The Kappa Alpha Journal

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The Kappa Alpha Journal | Summer 2012

including: Rebuilding the historic Tulane Chapter house the Fastest human ever From living in a van to college football star 2011 Chapter Award Winners

In the

Quest Olympic Water Polo Captain for Team USA, Tony Azevedo, is just one KA who competed this summer for gold in London.

Volume CXVIV | Number 2 | Published Since 1879

The 1865 Trust | Member Profile

Jason R. Barrett

Beta Tau – Mississippi State ’98

hh Emmett Lee Irwin Province Commander hh Loyal Order Member #2632 hh Member of the 1865 Trust hh Wife, Dr. Shannon Barrett hh Children, (left to right) Betsy Gray, Hudson, Joe, and Bronwynne Why have you decided to continue to support the KAOEF and its mission? I think the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation is a fabulous way to enrich the college experience and the KA experience for young men. The opportunities that exist through the KAOEF are second to none and I want more undergraduate KAs to be able to have that experience.

With a wife and children, did it make your decision to add the KAOEF in your estate plans more difficult? It actually made it easier for me. I have two sons and I would love nothing more that to be able to initiate them into the Order one day. If more alumni support the KAOEF, the Order will be stronger and offer more for the undergraduates. What has been the best part of your KA experience to date? The honor of serving as the Irwin Province Commander is epic. I thoroughly enjoyed my undergraduate years but I truly feel like I can make a difference as the Province Commander. Why should ALL KA alumni continue to support the Order and its mission? Alumni should continue to support the Order and its mission because we can all see the positive influence that KA has had on our lives and we should want more young men to have those same connections to guide them.

What is the 1865 Trust? The 1865 Trust recognizes the generosity and foresight of those who choose to embrace the vision of KA’s future by making a meaningful planned gift to the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF). Their entrance into the ranks of the 1865 Trust bears powerful testimony to the charitable expressions of their values, ideals, and commitment to Kappa Alpha Order’s future. Membership in the 1865 Trust recognizes those who have made provisions for a planned

gift of $10,000 or more to the KAOEF. To date, 140 exceptional alumni have joined the 1865 Trust. Last year alone, the 1865 Trust received over $1.4 million in new estate gift pledges from alumni. Most of our alumni in the 1865 Trust will fulfill their gift through one of the most common and perhaps easiest ways of making a planned gift, by naming the KAOEF in their wills or as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or an IRA.

If you have any questions about the 1865 Trust, or if you wish to join the over 140 KA brothers who have already become members, please contact Erik Showalter, Director of Development, at the National Administrative Office, either by phone, (540) 463-1865, or by e-mail,

Table of Contents

14 features 12 | In the Quest

This summer’s Olympic Games in London will include several KA brothers


14 | The Brotherhood Advantage Will the bond of KA brotherhood help lead to gold for the U.S. Men's Water Polo Team?

departments 2 | Knight Commander’s Message 3 | From the Editor 4 | Connections

18 | Setting Up for Gold

5 | Our Order

Two brothers make a run for the USA Volleyball team

22 | Alumni News


20 | No Excuses

Brother Sets Sail for Paralympics

32 | On Campus 42 | Sports Page 47 | Chapter Eternal 48 | Foundation Today 50 | Housing 53 | From the Archives 54 | Our Legacy

Above photo courtesy of USA Water Polo/Michael Larsen/US Presswire

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Summer 2012


Cover photo by C. Taylor Crothers

56 | Remembering the Reason

Knight Commander's Message

Dear Brothers, As KAs, excellence is our aim! A college degree is essential for success in today's society, but exceptional academic achievement gives a graduate an advantage when pursuing his career. Academic excellence is one of my four objectives for the Order, and we have made progress toward this goal. The Order's Grade Point Average (GPA) has risen steadily in recent years. Using the recommendations of the National Scholarship Officer, Gregory R. Singleton, and through the Executive Council's leadership, we have raised our expectations. Consequently, our Active Chapters have increased their academic efforts, and the Order has achieved a Fall 2011 GPA of 2.85 and a Spring 2012 GPA of 2.88. These are the highest respective fall and spring GPAs in our history. We have accomplished much, but we can do better. My goal for the Order is a GPA of 3.00. Achieving this goal will raise KA's standing among fraternities, provide more opportunities for our members, and help ensure their future success. After all, excellence is our aim! Fraternally,

EDITOR Jesse S. Lyons Creative Design Tria Designs Inc. CONTRIBUTORS Jay Langhammer, Kent McMichael, Rick Moore, William Sabo, Ben W. Satcher Jr., Erik T. Showalter, Michael P. Wilson EXECUTIVE COUNCIL

William E. Dreyer Knight Commander

Knight Commander William E. Dreyer Senior Councilor Darren S. Kay Councilors King V. Aiken, Jr., L. Blair Bailey, David P. Barksdale, Sam O. Leake, Jr., C. Douglas Simmons, III National Undergraduate Chairman W. Anderson Wasden KA/KAOEF Executive Director Larry Stanton Wiese

HOW TO CONTACT THE JOURNAL Editor, The Kappa Alpha Journal P.O. Box 1865 Lexington, VA 24450 (540) 463-1865 (540) 463-2140 - fax email: TO CHANGE AN ADDRESS Fill out Alumnus Update on the website or send both your new and old address to Lisa Metivier at the above mailing address or to:

Summer 2012


The Kappa Alpha Journal

Letter from the Editor

The Kappa Alpha Journal (ISSN #0888-8868, USPS #014-747) is an educational journal published four times a year by Kappa Alpha Order, 115 Liberty Hall Rd., Lexington, Virginia. Periodicals postage paid at Lexington, Virginia, and additional mailing offices. The Kappa Alpha Journal seeks to reflect the Kappa Alpha experience by presenting news of active and alumni chapters, individual members, and the national organization; by addressing current issues facing the Greek system and the Order; by educating and entertaining those interested in the welfare of Kappa Alpha; and by serving as a historical record. The Kappa Alpha Journal has been published since 1879. From 1883 to 1885 it was known as The Magazine of Kappa Alpha. Kappa Alpha Order was founded in 1865 at Washington College (Washington and Lee University) in Lexington, Virginia. Today, Kappa Alpha boasts 124 undergraduate chapters and over 30 alumni chapters across the nation. Volume CXVIV, Number 2 Summer 2012 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Kappa Alpha Order, P.O. Box 1865, Lexington, VA 24450

Dear Brothers, I recently stopped in a local fish market in Virginia Beach, Va. to fill my cooler with some tasty catch before heading inland. As I stepped inside the air was strong with the smells of the sea, and fittingly an old, salty fisherman stepped out from behind the counter to tell me a story. Earlier in the year, he attended a change of command ceremony at a United States military base in nearby Norfolk. He was accompanied by a friend, who was a retired serviceman. The fisherman remarked at how much precision was in the ceremony and how spectacular the activities were. The retiree asked the fisherman, “Well, what would your life be like, if you were the second-best fisherman in the world?” The sea-dog thought about it, and replied, “I’d be in pretty darn good shape, probably better than my wildest dreams.” The military man looked him dead in the eyes and said, “there is no second-best option for our military. Silver medals can’t be brought home. ” That puts achievement in perspective, doesn’t it? For almost everyone in the world, being first, second, or third-best, at one’s respective passion is a high achievement. We’re proud of our KA Olympians, past and present. We know that the brothers headed to London will come home with glory and honor this summer, no matter the outcome. They’re in the quest this year and we all support the team. Tune in with the world and with the enhancement of brotherhood for some, cheer on our country’s best as they make proud the United States of America! Fraternally,

Jesse S. Lyons Editor

Member of

Copyright © 2012 Kappa Alpha Order; KAPPA ALPHA® is a registered trademark of Kappa Alpha Order.

The Kappa Alpha Journal 2012-2013 submission dates: Issue 3/Fall – July 2 Issue 4/Winter – Sept. 20 Issue 1/Spring – Dec. 20 Issue 2/Summer – April 13

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Summer 2012

Connections KappaAlphaOrder

One of the most read/ liked items on the Order's Facebook page and the KA: Blog was our Memorial Day blogpost (at right). KappaAlphaOrder

There’s been a lot of buzz about the last Journal (features for @zacbrownband, @southerntide, @richhudson) and the 2012 Emerging Leaders Academy in Lexington, Va.

Remember… by Jesse S. Lyons (Delta Alpha – Western Carolina ’98)

This weekend, thousands of Americans

will celebrate Memorial Day in many ways. From camping excursions to beach outings; from road trips to local get-togethers, folks convene to welcome an impending summer. Men and women and children will relax and spend time with family and friends.

