Kantorei in Recital: Arias & Art Songs

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“Qual fiamma avea nel guardo! … Stridono lassù” from I Pagliacci

JENNIFER MOORE, mezzo soprano

Als Luise die Briefe ihres ungetreuen Liebhabers verbrannte (K. 520)

ANDREW HALLADAY, bass The Vagabond

Ruggiero Leoncavallo (1857 – 1919) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 – 1791) Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 – 1958)

from Songs of Travel

SARA MICHAEL, soprano “Ach, ich fühl's”

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

from Die Zauberflöte

LAURA TRIBBY, mezzo soprano “Waiting”

John Harbison (b. 1938)

from The Great Gatsby

MATTHEW WEISSENBUEHLER, baritone Morgen! (Op. 27 No. 4)


“O mio babbino caro”

Richard Strauss (1864 – 1949) Giacomo Puccini (1858 – 1924)

from Gianni Schicchi

SARAH HARRISON, mezzo soprano “Mon cœur s'ouvre à ta voix” from Samson et Dalila

MATTHEW ESCHLIMAN, tenor “Vainement, ma bien aimée”

Camille Saint-Saëns (1835 – 1921)

Edouard Lalo (1823 - 1892)

from Le Roi d'Ys

SARA MICHAEL, soprano; SARAH HARRISON, mezzo soprano "Duo des fleurs / Sous le dôme épais" (“Flower Duet”) from Lakmé

ERIN PETTITT, soprano Kling! (Op. 48 No. 3)

Léo Delibes (1836 – 1891)

Richard Strauss WWW.KANTOREI.ORG

TEXTS & TRANSLATIONS Qual fiamma avea nel guardo! … Stridono lassù Ruggiero Leoncavallo Qual fiamma avea nel guardo! Gli occhi abbassai per tema ch'ei leggesse il mio pensier segreto! Oh! s'ei mi sorprendesse... bruttale come egli è! Ma basti, orvia. Son questi sogni paurosi e fole! O che bel sole di mezz'agosto! Io son piena di vita, e, tutta illanguidita per arcano desìo, non so che bramo! Oh! che volo d'augelli, e quante strida! Che chiedon? dove van? chissà! La mamma mia, che la buona ventura annunziava, comprendeva il lor canto e a me bambina così cantava: Hui! Hui!

What fire there was in his look! I lowered my eyes for fear he should read my secret thoughts. Oh! if he caught me … He's so brutal … But enough: no more. These are idle, fearful dreams! O how glorious is the August sun! I feel full of life, and, my senses glowing with secret desire, I know not what I long for! Oh, what a flight of birds, and what a chatter! What do they seek? Where are they going? Who knows? My mother, who could tell fortunes, understood their warbling, and sang this song to me as a child: Hey!

Stridono lassù, liberamente lanciati a vol, a vol come frecce, gli augel. Disfidano le nubi e'l sol cocente, e vanno, e vanno per le vie del ciel. Lasciateli vagar per l'atmosfera, questi assetati d'azzurro e di splendor: seguono anch'essi un sogno, una chimera, e vanno, e vanno fra le nubi d'or! Che incalzi il vento e latri la tempesta, con l'ali aperte san tutto sfidar; la pioggia i lampi, nulla mai li arresta, e vanno, e vanno sugli abissi e i mar. Vanno laggiù verso un paese strano che sognan forse e che cercano in van. Ma i boèmi del ciel, seguon l'arcano poter che li sospinge... e van! e van! e van! e van!

The birds chirp up aloft, freely launched in flight like arrows. They defy the clouds and the burning sun and onward they fly through the boundless sky. Let them roam through the atmosphere, ever eager for the glorious infinite blue: They too follow a dream, a chimera, as onward they fly through the gilded clouds! Though the wind freshen and the tempest roar, with pinions spread they brave all dangers; rain or lightning, nothing defers them, and onward they fly over abysses and oceans. Onward they go to some strange land of which perhaps they dream and which they seek in vain. But the gypsies of the sky follow the mysterious power which draws them…onward…ever onward!

