March 2014 Quarterly Newsletter

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Kansas Wheat Commission / Kansas Association of Wheat Growers Supplement to High Plains Journal March 2014

Farm Bill Enters Implementation Phase


fter nearly three years of limbo in Congress, a five-year farm bill has been passed and has entered the implementation phase. Farmers across the nation now face the burden of learning how the changes will affect their home operations. The legislation is expected to reduce spending by $23 billion over the next decade, with a portion coming from the end of direct payments. This cut allowed law makers to expand the federally subsidized crop insurance programs to help farmers better manage risk tied to unexpected weather disasters or fluctuations in commodity prices. “We are grateful for the passage of a farm bill,” said Dalton Henry, director of governmental affairs for Kansas Wheat. “We will continue to work on both the unresolved regulatory pieces and will follow implementation closely during the rules phase to ensure the changes work for wheat farmers.”

The bill provides a multi-year safety net and authorization for key programs such as the Market Access Program and Foreign Market Development Program. It also shifts commodity support from direct payments to a mix of programs that will only pay when a farmer experiences a loss. The programs include Ag Risk While “We are excited and thankful to Coverage, Supplemental wheat farmers have a strengthend safety net Coverage Option and Price may be Loss Coverage. disappointed under farm income,” said Justin Crop insurance avoided Gilpin, CEO of Kansas Wheat. that the bill the adjusted gross income includes limits that had many duplicative wheat farmers concerned and did gain conservation compliance regulations permanent enterprise units and the tied to crop insurance and doesn’t splitting of enterprise units between address overbearing regulations such irrigated and non-irrigated cropland. as the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) or National Crop insurance also gains a new Pollutant Discharge Elimination provision beneficial to Kansas wheat System Permits (NPDES), it does growers that will allow producers provide several benefits. to remove a catastrophic loss year from the actual production history “We are excited and thankful to calculation. This will allow producers have a strengthened safety net under carrying a low yield year such as a once farm income,” said Justin Gilpin, CEO in a lifetime freeze or drought to be of Kansas Wheat.

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removed so that producers will have coverage that more accurately depicts actual production. The research title of the farm bill authorizes several programs vital to America’s wheat producers, including $10 million per year to support Fusarium, or scab research and a new foundation-based research initiative, the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research. FFAR has been provided with authorization for $200 million to be matched by private dollars in support of research complementary to existing programs. It will be governed by a 15-member board nominated by the National Academy of Sciences. The conservation title of the Farm Bill streamlines and consolidates conservation programs to achieve cost savings and improve delivery of programs. The bill retains the Conservation Reserve Program but decreases the enrollment cap to 24 million acres by 2018, down from the existing 32 million.

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Kansas Wheat

March 2014

Mike Jordan Attends WOLF The 2014 Wheat Organization Leaders of the Future program (WOLF), a leadership orientation program of the National Wheat Foundation funded by a grant from Bayer CropScience, took place Jan. 28-29. Mike Jordan, Kansas Association of Wheat Growers Vice President from Beloit, Kansas attended the program. Jordan, along with wheat leaders from across the nation, participated in interactive sessions involving director responsibilities, essential board skills, issues management, crisis communications, wheat grower advocacy and NAWG policies. Dr. Allen Scarborough, a member of the NWF Board and stakeholder relations manager for Bayer CropScience, informed the attendees about BCS’s global commitment to wheat.

The purpose of the WOLF Program is to provide newer NAWG directors necessary skills to maximize their effectiveness during their terms as board members. Jordan said he enjoyed the presenters and content. “I gained a degree of confidence in becoming an advocate for the organization and wheat policies in terms of speaking to the press and dealing with legislators,” Jordan said. “I also feel like the training on conducting an effective meeting will benefit me, the Kansas Association of Wheat Growers and even other organizations I belong to in the future.”

previous NAWG events such as Wheat Industry Leaders of Tomorrow seminar.

“I thought the presenters and content were very good,” said Jordan. “I enjoyed learning about different tools that can be used in communicating and learning Jordan said he thought the media training was very beneficial and reinforced how to better fulfill my role as a board member.” the information he learned through

Provide Support for Agriculture Literacy Kansans can support the number one industry in the state while providing funds to help educate Kansas youth just by purchasing a specialty license plate for their vehicle. The Agri-Tag specialty tag program is an effort by the Kansas Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom (KFAC) to promote agriculture in Kansas and to support the statewide k-12 agriculture literacy programs KFAC delivers.

