2014 NLI Participant Manual

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1 2014 Participant Manual

The Pinnacle Dear Brother Number Is, Welcome to NLI! Brothers, this is your year. You have been selected as the leader of your chapter. You are entrusted with the duty of holding others accountable, getting your job done, keeping your members and guests safe, all the while, enjoying college and making good grades. This is a lofty endeavor. Make no mistake. This is not just another on-campus role. Indeed, it is likely that you will not have this much responsibility, duty, or power in a job or volunteer role for many years to come. Nor, have you ever reached such a height of leadership as you have in this role as Number I. This is your pinnacle. How you choose to lead is up to you. This weekend will provide you the rules and tools, the knowledge, and direction to use throughout your term. It is your job to use them properly and for the right reasons. You may be an Ammen or Marshall award-winning chapter. Or, you may have just been handed a mountain of debt. Perhaps your chapter is on the way up--or maybe you are barely off risk management sanctions. If you are on top, it is very hard to stay there. If you are at the the bottom, it is hard to show your members just how great the summit looks. After all, neither journey is easy. No matter what, you are all going to face similar challenges and you are all going to need support to overcome them. Ask questions. Be honest. Learn. Above all, challenge yourself. Remember this not just this weekend, but all year long. On behalf of the Knight Commander, Executive Director Larry Stanton Wiese, Director of Educational Programming Brent Fellows, and the entire national administrative staff, I welcome you to the job. Please thank all our volunteers this weekend who are giving of their time and talent to help you become the best Number I you can be. Make them proud. Fraternally,

J. Michael Duncan Former Knight Commander & Dean of the Institute


Schedule THURSDAY - JAN. 2 12:30pm

Registration Opens, Lobby


Composite Photos, Lobby


NLI Faculty Orientation, Room 10




Opening Ceremony & Welcome


Council Meeting #1 - Introductions & Planning*




Active Chapter Minimum Expectations - Financial Responsibility

Daniel R. Amato, Director of Chapter Services



Gregory R. Singleton, Assoc. VP & Dean of Students, Austin Peay State University


Number Is, Meet Your Associate Director

Room 2 - Dustin Brann & Jeremy Duke (provisional chapters)

Room 4 - David Merrill (Ammen, Chiles, Crawford, Irwin, Locke)

Room 10 - Kevin Moritz (Frampton, Forester, Hamilton, Smith, Wood)

Room 1 - Preston Pritchett (Candler, Dunwody, Hardeman, Neal)

Auditorium - Greg Waterworth (Feller, Graves, Mikell, Walsh, White)

FRIDAY - JAN. 3 7:30-8:15am




J. Michael Duncan, Former Knight Commander





Larry Stanton Wiese, Executive Director




Council Meeting #2 - Using Values to Guide our Policies





Rick Ericson, The LeMaster Group





Gregory R. Singleton


Schedule 3:45pm

Council Meeting #3 - Improving Academic Performance


Breakout Discussions I

Scholarship (Rm. 2), Risk Mgt. (Rm. 4), Recruitment (Rm. 10), and Member Education (Rm. 1)





Thomas H. Fetzer, former Mayor of Raleigh, North Carolina


Council Meeting #4 - Effective Leadership & Delegation


Undergraduate Conference I

SATURDAY - JAN. 4 7:30am




Sam Wyche, former NFL Head Coach & Quarterback





Brent W. Fellows, Director of Educational Programming



Nick S. Palmer, Director of Chapter Development


Undergraduate Conference II





Larry Stanton Wiese, Executive Director





Kim Novak, NovakTalks


Council Meeting #5 - Reframing Risk Management



Kim Novak, NovakTalks





C. D. Simmons III, Councilor


Council Meeting #6 - Fraternal Values


Knight Commander’s Address & Number I’s Oath of Office

William E. Dreyer, Knight Commander


Schedule & Notes SUNDAY - JAN. 5 7:30am




Dwain P. Knight, National Chaplain


KAOEF - For the Benefit of the Order

9:00 am

Breakout Discussions II

Scholarship (Rm. 2), Risk Mgt. (Rm. 4), Recruitment (Rm. 10), and Ritual (Rm. 1)

9:45 am

Council Meeting #7 - Building Your Team

11:00 am

Closing Ceremony & Departure

11:30 am

Lunch (if flight times allow)

General Notes & Info

• *Your Council Group Number, located on your name tag, corresponds with your Meeting Room Number. (refer to the inside back cover of this program) • On Sunday morning, bring your luggage to your Meeting Room and return key to the front desk. • The drink fountain in the cafeteria is open during meals and from 7pm until 11pm. • Additional snacks will be available in the evenings until 11pm.

Share your thoughts!

Get a head start on getting your brothers on board with new ideas and goals. Share what you are learning at NLI on social media. Remember, your alumni are watching. Your school is watching. Share with them the great plans you are developing!


Use the hashtag #NLI2014 on all social media & tag @kappaalphaorder as well!

@KappaAlphaOrder @KappaAlphaOrder Kappa Alpha Order Alumni (Official)


Mission of NLI

The mission of the Number I’s Leadership Institute is to effectively and efficiently educate the Order’s newly elected Number Is on the mission, vision, and policies of the Order

Vision of NLI Knight Commander Province Commander Number I Active Chapter 5

Gentleman’s Code “We have but one rule here and that is that every student must be a gentleman.” Robert E. Lee We are guests of Caraway Conference Center. You are representing your college or university, chapter, and the Order. Remember that all of your actions will reflect upon their images. This is an alcohol-free event. Failure to abide by this policy will result in removal from the Number I’s Leadership Institute, removal from office, notification to your chapter of your behavior, and all expenses being charged back to your chapter for your attendance. Watch your language. This is a Christian conference center and inappropriate language will not be tolerated. There is no reason to leave the conference center. If you must leave the conference center, you are required to receive permission from the Executive Director. Arrive to sessions on time and make sure to bring your materials. These include your manual, something to write with, nametag, and Number I’s Jewel. Be courteous during general sessions, refraining from disturbing others and talking loudly. Do not use your cell phone during general sessions and council meetings. Do post positive ideas, pictures, or new thoughts on social media during breaks. Keep noise down in your sleeping rooms. Your neighbors may or may not be KA brothers, and some may be taking advantage of the time away to get some rest. Complete your conference evaluation at the end of the NLI. Your feedback is important so that we can continue to make this program better every year. Remember, much time and effort has gone in to planning NLI and many volunteers are giving their time this weekend. You are required to attend all activities.


Our Values Gentility. The men of Kappa Alpha Order are known as the gentlemen of the fraternity world. A KA, through his gentility, should always be distinguished by his modern chivalric characteristics. Knowledge. The philosophy of our Order is that the acquisition of knowledge and the development of character are the great goals of life. Our focus on the cultivation of knowledge manifests itself through academic achievement on campus, growth and success in our careers, and the positive impact we have in the communities where we reside. Leadership. We teach our members to be leaders among men, on campus, in their communities, and throughout life. Through bravery and self-reliance, KAs strive to lead their lives with honor, and when given the opportunity, to lead others with humility, integrity, and justice. Perseverance. “Onward” is ever our stance despite the danger and difficulty that life often brings. KAs understand that anything in life worth attaining will take hard work, dedication, and determination, whether in the classroom, the community, or throughout the endeavors of life. Reverence. Our founders sought to emulate the ideal Christian gentleman and in so doing recognized the importance of having a deep reverence for God. Our motto, “Dieu et Les Dames” means “God and the ladies” and reflects our commitment to the ideals of modern chivalry as a contemporary order of knights. Service. At the heart of the code of chivalry and the fabric of KA is service to those in need. Through community service, volunteerism and commitment to philanthropy, KAs aim to serve those around them as students and citizens. Excellence. Excellence is our aim and “Upward” is the direction that we continually strive. No matter the situation or circumstance, KAs work to attain excellence and to overcome the temptation to settle for mediocrity. We exemplify this commitment through leadership and service to others, with a vision to make the world a brighter place in which to work and live. Kappa Alpha Order is the Moral Compass for the Modern Gentleman with a lifelong emphasis on reverence, gentility, service, leadership, knowledge, perseverance, and excellence. You come to college with your values intact; you have learned from family and friends what’s right and wrong. While in college, KA helps you keep your compass straight, develop your values-set and experiences, and points you in a great direction for your future. Then, with our history and your experience, your journey in life, forever KA, becomes clear. 1. What does the Moral Compass mean? 2. What are Kappa Alpha’s values? 3. How important is it to live up to your obligations and values? 4. As Number I, will you hold others to their obligations?


NLI Education General Sessions - Large group Throughout the weekend, you’ll hear from experts in their fields, higher education professionals, leadership lecturers, and prestigous KAs. Topics will include Ritual, Risk Management, Public Relations & Crisis Management, Leadership, Accountability, Recruitment, Membership Education, Academics, and Mental Health. This is one of the greatest collections of speakers and topics in NLI history.

Council Meetings - Small group All Number Is are assigned to small groups, or “Councils.” Each Council Meeting will typically follow a General Session speaker or speakers and will focus on those topics covered. Council Meetings allow you to participate in free-flowing discussion of topics. Share your problems and contribute ideas to your fellow Number Is. Challenge yourself and one another to live up to KA standards. And ask questions! Utilize the staff and volunteer facilitators for your Council both in the meetings and in free time, such as during meals.