Als Luise die Briefe ihres ungetreuen Liebhabers verbrannte Gabriele von Baumberg Erzeugt von heißer Phantasie, In einer schwärmerischen Stunde Zu Welt gebrachte, geht zu Grunde, Ihr Kinder der Melancholie!

You borne of such hot imagination, In a passionate hour What is brought into the world perishes, You children of melancholy!

Ihr danket Flammen euer Sein, Ich geb' euch nun den Flammen wieder, Und all' die schwärmerischen Lieder, Denn ach! er sang nicht mir allein.

You thank flames for your existence, I give you now back to the flames, And all those passionate songs, Because alas! he sang not to me alone.

Ihr brennet nun, und bald, ihr Lieben, Ist keine Spur von euch mehr hier. Doch ach! der Mann, der euch geschrieben, Brennt lange noch vielleicht in mir.

You are burning now, dear ones, There is no longer any trace of you here. But Alas! the man who wrote you Will perhaps still burn long inside me.

The Vagabond Robert Louis Stephenson

Ach, ich fühl's Emanuel Schikaneder

Give to me the life I love, Let the lave go by me, Give the jolly heaven above, And the byway nigh me. Bed in the bush with stars to see, Bread I dip in the river— There’s the life for a man like me, There’s the life forever.

Ach, ich fühl's, es ist verschwunden, Ewig hin der Liebe Glück! Nimmer kommt ihr Wonnestunde Meinem Herzen mehr zurück! Sieh', Tamino, diese Tränen, Fließen, Trauter, dir allein! Fühlst du nicht der Liebe Sehnen, So wird Ruh' im Tode sein!

Let the blow fall soon or late, Let what will be o’er me; Give the face of earth around, And the road before me. Wealth I seek not, hope nor love, Nor a friend to know me; All I seek, the heaven above, And the road below me. Or let autumn fall on me Where afield I linger, Silencing the bird on tree, Biting the blue finger. White as meal the frosty field— Warm the fireside haven— Not to autumn will I yield, Not to winter even!

Ah, I feel it; it has vanished, Forever gone, the happiness of love! Never will you, blissful hours, Come back again to my heart! See, Tamino, these tears Flow, beloved one, for you alone. If you do not feel the longing of love, Then peace will come to be in death!

Waiting John Harbison He stopped today for gas, in a new yellow car, but he didn’t stop for me. The days stretch out without him. Waiting, waiting by the window, watching by the door, dreaming of us together. Fancy dresses, nice hotel rooms – treated me like a queen, made me feel like a lady. Why does he leave me here without a phone call, a prisoner in this Valley of Ashes? Those eyes Those blinking eyes staring me down. Waiting, waiting.

Morgen! John Henry Mackay Und morgen wird die Sonne wieder scheinen und auf dem Wege, den ich gehen werde, wird uns, die Glücklichen sie wieder einen inmitten dieser sonnenatmenden Erde... und zu dem Strand, dem weiten, wogenblauen, werden wir still und langsam niedersteigen, stumm werden wir uns in die Augen schauen, und auf uns sinkt des Glückes stummes Schweigen...

And tomorrow the sun will shine again and on the way that I will go, she will again unite us, the happy ones amidst this sun-breathing earth, and to the beach, wide, wave-blue will we still and slowly descend silently we will look in each other's eyes and upon us will sink the mute silence of happiness

O mio babbino caro Giovacchino Forzano O mio babbino caro, mi piace, è bello, bello, Vo'andare in Porta Rossa a comperar l'anello! Sì, sì, ci voglio andare! E se l'amassi indarno, andrei sul Ponte Vecchio, ma per buttarmi in Arno! Mi struggo e mi tormento! O Dio, vorrei morir! Babbo, pietà, pietà!