Spokespersons Attend Training The Kansas Wheat spokespersons gathered at the Kansas Wheat Innovation Center Feb. 15 to be trained on how to speak on behalf of the wheat industry. The training featured an update on the Kansas Wheat Innovation Center, a baking substitution science workshop, a presentation from Charlene Patton, executive director of the Home Baking Association, an update on gluten and low carb diet trends and a presentation from Kansas Foundation for Ag in the Classroom on teaching children what can be learned from a kernel of wheat.

Regular trainings equip Kansas Wheat spokespersons with valuable information to provide the public about wheat production, wheat by-products and wheat foods. The Kansas Wheat Speak for Wheat program is both an educational opportunity and public service program. The Kansas Wheat staff works with spokespersons to schedule and provide information for meetings, classes, exhibits and media opportunities in their areas.

For information about scheduling spokespersons to address your group or The group began work on planning the meeting, or information about becoming 2015 National Festival of Breads to be held a spokesperson, contact Cindy Falk, in Manhattan, Kan., and heard the latest Kansas Wheat nutrition educator, at news from the Wheat Foods Council 785-539-0255 or about anit-gluten books.

Dollars collected by these tax-exempt donations fund teacher workshops, educator guides and lesson plan creation for Kansas elementary teachers and their students. If you’re interested in purchasing an Agri-Tag to further KFAC’s mission of connecting classrooms to Kansas agriculture, the process is simple and efficient. All you need to do is visit your county treasurer, ask for an Agri-Tag and contribute a $25 tax-deductible donation to our Foundation. There is a $48.50 onetime specialty tag fee. The vehicle weight limit is 20,000 pounds. For additional questions, contact the KFAC office at 785-320-4350. KFAC hopes to see your Agri-Tag on highways, country roads and city roads.

Kansas Wheat

March 2014

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Penner Named NAWG President Paul Penner, a wheat farmer from Hillsboro, was elected president of the National Association of Wheat Growers at their annual meeting in San Antonio, Texas, in late February. Penner succeeds Bing Von Burgen, a wheat grower from Moccasin, Mont.

committee and served as HPI’s Audit Committee chair.

A long-time member of KAWG, Penner previously held each officer position and served an additional year-long term as vice president and president.


Additionally, Penner served as an alternate committee member for the As a representative of the Kansas Association of Wheat Growers on NAWG’s Kansas Wheat Alliance, which Board of Directors, he served on NAWG’s collects end-user Research and Technology Committee and royalties from seed Operations and Planning Committee. revenues and reinvests those funds into He was also a member of NAWG’s wheat research. Environment and Renewable Resources Committee, and was that panel’s chairman In addition to his service to the wheat in 2009-2010. industry, Penner serves as treasurer of Risely

During his time in KAWG’s leadership, Penner was actively involved in the formation of Heartland Plant Innovations, Inc., a for-profit biotechnology company of which KAWG is a majority shareholder. Penner served on HPI’s first CEO search

He holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration and economics with a concentration in accounting from Tabor College in Hillsboro. He is also a graduate of the wheat industry’s two leadership training programs, the Wheat Industry Leaders of Tomorrow (WILOT) program and the Wheat Organization Leaders of the Future (WOLF) program.

Celebrate Bake and Take Month Giving a home-baked gift is a great way to show someone you care, but it is even better when you could win a prize for doing so. This March, the Kansas Wheat Commission is teaming up with the Home Baking Association to promote Bake and Take Month. For more than 40 years, Bake and Take Month has been an opportunity to celebrate relationships with friends and family by baking and sharing treats.

Kansas Wheat Commission complete with historical recipes and a $100 King Arthur Flour gift card donated by the Kansas Wheat Commission.

Gilpin Travels to Asia to Promote Crop Quality Kansas Wheat CEO Justin Gilpin spent the month of November overseas speaking with buyers, millers and industry leaders as a part of the 2013 U.S. Wheat Asia Crop Quality Tour. For 17 days Gilpin; Steve Wirsching with U.S. Wheat Associates in Portland, Ore.; Daren Padget, Oregon wheat commissioner; Senay Simsek from North Dakota State University and Blake Rowe, Oregon wheat grower, traveled Asia sharing information about the quality of U.S. wheat. The group traveled more than 28,000 miles and attended seven seminars on wheat crop quality. Gilpin represented hard red winter wheat growers, as the group traveled to Japan, Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Taiwan, China and the Philippines. “The Crop Quality Seminar is a unique event because of the number of buyers, millers and industry professionals in each country that you get to meet with in one setting,” said Gilpin. “It was an excellent opportunity to represent and promote the quality and reliability of Kansas wheat.”