@vineyard2 “I can tell you

this much, KA’s have some distinguished alum. Southern tide maker and Callaway. @kappaalphaorder” @KAsatMarshall “Great Zac Brown Article about being a gentleman of the Kappa Alpha Order.” @jordan_hale “Really excited to help facilitate #ELA2012. @kappaalphaorder #ForeverKA” @KA_ZetaRho “Only a few more days until #ELA2012 We are sending 3 brothers to Lexington this year! @kappaalphaorder” @DavidLeeStout “Just about a week left until I meet brothers from all over the nation @kappaalphaorder #pumped #ELA2012”

Check out the highly active “Kappa Alpha Order Alumni Group” on Linkedin for job, career, and networking.


Create your goKA account today at

We–Americans from across the country, from across party-lines, from across varying backgrounds and characteristics–will do as we please. We too, as KAs, are likely enjoying this time off. Pride in America is running pretty high these days for young folks–especially fraternity men and sorority women. These young folks are shouting (or tweeting) terms like ‘Merica and joyfully draping themselves in American flag motif shirts and so forth. Some of this may be parody, but the pride is likely rooted in true belief in our country and American values. But like any case for support it is necessary that we have a “why.” A real “why.” One that gets down to that rooted true pride. Why do we feel so strongly in our country that even as we become older alumni, we will gather up the kids and load up the car and go forth to celebrate? And just why are we able to do so, so… freely? Chief among the reasons we are so lucky to enjoy this extra day off, this “memorial” of a weekend, are the men and women of the United States Armed Forces. Many are KAs and many more are known by KAs. But really, we’re considering everyone in this. Interfraternal brothers and sisters are also serving our country alongside—and please remember this—thousands of non-Greek men and women who make up the majority

Summer 2012


of our Armed Forces. Can you imagine the operations they’ve been through in past and going through in the present? Trudging up a beach half a world away, bullets whizzing by; wading waistdeep in a jungle river not knowing the origin of the last sound behind you; or baking in unbelievable heat, sweating, while sand stings your exposed cheeks like you need a reminder where you are. You’ve seen those images in movies, in papers, and perhaps even heard tell of them through personal stories. We think we can imagine. Now imagine that many of those young men and women didn’t know they boarded a plane or boat for a final trip home to their family and friends… Or they returned wounded or otherwise afflicted and just couldn’t hold on… Or they never returned at all… You don’t need to imagine. You should remember. Remember. It’s the best way. Honor their lives, their deeds, and their valor. Their supreme sacrifice. Did you know someone who fits a description above? Likely. If not, remember that for our fallen heroes, many of your fellow citizens DID know them. This weekend, those friends and families (and fraternity brothers) have their images and thoughts burning in their minds. Just remember that, too. Take a moment and set your drink down. Don’t holler or relentlessly tweet ‘Merica over and over. Instead, take a walk down the beach or through your campsite. Close your eyes and say a little prayer. Say thank you privately. The say thank you to a current service man or woman. Heck, even tweet Thank you… And make sure others do these things too. Honor the memories of the men and women who fought, and died, so that you can do as you please. Because you can. No one is going to stop you. This is America, after all. Why? This was asked this earlier and you should ask it too. Because isn’t the answer interesting? America is great because of those who defend it and those who remember those who defend it. Our heroes have kept up their end of the bargain. Their supreme end. Let’s keep up ours. God bless them all. God bless America.

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Our Order

Kappa Alpha Ord


Kappa Alpha Order was founded at Was hington College (now versity) in Lexington, Washington & Lee UniVirginia, on Decemb er of 1865. The foun Order (James Ward ders of Woo hope McClelland Scot d, William Nelson Scott, William Archibald Kappa Alpha t) sought to preserve Walsh and Stanthe by Robert E. Lee, the spiritual founder of Kap ideals of the true gentleman as inspired Washington College pa Alph a Order, who was Pres at the time. Since 1865 ident of , Kappa Alpha Order 120 chapters all acro has evolved into over ss this great nation and an Order of Christian our members are com Knights. monly referred to as James Ward Wood intro duced emulation of the Knights Templar read to his Alpha Cha in an essay that he pter brothers on Nov ember 30, 1866. Man cluding Samuel Zen y of the members, inas Ammen, were grea tly inspired by Wood’s son of their group to essay and its compari the Knights Templar. It inspired the members forward and to begin referring to themselv es as a fraternity. Amm to continue moving build upon this idea and refined the ritua l. With his lifetime com en continued to earned the title of Prac mitm tical Founder of Kap ent he ultimately pa Alpha Order. When speaking abou t Kappa Alpha and the ritual, Ammen commen a distinguished Kappa Alpha say that but thre ted, “I once heard the perfect man—Sh e books are needed akespeare, the Bible for the formation of and the Kappa Alph proceeded to explain, a ritual. Shakespeare, imparts general cultu he re, the Bible forms the ritual creates the chiv alrous Christian gent Christian, but the KA leman, the noblest prod of the world’s most enlightened age.” uct of the civilization

“What most people talk about when they talk about devotionals is a book that helps you grow. ‘Devotion’ is a big clue to a devotional’s use. Faith, fidelity, piety, duty are all elements of devotion. So why would you want to use a devotional? What will it actually do? Well, believers use devotionals as a way to grow closer to Deity and learn more about life.”

The serious tone of our ceremony is also very evident in man volunteers througho y of the prominent ut the history of the Order. Knight Commanders William McCleod Fram Great Kappa Alphas include Former and James L. Duncan pton an ordained Pres the first bishop of the byterian minister Episcopal Diocese of These men, and man y others in their prof ession, understood the southeast Florida. Alpha Order and how importance of Kappa the initiation ceremon y could enlighten youn this country. g men all across The initiation ceremon y of Kappa Alpha Ord the ideals of chivalry er and gentility. This reve seeks to enlighten new members on rent ceremony creates of Kappa Alpha Ord er to live the remaind a path for the men er of their lives upho gentlemanly conduct lding an ancient code in a new modern wor of ld. KA specific Bible vers es can be found on the Joshua 1:5, pg. 245 following pages: Psalm 9:17, pg. 621 Psalm 37:25, pg. 642 Ecclesiastes 11:9, 10— 12:1–8, pg. 773, 774 Isaiah 42:16, pg. 832 Zephaniah 1:14–16, pg. 1086 Matthew 24:29, pg. 1142

Devotional Over the last half of 2011, until now, the Devotional Resource Task Force worked

KA Bible and Devotional Guide introduced this summer

Devotional Resource Task Force The Devotional Guide was developed and written by members of the 20112012 Devotional Resource Task Force: National Chaplain Dwain Knight (Delta Kappa – Stephen F. Austin State ’04) Deputy Chaplain Fitz Conner (Gamma Eta – Florida State ’03) Deputy Chaplain Loyd Gentry (Alpha Delta – William Jewell ’55). with national staff to create the Order’s first Devotional Guide. This sharp, engaging print edition is nearly 40 pages long. It includes fifteen devotionals on topics such as Courage, Criticism,

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Summer 2012

Friendship, Mercy, and Justice. Further, there are references to “What to read when” verses, sample prayers, and the complete Chapter of Sorrow ceremony for chapters and alumni to perform when a brother passes away. It is available online, with other resources, at These Devotional Guides and the KA Bibles make an impressive, personal gift for any initiate, young and old. Whether presented upon initiation, or used in a KA, or Greek–wide Bible study, these resources should add continued value to the KA experience for all members. The KA Bibles and Devotional Guides are available as a package ($15, plus shipping) and in any quantity. Alumni may purchase a quantity for presentation to a chapter as well. Contact Anita Snyder, Fraternity Services Assistant, at or 540-463-1865 to order today.

Bible We’ve all taken our oaths and remember vividly our initiation. Our badges and memories we take with us for life. Now, Active Chapters can provide new initiates their very own KA Bible for use during and after initiation, or simply order four for their continued use. Alumni, you can purchase your own copy too! Produced by Thomas Nelson, Inc. in conjunction with Kappa Alpha Order, the KA Bible is a New King James Version. Included in a specialty page is KA related information and easy references to KA related Bible verses along with a formal initiation record and signature page for new brothers and their initiating officers.

– From the introduction page of the 2012 Devotional Guide.

