2021 ELA Workbook

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The future belongs to you! 2021 Participant Workbook

WELCOME Dear Brothers, Welcome to the Emerging Leaders Academy and to the Caraway Conference Center & Camp! Thank you for taking the time out of your summer and traveling to Sophia, North Carolina. ELA is one of the most exciting programs offered by the Order. Here you will meet brothers from all over the country. These will include new initiates, new members hoping to charter their own chapter, officers looking to further their education, and older active members who are serving as team leaders. You will enjoy our general sessions, leadership lecturers, team meetings, team challenges, and track sessions. Further, the team experience is your time to learn more about chapter operations and how best to improve your chapter upon your return to campus. The topics that will be discussed in your team experience will allow you to gain vital knowledge of how efficient chapters excel. Enjoy the brotherhood. Take heed of the education. Set your personal goals for your engagement in the chapter and identify areas of KA operations that YOU can impact. If you take a leadership role this coming year (elections are in November) you will be leading your chapter with hundreds of other officers in their search for excellence …the future belongs to you! Fraternally,

Larry Stanton Wiese Executive Director

GENTLEMEN’S CODE ELA is 100% alcohol/drug-free; and I agree to not bring, possess, use, or consume alcohol or drugs during the program’s entirety. Violation of the Alcohol and Drug Policy will subject all violators to a major offense charge(s)and possible expulsion from the Order. You are representing your college or university, chapter, province, and the Order. Remember that all of your actions will reflect upon their images. Watch your language. Arrive to sessions on time and make sure to bring your manual, something to write with, and nametag. Make sure all your chapter members attend as well. Be courteous during general sessions and refrain from disturbing others and talking loudly. Do not use your phone during general sessions and team meetings. Do post positive ideas, pictures, or new thoughts on social media during breaks. Keep noise down in the conference center hotel. Be respectful of the other brothers in attendance. You do not want to distrube anyone. Caraway Conference Center has the contact information for the national staff. Complete your conference evaluation when you receive your survey link. Your feedback is important so that we can continue to make this program better every year. Remember, much time and effort has gone in to planning ELA, and many volunteers are giving their time this weekend. You are required to attend all activities. Finally, remember you may not leave campus unless scheduled or approved by Evan Hanna and that you must follow the checkout procedures on Thursday morning.

SOCIAL MEDIA Share your thoughts!

Get a head start on getting your brothers on board with new ideas and goals. Share what you are learning at ELA on social media. Remember, your alumni are watching. Your school is watching. Share with them the great plans you are developing!

Use the hashtag #KAELA on all social media & tag @kappaalphaorder as well!

Kappa Alpha Order Alumni (Official)

@KappaAlphaOrder @KappaAlphaOrder



Conference Registration, Lobby


Dinner, Dining Room

6:30pm Welcome, Hollifield Hall Evan M. Hanna, Director of Chapter Operations 6:45pm Leadership Lecturer #1 - Values in Action, Hollifield Hall Marlon L. Gibson, Ph.D., Director of Community Engagment 8:15pm

Team Meeting #1 - Goals for Your Experience See page 4 for meeting locations.


Track Session #1 See page 4 for meeting locations.


Team Challenge #1 - Dodgeball

TUESDAY, JUNE 22 8:30am

Breakfast, Dining Room


Team Meeting #2 - Project Outreach, Social Media, and Public Relations


Into the Streets Service Projects


Lunch, Dining Room


Track Session #2


Team Meeting #2 - Active Chapter Expectations

4:30pm Leadership Lecturer #2 - “The Five Marks of a Man”, Hollifield Hall Brian Tome 5:30pm

Dinner, Dining room


Track Session #3


Leadership Lecturer #3 - The Modern Gentleman, Hollifield Hall Hunter M. Lipscomb, Irwin Province Commander


Team Meeting #4 - Implementing Values into Organizational Leadership and Effectiveness


Team Challenge #2 - Capture the Flag


...continued WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23 8:00am

Breakfast, Dining Room

9:00am Knight Commander’s Address, Hollifield Hall C. Douglas Simmons III, Knight Commander 10:00am

Track Session #4

10:45am Reframing Risk Management, Hollifield Hall Kim Novak Anthony M. Graziani, Assistant Executive Director for Chapter Services 12:00pm

Lunch, Dining Room


Team Meeting #5 - Recruitment and Retention


Track Session #5


Lake Time


Dinner, Dining Room

6:30pm Independence Fund and Track Chairs for Wounded Veterans, Hollifield Hall Michael Esposito 7:30pm Advocating for the KA Experience, Hollifield Hall Larry Stanton Wiese, Executive Director 8:30pm

Team Meeting #6 - The Need for Personal Accountability


Team Challenge #3 - Night Hike and Bonfire

THURSDAY, JUNE 24 7:30am

Breakfast, Dining Room


Check Out All attendees must be checked out of the dorms by 8:00am


Track Session #6


Group Photo, Hollifield Hall

9:45am Worship Service & Recognition Ceremony, Hollifield Hall Dwain P. Knight, National Chaplain 10:30am