Oh my dear papa, I love him, he is handsome, handsome, I want to go to Porta Rossa To buy the ring! Yes, yes, I want to go there! And if I loved him in vain, I would go to the Ponte Vecchio, And throw myself in the Arno! I am anguished and tormented! Oh God, I'd want to die! Papa, have pity, have pity!

Mon cœur s'ouvre à ta voix Ferdinand Lemaire Mon cœur s'ouvre à ta voix, comme s'ouvrent les fleurs aux baisers de l'aurore! Mais, ô mon bienaimé, pour mieux sécher mes pleurs, que ta voix parle encore! Dis-moi qu'à Dalila tu reviens pour jamais. Redis à ma tendresse les serments d'autrefois, ces serments que j'aimais! Ah! réponds à ma tendresse! Verse-moi, verse-moi l'ivresse!

My heart opens to your voice Like the flowers open To the kisses of the dawn! But, oh my beloved, To better dry my tears, Let your voice speak again! Tell me that you are returning To Delilah forever! Repeat to my tenderness The promises of old times, Those promises that I loved! Ah! respond to my tenderness! Fill me with ecstasy!

Ainsi qu'on voit des blés les épis onduler sous la brise légère, ainsi frémit mon cœur, prêt à se consoler, à ta voix qui m'est chère! La flèche est moins rapide à porter le trépas, que ne l'est ton amante à voler dans tes bras! Ah! réponds à ma tendresse! Verse-moi, verse-moi l'ivresse!

Like one sees the blades Of wheat that wave In the light wind, So trembles my heart, Ready to be consoled, By your voice that is so dear to me!The arrow is less rapid In bringing death, Than your love is By flying into your arms! Ah! respond to my tenderness! Fill me with ecstasy!

Vainement, ma bien aimée Édouard Blau Puisqu'on ne peut fléchir ces jalouses gardiennes, ah, laissez-moi conter mes peines et mon émoi.

Since these jealous guardians will not be moved to mercy, ah, let me tell you of my anguish and my torment!

Vainement, ma bien-aimée, on croit me désespérer ; près de ta porte fermée je veux encore demeurer.

In vain, my beloved, do I seem to despair: next to your closed door I am determined to stay!

Les soleils pourront s'éteindre, les nuits remplacer les jours, sans t'accuser et sans me plaindre, là je resterai toujours, toujours.

Suns may be extinguished, nights replace days, but without blaming you and without complaining, I shall stay here forever!

Je le sais, ton âme est douce, et l'heure bientôt viendra où la main qui me repousse vers la mienne se tendra.

I know that you have a kind heart, and the hour will soon come when the hand which now pushes me away will reach out towards mine!

Ne sois pas trop tardive à te laisser attendrir, si Rozenn bientôt n'arrive, je vais hélas, mourir.

Do not delay too long in allowing yourself to soften; If Rozenn does not appear soon, I, alas, shall die!

Duo des fleurs / Sous le dôme épais ("The Flower Duet") Edmond Gondinet, Philippe Gille Lakmé: Viens, Mallika, les lianes en fleurs Jettent déjà leur ombre Sur le ruisseau sacré qui coule, calme et sombre, Eveillé par le chant des oiseaux tapageurs.

Come, Mallika, the flowering lianas already cast their shadow on the sacred stream which flows, calm and dark, awakened by the song of rowdy birds.

Mallika: Oh! maîtresse, c'est l'heure où je te vois sourire, L'heure bénie où je puis lire Dans le coeur toujours fermé De Lakmé!

Oh! Mistress, this is the hour when I see you smile, the blessed hour when I can read in the always closed heart of Lakmé!

Lakmé: Dôme épais le jasmin Mallika: Sous le dôme épais où le blanc jasmin

Thick dome of jasmine Under the dense canopy where the white jasmine,

L: À la rose s'assemble, M: À la rose s'assemble,

Blends with the rose, That blends with the rose,

L: Rive en fleurs, frais matin, M: Sur la rive en fleurs, riant au matin,

Bank in bloom, fresh morning, On the flowering bank, laughing in the morning,

L: Nous appellent ensemble. M: Viens, descendons ensemble.