Our Order

Expulsions The following men have been expelled from Kappa Alpha Order since the last printing of The Journal as of May 30, 2012. Transylvania Alpha Theta Jordan H. Evans 4/4/12 Jett T. Glass 4/4/12 Robert E. Wall, II 4/4/12 Clemson Delta Omicron William J. Myers 4/4/12

Emory Epsilon Jordan H. Boxer 5/14/12 Peter M. O’Brien 5/14/12

Recommend potential members online! Alumni brothers, please consider taking time to recommend a young man for membership. You might have family attending college this fall; perhaps a neighbor is going off to school; maybe a business partner’s son is preparing to join a fraternity. Lets give them each a shot at a Kappa Alpha experience. Simply head to www. recommend and fill out the online form. National staff will forward the entry to the I, IV, Alumnus Advisor, and province commander, and copy you as well. Each of us has a duty to give back— one way is to assist with recruitment. Thank you!

Current Number I and Former Knight Commander Honored by the NIC A Number I from Maryland and a Former Knight Commander were recently recognized with distinction in the Interfraternal world. The North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) has awarded their Awards of Distinction at their annual meeting on April 22nd. Greg Waterworth (Beta Kappa – Maryland ‘10), the current Number I of Beta Kappa Chapter, is one of the recipients of the NIC’s Undergraduate Award of Distinction. Greg joins a fellow fraternity man from Beta Theta Pi and Alpha Tau Omega in this annual recognition. The Undergraduate Award of Distinction seeks to recognize the fraternity man who has found in his experience an outlet for developing as both a leader and a better man. Among various accomplishments within his chapter and on campus, Greg helped coordinate and lead a massive chapter and campus-wide fundraiser for breast cancer research, in honor of his mother Peggy. The first “Breastfest of Champions” raised $32,000. See the spring edition of The Kappa Alpha Journal (pg. 33) for more on this event. Greg’s dedication to the Order, our values, and those who need our support warrants this recognition. Former Knight Commander Ben W. Satcher, Jr. (Delta Omicron – Clemson ’79), who is also a director of development for the Kappa Summer 2012


Alpha Order Educational Foundation, is one of the recipients of the NIC’s Alumni Award of Distinction. Former Knight Commander Satcher joins an alumnus from Beta Theta Pi in this year’s winners. The Alumni Award of Distinction recognizes the fraternity man who has given of his time, talents, and service to the betterment of the fraternity. The service can be given at the local, regional, or national level. Brother Satcher has lead brothers and the Order (and KAOEF) from all levels as a volunteer. This all culminated in his term as Knight Commander from 2003-2007. After his extensive and wide-ranging volunteer career, and after a successful 23-year career operating his family business, Ben joined the KAOEF staff as a director of development. His example of servant leadership is undeniably worthy of this honor. Additional information about the Awards of Distinction can be found online at www.nicindy. org/programs. Founded in 1909, the North-American Interfraternity Conference is the trade association representing 75 international and national men’s fraternities. Through advocacy, collaboration, and education the NIC works to ensure that fraternities can operate in an environment conducive to their success.

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Photos courtesy of Greek Yearbook

North Carolina – Charlotte Epsilon Xi Garrison M. Jones 4/11/12

Our Order

Province Commanders Appointed On March 26, 2012, Knight Commander William E. Dreyer appointed Brother Carlton W. Baker (Zeta – Randolph-Macon ’81) Commander of the Samuel Zenas Ammen Province and on the next day, he appointed Brother Marc A. Scott (Gamma Upsilon – Texas A&M-Commerce ’84) as Commander of Henry J. Mikell Province. Both appointments came after the review of nominations from the Active and Alumni Chapters in both provinces and pursuant to Kappa Alpha Laws, Article 6, Section 116. Brother Baker has served as Deputy Commander of Ammen Province, Registrar of the Ammen Court of Honor and as President and Trustee of the Zeta Lodge Institute, the local house corporation for Zeta Chapter. Carlton is currently a service manager for Wells Fargo Bank in Newport News, Virginia. Prior to beginning his career in banking

he was the General Manager for McGinnes Chevrolet-Buick and the General Sales Manager for Whitmore Chevrolet-Pontiac. He has served his alma mater and community as a member of the Randolph-Macon College Greek Alumni Advisory Board, the Director of the Society of Alumni of Randolph–Macon College, President, Treasurer and Director of the Gloucester Point Chamber of Commerce and was a charter member of the Gloucester Point Rotary Club. Brother Baker replaces P. Jason Cording (Beta Rho – Roanoke ’91) who resigned earlier this spring after for serving for ten years. Brother Scott has served as the Alumnus Advisor for Gamma Upsilon Chapter for the past thirteen years, Vice-President of the Texas A&M Commerce Alumni Chapter and President of the local house corporation. Marc is a 2008 recipient of the Knight Commander’s Accolade, a two time Director of the Model Initiation and a member of the Henry J. Mikell Court of Honor. Marc has been employed by L-3 Communications since 2001 and currently serves as the company’s Executive Director for Procurement and Business Controls. He is a member of Wesley United Methodist Church, the City of Greenville Zoning Board of Adjustment and Project Christmas. Brother Scott replaces Fred Diaz, Jr. (Delta Iota – Texas-Arlington ’84) who also resigned earlier this spring after serving for seven years. Brothers Cording & Diaz served the Order well and we are indebted to them for their service.

Our Future Belongs To… The Order is proud to announce the impending return of Kappa Alpha Order to the following campuses, this fall: University of Arkansas Alpha Omicron Midwestern State University Gamma Omega Both campuses have not had an Active Chapter in quite some time. Both chapter’s charters having been withdrawn in the past, a provisional chapter will first be established to meet requirements in the Kappa Alpha Laws. Upon completion of goals and expectations, hopefully in the first 12 to 18 months, each of these new chapters will apply for the re-issuance of their charter for full restoration of their Active Chapter. Assistance, recruitment recommendations, or volunteering is anticipated from alumni. Additionally, the suspended Active Chapter at the University of Delaware will resume operations again this fall with formerly active members. Contact Nick Palmer, Director of Chapter Development, for more information and to get involved. Email: Phone: 540-463-1865.


Leading theWay A look at some of our members who are impacting the world.

Spring 2011 · published since 1879

At the annual conference of the Fraternity Communications Association in May, Kappa Alpha Order took home three awards for the first time in recent memory. They are featured above. Many more great Interfraternal magazines and communications efforts were recognized with honors as well. The Order looks to gain further footing in next year’s competition!

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Summer 2012

Awards won for The Journal and

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Our Order

Foundation Director Awarded Exclusive CFRE Designation

Brother Recognized by Campus-Based Professionals

On October 11, 2011 CFRE International named Erik Showalter, Director of Development for the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation as a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE). Through this achievement Erik Showalter becomes one of only 5,200 other fundraising professionals in the world to hold the CFRE designation. Individuals granted the CFRE credential are required to meet a series of standards set by CFRE International which include tenure in the profession, education, demonstrated fundraising achievement as well as the passing a rigorous written examination testing the knowledge, skills, and abilities required of a fundraising executive. “The CFRE process was developed as a way to identify for the public and employers those individuals who possess the knowledge, skills and commitment to perform fundraising duties in an effective, conscientious, ethical and professional manner,” states Susan Davies Goepp, CFRE; Chair of CFRE International. “Achievement of the Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) credential demonstrates the level of commitment on the part of Erik to himself and the profession as a whole.” The KAOEF is proud of Erik and his accomplishment as well as the fine work he continues to do on a daily basis. We are lucky to have a professional of his caliber representing us to donors and to the community at large,” said Larry Wiese, Executive Director of the KAOEF.

This past May, the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors (AFA) named Director of Fraternity Services Michael P. Wilson (Alpha Theta – Transylvania ’00) the Volunteer of the Month. AFA is primarily an association for campus-based professionals but many national staff members belong as well. Michael was nominated by Anne Arseneau (William & Mary) and Kate Planow (Longwood) in recognition of his effort to help plan the annual “drive-in” conference for the state. From the nominations: “Michael Wilson of Kappa Alpha has been an exemplary member of the Virginia AFA Drive-In Planning Team. He single-handedly took the initiative to arrange for an opening panel for the Drive-In that consists of Dave Westol, Kim Novak, and Dawn Watkins. Not only are these three highly regarded professionals conducting an opening panel for the Drive-In, but they are also generously offering their time to facilitate sessions at our program. This is significant because the Virginia AFA DriveIn is a free event. We are thankful to him for his many contributions.” The AFA mission is to enhance its members’ abilities to foster impactful fraternity/sorority experiences. Their Vision is to be the catalytic force in aligning the fraternity/sorority experience with the changing dynamics and enduring principles of higher education.