TRACKS & SESSIONS Stewards of the Order

Lifelong Learning: Continuing Education

Miller Room 1. History of Our Ritual 2. Themes and Symbolism 3. Ritual Practice 4. Ritual Practice 5. Ritual Practice 6. Ritual Practice

Certified Chapter Recruiter Course Harris Room 1. Start with the Why 2. Recruitment Committee Structure 3. Process (The 3 C’s) 4. Initiation & Retention 5. Names Generation 6. The Plan Forward (Intro to the Recruitment Plan)

Kappa Alpha Room 1. Educating Our Members 2. Living Our Values through Our Core Philosophy 3. Education, Personal Development, and Internships 4. Professional Development, Networking, Resume Building, and Campus Resources 5. The Obligation of Campus Involvement 6. Academic Excellence

Social Event Management

Hollifield Hall 1. Identifying Challenges 2. Risk Management Policy Review and Member Expectations 3. Planning, Preparation, Security, and Special Event Insurance 4. Appropriate Themes, Cultural Sensitivity, and Sexual Misconduct Prevention 5. Crisis Management and Member Accountability 6. Social Event Management Plan Development


Meeting Location

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Hollifield Hall Kappa Alpha Conference Room Miller Conference Room Harris Conference Room Conference Room #1 Conference Room #2 Conference Room #3 Conference Room #4 Conference Room #5 Conference Room #8 Lakeview 2 Dining Room


EDUCATION General Sessions & Leadership Lecturers - Large Group


Throughout ELA you will hear from experts in their fields, leadership lecturers, and prestigious KAs. Topics will include Risk Management, Campus Involvement, Leadership, Communication, Reverence, Professional and Personal Development, and Values.


Team Experience - Small Group


Throughout ELA you will be a part of a small team comprised solely of undergraduates. Each team will have a Leader (peer facilitator) to lead your small group discussions and Team Challenges. In your team meetings, you will discuss Social Media usage, Risk Management, Kappa Alpha Laws, Values, Chapter Operations, Accountability, and Problem Solving.

Track Sessions - Operational Learning

Prior to your arrival, you chose a track session to follow throughout ELA. This year we have four track sessions; Stewards of the Order, Certified Chapter Recruiter Course, Lifelong Learning: Continuing Education, and Social Event Management. Throughout the weekend there will be six sessions of your chosen track that will dive deep into each topic and will provide you with operational knowledge in that area to take back to your chapter.

Service Learning

Through our Into the Streets experience, you will participate in various community service activities. This experience will serve as a catalyst to springboard your chapter’s Project Outreach initiatives.



Emerging Leaders Academy strives to inspire, educate, and prepare future leaders of Kappa Alpha Order.

Learning Outcomes

Emerging Leaders Academy: At the conclusion of ELA attendees will be able to … 1. identify ways to get their chapter and chapter members involved with their campus community. 2. create community service opportunities for their chapter. 3. explain the Active Chapter Expectations of Kappa Alpha Order. 4. identify potential risk management concerns within their chapter. 5. explain Kappa Alpha Order’s six values.


LEARNING OUTCOMES Lifelong Learning: Continuing Education: By the end of the track session attendees will be able to … 1. effectively lead a new member education program with in person education and Phase I of The Crusade. 2. lead an in-person Council of Honor program and a Phase II of The Crusade. 3. create and implement a schedule of leadership and professional development programs for their chapter. 4. implement all four Phases of the Crusade into their chapter. Stewards of the Order: By the end of the track session attendees will be able to … 1. describe the mechanics, regalia, and symbolism of the KA ritual. 2. explain the mechanics and symbolism of the KA ritual to their chapter. 3. identify what areas of the initiation ceremony their chapter needs to improve on. Certified Chapter Recruiter Course: By the end of the track session attendees will be able to … 1. facilitate a recruitment workshop with their chapter. 2. create a brand for their chapter. 3. create a chapter specific recruitment plan. 4. apply Chapter Builder and its programs to their chapter recruitment plan. Social Event Management: By the end of the track session attendees will be able to … 1. identify and mitigate potential risk management challenges 2. effectively prepare a plan to host a social event within the parameters of the Kappa Alpha Order Risk Management Policy 3. explain the importance of choosing appropriate themes and how cultural sensitivity applies to social event planning 4. describe best practices for sexual misconduct prevention, crisis management, and member accountability.


SPEAKERS Monday, June 21st @ 6:30pm Evan M. Hanna (Epsilon Zeta–Arkansas Tech ’17) Evan joined staff in May 2018, after graduating from Arkansas Tech University with a degree in broadcast journalism. There, he and his chapter brothers worked to re-establish the Epsilon Zeta chapter. Since then, his efforts have focused mainly on the cultivation of the Order’s provisional chapters, and assisting these chapters in their goal of regaining their charters. Evan hopes to continue to serve the Order to the best of his abilities in his new role as Director of Chapter Operations.

Monday, June 21st @ 6:45pm Marlon Gibson joined staff in January 2020 as Director of Community Engagement. In his role, Marlon develops and facilitates the curriculum for educational initiatives related to the Order’s values alignment on campus. He is a member of Kappa Alpha Psi and a seasoned higher education professional and completed his doctorate at the University of Georgia in 2021. Previously he was the Director of Greek Life at Emory University, where the Order recently rechartered our Epsilon Chapter. Marlon has worked extensively with members of sororities and fraternities across the country. He is married to Dr. Sheree Williams Gibson and they have a son, Adam Patrick.