Call us together. Come, let us drift down together.

L: Ah! glissons en suivant M: Doucement glissons; De son flot charmant

Ah! Let's glide along Let us gently glide along; For its enchanting flow

L: Le courant fuyant; M: Suivons le courant fuyant;

The fleeing current; Let us follow the fleeing current;

L: Dans l'onde frémissante, M: Dans l’onde frémissante,

On the rippling surface, On the rippling surface,

L: D'une main nonchalante, M: D’une main nonchalante,

With a nonchalant hand, With a nonchalant hand,

L: Gagnons le bord, M: Viens, gagnons le bord

Let's go to the shore, Come, let's go to the shore

L: Où l'oiseau chante, M: Où la source dort.

Where the bird sings, Where the spring sleeps.

L: l'oiseau, l'oiseau chante. M: Et l’oiseau, l’oiseau chante.

the bird, the bird sings. And the bird, the bird sings.

L: Dôme épais, blanc jasmin, M: Sous le dôme épais, Sous le blanc jasmin,

Thick dome, white jasmine, Under the dense canopy, Under the white jasmine,

L: Nous appellent ensemble! M: Ah! descendons ensemble!

Call us together! Ah! Let's drift down together!

L: Mais, je ne sais quelle crainte subite s’empare de moi. Quand mon père va seul à leur ville maudite, Je tremble, je tremble d'effroi!

But, an eerie feeling of distress overcomes me. When my father goes into their accursed city I tremble, I tremble with fright!

M: Pour que le Dieu Ganeça le protège, Jusqu'à l'étang où s'ébattent joyeux Les cygnes aux ailes de neige, Allons cueillir les lotus bleus.

In order for him to be protected by Ganesh To the pond where joyfully play The snow-winged swans Let us pick blue lotuses.

L: Oui, près des cygnes aux ailes de neige, Allons cueillir les lotus bleus.

Yes, near the swans with wings of snow, And pick blue lotuses.

L: Dôme épais le jasmin M: Sous le dôme épais où le blanc jasmin

Thick dome of jasmine Under the dense canopy where the white jasmine,

L: À la rose s'assemble, M: À la rose s'assemble,

Blends with the rose, That blends with the rose,

L: Rive en fleurs, frais matin, M: Sur la rive en fleurs, riant au matin,

Bank in bloom, fresh morning, On the flowering bank, laughing in the morning,

L: Nous appellent ensemble. M: Viens, descendons ensemble.

Call us together. Come, let us drift down together.

L: Ah! glissons en suivant M: Doucement glissons; De son flot charmant

Ah! Let's glide along Let us gently glide along; For its enchanting flow

L: Le courant fuyant; M: Suivons le courant fuyant;

The fleeing current; Let us follow the fleeing current;

L: Dans l'onde frémissante, M: Dans l'onde frémissante,

On the rippling surface, On the rippling surface,

L: D'une main nonchalante, M: D'une main nonchalante,

With a nonchalant hand, With a nonchalant hand,

L: Gagnons le bord, M: Viens, gagnons le bord

Let's go to the shore, Come, let's go to the shore

L: Où l'oiseau chante, M: Où la source dort.

Where the bird sings, Where the spring sleeps.

L: l'oiseau, l'oiseau chante. M: Et l’oiseau, l’oiseau chante.

the bird, the bird sings. And the bird, the bird sings.

L: Dôme épais, blanc jasmin, M: Sous le dôme épais, Sous le blanc jasmin,

Thick dome, white jasmine, Under the dense canopy, Under the white jasmine,

L: Nous appellent ensemble! M: Ah! descendons ensemble!

Together call us! Ah! Let's drift down together!