Lyons Elected to Association’s Board While attending his second annual conference of the Fraternity Communications Association (FCA), Jesse S. Lyons (Delta Alpha – Western Carolina ’98) was elected to the organization’s board of directors. He will serve a two-year term on the board and as director of networking he will be tasked with working with sponsors and associate members. Lyons is currently the Director of Communications and Editor of The Kappa Alpha Journal. Prior to assuming this role in January 2011, Lyons had served as director of chapter development for eight years. He was hired in 2002 as an educational and leadership consultant, transitioning to chapter development in 2003. Two previous Editors of The Journal have served on this board and as its president. The first was C.W. May (Beta Nu – Oglethorpe ’21) who served from 1940-41 and then Robert E. Lyon (Pi – Tennessee ’71) who served from 1983-84. (Editor’s Note: Brother Lyon and I are not related; however I’ve enjoyed working with Bob and joking about our last names over the years). FCA’s mission is to enhance fraternity communications through the exchange of ideas, experiences and information. Focuses for the association include Education, Recognition, and Networking. The Fraternity Communications Association, formerly the College Fraternity Editors Association (CFEA), offers a long and resplendent history as a prime force behind the founding, organization and proliferation of the fraternity movement. Regular membership in FCA consists of social, professional and honor societies.

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Summer 2012


Our Order

Brothers Around The Order

1. Ammen, Hamilton, and Smith Province Council attendance "Making a Muscle" for MDA—in front of the George C. Marshall quote and outside of the Marshall Center for Leadership & Ethics at VMI 2. Cliff Cabaness, Dave Pinson, and Ron Adkison, new inductees of the Locke Court of Honor 3. George Mason award winners & big/little brothers - Kristofer Brown (Greek New Member of the Year) and Sean Hobaugh (Greek Man of the Year) with Interim IFC Advisor Lauren Long 4. Jake Howse, Curt Perzinski, Stuart Whetsell, Anthony Graziani, and Larry Wiese at a going away cookout for Associate Directors Howse, Perzinkski, and Graziani at Mulberry Hill 5. Chiles Province Commander Jim Schmuck and Westminster College President Barney Forsythe after speaking to Chiles & Frampton Province Council (Forsythe is a retired US Army Brigadier General and a graduate of USMA).






Summer 2012


The Kappa Alpha Journal

Our Order

2012 Commission Initiates Beta Commission

Theta Commission

Sigma Alpha Commission

Who: Beta Commission is for current or prior year graduates of the Virginia Military Institute

Who: Theta Commission is for current or prior year graduates of The Citadel

Who: Sigma Alpha Commission is for current or prior year graduates of the United States Military Academy

Date: May 16, 2012

Date: May 5, 2012

Date: May 21, 2012

Location: Robert E. Lee Episcopal Church, Lexington, Va.

Location: St. Philip's Episcopal Church, Charleston, S.C.

Location: West Point Lodge #877, West Point, N.Y.

Initiates: 57

Initiates: 63

Initiates: Eight

Beta Commission

theta Commission

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Above (left to right) at the USMA: LTC Thomas Timmes, LTC Trevor Bredenkamp, Dreyer, 2LT Hugh Palmer (initiated June 15th), 2LT Chris Nelson. Not pictured: COL Thomas Hiebert, 2LT Luke Pitman, and 2LT Patrick Shaffer. Also not pictured MG Bob Bunker (Ret.) was initiated on May 16th.


Summer 2012

sigma alpha Commission

In the

Quest Few of us, in our various professions, passions, and pursuits, will even ever reach “second” best in the world. As we all know, our motto “Excellence is our aim” does not mean we are perfect. It means we should be aiming for excellence all the time. It is in the hunt; it is through all the effort, the hard work and patience that we are able to develop, achieve, and look back on our growth. But a few, a limited fraction of our world does reach the top—or at least they reach the battleground to fight for their dreams. Sports and athletics are a simple allegory to this eternal struggle. The Olympics, the professional leagues and their championships both represent an apex for those modern day warriors on modern day battlefields. Those competing may end up second best in the world, and live to try another day. But there are those that do climb all the way to the summit and reach greatness. They are the ones among us in the quest. It is in those outward pursuits of glory that we can internalize our own desires for achievement. Use their examples to drive you forward, achieving your goals at home, in your family, and at your office. This summer, we all rally behind our brothers competing for their gold and their dreams. They have wonderful stories, colorful and unbelievable paths, and for some, they even lived in the same chapter house, at the same university. We look forward to their next chapter in their quest for honor and triumph. — Jesse S. Lyons (Delta Alpha – Western Carolina ’98)

Summer 2012


The Kappa Alpha Journal




Kappa Alpha Olympic Medalists 1920: Antwerp, Belgium

1932: Los Angeles, USA

Feg Murray (Alpha Pi – Stanford 1912) Hurdles: Bronze Medal

Robert Van Osdel (Beta Sigma – Southern California ’29) Pole Vault: Silver Medal 1932

Charlie Paddock (Beta Sigma – Southern California ’26) Track: Two Gold Medals, Silver Medal

Frank Wykoff (Beta Sigma – Southern California ’30) Track: Gold Medal

Jackson Scholz (Alpha Kappa – Missouri 1916) Track: Gold Medal 1924: Paris, France Jackson Scholz (Alpha Kappa – Missouri 1916) Track: Gold Medal, Silver Medal

1928: Amsterdam, Netherlands Frank Wykoff* (Beta Sigma – Southern California ’30) Track: Gold

Al Fitch (Beta Sigma – Southern California ’33) Track: Silver Medal Frank Wykoff (Beta Sigma – Southern California ’30) Track: Gold Medal 1968: Mexico City, Mexico Bob Seagren (Beta Sigma – Southern California ’67) Pole Vault: Gold Medal 1972: Munich, Germany Ken Davis (Beta Delta – Georgetown ’68) Basketball: Silver Medal

Earl Bell (Delta Eta – Arkansas State ’75) Pole Vault: Bronze Medal 1992: Barcelona, Spain Melvin Stewart (Pi – Tennessee ’92) Swimming: 2 Gold Medals, Silver Medal 2008: Beijing, China Kevin Hansen (Alpha Pi – Stanford ’02) Volleyball: Gold Medal Tony Azevedo (Alpha Pi – Stanford ’02) Water Polo: Silver Medal Peter Hudnut (Alpha Pi – Stanford ’01) Water Polo: Silver Medal Peter Varellas (Alpha Pi – Stanford ’03) Water Polo: Silver Medal

Bob Seagren (Beta Sigma – Southern California ’67) Pole Vault: Silver Medal *See pg. 53 for more on the “Fastest Human Ever.”

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Summer 2012

USA Water Polo/Michael Larsen/US Presswire

Charlie Paddock (Beta Sigma – Southern California ’26) Track: Silver Medal

1936: Berlin, Germany

1984: Los Angeles, USA



The Brotherhood Will the bond of KA brotherhood help lead to gold for the U.S. Men's Water Polo Team? by Rick Moore

Summer 2012


The Kappa Alpha Journal




Left: The U.S. Men’s Water Polo Team and its Olympic team members include Alpha Pi brothers Peter Varellas, Peter Hudnut, and Tony Azevedo. Photo by Michael Larsen.


international relations. “I met a lot of people who helped me in terms of my future, and in terms of being everything I can be.” Azevedo, 30, said that many of the leadership values he learned as a younger man in Alpha Pi have been important in his role as the Olympic team’s captain. “The teamwork part of it has obviously been very important,”

in London, Kappa Alpha Order will be represented by athletes whose dedication to their respective sports, regardless of the competitive outcomes, is an inspiration to us all. The members of the U.S. Men’s Water Polo Team are all talented, awardwinning players, including three Alpha Pi brothers from Stanford University whose quest for greatness, whether they bring home the gold medal or not, makes them heroes in our eyes. Tony Azevedo (Alpha Pi – Stanford ’01), is the captain of the U.S. Men’s Water Polo Team, and will be competing in his fourth Olympic contest, having participated in the Olympics in Beijing, China in 2008, Athens, Greece in 2004, — Peter Varellas, (Alpha Pi – Stanford ’03), U.S. Water Polo Team and Sydney, Australia in 2000. Azevedo said that being a KA brother has made a real impact on him, helping propel him Azevedo said, “and when I look back to greater heights with each contest, at the group functions with all the KA culminating in the American team’s guys, that’s part of where I learned how winning of the silver medal in 2008. to work together. That has transferred “It’s the people I was surrounded over to the Olympics, and especially by, great people in the fraternity, that with me being the captain, I have to helped me aspire to winning in the Olympics,” said Azevedo, who graduated understand how to communicate with each team member differently. I do what from Stanford in 2004 with a degree in

“The amazing part of being in KA, and living in the house, was that most of my Stanford water polo teammates were fraternity brothers. Living together only helped motivate me to want to go further.”