Tuesday, June 22nd @ 4:30pm Brian Tome is the founding and senior pastor of Crossroads Church, 2017’s fastest-growing church in America and attended by 30,000 people. Brian has authored three books including his recent best-seller The Five Marks of a Man. An avid adventure motorcyclist, Brian rides tens of thousands of miles and camps more than 30 nights a year. He is married with three children and lives in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Tuesday, June 22nd @ 8:00pm Hunter M. Lipscomb (Beta Tau–Mississippi State ’04) is the Province Commander for the Irwin Province, which includes the Active and Alumni Chapters in the State of Mississippi. Hunter graduated in 2007 with a bachelor’s degree in political science and is a former Number VI and VII, and Province Undergraduate Chairman. He was also selected as an E. Fleming Mason Memorial Intern. He earned a Masters in Business Administration from Mississippi State and a Masters in Economic Development from the University of Southern Mississippi. Professionally he is the Director of Governmental Affairs at the Mississippi Development Authority. He is also a U.S. Air Force Officer in the Mississippi Air National Guard. He is married to the former Whitney Holliday.

Wednesday, June 23rd @ 9:00am C. Douglas Simmons III (Beta Tau–Mississippi State ’95) is the 41th Knight Commander. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Agricultural Economics. He is the managing Partner in Simmons Planting Company in the Mississippi Delta where his family has been engaged in row crop production agriculture for several generations. On behalf of U.S. Department of Agriculture, he has officially represented the soybean and rice industries on five continents and in numerous countries. He is the recipient of the Knight Commander’s Accolade, and a member of multiple Courts of Honor. A long-time ritual lecturer and former Model Initiation Director, he authored the Stewards of the Order Program He resides in Tribbett, Mississippi.


...continued Tuesday, June 22nd @ 10:45am Kimberly Novak, CEO NovakTalks is an independent consultant and recognized national expert in student-focused risk management, hazing prevention, and involving students in campus safety efforts. She has been invited to speak at national conferences and on college campus around the country. Her work in the field of hazing prevention resulted in the development, design, and facilitation of the Novak Institute for Hazing Prevention, a successful ten-year program that in 2018 will became the Interdisciplinary Institute for Hazing Prevention. In 2014 she joined Pi Kappa Alpha’s Staff as the Director for Health & Safety.

Wednesday, June 23rd @ 6:30pm Michael H. Esposito (Zeta Phi–High Point ’14) is a former Number I of his chapter and a recent alumnus. As an undergratuate, Michael launched a new initiative for his Chapter with the goal of raising money and donating track wheel chairs for wounded veterans. In just one year of partnering the Independence Fund, the Zeta Phi Chapter raised more than $52,000 to purchase two track chairs for wounded veterans. In his free time, Michael continues to work with nearly a dozen other KA chapters, leading and supporting their fundraising efforts to support our wounded veterans. Nearly $150,000 has been raised so far due to Michael’s leadership. Michael lives in Charlotte, NC and works in Project Management for STRONG Manufacturers.

Wednesday, June 23rd @ 7:30pm Larry Stanton Wiese (Gamma Omega–Midwestern State ’87) is the Order’s Executive Director and General Counsel, as well as the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation’s Executive Director. Larry served as an Educational and Leadership Consultant from 1990 to 1991, Mikell Deputy Commander from 1991 to 1995, and Assistant Executive Director from 1995 to 1996. Larry is a past President of FIPG, Inc., the Fraternity Executive Association, and the Fraternity and Sorority Political Action Committee. He is a member of the American Society of Association Executives. Larry is admitted to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the District of Columbia.

Thursday, June 24th @ 9:00am Dwain P. Knight (Delta Kappa–Stephen F. Austin State ’04) is the National Chaplain of Kappa Alpha Order. He was inducted into the William A Walsh Court of Honor for meritorious service to the Order in ‘07. He is recognized as a Steward of the Order and a member of The Loyal Order. Knight is an ordained minister, who resides in East Texas, where he is a retired high school teacher and coach.


TEAM EXPERIENCE The ELA team experience groups an array of undergraduates from various backgrounds into teams. Team leaders or peer facilitators are selected by the National Administrative Office Staff based on past ELA experience and KA leadership experience. These men are leaders in their own chapters and on their respective campuses. The peer facilitators will lead their teams through small group discussions over various topics that relate to active chapters and undergraduates.

TEAM MEETINGS 1. Goals for Your Experience 2. Social Media, Public Relations, and Resources 3. Active Chapter Expectations 4. Implementing Values Into Organizational Leadership and Effectiveness 5. Recruitment and Retention 6. The Need for Personal Accountability





What do you hope to achieve during your time in college?

WHAT DO YOU HOPE TO GAIN? What do you most hope to gain from ELA?

What challenges has your chapter faced in the last year?

What has your chapter been able to accomplish despite COVID-19 restrictions?


...continued What changes to operations do you expect going into next year?

