bureau the.-jcoet per month wo,uld .be $540.00 p.er. month... . Betvjeen now. and the annual meeting in February 1971 is the time, f.qr ^each .district .to

concentrate on ..its membership drive..,, ;%e membership cpmmittee app.ointed by Mr. Stroup is Mr. John Balthrop, Chairman, Mr. Merritt C...Atwell,. and Mr. Willard Olson. Wendell Moyer writes of having traveled through France, Luxemberg, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Holland, and Switzerland and will go to England later this month. The next meeting of..the board of directors Xi^ill be Thursday, October 1 at the Holiday Inn in Manha,ttan at..4.:00 p.m.



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f ..

Respectively submitted, •'J^ohn D. J^eat Secretary KSIA Financial Statement

. .

Balance August 1, 1970 $786.35 CHECKS written" i . 8/3 Kansas Pofkettes - Queen expenses 8/6 Nat. Livestock and Meat Board - porkeciie booklets) 8/6 K-State Printing Service - paper


Ag Press - 5,000 mimeoheads

8/11 8/i7 8/31

KSU Extension Division - postage for' newsletter NPPC - June and July tape service Willard Olson - labor

8/31 8/31

Ag Press - letterhead and envelopes Nat. Livestock and Meat Board - bumperstrips


8/17 Check-off Balance August 31, 1970

• ; ! .'



.$105.18 72.00 20.50

47.50 73,58 45.00 333.34

31.40 40.00

' .




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