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Summer 2012

Photos courtesy of USA Water Polo/Michael Larsen/US Presswire

At this year’s Olympics

Photos courtesy of USA Water Polo/Michael Larsen/US Presswire



“I look back at the group functions with all the KA guys, that’s part of where I learned how to work together. That has transferred over to the Olympics, and especially with me being the captain, I have to understand how to communicate with each team member differently.” — Captain Tony Azevedo (Alpha Pi – Stanford ’01), U.S. Water Polo Team

I can to make the group stronger, and the stronger we are as a group the better we are as competitors and as people.” Team member Peter Varellas, (Alpha Pi – Stanford ’03), is a longtime teammate of Azevedo’s, having played water polo with him for three years at Stanford before playing together on the 2008 Olympic team. Varellas has fond memories of his days in the house at Stanford, and credits Greek life with helping make him the standout athlete he is today. “The amazing part of being a KA, and living in the house, was that most of my Stanford water polo teammates were fraternity brothers,” he said. “That really

Summer 2012


helped create the strong relationships that people may think are inherent anyway on a sports team, living with those guys and being around them on a daily basis. Living together only helped motivate me to want to go further, and because of that fraternal situation, I went on to become very close with my teammates on the national team.” Varellas finds it easy to compare the relationships with his team members with what he experienced living in the house at Stanford. “There are a lot of parallels in the fraternity of sports and in the Greek system,” he said. “We play for each other, and these are my best friends here on the water polo team. That’s something that really started with being in Alpha Pi for me. I still stay in touch with a lot of the guys who I lived in the house with; I’m very close with some of them still today.” Janson Wigo (Alpha Pi – Stanford ’07), a standout Stanford water polo player, unfortunately didn’t make the cut this time, but brother Peter Hudnut (Alpha Pi – Stanford ’01) is the third KA brother competing on the team. The 13-man roster should was announced at the end of June. Varellas said that KA did more for him than inspire him to be an awardwinning athlete, however. He said being a fraternity brother helped teach him human and societal values that he

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Photos courtesy of USA Water Polo/Michael Larsen/US Presswire


these KA brothers is indeed inspirational and motivating, and Azevedo sums it up by saying something we’ve all heard countless times, but often need to hear again: Passion conquers anything. “If you love something and believe in something, you pursue it with whatever means you can,” he said. “I love water polo and I want to bring a gold medal home to our country. Maybe I didn’t get a job right after college making big money, but to me, pursuing my dream of winning an Olympic gold medal is more important than anything.”.

“There are a lot of parallels in the fraternity of sports and in the Greek system. We play for each other, and these are my best friends here on the water polo team. That’s something that really started with being in Alpha Pi for me.” — Peter Varellas (Alpha Pi – Stanford ’03), U.S. Water Polo Team

The Kappa Alpha Journal

will carry forever, values he hopes he exhibits when representing his country in the Olympics. “I remember doing things (with the chapter) like making breakfast burritos and delivering them to a local food dispensary for the homeless,” he said. “And we did a kickball tournament to benefit MDA. Getting out and helping the community is still important for what I do today as an athlete who represents the United States, because in our sport there’s a lot of opportunity to affect a young kid just getting involved with sports. It’s about when that kid meets some guys he might look up to, and talking about our journey and how we got to be where we are today as athletes, and as people, and what kinds of things we learned along the way. It’s very important to help people around you, and it’s something we don’t have to do but it’s something we want to do and enjoy doing.” While water polo isn’t a major sport in America as it is in, say, the southeast European country of Montenegro, where Azevedo has worked as a professional water polo player, any sport in which our men are upholding the values of America and Kappa Alpha Order deserves to be supported. The pursuit of


Summer 2012

will be represented this year by an Olympic volleyball team that will home match. Having that support, that have several veterans of sense of community and family, meant previous Olympic games, many of whom so much to me and really helped me were on the 2008 team that brought through school. I keep in touch with home the gold medal from Beijing. several of the guys who were in the Alpha Pi brother Kevin Hansen will be a house, and they’re still supporting me replacement player for the official team, as an Olympic athlete. Those types and another Alpha Pi member, Kawika of friendships will last you throughout Shoji, narrowly missed the cut. Both your life.” men remain on the US Men’s National Kawika Shoji (Alpha Pi – Stanford Volleyball Team. ’07), is another Olympic hopeful. He’s Hansen (Alpha Pi – Stanford ’02), a member of the 2010 Stanford NCAA who graduated from Stanford in 2005 with a master’s degree in mass communications, said that, while it’s hard to match the excitement of having gone to the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. “It’s such an incredible feeling when the year finally comes around for you to actually participate in your sport after you’ve trained for it for four years. Every year for six months I go overseas and play professionally, then for half a year I train with the U.S. team back in the States. So we’re constantly — Kawika Shoji (Alpha Pi – playing and training and traveling, and Stanford ’07), USA Men's it all leads up to this, when we get to Volleyball represent our country in the Olympics.” Hansen has most recently been playing professionally in Russia. During his college years Hansen National Championship Team, having played on the Stanford volleyball team played on a team with his younger while living some of that time in the brother, Erik (Alpha Pi – Stanford ’09), Alpha Pi house, years that helped who is also an Alpha Pi brother. Shoji, mold him into an Olympic champion. who has been playing professionally He said that being a KA brother had a in Finland, echoes many of Hansen’s lot to do with his developing positive sentiments about how KA has helped characteristics and skills that will stay make him the competitor, and the man, with him for life. he is today. “The biggest thing for me about “You need to know how to work being in KA was the great sense of together as a professional athlete in community,” he said. “There were a lot a team sport,” Shoji said, “and that’s of guys in the chapter, 50 or 60, and the something I learned in KA, that way they supported us (the Stanford brotherhood attitude. You need to mens’ volleyball team) was incredible. really have each other’s backs when Almost the whole chapter, all these guys accomplishing a goal, and that was all dressed up, would be at almost every something I took from being a KA brother. At the house at Stanford everyone is always trying to improve themselves, trying to improve the chapter…it’s a team attitude, and that was something I definitely got from

“You need to know how to work together as a professional athlete in a team sport, and that’s something I learned from KA."

Summer 2012


KA.” He said that the discipline it takes to train constantly and compete at the highest professional level also was instilled in him during his fraternity years. Shoji said he also believes that, regardless of his selection for the 2012 Olympics, he already is looking toward about the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. “I’d love to go to London, of course,” he said, “but I definitely have my sights set on Brazil as well.” Hansen, meanwhile, doesn’t necessarily know if he will try to qualify for 2016. With his degree and a growing family, he said he may take a different course. “I’m really not thinking about that, not right now at least,” he said. “I didn’t expect to be playing volleyball for this long, didn’t expect to be doing this as a career. I’ll really make that decision after this year’s Olympics.” Hansen and Shoji were competing for the same position on the Olympic team, the position of setter. Hansen said that even though he and Shoji have been in the running for the same job, they’re KA brothers to the end. “I’ve gotten to know Kawika very well over the years,” he said, “and I believe our relationship is closer because of the similar experiences we’ve had as KA brothers. Even though we compete for the same position I believe we’ll be friends for a very long time because of our experiences together, including our experiences with KA.” When Hansen does someday take his degree into the professional world, he said he will take one of the greatest tools anyone can have: The ability to put others first. “Definitely the biggest thing that I will carry with me is the respect I learned to have for others that is instilled in us as KA members,” Hansen said. “That’s something I learned from our alumni as well as the guys younger than me, and it’s something I will take into the professional world.”

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Photo courtesy of Julian Baum for USA Volleyball

The United States


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The Kappa Alpha Journal


Summer 2012

Kawika Shoji

No Excuses LeBlanc Sets Sail for Paralympics by Rick Moore In these uncertain

economic and political times we can sometimes be inclined to take the many gifts we’ve been given, especially in America, for granted. But every once in a while we hear an inspirational story of how hard work and appreciation for what we have can make a real difference, not only in our own lives but in the lives of others as well. Mark LeBlanc (Alpha Gamma – Louisiana State ’04), is a prime example of how a person can rise above any adversity to achieve excellence, or in this case, of how a man can decide to make the most of what he has to come out on top. LeBlanc is a 2008 graduate of Louisiana State University who earned a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering, a field he looks forward to going into with great success someday. But the

hunt for a position in that field is on hold at the moment, as LeBlanc takes part in something that is not only a passion, but that can make his family, his fraternity brothers, and his country, proud. LeBlanc is a member of the 2012 U.S. Paralympic Sailing Team, scheduled to compete in the Paralympic Games in Weymouth/Portland, England August 31-September 5, following the summer Olympics in London. The Paralympic Games are a major international multi-sport event where athletes with physical disabilities, including mobility disabilities, amputations, blindness, and cerebral palsy, compete following the Olympic Games. LeBlanc was born without a left forearm and is therefore considered disabled, though he doesn’t seem to have ever thought of himself that way. “I have a brother and my parents never treated us differently,” he said. “I grew up not knowing the difference, not being told I couldn’t do whatever I wanted. So when it came to sailing I guess I didn’t know any better.”