Breakout Discussions - Operational-based Twice this weekend we will open up time to gather with experts in KA chapter operations to address specific needs of our chapters. During each Breakout Discussion, you will have time to ask questions about your goals and needs, interact and meet other Number Is who specifically need assistance in an area, and plan out a strategy to improve or learn more. This is a perfect time to ask for national staff or volunteer assistance or even to request a visit.

Mentor/Mentee & Peer Leadership Opportunities - One-on-One Throughout the weekend you’ll meet volunteers and staff who are committeed to yours and your chapter’s success. Exchange contact information and stay in touch to keep a supporter on your side throughout the year. Furthermore, as you connect with fellow Number Is who are in similar situations or even complimentary situations with their chapters, take the time to spread our brotherhood outside your chapter and find a peer leader who you trust and respect.

Number I’s Resource Guide You are provided with a binder with information including handouts, guides, worksheets, and transition materials. Included also are resources for you to give your officers and committee members, and to help plan your term.

Number I’s Term Plan You also have a term plan document, both online and in print, that you will use to assess your strengths and weaknesses, build your goals, plans, calendar, and delegation strategies.


NLI Leadership Knight Commander’s Address - Saturday, Jan. 4 at 9pm Knight Commander William E. Dreyer (Alpha Delta - William Jewell ’57) was born and raised in Concordia, Missouri. His first job was waiting tables in his parents’ restaurant. He began his career with Southwestern Bell Telephone Company in St. Louis in 1959. He progressed through jobs in Missouri, Georgia, Texas, and Kansas. In 1992, he became President of Southwestern Bell of Texas where he headed a workforce of 30,000 employees. He retired in 1998 as Senior Executive Vice President of SBC, Inc., which became AT&T. Bill now serves on several boards including that of his alma mater, William Jewell College. He is on the Executive Council of Kappa Alpha Order and on the Board of Trustees of the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation. Knight Commander Dreyer is a member of the Courts of Honor for the Mikell, Walsh, Wood, Chiles, Irwin, and Smith Provinces. He is also a past recipient of the Knight Commander’s Accolade.

Opening Ceremony & Welcome - Thursday, Jan. 2 at 7:00pm Tools to Run a Chapter - Friday, Jan. 3 at 8:30am Closing Ceremony & Departure - Sunday, Jan. 5 at 11:00am Former Knight Commander J. Michael Duncan (Delta Kappa - Stephen F. Austin ‘69) served as Knight Commander from 2007-2011. Dedicated to improving the scholastic performance of our undergraduates, the Order’s chapters achieved their highest grade point averages in history during his term. Thirteen chapters were established or re-chartered while he was Knight Commander and the Theta, Sigma Alpha and Omega Commissions, and the Military Division of Kappa Alpha Order were also established during his term. Concerned with providing quality education to the Order’s Number I’s, Duncan worked to create the 1st Number I’s Leadership Institute in 2003 and has served as the Dean of the Institute every year. A retired Senior Special Agent of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Former Knight Commander Duncan owns and operates Duncan & Associates, a security consulting and investigation firm in Arlington, Texas. His hobbies include golf and martial arts where he has earned a 3rd degree Black Belt in Karate.

Opening Ceremony & Welcome - Thursday, Jan. 2 at 7:00pm Importance of Membership Education - Saturday, Jan. 4 at 10:00am Brent Fellows, Director of Educational Programming (Epsilon Theta - Western Kentucky ‘98) is a former III, VII, and Council of Honor Commander during his undergraduate experience. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Social Studies with an emphasis in Secondary Education. Brent has worked on staff since 2000 as a traveling consultant and as the Director of Educational Programming. He has assisted with the implementation of the Crusade RoundTable and Crusade Program. He has also implemented the Number I’s Leadership Institute, Enhanced Province Councils, Emerging Leaders Academy and Stewards of the Order. In his free time, he enjoys his fraternal experiences with Mountain City Lodge and serves as the Chapter Advisor for the Lexington DeMolay Chapter (youth fraternity). Brent resides in Buena Vista, Virginia with his wife Lisa and two children, Holden and Lauren.


Leadership Lectures Leadership Lecture: Life Lessons & Leadership Friday, Jan. 3 at 7pm Tom H. Fetzer (Tau - Wake Forest University ’74) is President of Fetzer Strategic Partners and is a former Mayor of Raleigh. He is the past Chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party. In 2010 as Chairman of the NC Republican Party, Fetzer spearheaded the effort that led to the election of Republican majorities in both Chambers of the North Carolina General Assembly for the first time since 1870. In 1993, Tom Fetzer became the first Republican and youngest Mayor in the history of the City of Raleigh. During his tenure, Raleigh was named #1 City in America for Business by Fortune Magazine. After serving 3 terms as Mayor, Fetzer was awarded a Teaching Fellowship at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Following his experience at Cambridge, Fetzer was appointed Chief Executive of the United States Tennis Association in White Plains, New York. At the USTA, Tom Fetzer directed tennis programs, fueled by a 60 million dollar annual budget, that touched communities throughout the United States served by hundreds of thousands of volunteers. While an active brother at Tau chapter, Tom served two years as Recruitment Chairman and one term as Number I. Tom performed the Number I’s role in the initiation ceremony when Delta Psi chapter was chartered at Appalachian State University. Tom is a recipient of the Order’s Distinguished Public Service Award, a member of the Ed Chambers Smith Province Court of Honor, and a member of KAOEF’s Crimson & Gold Society.

Leadership Lecture: A Motivational Coach’s View of Leaderhship Saturday, Jan. 4 at 8:30am Sam Wyche (I - Furman ’66) played professional football for the Washington Redskins, St. Louis Cardinals, Detroit Lions, and Cincinnati Bengals before retiring as a player in 1976. Sam began his coaching career with Bill Walsh and the San Francisco 49ers in 1979. He coached quarterback Joe Montana from his rookie year to the 49ers’ first Super Bowl victory in Super Bowl XVI. He was the head coach at Indiana University before taking the same post with the Cincinnati Bengals in 1984. Perhaps best known for introducing the use of the No-huddle offense as a standard offense, Wyche’s greatest achievement as a head coach was leading the Cincinnati Bengals to Super Bowl XXIII against his old team, the 49ers. Wyche’s 64 wins with the Bengals are the most ever by a coach in franchise history. Sam is one of only four NFL veterans who participated in a Super Bowl as a player, assistance coach, and a head coach. The other three are: Mike Ditka, Dan Reeves, and Tom Flores. He ended his head coaching career in 1995 after four years with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Over the course of his 27-year NFL career, Sam became one of football’s most respected head coaches: he has two division titles, a 1988 Super Bowl appearance, and NFL and AFC Coach of the Year awards to his credit. After his coaching career, Sam worked for NBC and CBS as a broadcaster and analyst for NFL games until 2000. In 2004, he served as the quarterback coach for the Buffalo Bills. Since then, he has volunteered his time helping a local high school football team and has consulted NFL teams. Sam formerly served the Order as a spokesman for the Loyal Order.


Speakers Reframing Risk Management Friday, Jan. 3 at 2:15pm Empowering Bystanders to Act Saturday, Jan. 3 at 4:30pm Kimberly Novak, CEO NovakTalks is an independent consultant and she is recognized as a national expert in student-focused risk management, hazing prevention, and involving students in campus safety efforts. She has been invited to speak at national conferences and on college campus around the country and served as faculty for several nationally sponsored professional institutes including the including HazingPrevention.Org’s National Hazing Intervention Institute, which was renamed in her honor in 2010 as the Novak Hazing Prevention Institute. Kim has been awarded countless honors for her work with college students and In 2012 Kim was presented the Sue Kraft Fussell Distinguished Service Award from the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors. In 2013 she was honored with the Silver Medal by the North American Interfraternity Conference for her leadership in advancing the fraternal movement and for her hazing prevention work. She is an honored member of Delta Gamma Fraternity. Kim approaches her work with college students with the heart of an advocate and is committed to the advancement of communities of care on college campuses across the country.

You are ALWAYS on the Record Friday, Jan. 3 at 1:30pm Rick Ericson (Delta Iota - Texas-Arlington ’13) is Senior Communications Director for The LeMaster Group. He joined the firm in 1997. Rick has covered or directed news coverage for every major Dallas-Fort Worth news story that occurred during his 28-year career in radio and TV news. Rick is a proven expert in earned media placement and community relations as well as spokesperson/coaching, presentation/speaker coaching, crisis communications and litigation communications. He is a counselor to high level corporate executives and spokespersons in various fields including education, health care, airline, banking, chemical, legal, retail, restaurant, technology and law enforcement, to name a few. Before joining The LeMaster Group, Mr. Ericson was an award winning broadcast journalist in the Dallas/Fort Worth market with 28 years media experience. Rick spent 3½ years as assignments editor at KDFW TV Fox 4 News, and 17 years at KRLD News Radio where he served as a reporter and later as news director. During that time, he produced the Dallas Cowboys Radio broadcasts for 10 seasons. Rick was an on-site producer for KDFW’s coverage of the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. As news director of KRLD in 1993, he played a dominant role in the station’s extensive coverage of the David Koresh/ Branch Davidian standoff near Waco, Texas. Rick was a former social affiliate/new member of our Delta Iota Chapter. After over ten years of steadfast work with the Order on our media relations and crisis management, Rick became a KA as one of the Model Initiates at the 75th Convention this past summer in San Antonio.