How can you best prepare your chapter to succeed in the Fall Semester

What do you think should be the top 3 goals of your chapter this year? 1.)





Dozens of KA Chapters are actively fundraising to donate a track wheelchair to a severely wounded veteran. If your chapter is interested in participating in this effort, please contact Michael Esposito at michael.esposito29@gmail.com.


PROJECT OUTREACH At the heart of the code of chivalry and the fabric of KA is service to others. KAs aim to serve those in need as students and citizens through community service, volunteerism, and philanthropy.

INTO THE STREETS Into the Streets is a national community service project, sponsored by the Campus Outreach Opportunity League, designed to bring campus groups together to perform hands-on community service. KA was the first national fraternity to incorporate the Into the Streets experience into an annual meeting, the National Leadership Institute. Today, we are going to volunteer our time at several different places in the community.

MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY ASSOCIATION Since 1975, through the dedication and hard work of our members, the active chapters of KA have raised over $4,000,000 to benefit MDA. Please contact the Executive Director of your chapter’s local MDA office to retain a list of upcoming events in your community. Also, please note this location is where your chapter should direct/send all contributions.

OPERATION CRIMSON GIFT Operation Crimson Gift is a nationwide blood drive within the Order. Take advantage of local blood drives or plan a Kappa Alpha sponsored campus-wide event. In the spirit of competition, the Knight Commander will be awarding the Knight Commander’s Cup to the chapter displaying an outstanding level of participation. All chapters reaching 100% participation, no matter the size of the chapter, will be recognized and included in that year’s Crimson Gift Century Society.

OTHER PROJECT OUTREACH ENDEAVORS We know each of your chapters have unique endeavors and groups you support locally. The Order supports these following causes as worthy endeavors true to our values and relevant to our members: • Donate Life America for organ, eye, and tissue donation registration • Military veterans support organizations, like the Independence Fund • Woman’s shelter or any other woman’s safety program in your local community • Camp Southern Ground, Brother and musician Zac Brown’s children’s summer camp • Septembeard, an effort aimed at eradicating prostate cancer List the various efforts organized by your chapter this past year and indicate those efforts in which you participated. Philanthropy Events Community Service/Volunteerism Blood/Clothing/Food Drive etc.


TEAM MEETING #2 PUBLIC RELATIONS & SOCIAL MEDIA What kind of reputation does Greek Life have in the general public?

What are the most prominent stories in the news or when you Google “fraternity?”

Does the news media accurately reflect your fraternity experience or KA’s values?

Why or why not?

What can chapters and their individual members do to help promote all the great things Greek life accomplishes?

How does what you post or like on social media say about you and your values?

How do your social media posts affect the reputation of your chapter or KA?


...continued Kappa Alpha Order is pledged to the pursuit of excellence, and our brothers are committed to the development of themselves and others. With this challenge, we must assume responsibilities in many areas. Undergraduate and alumni volunteer activities are an important aspect of fraternity life. The concept of serving others is inherent in the philosophies of the Order and has great value. The work we do for others is often priceless in its impact upon society and upon ourselves. In responding to this obligation, we work to cultivate communities and develop ourselves. What is Community Service?

Who benefits from Community Service?

How can your chapter improve their community service efforts?

What is Philanthropy? How is it different from Community Service?

How can your chapter improve their philanthropic efforts?

Which is more important, Community Service of Philanthropy? Why?

How will you continue giving back to your community throughout your life?


TEAM MEETING #3 ACTIVE CHAPTER EXPECTATIONS Academic Performance An Active Chapter will achieve an overall term GPA no less than 3.0. Membership Growth An Active Chapter will have a minimum membership of 30 or have a membership level higher than that of the average size of an IFC chapter on their campus, whichever is greater. National Financial Status An Active Chapter will remain solvent by maintaining a zero account balance with the National Administrative Office and all other creditors and shall annually file the appropriate IRS Form 990. Membership Education An Active Chapter will have a minimum of 70% of its total membership attend no less than 2 educational programs during each term. Acceptable areas of personal development and/or Kappa Alpha education are but are not limited to: alcohol and drug abuse awareness, hazing prevention, fire-health-safety, risk management, time management, personal finance, ritual, Kappa Alpha Laws, leadership, and career development. Attendance at Province Council may satisfy 1 required program. A Council of Honor program may satisfy 1 required program. How well does your chapter meet the Active Chapter Expectations? Are the active chapter expectations a part of your chapter’s goals? How can your chapters improve their performance by following the outline of the active chapter expectations? What areas can your chapter improve on outside of the ones listed out? How can you contribute the improvement of your chapter? What are other areas that your chapter should be measured on?