Summer 2012



LeBlanc, a New Orleans native who today calls Baton Rouge home, was selected for the team based on his performances at the IFDS (International Association for Disabled Sailing) Worlds sailing event in Port Charlotte, FL, and the U.S. Sailing’s 2012 Rolex Miami OCR (Olympic Class Regatta) in Miami, where he was the top American to finish in the single-handed 2.4 meter class and 8th overall. LeBlanc admits that he sort of fell into the Paralympics competition by accident, as sailing was simply something he had enjoyed since childhood. “In spring semester of 2006

“I grew up not knowing the difference, not being told I couldn’t do whatever I wanted. So when it came to sailing I guess I didn’t know any better.”

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Orleans and Connecticut. As far as any contribution having been a KA brother may have made to his quest for excellence, LeBlanc said that his college and KA years definitely made an impact on him in terms of attitude and positive attributes, though those

“The U.S. coach came up to me and asked if I was doing a Paralympics campaign. My response was, ‘What’s that?’ Within three months I was training with the other U.S. team members.” things are hard to quantify. “It’s kind of hard to say exactly what the impact may have been,” he said. “I think KA can definitely help in terms of building

character and can help you refine your skills in your quest for excellence. But I believe that, all in all, you have to have that inside you as an individual to begin with.” LeBlanc said he still values the relationships he had with his fraternity brothers, some of whom are still in touch and are supportive of the endeavor he’s taken on. “I’m still great friends with guys in my pledge class and other men who were in the chapter when I was there,” he said. “Everyone’s been very supportive of what I ended up trying to do.” When asked about the impact he may have had on other people, both those with what might be considered disabilities and those without, LeBlanc is quick to say that he doesn’t consider himself anything special. “I don’t really think of myself as any kind of inspiration,” he said. “I’ve just always thought that, if I can do it, there’s no excuse that you can’t do it too. So let’s go.” Photos courtesy of Mick Anderson

I went down to Florida for a regatta, and the U.S. coach and the Canadian coach came up to me and asked if I was doing a Paralympics campaign,” he recalled. “My response was, ‘What’s that?’ Within three months I was training with the other U.S. team members, and a couple months after that I bought a boat, and within six months I was doing Paralympics pre-trials in Rhode Island.” “I wasn’t ever really thinking about trying to do a 2008 campaign,” he continued. “I was thinking about the 2012 competition. I’d been on the boat less than a year at that point, and U.S. Sailing gave me a grant to go to Finland to train and compete. After that I began to think I had a shot at it. So I went into 2008 Paralympics trials and ended up second overall.” From that experience LeBlanc set his sights to 2012 and was eventually selected for the team. Participating in such an event, as one might imagine, requires a sailor to be in optimum physical condition, and LeBlanc works hard to maintain his physical edge. “I’m running every day,” he said, “at least two or three miles every single day, and I try and hit the gym when I can, exercising in several ways. When I say I’m training for sailing I’m also at a camp where you work on various things, try to correct what you might be doing wrong when you’re out there.” In keeping with the KA tenet of community service and giving back, LeBlanc also helps provide children of different economic, social and regional backgrounds access to sailing and the training to do it, serving as a sailing instructor at summer camps in New

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Summer 2012

Alumni News

100 for 100 KAs at USC continue to lead the way The Beta Sigma Chapter of Kappa Alpha Order at USC has had a long history of athletic achievement since its founding in 1926.

Perhaps its peak era was described in the Sports Illustrated article written by Joe Jares (Beta Sigma – Southern California ’56) in the October 28, 1968 issue. All-Americans (all KAs) like Marlin and Mike McKeever, Jon Arnett, John Ferraro, and Al Geiberger highlighted the story, “Life in a Jock House.” The article also included athletes like Charlie Paddock (the world’s fastest man and Olympic gold medalist), and Payton Jordan (a member of the Hall of Fame at three different universities). When the fundraising campaign for the new John McKay Center at USC commenced, it seems only natural that Kappa Alpha Order should be a part of it. So the call went out under the campaign slogan “100 for 100.” 100 brothers of Kappa Alpha Order donating $100 each for a $10,000 football locker in the new building to honor the athletes of the fraternity. The fundraising effort was designed for wide participation with a relatively small individual donation. Ironically 2012 is also the 100th anniversary of the naming

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Left: J.K. McKay Senior Associate Athletic Director, Scott Ketchum, and Pat Haden USC Athletic Director

by Scott Ketchum (Beta Sigma – Southern California ’73)

of the USC athletic teams by Los Angeles Times sportswriter Owen Bird after witnessing a USC track meet and writing that the athletes “fought like Trojans.” The campaign was a success with over 90 members participating and the minimum goal reached within 45 days. Current donations have totaled $10,800 to date. Donations are still being accepted for the 100 for 100 Campaign. Please contact Scott Ketchum at for additional information. The John McKay Center at USC is an 110,000 square foot athletic and academic center with state of the art technology. Construction began in 2011 and completion is expected in Summer 2012. The two story building, developed for all 21 athletic teams at USC, will include a 60,000 square foot basement, a new weight room , training rooms, men’s and women’s locker rooms, an indoor practice field, and an entire floor for academic services. The facility is expected to be one of finest athletics facilities in the Pac 12, if the not the entire nation.

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Alumni News

The Citadel Theta Commission The Honorable Dewey Wise, ’10, was recently awarded the Order of the Palmetto by South Carolina’s Governor, Nikki Haley. The Order of The Palmetto is the highest award given by the State of South Carolina. It was awarded in a ceremony in the Governor’s Office in the State Capitol. Brother Wise is also a former State Senator. Georgia Southern Delta Theta Leland Hyer ’93, is the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Education Director for the Boy Scouts of America in Portland, Ore. In his position, Lee promotes Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics within the BSA’s program. He relocated in Portland for the position in December 2011. Emory Epsilon Andrew West ’90, was named as a Volunteer of the Year by Atlanta Habitat for Humanity. West received the honor for his 13 years of service, and is currently serving as a volunteer skilled supervisor. For the last six years, he has also helped coordinate an annual golf tournament with his chapter to benefit Atlanta Habitat. Florida Gulf Coast Zeta Pi Anthony Graziani ’07, recently completed one year on staff with the National Administrative Office and has moved to Tampa, Fla. He has accepted a position with Kforce, a recruiting/ staffing firm, and looks forward to staying involved with the Order.

Brother Receives College’s Prestigous Alumni Achievement Award

Florida State Gamma Eta Jake Howse ’05, recently completed two years on staff with the National Administrative Office. He has accepted a position as Special Assistant to Frank Argenbright (Gamma Eta – Florida State ’70), the Founder and Executive Chairman of SecurAmerica. He looks forward to staying involved with the Order as a volunteer.

Phil Boeckman (Westminster – Alpha Eta ’85) (at right), received the Alumni Achievement Award from Westminster College and a Chiles Province Commander’s Accolade from the Alpha Eta chapter. The Alumni Achievement Award is the highest alumni honor provided by the college for alumni who have distinguished themselves at the highest level of their professional and philanthropic service.

Lambuth Gamma Omicron Ben Hanna ’06, is currently in the United States Army, about to deploy to Afghanistan. Miami Epsilon Lambda Steve Flaherty ‹06, and his wife Rachel welcomed their first child into the world on January 14th. Caylee Rose was born happy and healthy and her parents couldn’t be happier. Steve is a Regional Sales Manager for Datamatic, Ltd. and they now reside in Delaware, Ohio. Mississippi State Beta Tau William Walker ’07, an associate director for chapter services at the National Administrative Office, was recently awarded Mississippi State University’s “IFC Alumnus of the Year.” Oklahoma State Beta Xi Joe Bohannon ’55, and his wife Sara fulfilled one of her bucket list items over last year and through this February. They both appeared on the Wheel of Fortune, during a special Valentine’s Day show on February 14th. They took home a cash prize and trip to Antigua, made it to the bonus

the kappa alpha Journal

round, but were not able to solve the phrase, “Be Quick About It.” Due to eligibility rules, Brother Bohannon has asked everyone to watch them again on “Wheel,” in ten years. Bryan Whorton ’99, and his wife are expecting a new baby boy in April of 2012. The future member of the Kappa Alpha Order will be named Corbin Michael Whorton. Richmond Eta Curt Perzinski ’08, recently completed two years on staff with the National Administrative Office and is now living in Baltimore, Md. He began working as a recruiter for a staffing firm, specifically for the engineering and contracting field. He looks forward to staying involved with the Order as a volunteer as well as getting back involved with other organizations including the Boy Scouts of America.