Speakers Worship Service Sunday, Jan. 5 at 8:30am Dwain Knight (Delta Kappa - Stephen F. Austin ‘04) is the National Chaplain of the Order and has held that distinction since 2009. Prior to 2009 Dwain served as a Deputy National Chaplain. Also in 2007, he was inducted into the William A. Walsh Province Court of Honor for meritorious service. He is recognized as a Steward of the Order and as a member of the Loyal Order. Knight is an ordained minister, who resides in East Texas, where he is a high school teacher and coach.

Foundations of Recruitment Saturday, Jan. 4 at 10:30am Nick Palmer (Delta Lambda - Middle Tennessee State ’04) is a graduate of Middle Tennessee State with a B.S. in Organizational Communication. He joined staff in 2010 and holds the consulting position of of Director of Chapter Development overseeing all recruitment, recruitment education, expansion and recolonization for the Order. He has served as a facilitator and presenter at numerous KA and Interfraternal programs on topics such as Values-Based Recruitment, New Member Education and Risk Management. Nick is a native of Nashville, Tenn. and is a Recruitment Specialist with CAMPUSPEAK

The Power of the Ritual: History & Usage Saturday, Jan. 4 at 7pm C. Douglas Simmons III (Beta Tau - Mississippi State ‘95) currently serves as a member of the Executive Council. He previously served as the Commander of Irwin Province from 2005-2008. He is a former staff member of the National Administrative Office where he worked as an Educational and Leadership Consultant from 1998-2000. For the past several years, he has taught many undergraduates about the customs of the Order at several national conferences and province councils across the country. He has been a faculty member for every Stewards of the Order session. He resides in Greenville, Mississippi where he is a cotton, rice and soybean producer.

Three C’s of Mental Health Thursday, Jan. 2 at 9pm College, Careers, and Leadership: Our Path to Academic Success Friday, Jan. 3 at 2:45pm Greg Singleton (Gamma Gamma - Memphis ‘82) isa former Number III and IV, and has served as an Educational and Leadership Consultant for the National Administrative Office, Dean of the National Leadership Institute, Feller Deputy Province Commander, and as the current National Scholarship Chairman since 2007. Currently, Greg is the


Speakers William E. Forester Province Commander. He is a member of the Richard T. Feller Province Court of Honor, a recipient of the Order’s Interfraternal Service Award and the Knight Commander’s Accolade. He currently resides in Clarksville, Tennessee and is the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students at Austin Peay State University. Greg has over 28 years of experience working with fraternities and sororities in higher education. He is a frequent presenter at regional and national conferences in the areas of fraternity/sorority affairs, judicial issues, scholarship, budgeting and finance, and the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Risk Management: An Overview of the Policy Friday, Jan. 3 at 9:30am Accountability & Standards: Major & Minor Offenses Saturday, Jan. 4 at 1:30pm Larry Stanton Wiese (Gamma Omega - Midwestern State ’87) is the Executive Director and General Counsel of the Order and the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation. Larry served as an Educational and Leadership Consultant from 1990 to 1991, Deputy Commander of the Henry J. Mikell Province from 1991 to 1995, and Assistant Executive Director of the Order from 1995 to 1996. Larry is the past President of FIPG, Inc., past President of the Fraternity Executive Association, past President of the Fraternity and Sorority Political Action Committee. He is a member of the American Society of Association Executives. Larry is admitted to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the District of Columbia.

Photography, Videography, and Social Media

Jesse S. Lyons (Delta Alpha - Western Carolina ‘98) has been the Director of Communications and Editor of The Kappa Alpha Journal since Jan. 2010. He assists with public and media relations, crisis management, as well as all digital and print media. Beginning in June 2002 Jesse first served as an educational & leadership consultant, then chapter development consultant in January 2004, he was promoted to Director of Chapter Development. In this role he lead the creation and recolonization of Active Chapters. During Jesse’s he has helped 23 chapters receive their charter (Zeta Omicron, Epsilon Omicron, Chi, Beta Epsilon, Xi, Epsilon Rho, Tau, Beta Gamma, Zeta Pi, Delta Nu, Delta Kappa, Zeta, Alpha Xi, Beta Zeta, Alpha Nu, Eta, Pi, Sigma, Beta Chi, Gamma Lambda, Zeta Rho, and Gamma Nu) and helped start 7 more provisional chapters, all of which have now been chartered. Jesse is on the board of the Fraternity Communications Association and serves as Vice President of Operations. Jesse is a former IX, III, VIII, and I and has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. He is a member of the Ammen, Chiles, Graves, Hamilton, Smith, White, and Wood Courts of Honor.


Facilitator Groups COUNCIL GROUP 1

A. Eli Cohen (Gamma Epsilon - Arizona ’01) is a Training & Development Manager for Recreational Equipment, Inc. and an REI Private Brands Technical Representative. He has been with REI since September 2006. As an alumnus of the Order, Eli has served as the Vice President of the Southern Arizona Alumni Chapter and is currently a member of the Gamma Epsilon Alumni Advisory Committee. A native of Austin, TX, Eli attended Westlake High School and is a spring 2006 graduate of the University of Arizona where he received a Bachelor of Arts in History with a Business Minor. As an undergraduate, he served his chapter as a two-term Number I, II, and VI. Eli was named the 2005 Order of Omega Interfraternity Council Chapter President of the Year. In 2006, he served as a Program Developer as a member of the University of Arizona Fraternity & Sorority Programs staff where he earned a Certificate of Leadership Enrichment. Maintaining a strong work-life balance, outside of REI, Eli is the Team Director of Big Pistachio Racing, a Central Texasbased multisport endurance team. An avid collector of running shoes, bikes, kayaks, and stand-up paddleboards, Eli’s always searching for that next great adventure! Michael Wilson (Alpha Theta - Transylvania ’99) is a former Number I, II, and social chairman from Alpha Theta and has a bachelor of arts in Accounting. Michael has served as an Educational and Leadership Consultant (2003-2004) and as the Director of Chapter Services (2004-2010). Since 2010, he has served as the Director of Operations and in that role assists the Executive Director with various tasks and projects. In addition his work includes managing projects and resources for the Fraternity Housing Corporation (FHC), overseeing the building and grounds at Mulberry Hill and assisting both the Order and Foundation with annual meetings. His work for the Order has taken him to more than 115 campuses to work with chapters. Michael is a nine year member of the Association of Fraternity and Sorority Advisors (AFA), is a past presenter at the Association for Fraternal Values and Leadership (AFLV) Center and West conferences as well as the the FRMT Risk Management Conference. He is a member of the Ammen, Candler and Hamilton Courts of Honor.


Nick Palmer (Delta Lambda - Middle Tennessee State ’04) - SEE SPEAKERS Russ Parmele Jr. (Alpha - Washington & Lee ’77) is a 1977 initiate of the Alpha Chapter of Kappa Alpha Order at Washington & Lee University. Russ resides in Greensboro, NC where he is the Vice President – Director of Business Development at Brown Investment Properties, Inc. Russ is a current member of the Greensboro Zoning Board, past member of the Greensboro Board of Adjustments, and a current member on the Board of Directors for the Greensboro Urban Ministry. Russ currently serves as the Alumnus Advisor for the High Point University Chapter of Kappa Alpha Order.


William Walker (Beta Tau - Mississippi State ’07) joined the national staff in the spring of 2011 as an Associate Director for Chapter Services and traveled for two years in this role. He now serves as the Director of Alumni Engagement, and in this position, William will manage, promote and provide support to all alumni activities of the Order. He will cultivate local volunteers, oversee the development of alumni advisory committees for every chapter, the primary contact for alumni chapters, courts of honor and commissions, and oversee alumni training for advisors and alumni advisory committees. Further, he will support chapters as they execute their alumni relations programs. Hailing from Canton, Mississippi, William attend-


ed Canton Academy and is a spring 2011 graduate of Mississippi State University where he received a BA in Political Science. He served his chapter in the roles of I, II, IX, and assistant recruitment chairman. Along with receiving KAOEF scholarships, William was a 2010 E. Fleming Mason Intern and completed his internship with Cassidy & Associates. In his free time, William enjoys running, reading, tending to his garden, and spending time outdoors. Michael Stokes (Gamma Omega - Midwestern State ’90) served his chapter as Recruitment Chairman, Asst. New Member Educator, Social Chairman, and Number IV. In May 1994 Mike graduated from Midwestern State with a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice. While pursuing a career in his degree field Mike started working part time at Falls Distributing Company, an Anheuser-Busch Distributor in North Texas, and never left. Currently Mike is the General Sales Manager after working his way through every level of the sales team. Mike currently serves as deputy Alumnus Advisor for the Gamma Omega Chapter. Mike has also served as the Secretary & Vice President of the North Texas Alumni Chapter and was recently inducted into the Henry Judah Mikell Province Court of Honor in February 2013. Mike has been married to his wife Lori for 20 years, and together they have two daughters. Outside spending time with family, working, and helping Gamma Omega. Mike enjoys hunting, water sports, and spending time in the gym.