Bake and Take Day began in 1970 as a community service project of the Kansas Wheathearts. The Kansas Wheathearts, About 50 percent of all wheat an auxiliary organization of the Kansas grown in Kansas is exported. Association of Wheat Growers, set out to Gilpin said the chance to build share baked goods with family members, relationships with different buyers friends, neighbors, and those in need, of wheat across the globe was a “The purpose of Bake and Take Month generating goodwill in the community. great way to share the quality is to encourage participants to bake a The idea of a community member sharing product that Kansas farmers have product made from wheat and take it to a favorite recipe with someone special to offer. a neighbor, friend or relative,” said Cindy became so successful that the Kansas Falk, nutrition educator of Kansas Wheat Wheathearts created a national Bake and and coordinator of Bake and Take Month. Take Day celebration in 1973. Although the Kansas Wheathearts disbanded Participants who share their stories of the entry form, write to Kansas Wheat, in 2001, the tradition continues to be of the Bake and Take experience with 1990 Kimball Ave, Manhattan, KS 66502. supported by KWC and KAWG. the Kansas Wheat Commission will Contestants should include the be entered into a drawing for a “book To be eligible for the “book bundle” following information: name, bundle” prize including the Home prize pack, participants of Bake and Take organization, phone number, mailing Baking Assoication’s popular “Baking Month should visit address and a note describing the Bake with Friends.” The prize will also include and under the “Consumers” section, click and Take activity. Entries must be “Kansas Gold,” a 50-year history of the on Bake and Take Month. For a hard copy postmarked by April 15, 2014.

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Kansas Wheat

March 2013

May 1 Deadline for Wheat Yield Contest Three $1,000 cash prizes and several potential bonus awards are at stake for wheat growers who enter the 2014 Kansas Wheat Yield Contest, sponsored by the Kansas Wheat Commission, Bayer CropScience and BASF, the lead corporate sponsor.

the Wheat Yield Contest. Each contest participant will be asked to submit a five-pound sample of wheat from the contest field. That sample will be evaluated for quality components such as test weight, protein content and kernel quality. Top scoring samples will be further tested in a quality The contest includes three regions: laboratory, where a test loaf of bread Region 1 (Western Kansas), Region 2 (Central Kansas) and Region 3 (Eastern will be baked. The sample with the top quality score will receive $250 in cash. Kansas). Entry deadline for the 2014 Wheat Yield Contest is May 1, 2014. “The yield contest highlights success Producers achieving the top yield stories of how Kansas farmers are receive a $1,000 cash prize and plaque. maximizing yield potential and Additional cash prizes are available producing high quality wheat for the for winning entries using AgriPro, marketplace,” said Justin Gilpin, chief WestBred, Limagrain, PlainsGold or executive officer of Kansas Wheat. Kansas Wheat Alliance seed. “It also serves as an educational opportunity for producers to learn new For the fourth year in a row, management strategies for improved contestants will be eligible to wheat production.” participate in the Quality Initiative of KWC Commissioners Ron Suppes, Dighton, Chair Jay Armstrong, Muscotah, Vice Chair Scott Van Allen, Clearwater, Secretary/Treasurer Rich Randall, Scott City, Past Chair Doug Keesling, Chase, At Large Brian Linin, Goodland, District 1 Mike McClellan, Palco, District 4 Jason Ochs, Syracuse, District 3 David Radenberg, Claflin, District 5 Scott Van Allen, Clearwater, District 6

The May 1 deadline gives wheat farmers an opportunity to gauge the condition of the wheat crop as it breaks dormancy. Folks who enter the contest will be asked to share management information about their farm, including details about tillage and agronomic practices, crop protection products usage and more. Kansas wheat farmers 18 years or older are eligible to participate by enrolling a plot at least five acres in size. The fee is $50 per entry. Producers may enter more than once, but each entry must be submitted on a separate entry form. More details about the 2014 Kansas Wheat Yield Contest can be found online at

Kansas Wheat Staff

KAWG Directors

Justin Gilpin, Chief Executive Officer Marsha Boswell, Director of Communications Cindy Falk, Nutrition Educator Aaron Harries, Director of Marketing Dalton Henry, Director of Government Affairs Julie Owens, Office Manager Julie Winsor, Director of Finance/Human Resources Nicole Lane, Communications Intern

Gary Millershaski, Lakin, President Mike Jordan, Beloit, Vice-President Ken Wood, Chapman, Secretary/Treasurer David Schemm, Sharon Springs Past President, Randy Fritzemeier, Stafford, District 6 Theron Haresnape, Lebanon, At-Large Justin Knopf, Salina, District 5 Richard Kvasnicka, Winona, District 2 Roger May, Oberlin, District 1 Jim Michael, McCune, District 7 Marvin Schlatter, Hutchinson, Associate Eric Sperber, Colby, Associate

Contact Us

Kansas Wheat 1990 Kimball Ave. Manhattan, KS 66502 1-866-75-WHEAT

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