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Roanoke Beta Rho Dr. M. Paul Capp, ’49, is the Executive Director of the American Board of Radiology, a position he earned after serving as trustee and president of the board of the same. He has a daughter and three sons, and he and his wife reside in Tucson, Ariz. Derek Demmler ’96, is currently teaching American and British Literature at Stephens County High School, Toccoa, Ga. Texas A&M Epsilon Delta Michael Stoll ’05, and his wife Elizabeth, recently welcomed their first child into the world—Henley Harper Stoll was born this past December 14th. Texas A&M-Commerce Gamma Upsilon Chris Newkirk ’89, is the chairperson for the Special Education department at T.J. Rusk Middle School, in Dallas, Texas.

Alumni News West Texas A&M Gamma Sigma Red Steagall ’59, received the prestigious Boss of the Plains Award on June 1st from the National Ranching Heritage Center, Lubbock, Texas. He is a singer, songwriter, poet and cowboy. This annual award was created in 1999 to recognize individuals from throughout the nation who have provided outstanding support of the National Ranching Heritage Center or its non-profit organization the Ranching Heritage Association. Individuals who receive the award are acknowledged for their leadership in supporting this very unique museum and historical park, and their mission to preserve the physical, social, and cultural aspects of ranching and to assist in developing, interpreting and maintaining public interest in ranching history.

West Virginia Alpha Rho Paul Farmer ’52, was inducted on May 12th into West Virginia University’s Order of Vandalia. This is the highest award bestowed by the school to those who have provided exemplary service on behalf of their alma mater. It is designed to be equivalent to an honorary degree.

Diversity Award Received

Wingate Zeta Zeta Landon Owen ’99, recently accepted the position of Director of Ticket Sales at Bristol Motor Speedway in Bristol, Tenn. He comes to “The World’s Fastest HalfMile” after spending the 2011 season as the Director of Ticket Operations for the New York Mets. He and his wife Jennifer currently reside in Johnson City, Tenn.

Dr. P. Edward French (Tennessee – Pi ’85), was recently awarded Mississippi State University’s 2012 Diversity Award for faculty members. The award is given by the University’s President’s Commission on the Status of Minorities. To be considered for the award, individuals should have a commitment to diversity initiatives that go beyond normal job responsibilities. The ideal candidates should demonstrate a commitment to the spirit of diversity through participation in extra curricular activities and/or formal or informal initiatives at the institutional, community, state, regional, or national level. Other criteria include leadership through positive interaction among persons of different cultural backgrounds, and behavior that illustrates commitment to inclusion of persons within the institution who are members of traditionally under-represented groups. Dr. French is an Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration where he primarily teaches graduate classes in the Ph.D. and M.P.P.A. programs. Dr. French also holds the title of Stennis Scholar for Local Government with the John C. Stennis Institute of Government.

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The Kappa Alpha Journal

Alumni News

Gordon Gekko, CEO

How to Raise Money for Political Office

by Dave Bowman and Doug Hess (Zeta Iota – Indiana State ’97)

by Brandon Lewis (Delta Phi – Jacksonville State ’99)

According to the publisher, Doug and Dave’s book “will prepare you to face the various challenges presented to you with the right attitude and actions that yield success including outstanding advice regarding steps one should take when faced with certain obstacles and opportunities, and concluding with a representation of how your success benefits others.” Doug, a big fan of the movie “Wall Street”, suggested quotes from fictional character Gordon Gekko as headings for each chapter of this self-help, motivational manuscript. For example, Chapter One is titled “Every Dream Has a Price” and Chapter Eight is perhaps the most famous Gekko quote, “Greed Is Good.” The book’s premise is that to achieve a dream, one must pay a price. “The book challenges you to consider your attitude regarding success, what it takes to achieve it and how it benefits others once you’ve attained it.” Dave explains. According to both Doug and Dave, the “Wall Street” references were a great way to organize the topics. The authors say their book will have limited marketing, but don’t be surprised if you hear more about “Gordon Gekko, CEO” in the weeks and months to come.

In today’s political environment, grassroots campaigning simply isn’t enough. In order to reach the voters with your message and be victorious on Election Night, you must be able to raise more money than your competitor- and then some. How to Raise Money for Political Office will teach you how to gain a significant financial advantage over your opponent by letting you in on the secrets most paid political consultants don’t want you to know. Developing a campaign narrative, budgeting, prospecting for donors, building a finance committee, and organizing your campaign office are all crucial to your success. Learn how to build a war chest with outstanding events, compelling letters, and engaging online fundraising. It’s all inside. Book and resources available at

The Truth About Miles by Len Williams (Delta Epsilon – Newberry ’00)

The co-author Brother Doug Hess, has agreed to donate a percentage of sales of this book, from here forward, to the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation. Available at

Up until now ideas about free travel have remained quietly in the background, mostly because the people that discovered them wanted them to remain secret. However, this book rips the lid off the concept and delivers over 70 pages of ideas to you. As with any detailed process, you can take the easy way with this book or the hard way and search out the hidden secrets on your own. Author Len Williams suggests there are billions of unused frequent-flyer-miles every year and he believes his book can help you cash in on these and experience the joys of travel.

The Last Camel Charge by Forrest Bryant Johnson (Beta Omicron – Louisville ’54) This real life historical tale includes the little-known and dramatic use of camels in battle action, the historic migration of Mormons to Utah, the epic creation of the transcontinental railroad, and the fierce clashes of Native Americans defending their homes and way of life from settlers and soldiers from the east. Johnson reaches deep into the essence of how America came to be. The Last Camel Charge is the first book to tell the complete story and document in detail the military’s experiment with camels. At the end of the Mexican-American War in 1848, a need emerged for control of- and transportation through- the country’s vast new western territories. Capable of reaching up to forty mile an hour, traveling days without water, and carrying three times the weight of a mule, camels helped to subdue enemies, reach new frontiers, and unite a nation. And now, The Last Camel Charge gives them their due as a vital piece of American history.

Available at

The Big Picture A Conservative’s Field Guide to the Obama Presidency

by Chris Hall (Kappa – Mercer ’84)

Available at

Available at

the kappa alpha Journal


summer 2012

The Big Picture is a diligently and thoroughly researched tour de force of the Obama record. With hilarious and penetrating insights, this hard-hitting, no-nonsense guide to the Obama presidency connects the dots between the Obama Administration and its full-throttled assault on all the issues.

Chapter Excellence

2011 National Awards



George C. Marshall Award for Chapter Excellence The George C. Marshall Award for chapter excellence honors the top one to three chapters in the nation, based on applications received. The application covers the gamut of chapter operations including scholarship, member education, chapter growth and development, ritual, project outreach, campus involvement, risk management, public relations, communications and finances. In order to receive the highest chapter award in Kappa Alpha Order, a chapter has to be highly organized and its leadership driven to be the very best.

2012 Province Council Recap Every spring, regional meetings across the country take place to educate our members, conduct the business of the province and bring brotherhood together across a region. One-third of our undergraduate members participate in this training covering leadership, risk management, recruitment, The Crusade, VI Track, ritual, scholarship, member education, and personal development. Kappa Alpha Laws (7-215) state that all nine officers are required to attend unless excused by the Province Commander. Â

By the numbers:

2,160 100% 155 36% 15 Undergraduate Participants

Highest attendance to date.

Alumni Participants

Percentage of active chapters in attendance

summer 2012


Active Members in Attendance 3rd consecutive year of increased attendance.