Preston Pritchett (Nu - Auburn ’10) is a second year Associate Director for Chapter Services traveling Candler, Dunwody, Hardeman, and Neal Provinces. Preston graduated in December ’12 with a degree in Business Administration. As an undergraduate, he served as the Number IX and New Member Educator. Preston was also a member of the Auburn University Football Team during college. Greg Singleton (Gamma Gamma - Memphis ‘82) - SEE SPEAKERS


Jeremy Duke (Delta Lambda - Middle Tennessee ’09) is currently an Associate Director for Chapter Development and has served as the Number IV, Number V, and Number I for his chapter as an undergraduate. During his tenure as Number I his chapter was awarded a Samuel Z. Ammen Award for Chapter Excellence. He also attended the 2010 Emerging Leaders Academy, 2012 Number I’s Leadership Institute, the 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 Feller Province Councils, and was a Mock Chapter Advisor at the 2012 and 2013 Emerging Leaders Academy. Jeremy majored in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing and is currently starting the provisional chapter, which previously was the Zeta Delta Chapter, at the University of Nevada in Reno, Nevada. Dwain Knight (Delta Kappa - Stephen F. Austin ‘04) - SEE SPEAKERS


Greg Waterworth (Beta Kappa - Maryland ’10) is an Associate Director for Chapter Services traveling Feller, Walsh, White, Mikell, and Graves Provinces. Greg graduated in May 2013 with a degree in Government and Politics. Hailing from Baltimore, MD, he served his chapter as the Philanthropy Chair, Number IV, IFC VP of Administrative Affairs, SGA Greek Legislator, and Number I. During his term as Number I, he was awarded the North-American Interfraternity Conference Undergraduate Award of Distinction for chairing a philanthropy event that raised more than $32,000 for breast cancer research. He is also a member of the Order of Omega and in his free time enjoys movies, reading, outdoors, and traveling.


Dr. Jesse M. Ketterman, Jr. (Beta Chi - West Virginia Wesleyan ‘90) has served as the Deputy Province Commander of Academic Affairs for the Hamilton Province since 2011. In 2013, he was inducted into the William Sprigg Hamilton Province Council of Honor. Prior to this, Dr. Ketterman served as a risk management advisor for the Beta Chi chapter from 1999-2001. As a student, he served as Number III, chair of new member education, and chair of housing. Dr. Ketterman currently serves as the Assistant Vice President of Student Services/Dean of Students at Frostburg State University. He is a member of Association for Student Conduct Administrators (ASCA) serving as Treasurer, American College Personnel Association (ACPA), and the National Association of Student Personal Administrators (NASPA). In 2013 he was honored with the Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award from Frostburg State University and in 2010, was recognized by NASPA as the mid-level professional of the year. He has presented nationally on addressing alcohol related issues both on and off-campus and has written articles on due process in student conduct systems. Dr. Ketterman earned a Bachelor of Science in Business from West Virginia Wesleyan College, a Master of Business Administration and a Master of Education from Frostburg State University, and a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from Touro University International. In addition, Dr. Ketterman served in the United States Army Reserve graduating from the Military Police Basic Training School in Fort McClellan Alabama. Post September 11, he served on Active Duty under Operation Noble Eagle.


Kevin Moritz (Alpha Eta - Westminster ‘10) is an Associate Director for Chapter Services traveling Forester, Frampton, Hamilton, Smith, and Wood Provinces. Kevin graduated Magna Cum Laude in May of 2013 with a degree in Biology. Originally from St. Louis, MO, he served his chapter as the Phase IV Commander, Number VI, and Number I. During his tenure as Number I, Alpha Eta was awarded the George C. Marshall Award for Chapter Excellence. At Westminster, Kevin was a 4-year baseball player and member of Student Ambassadors and the Student Athlete Advisory Committee, serving executive positions in both. Kevin also was a member of Omicron Delta Kappa, Order of Omega, Chi Alpha Sigma, and Tri Beta Honor Societies. Rahm Rodriguez (Gamma Epsilon - Arizona ‘07) is the Gamma Epsilon Alumnus Advisor and has held this position since 2011, having worked with the chapter through the rechartering process. Born and raised in Tucson, Arizona, Rahm studied at both Pima Junior College and the University of Arizona. Rahm found Kappa Alpha at the start of his second year at Arizona. After joining the Order, Rahm served as a two-term Social Chairman. He used this position to create new opportunities for community involvement and to further the network of business that supports Kappa Alpha in the community. He received his Bachelor of Fine Arts in 2008 which has served him well in his business career. In his free time he has become an accomplished soccer official traveling the country to officiate some of the country’s top soccer tournaments and Major League Soccer preseason games.


David Merrill (Zeta Pi - Florida Gulf Coast ‘08) graduated in May of 2013, with a degree in Legal Studies from Florida Gulf Coast University. David is from Englewood, Florida and was initiated in the Fall of 2008. He served his chapter as Social Chair, Number VIII, Number VI, and Number I. Furthermore, David was elected as a Student Government Senator in the summer of 2012. He was a Mock Chapter Advisor at the 2012 Emerging Leaders Academy as well as a facilitator for the 2013 Number I’s Leadership Institute. David will be traveling to Ammen, Locke, Irwin, Chiles and Crawford provinces. In his free time he enjoys fishing, sports, traveling, and cooking.


Clint Cummins (Delta Upsilon - Tennessee-Martin ‘00) is the Senior Director, Partner Relationships for American Cancer Society. He works with large corporations and his staff in Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana to impact the mission of ACS through fundraising, employee wellness, and advocacy issues. Clint is in his fourth year with ACS after working with Ronald McDonald House Charities in Memphis. Clint was a also a member of the KA National Staff as an Education and Leadership Consultant, Associate Director for Chapter Services, and Associate Director for Chapter Development. He served as Number I and Recruitment Chairman during his time as an active member. He currently serves the Order as Alumnus Advisor of Gamma Gamma chapter and Registrar of the Forester Court of Honor. Clint is originally from Savannah, Tennessee and currently resides in Memphis with his wife Lindsay and two year old son, Brady. He is active in the Association of Fundraising Professionals, UTM Alumni Council, Leadership Memphis, and Ronald McDonald House. In his spare time, he enjoys sports, exercising, and attending community events.


Stuart Whetsell (Delta Psi - Appalachian State ’06) is a Director of Development for the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF). Stuart came to the Foundation following three years as Director of Chapter Services for the Order and a year as an Associate Director for Chapter Services. His primary responsibilities are the cultivation and solicitation of mid-level gifts (primarily for the Crimson & Gold Society and Forever KA programs). Stuart primarily works with alumni in Arizona, Georgia, Kentucky, Missouri, North Carolina, and Tennessee. He is a member of the Hamilton Province Court of Honor. As an undergraduate, Stuart served as Number IX, Number VIII, Recruitment Chairman, Number I, and Crusade Commander for the Delta Psi chapter. Casey Domnick (Beta Xi - Oklahoma State ’07) currently works at the College of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina. Casey is the Assistant Director of Greek Life at The College and directly advises the Panhellenic Council. Prior to arriving in Charleston this past December, he worked at Drury University in Springfield Missouri as the Greek Life Programs Coordinator and Greek Residence Director for the Beta Iota Chapter of the Kappa Alpha Order. Casey also earned an M.A. in Communications from Drury University. Having spent most of his life in Oklahoma, Casey attended Oklahoma State University and pledged KA in the fall of 2007. While an undergraduate, he served his chapter as I, II, IV, IX, and Recruitment Chairman. He then went to serve on the Interfraternity Council Executive Board as the Recruitment Coordinator for two years. Casey graduated from OSU in December of 2011 with a B.A. in University Studies.


Andrew Carr (Epsilon Iota – Texas State ‘00) is the Director of Development for the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF). His main focus is raising mid-level gifts from KA alumni and providing program support for KAOEF sponsored programming including the Number I’s Leadership Institute (NLI), Province Councils and the Crusade RoundTable. Additionally, he assists the Executive Director and Chief Development Officer in all areas of operation for the KAOEF. As an undergraduate, Andrew served as Number IX, Number VIII and Number III. He previously held positions with the National Administrative Office as an Educational and Leadership Consultant and Associate Director of Chapter Development. Andrew rejoined the Kappa Alpha Order staff after earning a master’s degree and working for several years in the online education industry in Austin, Texas.


Rusty Jergins (Epsilon Pi - Tarleton State ’86) oversees the operations of the Tarleton State University’s Division of Student Life and its constituent departments. Jergins was appointed vice president in February 2011. He has served in a variety of administrative positions at Tarleton since 1984. His experience included serving as associate vice president and dean of students, dean of student life, dean of students and director of student activities. Rusty earned a bachelor’s degree in industrial technology and a master’s degree in Government, with a public administration emphasis from Tarleton. Rusty has been active in state and national professional associations including service as president of the Texas Association of College and University Student Personnel Administrators (TACUSPA), province advisor for the Order of Omega and has been a member of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. In 2007 he received the Distinguished Service Award from TACUSPA. Rusty was elected to the Henry Judah Mikell Province Court of Honor in 2001.


Gary Wiser (Delta Lambda - Middle Tennessee State ’99) has been working in higher education for the past 10 years in the areas of fraternity and sorority life and student activities. He is currently the Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life at Clemson University and has previously worked at Birmingham-Southern College and Western Kentucky University. Gary received his Doctor of Education degree in May 2013 from Western Kentucky University. He previously served Kappa Alpha Order as the Candler Deputy Province Commander and a member of the Delta Lambda Alumni Advisory Committee. As an undergraduate, Gary was the Number IV, Feller Province Undergraduate Chairman, and the Vice National Undergraduate Chairman. He also volunteers for the Southeastern Interfraternity Conference as the Associate Executive Director. Anthony Graziani (Zeta Pi - Florida Gulf Coast ’07) is a former member of the national administrative staff, serving as an Associate Director for Chapter Services for one year following college graduation in 2011. He has since returned to Fort Myers, Florida and currently works as an Account Manager for Gartner, an IT research and advisory firm. Anthony is from Tampa, Florida and received a BS in Resort and Hospitality Management from Florida Gulf Coast University. As an undergraduate he served as Number I, III and Crusade Commander of his chapter as well as IFC President and Student Body Vice President of FGCU. In 2010, he was selected as a participant in the E. Fleming Mason Memorial Internship Program completing his internship with Senator George LeMieux of Florida. Anthony currently serves as the Alumnus Advisor for the Zeta Pi Chapter and in his free time enjoys all water sports including water skiing, wakeboarding, paddle boarding and kayaking.