Thank you to the Graphic Cow Company for sponsoring our Emerging Leaders Academy t-shirt again this year! Please consider using them for all of your event, recruitment, and specialty t-shirts! They are officially licensed to sell products with KA’s marks and imagery. www.grafcow.com


TEAM MEETING #4 VALUES ELA Mission Statement: Emerging Leaders Academy strives to inspire, educate, and prepare future leaders of Kappa Alpha Order. Kappa Alpha Order is a Moral Compass for the Modern Gentleman with a lifelong emphasis on reverence, gentility, brotherhood, leadership, knowledge, reverence, and excellence. You come to college with your values intact; you have learned from family and friends what is right and wrong. While in college, KA helps you keep your compass straight, develop your values-set and experiences, and points you in a great direction for your future. Then, with our history and your experience, your journey in life, forever KA, becomes clear. Reverence. Our motto is “Dieu et Les Dames” (God and the ladies) and reminds each of us that there is a Higher Being in our lives. Just as our founders were in 1865, we are called together to demonstrate our Reverence for God and to cultivate our moral faculties. Gentility. The second part of our motto reminds us that the Age of Chivalry idealized woman and honored her. The modern gentleman continues this practice of Gentility, showing respect and humility to all he encounters on his campus, in his family, in his community, and in his career. Knowledge. The mind is immortal, and we are called upon to seek Knowledge and develop our character throughout our lives. Our quest for this lifelong learning is manifested in our academic success, our career achievements, and the positive impact we have on our communities. Leadership. We are leaders among men. We demonstrate this Leadership by setting the proper example of the modern gentleman and by serving mankind in whatever manner we are called. We demonstrate courage and perseverance as we both lead and follow. Brotherhood. We are bound to each other−for life. We befriend and assist our brothers, especially in times of need. We are Brothers faithful unto death. Excellence. Our aim is Onward and Upward, and it is in this direction that we continually strive. Through hard work and dedication, we endeavor to achieve this Excellence in all that we undertake, with a vision of making the world a better place.


...continued Does your chapter uphold KA’s Values? How can your chapter better uphold KA’s Values?

What other Values do you consider to be important? Your chapter consider to be important?

Are KA’s Values evident through your chapter’s operations? Events? Members? Does your chapter host events that contradict our Values? Does your chapter recruit new members that have the same Values as KA? How does your chapter compare to other chapters on campus academically? In recruitment? Financially?

How can your chapter improve academically? In recruitment? Financially?

Does your chapter take the ritual seriously? Do the officers practice for initiation? How can your chapter improve in other areas of chapter operations?


TM #4 continued CHAPTER OPERATIONS NUMBER I - Shall cause the chapter to obey the laws of the Order and the lawful requirements of its officers; preside at all meetings of the chapter; maintain good order and decorum; secure in discussion the observance of parliamentary rules; submit questions to a vote at the proper stage; cause meetings to be held as prescribed; privately counsel with and advise the chapter officers concerning the decision of their duties; require respect for and compliance with the customs of the Order. NUMBER II - Shall perform any of the duties of the Number I in his absence or inability to act and generally assist the Number I in the discharge of his duties; count the votes on questions submitted to the chapter; report to the chapter violations of the laws of the Order when the same are not reported by the Number VII; and privately counsel with and advise the Number I concerning the discharge of his duties. Most Number I’s appoint the Number II to supervise the new member education program for the chapter. This brings a lot of responsibility to maintain a positive program abiding by our laws and risk management policy. The main goal is to prepare the new members for initiation. NUMBER III - Shall keep full minutes of the chapter proceedings in a permanent minute book; call the role at the opening and closing of each meeting of the chapter; furnish the Number VII during the progress of each meeting with a list of absentees upon all roll calls not theretofore presented him; read the minutes of the previous meeting; submit his minutes to the chapter for approval and signature; and be responsible to the Number I for the minute book and other records of the chapter used directly in connection with chapter meetings. The Number III is the scholarship officer. NUMBER IV - Writes and keeps copies of all correspondence. It is his responsibility to submit material for publication in the Kappa Alpha Journal. The Number IV is the recruitment officer. NUMBER V - Chapter historian and is in charge of the chapter register. Many chapters delegate social media to the Number V and a committee. NUMBER VI - In charge of maintaining the chapter’s finances through the Vault on OmegaFi; filing the Form 990 with the IRS; and is an ex-officio (non-voting) member of the Prudential Committee. NUMBER VII - The chapter’s law officer and parliamentarian. His primary duty is to know the laws and customs of the Order, the by-laws of the chapter, and the rules of parliamentary procedure. Has the authority to impose fines on his own motion up to specified amounts for various offenses. NUMBER VIII - Must know the proper entrance to a chapter meeting so that he will only admit persons lawfully permitted to be present. He is also in charge of risk management for the chapter. NUMBER IX - Directs the initiation ceremony and has an important part in ceremony as well. He is responsible for preservation of initiation regalia and chapter room equipment/properties. Also, introduces visitors and alumni at every chapter meeting.





New Member Ed. Committee



Recruitment Committee

Scholarship Committee


Prudential Committee

Alumni Relations Committee

VII VIII Risk Mgt. Committee

Council of Honor Committee



TEAM MEETING #5 RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION What is one aspect of your chapter that can inspire confidence in members?

Where does your chapter generally find most of its members?

When does your chapter start reaching out to potential new members?

Who was the brother who recruited you? What did they do to convince you to join?

What benefits does your chapter provide that add value to the college experience?

How does your chapter actively work to market itself ? How can this be improved?


Reactivating Your Recruitment There is no better time to plan and engage in recruitment efforts than RIGHT NOW! This guide will give you some insight, tips, and resources to bring in quality members this year!