Kling! Karl Friedrich Henckell Kling!... Meine Seele gibt reinen Ton. Und ich wähnte die Arme Von dem wütenden Harme Wilder Zeiten zerrissen schon.

Ring! My soul gives forth a pure sound. And I imagined the poor thing Already torn apart By the furious outrages of frantic times.

Sing! Meine Seele, den Beichtgesang Wiedergewonnener Fülle! Hebe vom Herzen die Hülle! Heil dir, geläuterter Innenklang!

Sing! My soul the confessional song Of exuberance reclaimed; Lift the pall from your heart. Hail to thee, chiming note within.

Kling! Kling meine Seele, kling dein Leben, Quellendes, frisches Gebild! Blühendes hat sich begeben Auf dem verdorrten Gefild.

Ring! Ring out your life, Fresh, upwelling image. Blossoming has taken place Upon the withered field.

_________________________________________________________ Special thanks to generous sponsors and major donors

Judith Fredericksen, Keith & Sue Ferguson

JOEL M. RINSEMA, Managing Artistic Director Joel joined Kantorei in 2014, becoming the second conductor in its history. During his tenure, Kantorei has experienced tremendous growth of its audiences, nearly tripled its budget size, and launched an ambitious recording strategy. A frequent collaborator and champion of new works for chorus, Joel has commissioned and premiered work of many of today’s leading composers including Kim André Arnesen, Mason Bates, René Clausen, Ola Gjeilo, Jocelyn Hagen, Mark Hayes, Cecilia McDowall, David Montoya, Sarah Quartel, Jake Runestad and Eric Whitacre. In the summer of 2018, Joel conducted the Central American premiere of Ola Gjeilo’s “Dreamweaver” in Guatemala City and Antigua, Guatemala with Capella Cantorum de Guatemala. Joel is a passionate advocate for the professional choral art form, and he frequently consults with other choral arts organizations around the country. Because of his leadership in his field, he received the Louis Botto Award for “Innovative Action and Entrepreneurial Zeal” from Chorus America, the industry’s advocacy, research, and leadership development organization for choruses, choral leaders, and singers. He is an accomplished conductor of major works for choir and orchestra and was one of eighteen conductors chosen nationally through audition to participate in master classes and workshops presented by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association and Chorus America. As a tenor soloist, Joel performed across the United States, in Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic. Joel is also the Director of Music and Technology in Worship at First Plymouth Congregational Church in Cherry Hills Village, Colorado and served for the last three and a half years as the North American Choral Promotion Manager for Oxford University Press based in Oxford, England. He holds music degrees from Arizona State and Whitworth Universities and is a member of the Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (Grammys), American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) and Colorado Music Educators Association (CMEA). Joel came to Kantorei from the Grammy Award-winning Phoenix Chorale. Throughout his 23-year tenure with the Phoenix Chorale, he served in nearly every capacity with the organization including the last 15 years as President & CEO and Assistant Conductor. He negotiated an ongoing recording contract with the prestigious U.K.-based Chandos Records, and Phoenix Chorale recordings earned a total of eight Grammy nominations and two Grammy wins during his tenure. Joel appears on all of the Phoenix Chorale recordings and was a soloist on the Grammy Award-winning "Spotless Rose: Hymn to the Virgin Mary." In addition to his work with the Phoenix Chorale, Joel served as the Director of Music at Church of the Beatitudes United Church of Christ in Phoenix for 15 years, and was the founding chorus master of the Arizona Musicfest Chorus.

OUR STAFF Sarah Harrison, Assistant Conductor Alicia Rigsby, Accompanist & Collaborative Pianist Sara Michael, Business Manager Lizabeth Barnett, House Manager

OUR BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jennifer Moore, President Matt Gierke, Treasurer Melissa Menter, Secretary & Development Committee Chair At large: Judy Bloomberg Shenkein Leslie Britton Keith Ferguson J. Scott Pusey

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