Dustin Brann (Alpha Omega - North Carolina State ’11) is currently serving as an Associate Director for Chapter Development (ADCD) for Kappa Alpha Order. Dustin works with our provisional chapters while assisting with all expansion and recruitment efforts. He is a December 2012 graduate of North Carolina State University, where he double majored earning a B.S. in Agriculture Business Management (ABM) and Agriculture and Environmental Technologies (AET). Within his chapter he served two terms as the Number IV and also served as the Smith Province Undergraduate Chairman. Other chapter roles filled by Dustin include Project Outreach Chairman and the Chairman of the Recruitment Committee.


General Session Notes COLLEGE, CAREERS, AND LEADERSHIP: OUR PATH TO ACADEMIC SUCCESS Greg Singleton, Assoc. Vice President & Dean of Students

What are the top 10 reasons why students are dropping out of college? • Too much fun at the expense of classes and grades • A sense of not belonging; a sense of isolation, homesickness • Academically unprepared; burned-out on education • Financial constraints; low on funds • Personal family issues • Academic climate/fit • Choice of the wrong major; major not offered • Lack of advising and guidance • Demands from part-time or full-time employment • Move to a different geographic location Why Do Intelligent Students Sometimes Fail in College? • Lack of motivation • Poor time management • Lack of perseverance--giving up too easily • Inability to apply concepts to different situations • Inability to complete tasks • Fear of failure • Procrastination • Excessive dependency • Too little or too much self-confidence • Inability to delay gratification • Lack of balance between critical, analytical and creative thinking • Not enough reading So…what are the essentials for scholastic excellence? • Recruit men who are serious about academic success • Set chapter goals related to academic excellence (short and long term) • Offer incentives for outstanding scholarship • Confront and hold Brothers accountable • How do you promote scholastic achievement? • Look at your chapter website…do you promote academic success? • Do you publicize and reward Brothers who are academically successful? • Allocate at least 10% of your chapter budget to academic enhancement • Always rank in the top 10% academically, each semester, on your respective campus and always set your minimum standard each semester as a 2.80 • Utilize the resources you have, both on campus, and from KA to enhance your academic standing.



• An active chapter will achieve an overall term GPA no less than a 2.8.


• Each active chapter must achieve a 2.90 overall GPA on a 4.0 scale from the immediate preceding college semester or quarter • Any chapter that achieves between a 2.70-2.89 from the immediate preceding college semester or quarter must submit a written scholastic plan to address academic deficiencies. This written scholastic plan must be submitted to the Province Commander, Deputy Province Commander for Academic Affairs, and the National Administrative Office • Any chapter that achieves below a 2.70 from the immediate preceding college semester or quarter will lose social privileges for one semester or quarter. Social privileges will be reinstated upon future achievement of the required GPA standard. Notification of social restriction will be sent to the Province Commander, Deputy Province Commander for Academic Affairs, and campus fraternity/sorority professional. • If an individual to be elected to membership is classified as a freshman and has not earned any prior university/college grades, he must have achieved a high school grade point average of a 2.7 on a 4.0 scale or its equivalent to join. • If an individual to be elected to membership has earned any prior university/college academic credits, he must have achieved a grade point average of a 2.70 on a 4.0 scale or its equivalent to join. • “No active member or member awaiting initiation shall be eligible to attend or participate in any social function sponsored by an active or alumni chapter if he has failed to maintain a grade point average of 2.70 on a 4.00 scale, or its equivalent, from the immediate preceding college semester or quarter. • A member is ineligible to serve in any office of an Active Chapter if he has failed to maintain a grade point average of 2.70 on a 4.00 scale, or its equivalent, for the immediate preceding semester or quarter.


• Each chapter will be required to have an active Scholarship Chair who will also serve as the # III of the chapter.


• The National Scholarship Trophy will be presented annually to the Active Chapter that achieves the highest collective grade point average for the academic year. The name of the winning Active Chapter each year will be engraved upon the trophy and permanently displayed in the National Administrative Office • Scholastic Excellence Awards - Each chapter that achieves a semester or quarterly grade point average of at least a 3.25 will be recognized as a member by a Scholastic Excellence Award. The Scholastic Excellence Awards will be bestowed at province council for the immediate past spring and fall terms. Chapters will be recognized in the Kappa Alpha Journal. • The Scholastic Achievement Awards are given each semester/quarter to each Active Chapter that achieves a collective grade point average higher than both the All-Men’s and All-Fraternity average or that are academically ranked in the top 25% of fraternities, and is higher than the Kappa Alpha Order National Average at their respective institutions. • Academic Achievement Awards are also awarded to chapters that achieved a 2.80 GPA or higher the last two academic semesters. • Citation of Academic Excellence - Any undergraduate brother, who maintains full-time enrollment status on their respective campus and achieves a 4.0 semester or quarterly grade point average, will achieve recognition. Citations of Academic Excellence will be bestowed at province council and the submission of individual eligibility will be the responsibility of each undergraduate chapter at the completion of each academic term.



Kim Novak, NovakTalks Kim@novaktalks.com @novaktalks “Fraternities are values based membership development organizations that focus on building brotherhood through; character enhancement, leadership development, academic achievement, commitment to service, life-long friendship and social experiences.”


You are an at risk community • Irresponsible decisions & high risk behavior precludes members from realizing their full potential • “The public holds the weapon, fraternities hold the ammunition” • The responsibility for your brothers safety is immense and sometimes daunting • Social element of fraternity is very important and you need to be able socialize safely and responsibly


Policies and Rules Insurance, Waiver Forms, and Paperwork “Legal liability” Unreasonable standards that are really just about preventing students from having fun

Standards of Excellence • Kappa Alpha Order Values and Principles • Municipal/state/federal laws • Campus rules and policies • IFC bylaws and other community standards • Chapter bylaws


Excellence is our aim and “Upward” is the direction that we continually strive. No matter the situation or circumstance, KAs work to attain excellence and to overcome the temptation to settle for mediocrity. We exemplify this commitment through leadership and service to others, with a vision to make the world a brighter place in which to work and live. • Promotion of Kappa Alpha principles & values by all members of the Chapter • Risk Management is a proactive process that is about minimizing risk and not just complying with rules • Risk Management is about Taking Care of People


A proactive system of identifying potential risks or hazards associated with chapter events and activities; assessing the impact they may have on the chapter, Fraternity, and college/university community; deciding whether to accept the risks, modify the activities, or eliminate the risks altogether, to ensure successful accomplishment of chapter’s missions and goals.



Taking reasonable risks is an important part of college, and of having fun. Just as important, however, is our duty to take care of, and look out for our brothers and their guests.


• Accept responsibility as both individuals and members of a community to proactively manage risks and by doing so care for member and guests • Embrace the proactive processes that serve as the foundation for their partnership with the institution and headquarters • Clearly communicate expectations to chapter membership as well as others you host events with • Design internal systems to empower leadership and members to proactively manage risks • Respond appropriately to decisions and/or incidents that are not aligned with expectations sponsible for overseeing implementation and how chapter as well as guest compliance will be communicated.


CONSEQUENCES Insignificant































Rare: Will happen only under exceptional circumstances. Can safely assume will not happen. For example, a snow storm in Phoenix .

Insignificant: First aid treatment only; no property damage or financial loss; no impact on reputation or ability to continue.

Improbable: Little chance of happening. Past circumstances or current conditions do not support a reasonable belief a loss will happen, although a loss is possible. For example, the price of gasoline falling below $1 a gallon.

Marginal: Minor injury which may require off-site medical treatment and time to heal; little property damage or financial loss; no impact on reputation or ability to continue.

Probable: Likely but not a certainty. A loss a reasonable person should anticipate or predict will happen because similar activities have led to losses in the past and will likely cause losses in the future. For example, a skateboarder falling during a ride. Frequent: Happens regularly and is almost certain to occur in the future. For example, underage guests will drink alcohol.

Moderate: Non-permanent injury which may require on-site medical treatment or hospitalization; moderate property damage, financial loss or impact on reputation; may require a minor change to continue. Major: Permanent partial disability; major property damage; significant impact on financial resources or reputation; may cause an interruption in chapter operations or the event. Catastrophic: Death or permanent total disability; total property or financial loss; requires cancellation of event or significant change in chapter operations.



Kim Novak, NovakTalks Kim@novaktalks.com @novaktalks Empowering communities or members of organizations to accept responsibility for acting when they see behaviors that are not aligned with values can result in amazing change!


Thse are individuals who witness negative situations that could result in some form of harm to another person or persons and by their presence may have the opportunity to provide assistance, do nothing, or contribute to the negative behavior. People choose not to ACT (intervene) because: • Assume it is not a problem because others do not intervene (social influence) • Fear of embarrassment (audience inhibition) • Assume someone else will do something (diffusion of responsibility) • Believe others are not bothered (social norms) • Fear of retaliation • Other?