Lead with Confidence and a Winning Attitude

Focus on the True Value of Joining a Fraternity

Confidence is contagious. We need to approach recruitment with a winning mentality and not be discouraged by the current challenges.

Money is tight for everyone right now. We must demonstrate the true value of joining KA by talking about the right things during recruitment.

People want to associate with confident leaders who have a clear vision and excel when confronted with challenges or adversity. Chapters who

Research has proven that incoming freshmen are seeking out experiences and organizations that are values-based, and provide opportunities

embrace the present challenges and overcome them through planning and ingenuity will succeed and lead the way on their campuses. This

for philanthropy, service, alumni networking, internships, leadership development, scholarships and academic support. No other organization

is not the first time in the Order’s 155-year history that our country has faced challenges. In every instance, the Order has adapted and

on campus does a better job of providing all of those benefits in one experience. Our brothers need to be talking about our value of GENTILITY,

become stronger as a result. This time is no exception. Our core value of EXCELLENCE guides us to not settle for mediocrity and to be better tomorrow than we are today.

respect for all, and their personal experiences during recruitment. They already expect social events, those won’t be a differentiator. Leading with our values and talking about the true value of KA will set us apart from other fraternities on campus.

Start Now, Don’t Wait Incoming freshmen typically join the first group who reaches out to them. Use the down time this summer to your advantage and start your recruitment efforts now. Don’t wait until you get the IFC rush/ recruitment list before you start recruiting, because it may never come, and it will be too late. Our value of LEADERSHIP directs us to take our chapter’s fate into our own hands. Start generating a shared names list of potential members now, pick up the phone and call them. Reach out to your high school, alumni, parents, family and friends to ask for recommendations of men who are coming to your campus this fall.

Focus on Personal 1 on 1 Interactions Think back to when you were going through rush/recruitment. Chances are that you can point to one brother who ultimately influenced you to join KA. You need to demonstrate that level of BROTHERHOOD for each potential member. The best recruiting chapters build their new member

Develop a Comprehensive Marketing Campaign We need to get the word out to potential members about KA now. This involves posting about the topics above on all social media outlets as well as focusing on hard copy marketing materials. Many chapters are recording quick video clips of house tours and an introduction to KA that they can share with potential members on social media. Everyone is being flooded with emails and digital content. Think about the last time that you received a personalized hard copy letter or brochure in the mail. Chances are that it got your attention because no one sends things through the mail anymore. It’s easy to delete an email but an incoming freshman will notice a well-designed and professional recruitment brochure and letter. The dual benefit is that a potential member’s parents will likely see the brochure as well. KA is providing FREE recruitment brochures to all chapters who request them. Focus on getting home addresses for potential members and send the recruitment brochure along with a personalized letter from your chapter to all potential members this summer.

class one man at a time through personal one-on-one connections. Members don’t join because of a recruitment event or the house. They join because of the personal connections they develop with brothers at the house or recruitment events. The good news is that we can recreate

Provide a Scholarship for Incoming Freshman

those personal one on one connections with potential members over the summer and into the fall. Incoming freshman are sitting at home bored, looking for something to do. Everyone is starved for in-person human interactions. Invite potential members to lunch, dinner, or an outdoor

Most colleges and universities will help you promote a KA scholarship that you can offer to all incoming freshman males. This will show that your chapter prioritizes KNOWLEDGE, lifelong learning, and

activity this summer and make personal connections with them. You should also be virtually connecting with potential members over the

academics. This will ensure that every incoming freshman male hears about KA before they get to campus. Most chapters typically offer

summer through text, phone call, Facetime, or Zoom. Get to know them, tell them why you love being a KA, what the experience has done for you personally, and that you are looking for men who share our values

a $500-$1,000 scholarship. Offering a scholarship will provide an opportunity to attract men who meet our academic standard and the amount of recognition and promotion your chapter will receive is

and want a similar experience.

well worth the expense.


TEAM MEETING #6 ACCOUNTABILITY What is accountability?

How do we hold our brothers accountable?

What do our values say about accountability?

What is KA’s judicial system?

What is a minor offense?

What is a major offense?



“Game Changer. Recruitment spreadsheets are dead!!!” ChapterBuilder makes recruitment: • Easier • Organized • Year-Round • More Focused on Relationships

www.ChapterBuilder.com 27

RISK MANAGEMENT The Risk Management Policy of Kappa Alpha Order, adopted by the Executive Council pursuant to R16-118, mirrors that of FIPG, Inc., and shall apply to all entities and all levels of fraternity membership. All members of Kappa Alpha Order are expected to follow all applicable laws of the state, county, parish, city and institution of higher education. It may be found as Appendix 401 of the Kappa Alpha Laws and includes the following provisions:


1. The possession, sale, use and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages while on chapter premises, or during a fraternity event, in any situation sponsored or endorsed by the chapter, or at any event an observer would associate with the fraternity, must be in compliance with any and all applicable laws of the state, county, parish, city and institution of higher education, and must comply with either BYOB or Third Party Vendor guidelines. 2. No alcoholic beverages may be purchased through or with chapter funds nor may the purchase of same for members or guests be undertaken or coordinated by any member in the name or on behalf of the chapter. The purchase or use of a bulk quantity or common sources of such alcoholic beverage, for example kegs or cases are prohibited. 3. Open parties, without specific invitation, where alcohol is present are prohibited. Open parties have been defined as those functions at which the guest to member ratio exceeds three-to-one. 4. No chapter members, collectively or individually, shall purchase for, serve to, or sell alcoholic beverages to any minor (i.e., those under the legal “drinking age”). 5. The possession, sale and/or use of any illegal drugs or controlled substances by a member are strictly prohibited. 6. No chapter may co-sponsor an event with a distributor of alcohol, charitable organization or tavern (tavern defined as an establishment generating more than half of its annual gross sales from alcohol) where alcohol is given away, sold or otherwise provided to those present. This includes any event held in, at or on the property of tavern, as defined above, for the purposes of fundraising. However, a chapter may rent or use a room or area in a tavern, as defined above, for an event held within the provisions of this policy, including the use of a third party vendor and guest list. 7. No chapter may co-sponsor or co-finance or attend or participate in a function where alcohol is purchased by any of the host chapters, groups or organizations. 8. All recruitment or rush activities associated with any chapter will be non-alcoholic. No recruitment or rush activities associated with any chapter may be held at or in conjunction with a tavern or alcohol distributor as defined in this policy. 9. No member or pledge/associate/new member/novice shall permit, tolerate, encourage or participate in “drinking games”. 10. No alcohol shall be present at any member awaiting initiation/pledge/new member program or activity of the chapter. This includes, but is not limited to, activities associated with “bid night”, “big brothers - little brother” events or activities, “family” events or activities and initiation.


The fraternity will not tolerate or condone any form of sexist or sexually abusive behavior on the part of its members whether physical, mental or emotional. This is to include any actions, activities or events, whether on chapter premises or an off-site location which is demeaning to women or men, including but not limited to verbal harassment and sexual assault by individuals or members acting together. The employment or use of strippers, exotic dancers or similar, whether professional or amateur, at a fraternity event as defined in this policy is prohibited.


...continued HAZING

No chapter, student or alumnus shall conduct nor condone hazing activities. Permission or approval by a person being hazed is not a defense. Hazing activities are defined as: “Any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. Such activities may include, but are not limited to, the following: use of alcohol; paddling in any form; creation of excessive fatigue; calisthenics, physical and psychological shocks; use of pledge books or signature books, quests, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips or any other such activities carried on outside or inside the confines of the chapter house; wearing of public apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts and buffoonery; morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; and any other activities which are not consistent with fraternal law, ritual or policy or the regulations and policies of the educational institution.”


1. All chapter houses shall, prior to, during and following occupancy, meet all local fire and health codes and standards. 2. All chapters must have posted by common phones and in other locations emergency numbers for fire, police and ambulance and should have posted evacuation routes on the back of the door of each sleeping room. 3. All chapters shall comply with engineering recommendations as reported by the insurance company or municipal authorities. 4. The possession and/or use of firearms, archery equipment, incendiary devices such as fireworks or explosive devices of any kind within the confines and premises of the chapter house are prohibited. 5. Pets are not permitted in any chapter house, lodge or facility. 6. Permanent or make-shift pools are not permitted at any chapter house, lodge or facility.


Special events are defined as any event/function (1) where alcohol will be present, and the guest to member ration exceeds three-to one; (2) involving athletic events or competitions; or (3) that involves any activity that is deemed to be potentially hazardous by the Alumnus Adviser, the Alumni Advisory Committee, the Province Commander, the Executive Director, or the Order’s insurance broker. Any chapter wishing to host a special event must do the following: 1. Complete a comprehensive, written description of the event and forward it to the Province Commander and the Executive Director for review and approval. This information must be received by the Executive Director at least 60 days prior to the event; and 2. Secure a Special Events Insurance Policy (“Policy”) or pay a risk management assessment fee in an amount to be determined by the Order’s insurance broker. If the Policy option is selected, the Policy shall be in the amount of $1,000,000 available through the Order’s insurance broker and shall name Kappa Alpha Order, a Virginia Corporation, as an additional insured.


Each student member, associate member and pledge shall be instructed annually on the Kappa Alpha Order Risk Management Policy. A copy of the Risk Management Policy shall be available on the fraternity website.



• An active chapter will achieve an overall term GPA no less than a 3.0.