Compelling Question: How can we encourage our members to act on Kappa Alpha Order’s values and principles? People Want to Do the Right Thing or Want the Right Thing Done!


• Individuals are more likely to express prejudices when they believe that others share them • Students are bothered by problem behaviors but underestimate other student’s discomfort with them • Students want someone to intervene but underestimate other students’ desire to have something done • Student leaders underestimate their peers desire to have them intervene • Intervention is more likely when others are perceived as willing to intervene From a pilot study conducted at Northern State University on bystander behavior in relation to problem behaviors resulting from alcohol use Source. Alan Berkowitz


What attitudes or behaviors do we want to discourage, inhibit or prevent? ________________ What attitudes or behaviors do we want to encourage, increase or facilitate? _______________

WHAT DO WE KNOW? • • • •

There are distinct stages to move through People want to do something or want something done Why people do not act Change is necessary

What are the Values of Kappa Alpha Order?



STAGE 1: Notice the Event Are there members of your chapter that fail to recognize behaviors that are not aligned with your values? STAGE 2: Interpret the Behaviors as a Problem Are there members of the chapter that recognize when behavior not aligned with values, but do not see it as a problem ~ How can we help them understand the harm that incongruent behaviors can cause? Anything that allows a person to minimize the significance of a problem fosters bystander behavior because it decreases the likelihood that he or she will recognize the situation is in need of intervention. STAGE 3: Feel Responsible for Solving the Problem Do the members of your chapter understand that brotherhood is about accepting responsibility for the Fraternity and caring enough about each other to feel responsible? STAGE 4: Possessing the Necessary Skills to Act Those who want to “do something” may struggle if they do not have options for intervening effectively


1. On the Spot or Later: Do something right away or wait 2. Direct vs. Indirect: Talk to the person directly and/or talk to others present 3. Confrontational or Educational: Setting limits or educating/shifting attitudes


Have a relationship of some kind with the person you are confronting See something that needs to change or improve You are involved in the situation in some way You are willing to help the person(s) understand the effect of their behavior on you and/or others


• Confront the person/Impose a Consequence • Shift the Focus (change the situation) • Shift the Person (change the person)


• Ignore the remark or behavior or leave (non-participation) • Shift attention away from the remark of behavior (deflection) • Reframe the remark more positively (re-framing)


First, take care of yourself Always give respect to the other person Listen for the upset that is underneath Notice what increases or decreases defensiveness Engage in “open-talk”

YOU cannot be part of the SOLUTION until you understand how you are part of the PROBLEM!


Council Meeting 1 INTRODUCTIONS & PLANNING YOUR TERM “Let us be of one mind and faith, let us banish all that is evil and cling to all that is good. Let us pull together and pull hard; but above all things let there be no doubt that we are pulling right.” - James Ward Wood, Chief Founder (From an essay read to Old Alpha in 1866) James Ward Wood was one of the four founders, and the driving force that sparked life into our Order. After enrolling at Washington College, Wood was unimpressed with the existing fraternities on campus at the time, so he decided to form his own fraternity. On December 21, 1865, Wood, William Nelson Scott, and William Archibald Walsh toasted to a new friendship. Together, they met, planned, and became Phi Kappa Chi, which would thereafter undergo an evolution and become Kappa Alpha Order.

MEET YOUR BROTHERS 1. What is your favorite sports team?

Brother ____________’s answer:

2. What did you do over the break?

Brother ____________’s answer:

3. Why did you join KA?

Brother ____________’s answer:

4. Why did you want to be Number I?

Brother ____________’s answer:

5. What is your best strength as Number I?

Brother ____________’s answer:

6. What is your chapter’s best area of operations?

Brother ____________’s answer:

7. What is one of your goals as Number I?

Brother ____________’s answer:

8. What is your biggest challenge with your chapter? Brother ____________’s answer:




What are the top five Strengths and top five Challenges you know about your chapter, today.













WHAT DO YOU HOPE TO GAIN? What have you learned about yourself so far at NLI? Think about interactions with council members and other Number I’s you have met at NLI.

Think about the members in your council group. What will they teach you? What impact will you have on them?

What are you hoping to gain from your Number I’s Leadership Institute experience?

What grade would you give your chapter this past year? EXPLAIN. (A) Excellent (B) Good (C) Fair (D) Poor (F) Failure

What grade would you predict the next Number I will give you when he rates your performance at the 2015 Number I’s Leadership Institute? EXPLAIN. (A) Excellent (B) Good (C) Fair (D) Poor (F) Failure


Council Meeting 2 USING VALUES TO GUIDE OUR POLICIES The forbearing use of power does not only form a touchstone, but the manner in which an individual enjoys certain advantages over others is a test of a true gentleman. The power which the strong have over the weak, the employer over the employed, the educated over the unlettered, the experienced over the confiding, even the clever over the silly - the forbearing or inoffensive use of all of this power or authority, or a total abstinence from it when the case admits it, will show the gentleman in a plain light. - Robert E. Lee, Practical Founder (from the Definition of a Gentleman)

SEVEN VALUES OF KAPPA ALPHA ORDER Gentility. Knowledge. Leadership. Perseverance. Reverence. Service. Excellence.


LIST THE VALUES THAT APPLY TO THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS We have a zero tolerance policy on drugs and drug use for our members and guests. It is imperative for us to be aware of and educate our members and guests on our policies. Our chapter extends bids to members who we welcome as brothers. Hazing is not a necessary part of our experience. We care about the safety of our guests. That includes providing a safe environment for them to enjoy themselves in a social atmosphere. Controlling the flow of alcohol limits our liability. This is accomplished by tag/ticket BYOB or third party vendor. Ladies should never be spoken of ill, or treated improperly by a KA. I am my brother’s keeper, that means holding him accountable. KA’s are servant leaders that means helping those around me who are less fortunate. Using a guest list to limit and control the flow of people at my events is a good way to ensure I know who is at my party. While raising money for charity, it is essential to remember our values. Providing alcohol to others, can put myself and them at risk. It is imperative to be forthright and honest when dealing with a campus administrator, National Staff member, or Province Commander. Bid Day, Big Brother Night, and Initiation are nights which should be remembered and appreciated. Not one that puts our new brothers at risk. Kegs, open liquor bars, and bulk quantities of alcohol leave too much room for tampering with drinks. When my brother fails to follow our policies, it is my job to hold him to a higher standard. Brotherhood is about a system of standards and expectations where brothers make me a better person. Drinking games, while fun, lead to people getting drunk at an expeditious rate


Council Meeting 3 IMPROVING ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE “Always do everything you ask of those you command.” - General George S. Patton (Beta Commission - VMI 1904) As Number I, does your personal academic performance set a postive attitude for other brothers? Why or why not? What can you do to improve or continue to be a role model for others? What is your academic goal for next semester/quarter? What is the goal you are setting for your chapter? What are the common excuses you hear from brothers about why they, or your chapter, are not living up to their full potential? How does your chapter rank on campus in relation to other fraternities? Last semester GPA (KA) All-Men’s GPA All-Fraternity GPA

____________ ____________ ____________

What do you think your chapter does well in relation to scholarship?

Develop three/five action goals that can be implemented this spring that will enhance your chapter’s academic success. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5


SCHOLARSHIP ASSESSEMENT FOR POSITVE RESULTS Does your chapter have a written scholarship program? Do you have a functioning scholarship chair and committee? Are new members AND initiated members required to maintain quiet hours (if you have a chapter house) or to keep study hours in a designated location on campus? Do Big Brothers keep themselves informed about the academic progress of their respective Little Brothers? Do you have an academic requirement for all members, not just the officers of the chapter? Do the new members and initiated members know the academic resources that are available to them on campus? Does your chapter have a printed copy of academic resources available from the National Administrative Office? Is chapter recognition given to those members who both excel academically and to those members who have improved their academic standing over the last term? Are there fewer than 20% of the members of the chapter on academic probation? Is the chapter GPA above the All-Men’s GPA on campus? Is the chapter GPA above the All-Fraternity GPA on campus? Do members who have high GPA’s remain active participants in the chapter, even as juniors and seniors? Do all officers of the chapter exceed the minimum GPA requirement to maintain their office? Do you hold your members accountable if they fail to achieve a satisfactory GPA each semester? Do you have an academic standard for your chapter which exceeds the minimum standard expected by Kappa Alpha Order?

USE THOSE ITEMS YOU DO NOT HAVE CURRENTLY TO ANSWER THE LAST QUESTION ON THE PREVIOUS PAGE. Sources: Austin Peay State University, Office of Student Affairs, Bowling Green State University, Office of Residence Life/Greek Affairs, University of Miami, Greek Life Scholarship Manual, Theta Chi Fraternity Scholarship Manual, Purdue University, Office of the Dean of Students, Wayne State University, Academic Advisement Center, Riverside Community College, Faculty Guide.


Council Meeting 4 EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP & DELEGATION How to do everything yourself.

“Surround yourself with the best people you can, delegate authority, and don’t interfere.” - Ronald Regan, Former President of the United States When we think of manly leadership, thoughts of courage, resiliency, boldness and determination come to mind. We think of the man confidently in charge, steering the ship and leading the men. What we often do not think of is delegation. The ability to wisely and effectively delegate is a quality far more quiet than others, and yet one of the most crucial to a leader’s success. Whether you’re a manager at work, owner of your own business, officer in the military, or simply working on a school project, effective delegation is one of the keys to achieving your goals. A man who insists on maintaining all control and authority is insecure and actually fails to even meet the definition of a leader. A leader is an executive, a man who manages time, resources, and people. A leader does not do everything himself, rather he marshals all of these elements on the pathway to success.




New Member Ed. Ctm.



Recruitment Ctm.

Scholarship Ctm.



Prudential Ctm.

Alumni Relations Ctm.

Risk Mgt. Ctm.

Council of Honor Ctm.

WHY IS DELEGATING IMPORTANT Delegating frees you up to tackle the truly important aspects of your mission/business/project. Delegating increases the morale, confidence, and productivity of subordinates. Delegating saves you time.




Pick the best people.


Delegate in a way that people will willingly accept the assignment.


Have consistent standards. Give ample freedom for the subordinate to complete the task. Follow-up. Share in rewards and give credit and praise. What can you delegate?


What should you delegate? What is most important operation of a chapter?


What are your focused areas for new goals? What are you strengths? Your officers? What are some other committees?



What are the issues? What should have been done?

1. At a recruitment event, the Number I realizes there are not enough drinks. When he returns from the store he finds everything in disarray. The BBQ wings and chicken tenders are few in number and only a few members are present. 2. The composite pictures are scheduled for this Thursday, but no one has received notification of when or where to show up. 4. The intramural registration deadline has passed and the chapter isn’t registered for any fall sports. The university recreation department said they’d let it slide if you could get them a form by tomorrow. 5. Initiation is next week and the Number I has had a hard time getting a church. 6. The chapter has been socially suspended for failure to pay their outstanding balance. When discussing this with your Number VI, you realize that over half of the dues are still outstanding. 7. The chapter social probation is lifted and the chapter wants to have their annual tacky Christmas party. What needs to be done prior to having the social event next week? 8. You made a decision not to have the traditional “big brother” night this year. The weekend it is scheduled for, you have to go home for an emergency. How do you prevent unruly members from acting out of line?


Council Meeting 5 REFRAMING RISK MANAGEMENT Integrating Risk Management into Chapter Operations What are the challenges you may face when making risk management a chapter initiative?

How have you prepared the chapter to engage in risk management? 1.






What specifically needs to change in order for your chapter to fully integrate risk management into operations?

What specific initiatives could you use to bring about the change?

What resources, skill development, and/or training do you need to implement these strategies?


Council Meeting 6 FRATERNAL VALUES “I once heard a distinguished Kappa Alpha say that but three books are needed for the formation of the perfect man – Shakespeare, the Bible, and the Kappa Alpha ritual. Shakespeare imparts general culture, the Bible forms the Christian, but the KA ritual creates the chivalrous Christian gentleman, the noblest product of the civilization of the world’s most enlightened age.”.” - Samuel Zenas Ammen, Practical Founder

ETHICS - motivation based on ideas of right and wrong; social, religious, or civil code of behavior considered correct, esp. that of a particular group, profession, or individual; the moral fitness of a decision, course of action, etc.


• Could you or someone else suffer physical harm? • Could you or someone else suffer emotional pain? • Could the decision hurt you or KA’s reputation, undermine your credibility, or damage relationships? • Could the decision impede the achievement of any important goal?



Stop and think.


Clarify your goals.


Determine the facts.


Develop options.


Consider the consequences of the different options.


Choose an option.


Monitor the progress and modify.



Often times in KA we are faced with different situations. Some of these situations test our ethics and our standards of our Order. Answer the below questions and remember these will not be shared, unless you decide to share them, so be honest with yourself. Describe how you would handle both situations below using ethics and the tools provided you by the customs of the Order:

Scenario 1

As the new Number I, you look through an old file cabinet in the chapter room and find a ritual book from another fraternity located on campus.

Scenario 2

Recently, you charged a brother with a minor offense for urinating off the front porch of the chapter house. The very next weekend, you see your best friend, chapter brother, and biggest supporter in the chapter urinating off the front porch. No one sees this but you.


Fill out the following survey, be honest and truthful. This is for your eyes only. 1. When you hear the word “Ritual”, what comes into your mind? 2. How did you feel when the active members were preparing you for initiation? (This includes your new member education experience.) 3. How did you feel during your initiation? 4. My impression of my chapter’s initiation performance is: ___Excellent ___Good ___Fair ___Poor 5. My impression of the member’s daily appreciation of our ritual’s teachings: ___Excellent ___Good ___Fair ___Poor 6. How can your chapter improve the initiation? Ritual education?



How can we relate our ritual to common everyday situations or perhaps unsuspecting problems?

1. You find out late one night that one of your brothers was severely beat up by five members of another fraternity. Several chapter brothers are going to that fraternity house to settle the score. 2. The Number I told the chapter not to buy a keg for the Super Bowl party taking place off campus. One of the active members ignored him and bought one anyway. 3. One of the brothers finds out that another chapter brother is dating his ex-girlfriend of two years. 4. One of the seniors owes the chapter $1,000 and has publicly stated that he has no intention of paying and since it is his last year he will attend Old South as his blowout before graduation. 5. Initiation is scheduled to take place next week. The Number IX has not found a church. After numerous attempts at counseling him to do his job, you find that he does not have the leadership to fulfill his position as an officer. 6. One of your so called “Brothers� sits in the back row of the chapter meeting and heckles you all through the chapter meeting. It becomes a distraction and you lose your thought process several times during the meeting. When confronting this member, he blows it off saying that he was just kidding around. 7. Your starting quarterback on the intramural football game made a 0.0 GPA this past fall semester. The problem is that the campus championship is played in early January. Everyone in the chapter has asked for you to look the other way and allow him to play in the game. 8. Recruitment has become very competitive this past year. Several of the chapters on campus are clearly violating the rules and taking freshman that have below a 2.6 GPA from high school. A few days after the new members have signed their bids of membership, you find out that five of the chapter’s top recruits do not have a 2.6 GPA from high school. Your Number II reports them as members to the Greek advisor anyway. 9. Several members in the chapter are posting inappropriate content on Facebook which includes degrading pictures of women and several alcohol related pictures. When you confront those members they claim that their Facebook page is private and it is their business, not yours. 10. New Members are not allowed to have cell phones, hats, sunglasses, and watches while they are going through new member education. Of course, once initiated they can have these things once they have earned their way in the active chapter. 11. One of the brothers and his date were returning from a concert in a nearby city and were in an automobile accident. One was killed and the other seriously injured.


Council Meeting 7 BUILDING YOUR TEAM “Leadership requires taking responsibility, not asserting rank and privilege. Leadership is the most important consideration, if any one thing is more important that another... ” - General George C. Marshall (Beta Commission - VMI 1901)

GOAL SETTING - KEEPING THEM SMART “A goal is a dream with a deadline” - Anonymous


Specific goals state exactly what you want to accomplish. They are clear and concise. EXAMPLE: I want to buy a used computer.


Measurable goals state what you want and when you want it. They enable you to measure your progress at any point along the way. EXAMPLE: I will save enough money to buy it before the start of spring semester.


Action-oriented goals indicate how they will be achieved. They specify what you need to do to reach your goals. EXAMPLE: I will set aside $25 each week.


Realistic goals are possible. They are attainable, considering the resources and constraints relative to your situation. EXAMPLE: I can afford to save this money.


Timely goals allow reasonable time to achieve them, but not so much that you lose focus or motivation. Timely goals have a specific deadline. EXAMPLE: I will achieve my goal by the end of this semester.

List 3 goals using the SMART steps above and provide 2-3 strategies for each on how you would achieve the goal. Goals provide overall direction for your position. Strategies help you decide how you are going to achieve them.





a. b. c.


a. b. c.

THE ARGUMENTATIVE OFFICER You just returned from NLI and feel confident to lead your chapter at your very first meeting. You make the announcement to the chapter that we will no longer participate in one of the chapter’s “traditional activities.” After the announcement, the Number V requests to speak to the chapter. He then criticizes the decision in front of the members and questions your authority. Several other members voice their complaint with your decision. 1. What are the problems? 2. How should this be handled? 3. How do you keep this from happening? 4. Would anyone like to share a “tradition” in their chapter that needs to be changed? 5. How do you engage your members to avoid this situation?



“Individual commitment to a group effort - that is what makes a team work.� - Vince Lombardi According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary the definition of consensus is: (a) general agreement; (b) the judgment arrived at by most or all of those concerned; (c) group solidarity in sentiment and belief. Consensus is a process for group decision-making. It is a method by which an entire group of people can come to an agreement. The input and ideas of all participants are gathered and synthesized to arrive at a final decision acceptable to all. Through consensus, we are not only working to achieve better solutions, but also to promote the growth of community and trust. Ideas for building consensus?



Rank the list in order of importance from most important (#1) to least important (#10) individually. When all members at your table have finished working individually, the group should come to a rank ordering by consensus for the whole table. Individual Ranking

Group Ranking

________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

Supervise and control all business and workings of the active chapter. Preside at all chapter meetings. Effectively delegate duties to officer and committee’s and privately coun- sel and advise them concerning their duties. Obey the Kappa Alpha Laws and the lawful requirements of its officers. Provide the best effort possible in administration and leadership of the chapter. Be receptive to the opinions and viewpoints of other members while never compromising the integrity of the office of Number I. Represent the active chapter at all times throughout his term of office. Ensure that new members have a positive experience through their new member education, initiation and transition as an active member. Strive to maintain scholastic standing in a high level to serve as an ex- ample to the active chapter. Require respect for and compliance with the customs of the Order.