• Each active chapter must achieve a 3.0 overall GPA on a 4.0 scale from the immediate preceding college semester or quarter. • Any chapter that achieves between a 2.70-2.99 from the immediate preceding college semester or quarter must submit a written scholastic plan to address academic deficiencies. This written scholastic plan must be submitted to the Province Commander, Deputy Province Commander for Academic Affairs, and the National Administrative Office. • Any chapter that achieves below a 2.70 from the immediate preceding college semester or quarter will lose social privileges for one semester or quarter. Notification of social restriction will be sent to the Province Commander, Deputy Province Commander for Academic Affairs, and campus fraternity professional. • If an individual to be elected to membership is classified as a freshman and has not earned any prior university/college grades, he must have achieved a high school grade point average of a 2.7 on a 4.0 scale or its equivalent to join. • If an individual to be elected to membership has earned any prior university/college academic credits, he must have achieved a grade point average of a 2.70 on a 4.0 scale or its equivalent to join. • “No active member or member awaiting initiation shall be eligible to attend or participate in any social function sponsored by an active or alumni chapter if he has failed to maintain a grade point average of 2.70 on a 4.00 scale, or its equivalent, from the immediate preceding college semester or quarter. • A member is ineligible to serve in any office of an Active Chapter if he has failed to maintain a grade point average of 2.70 on a 4.00 scale, or its equivalent, for the immediate preceding semester or quarter.


• Each chapter will be required to have an active Scholarship Chair who will also serve as the # III of the chapter.


• The National Scholarship Trophy will be presented annually to the Active Chapter that achieves the highest collective grade point average for the academic year. The name of the winning Active Chapter each year will be engraved upon the trophy and permanently displayed in the National Administrative Office • Scholastic Excellence Awards - Each chapter that achieves a semester or quarterly grade point average of at least a 3.25 will be recognized by a Scholastic Excellence Award. The Scholastic Excellence Awards will be bestowed at province council for the immediate past spring and fall terms. Chapters will be recognized in the Kappa Alpha Journal. • The Scholastic Achievement Awards are given each semester/quarter to each Active Chapter that achieves a collective grade point average higher than both the All-Men’s and All-Fraternity average or that are academically ranked in the top 25% of fraternities, and is higher than the Kappa Alpha Order National Average at their respective institutions. • Academic Achievement Awards are also awarded to chapters that achieved a 3.0 GPA or higher the last two academic semesters. • Citation of Academic Excellence - Any undergraduate brother, who maintains full-time enrollment status on their respective campus and achieves a 4.0 semester or quarterly grade point average, will achieve recognition. Citations of Academic Excellence will be bestowed at province council and the submission of individual eligibility will be the responsibility of each undergraduate chapter at the completion of each academic term.



Talkspace + Kappa Alpha Order Poster to be hung in various locations

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LEADERSHIP EDUCATION The Order’s educational programming is an intentional training schedule designed to deliver targeted and timely education to our chapters and members, affording them the best possible opportunity to learn, develop, and lead effectively.

The second oldest fraternity leadership school in the nation, NLI has occurred in various formats since 1946. The focus of the Institute is to educate and empower the I’s to understand their role and responsibility as the chapter’s highest elected officer, recognize the tools and support systems provided, and to understand the standards and policies of operating an active chapter. January 6-9, 2022.

In the spring of 2022, five regional meetings are taking place across country to educate our officers and emerging leaders. Participants will receive officer specific training as well as education on leadership, risk management, recruitment, ritual, scholarship, member education, and KA values. Kappa Alpha Laws 7-215 state that all nine officers are required to attend unless excused by the Province Commander. Dates and locations still to be determined. ELA utilizes leadership sessions, peer education, experiential learning, operational tracks, and service learning to provide training for current and future officers. The Academy also offers the innovative ways to improve leadership skills as peer facilitator opportunities for seasoned chapter leaders. ELA typically takes place in Lexington, near our founding site, Mulberry Hill & on campus at Washington & Lee and Virginia Military Institute. June 2022 (TBD).

Stewards of the Order standardizes education on the customs of the Order for our undergraduates and alumni. This intense, eight-hour workshop focuses on the symbolism and philosophy of the ritual, daily application, and the production of the initiation ceremony. To become “Stewards” of the Order, participants must pass an oral exam. A Steward receives a lapel pin. June 2022 (TBD).

The Crusade is our total membership development program designed to provide our undergraduates with educational opportunities throughout college. Based on the customs of the Order, the program emphasizes gentility, knowledge, leadership, perseverance, reverence, service, and excellence. A member of Kappa Alpha Order begins The Crusade immediately after he is inducted. He begins with the first phase, Voyage for Brotherhood and moves sequentially through the remaining three phases, Honor Bound, Quest for Leadership and The Journey Beyond, while in college.



Thank you to the KAOEF for providing the support needed to hold our leadership education programs.


The KAOEF provides funding annually for educational programs including: Number I’s Leadership Institute, Emerging Leaders Academy, Officer Training Conferences, and The Crusade.


The KAOEF provides scholarships annually to deserving members, and funds the Kappa Alpha Order Internship Program in Washington, D.C., Atlanta, Georgia, and Dallas, Texas. ALL programs and benefits are funded through alumni donations, given annually, for the benefit of the Order. The KAOEF is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. President Larry Stanton Wiese leads day-to-day administration and is assisted by Executive Vice President Ben Satcher, Chief Development Officer Andrew Carr, Director of Development Tanner Gellinger, and Director of Annual Giving & Stewardship Aaron Masey. The KAOEF is governed by a Board of Trustees which is comprised of alumni who volunteer their time and see to it that gentlemen like YOU are given the best training in the fraternal world.

Learn more and donate today at www.KAOEF.org/donate! Ask about becoming a Foundation Chapter and receiving benefits and recognition within the Order!

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