THE POWER AND AUTHORITY OF THE NUMBER I Give five good examples of using power and authority in your role as Number I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

DEALING WITH CRITICISM How to Give and Take Criticism like a Man

Dealing with criticism is a skill every well-adjusted man should possess. We give and take criticism among our co-workers, our friends, and our family. Criticism is an important part of our personal self improvement, for it is other people who can point out mistakes and shortcomings that we can’t see because we lack objectivity. Unfortunately, many young men today don’t know how to offer and accept criticism like a man. Instead they handle criticism like little boys. When giving criticism, they opt only to give snide, cutting jabs that do nothing to improve the situation. When receiving criticism, they sulk, make excuses, and argue with the person criticizing them. Ask any teacher who has the nerve of giving a student a poor grade. Today’s students will cry and whine their way to a better one. Or worst of all, have their parents intervene. They simply don’t know how to respectfully accept criticism. Because we all face situations every day that require us to give or take criticism, we provide the following guidelines on how to make the process more constructive.

How to Give Effective Criticism

How to Take Criticism

Be specific.

Consider the source.

Criticize the action, not the person.

Shut your trap and listen.

Be a diplomat.

Don’t take it personally.

Make specific suggestions for improve-

Stay calm.


Ask clarifying questions.

Personalize your approach.

Take ownership of your mistake.

Point out positives.

Change your perspective on criticism.

Follow up.

Thank your critic. Take action and follow up.

by Brett & Kate McKay on November 4, http://artofmanliness.com/2008/11/04/how-to-give-and-take-criticism-like-a-man/


Risk Management The Risk Management Policy of Kappa Alpha Order, adopted by the Executive Council pursuant to R16-118, mirrors that of FIPG, Inc., and shall apply to all entities and all levels of fraternity membership. All members of Kappa Alpha Order are expected to follow all applicable laws of the state, county, parish, city and institution of higher education. It may be found as Appendix 401 of the Kappa Alpha Laws and includes the following provisions:


1. The possession, sale, use and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages while on chapter premises, or during a fraternity event, in any situation sponsored or endorsed by the chapter, or at any event an observer would associate with the fraternity, must be in compliance with any and all applicable laws of the state, county, parish, city and institution of higher education, and must comply with either BYOB or Third Party Vendor guidelines. 2. No alcoholic beverages may be purchased through or with chapter funds nor may the purchase of same for members or guests be undertaken or coordinated by any member in the name or on behalf of the chapter. The purchase or use of a bulk quantity or common sources of such alcoholic beverage, for example kegs or cases are prohibited. 3. Open parties, without specific invitation, where alcohol is present are prohibited. Open parties have been defined as those functions at which the guest to member ratio exceeds three-to-one. 4. No chapter members, collectively or individually, shall purchase for, serve to, or sell alcoholic beverages to any minor (i.e., those under the legal “drinking age”). 5. The possession, sale and/or use of any illegal drugs or controlled substances by a member are strictly prohibited. 6. No chapter may co-sponsor an event with a distributor of alcohol, charitable organization or tavern (tavern defined as an establishment generating more than half of its annual gross sales from alcohol) where alcohol is given away, sold or otherwise provided to those present. This includes any event held in, at or on the property of tavern, as defined above, for the purposes of fundraising. However, a chapter may rent or use a room or area in a tavern, as defined above, for an event held within the provisions of this policy, including the use of a third party vendor and guest list. 7. No chapter may co-sponsor or co-finance or attend or participate in a function where alcohol is purchased by any of the host chapters, groups or organizations. 8. All recruitment or rush activities associated with any chapter will be non-alcoholic. No recruitment or rush activities associated with any chapter may be held at or in conjunction with a tavern or alcohol distributor as defined in this policy. 9. No member or pledge/associate/new member/novice shall permit, tolerate, encourage or participate in “drinking games”. 10. No alcohol shall be present at any member awaiting initiation/pledge/new member program or activity of the chapter. This includes, but is not limited to, activities associated with “bid night”, “big brothers - little brother” events or activities, “family” events or activities and initiation.


No chapter, student or alumnus shall conduct nor condone hazing activities. Permission or approval by a person being hazed is not a defense. Hazing activities are defined as: “Any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridi-


cule. Such activities may include, but are not limited to, the following: use of alcohol; paddling in any form; creation of excessive fatigue; calisthenics, physical and psychological shocks; use of pledge books or signature books, quests, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips or any other such activities carried on outside or inside the confines of the chapter house; wearing of public apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts and buffoonery; morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; and any other activities which are not consistent with fraternal law, ritual or policy or the regulations and policies of the educational institution.”


The fraternity will not tolerate or condone any form of sexist or sexually abusive behavior on the part of its members whether physical, mental or emotional. This is to include any actions, activities or events, whether on chapter premises or an off-site location which is demeaning to women or men, including but not limited to verbal harassment and sexual assault by individuals or members acting together. The employment or use of strippers, exotic dancers or similar, whether professional or amateur, at a fraternity event as defined in this policy is prohibited.


1. All chapter houses shall, prior to, during and following occupancy, meet all local fire and health codes and standards. 2. All chapters must have posted by common phones and in other locations emergency numbers for fire, police and ambulance and should have posted evacuation routes on the back of the door of each sleeping room. 3. All chapters shall comply with engineering recommendations as reported by the insurance company or municipal authorities. 4. The possession and/or use of firearms, archery equipment, incendiary devices such as fireworks or explosive devices of any kind within the confines and premises of the chapter house are prohibited. 5. Pets are not permitted in any chapter house, lodge or facility.


Special events are defined as any event/function (1) where alcohol will be present, and the guest to member ration exceeds three-to one; (2) involving athletic events or competitions; or (3) that involves any activity that is deemed to be potentially hazardous by the Alumnus Adviser, the Alumni Advisory Committee, the Province Commander, the Executive Director, or the Order’s insurance broker. Any chapter wishing to host a special event must do the following: 1. Complete a comprehensive, written description of the event and forward it to the Province Commander and the Executive Director for review and approval. This information must be received by the Executive Director at least 60 days prior to the event; and 2. Secure a Special Events Insurance Policy (“Policy”) or pay a risk management assessment fee in an amount to be determined by the Order’s insurance broker. If the Policy option is selected, the Policy shall be in the amount of $1,000,000 available through the Order’s insurance broker and shall name Kappa Alpha Order, a Virginia Corporation, as an additional insured.


Each student member, associate member and pledge shall be instructed annually on the Kappa Alpha Order Risk Management Policy. A copy of the Risk Management Policy shall be available on the fraternity website.



Thank you to the Graphic Cow Company for fully sponsoring our NLI t-shirt again this year! Please consider using them for all of your event, recruitment, and specialty t-shirts! They are officially licensed to sell products with KA’s marks and imagery. www.grafcow.com

NovakTalks provides consulting and advocacy for Campus Safety, Hazing Prevention, Student Risk Management, and Student Organization Development. Services are tailored to meet the needs of your campus/ community, organization/chapter or staff. Kim Novak has worked with the Dept. of Higher Education Higher Ed Center, the NCAA, colleges and universities as well as national organizations. Programs range from multi-day educational and review sessions looking at student risk management and a broad range of campus safety efforts to 1½ hour workshops during which she challenges students to engage in proactive and preventive risk efforts. In addition to her work with student-focused initiatives Kim has also provided support to professionals and volunteers working with students to enhance student safety efforts. One client remarked: “Kim is more than just a presenter and speaker. She is an advocate, a change agent, a challenger and supporter. Her passion for students in higher education is evident with every interaction that she has whether with students or university professionals.â€? If you would like to book a program on your campus, at your event, or to consult with your organization, call or text Michael Wilson 540-460-2656 or by email at: mwilson@novaktalks.com

Support Network PERSON TO CALL



Name: Email: Phone: Chapter: Name: Email: Phone: Chapter: Name: Email: Phone: Chapter: Name: Email: Phone: Chapter: Name: Email: Phone: Chapter: Name: Email: Phone: Chapter: Name: Email: Phone: Chapter: Who will you call on specifically to help you? Why will you call that person instead of someone else? Make a note of that reason – then when you doubt yourself or think you can do it on your own, you’ll remember that we are all here to help each other! Don’t let the national brotherhood end at NLI!





Ten Years at Mulberry Hill THANK YOU

Thank you to the KAOEF for providing support needed to hold the Number I’s Leadership Institute!


The KAOEF provides funding annually for educational programs including: NLI, Emerging Leaders Academy, enhanced Province Councils, and The Crusade.


The KAOEF provides scholarships annually to deserving members and funds the E. Fleming Mason Memorial Internship Program in Washington, D.C. ALL programs and benefits are funded through alumni donations, annually given, for the benefit of the Order. The KAOEF s a 501(c)3 charitable organization. Executive Director Larry Stanton Wiese leads day-to-day administration and is assisted by Chief Development Officer Ben W. Satcher, Jr. and two Directors of Development, Andrew P. Carr and Stuart F. Whetsell. The KAOEF is governed by a Board of Trustees which is comprised of alumni who volunteer their time and see to it that gentlemen like YOU are given the best training in the fraternal world.

Learn more and donate today at www.KAOEF.org!

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