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Regional Conferences

Chapter Excellence

for Chapter Excellence 2011 Recipient: University of Tennessee – Pi Chapter Key accomplishments for Pi chapter's second consecutive Marshall Award: Scholarship – The chapter achieved a 3.12 GPA in the fall of 2010 and was ranked 1st out of 23 fraternities on campus. In spring 2011, achieved a 3.15 GPA and was ranked 2nd out of 25 fraternities on campus. Membership education – received the Excellence in Educational Programming Award. Project Outreach – received the Outstanding Dollars per man Award. Finances – received the Excellence in Chapter Finances Award. Ritual – the chapter works hard to conduct 20 initiation practices a semester and memorizes 100% of the ceremony. They require

every brother to attend at least one practice per semester so that every member can be further exposed to the customs of the Order. They believe the customs are vital to every aspect of the chapter’s operations and use it to uplift and inspire brothers as well as confront them and hold them accountable. According to one of their advisors, “The chapter consistently strives to be the best in every facet of fraternity life. The leadership is committed to their original mission and presents KA as the Gentlemen’s fraternity on campus. The leadership takes advantage of every opportunity to teach the Order’s core values and to keep them before the member.”

2011 Recipient: Westminster College – Alpha Eta Chapter Key accomplishments: Project Outreach – created an outreach program called “Brothers for Others” (see spring 2011 edition of The Kappa Alpha Journal, pg. 4). Also received an Outstanding hours per Man Award. Finances – received the Excellence in Chapter Finances Award

Campus Involvement – Members hold leadership positions in some of the most prestigious organizations on campus such as student ambassadors, sports team captains, and the President of the Student Athlete Advisory Committee. The Crusade – Through dedication of the entire chapter, leadership, and advisors, Alpha Eta recommitted itself to the four phases of The Crusade and rose above the pack and back to the ranks of Marshall Award-winning chapters.

Scholarship – The chapter achieved a 3.061 GPA in the Fall of 2010 and in spring 2011, achieved a 3.024 GPA.

Knight Commander’s Cup Scholarship Trophy for Exceptional Scholastic Achievement This trophy, housed in the national administrative office, is awarded to the chapter that achieves the highest combined GPA for both the fall 2010 and spring 2011 academic semesters.

North Carolina State – Alpha Omega

Stanford – Alpha Pi

the kappa alpha Journal


summer 2012

This annual award recognizes the Active Chapter that displays the most outstanding participation in Operation Crimson Gift — the Order’s year–long, nationwide blood drive effort.

During the 2012 Province Councils across the Order, the chapter awards listed here were presented. The awards are based on national applications received prior to the year-end 2011 deadline and are granted by a majority vote of the Executive Council.

Chapter Excellence

Samuel Zenas Ammen Award for Chapter Excellence This award is given in the name of Samuel Z. Ammen to recognize Active Chapter achievement in overall operations. This award is presented annually based upon the application process prescribed by the Executive Director and recognizes the top fifteen to twenty percent of Active Chapters based on applications received. Like the Marshall Award, the Ammen awards are granted by a majority vote of the Executive Council



Missouri University of S&T 2010

Maryland – Beta Kappa This chapter accomplished several notable achievements this past year including taking a 2.8 GPA and raising it to 3.23, above the all men’s, all fraternity and all campus average. They then committed themselves to improving the chapter’s academic standing by completely revamping the chapter’s scholarship plan, increasing study hours, creating a tutoring program, and adding incentives. In addition to their scholarship achievements this chapter is committed to philanthropy. Not only do they participate in all other Greek organizations philanthropies but they host their annual “Breastfest of Champions” fundraiser which raised over $30,000 this year for breast cancer research.

Miami – Epsilon Lambda A passion that all members of the chapter share is a commitment to philanthropy and service. According to their chapter statement “our chapter stands out among the rest due to our drive to give back to the world that’s given us so much. The fact that we can pay dues and live comfortable

lives is not something we take for granted and therefore in our time here at college we wanted to find a way to help those that do not have all of the luxuries that we have.” Four years ago the chapter established an annual service trip to Honduras. To fundraise for this trip, the chapter hosted a Mom’s Weekend Brunch where gift baskets were auctioned off allowing them to raise $5000 for the service trip. Millsaps – Alpha Mu This chapter had 31 accepted bids; 72 men joined fraternities total. The chapter created a $250 scholarship for any incoming freshman male, based on their high school achievement, which led to an increase in recruitment interest. Their 3.0 GPA surpasses the average GPAs of both Greek and non-Greek men at their institution. Chapter-organized philanthropy events this year have included 3 Operation Crimson Gift Blood Drives, the KA MDA Golf Tournament, a Drug and Alcohol Education program, and a Casino Night with Phi Mu Fraternity, which was named the Philanthropy Event of the Year for 2010-2011 on campus. Results included raising over $25,000 for various philanthropies and accumulating over 2,000 hours of community service. One member is involved in each of the varsity athletics teams. Members of the initiation team memorize 100% of their lines.

Missouri Southern State – Delta Pi Recruitment was strong this year and this chapter easily filled its house early. The summer 2012


chapter’s members are active in several other organizations on campus and also managed to attend 8 different educational programs over the course of the year. Further, they attended the Emerging Leaders Academy, Crusade RoundTable, and Stewards of the Order this past summer. The officers perform the initiation ceremony with 100% memorization. The chapter’s GPA is above KA’s National average and they average nearly 40 community service hours per member. Finally, they continue to send a Christmas Card to every chapter and officer of the Order, instilling a national and lifetime experience for their members. Oklahoma State – Beta Xi This past fall semester the chapter recruited their largest fall pledge class since their re-chartering in 1991. According to their chapter statement, “Many houses recruit based on numbers to fill their quotas for their house, but we recruit very selectively, looking for people who we think will exemplify KA’s ideals. We’re not here for the social life, or to be able to claim that we’re part of a Greek chapter. We’re here because we believe in the ideas and founding principles of KA.” Because of their membership’s commitment to the chapter they have been able to participate and place in all major Greek events for the past 4 years including winning first place in Alpha Chi Omega’s domestic abuse philanthropy week competition. The chapter is also committed to improving their ritual proficiency by completely revamping their Council of Honor program. Southeastern Louisiana – Epsilon Kappa Two years ago, the chapter had two members make a 1.0 GPA and after the chapter implemented a well-executed scholarship program, those two members improved to a 4.0 and 3.25. Overall, the chapter achieved the highest GPA on their campus. Community service hours increased from 24 total hours

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Chapter Excellence

to over 1,000 hours. They also realized they needed to make the ritual more important within the chapter and established a weekly practice schedule for initiation and incorporated ritual into brotherhood events and meetings. The chapter was awarded the Overall Greek Championship Award for intramurals. This past summer, they sent 7 members to the Emerging Leaders Academy and Stewards of the Order, the highest participation of any chapter. Tennessee – Pi See George C. Marshall Award for Chapter Excellence Tennessee-Martin – Delta Upsilon The brothers hold themselves and one another to very high standards in all aspects of chapter operations. In addition to being one of the largest fraternities on their campus, their GPA consistently ranks among the highest for Greek organizations. This chapter prides themselves on their membership development programs highlighted by their comprehensive Council of Honor program. This fall, the brothers happily accepted the task of assisting with the initiation ceremony of a new chapter in their province, Zeta Tau. Finally, despite the rural location of this chapter they have one of the largest and most engaged alumni chapters and alumni advisory committees in all of the Order. Their goal—earning over 55 hours of service per member. The officers memorize 100% of the initiation ceremony and live the values daily

Cross & Rose Award Westminster – Alpha Eta See George C. Marshall Award for Chapter Excellence William Jewell – Alpha Delta Entering the Fall 2010 semester this chapter had only 18 active brothers. The chapter’s leaders recognized the challenges they were facing and exerted every effort to fix them. Their results speak for themselves. Including active and new members the chapter currently has 45 members, nearly tripling their size in just three semesters. Their most recent chapter GPA of a 3.29 ranks in the top 10 in the Order. Every member of the chapter is also involved in another organization on campus with several brothers serving as captains of their athletic teams, members of student government, and IFC roles including the President. Their dramatic improvement earned the chapter recognition as the campus organization of the year at the College.

the kappa alpha Journal

Maryland – Beta Kappa Over 1000 students, 31 Greek organizations, and 8 businesses joined the brothers in celebrating the lives of those who have fought cancer at the Third Annual Breastfest of Champions. Beta Kappa raised more than $32,000 for Hearts for Cancer, an organization that funds breast cancer research, and the event has been voted the best IFC Philanthropy Event two years in a row.

University of Washington – Zeta Mu The brothers have spread their efforts well outside of just the Greek community by events such as cleaning up a local environmental preserve and volunteering at a community arts festival and helping to raise several thousand dollars. Additionally, the chapter sponsored a children’s festival that matched up the children with potential adoptive families. A renewed focus on academics helped the chapter surpass a 3.0 GPA. In the last 3 years, this chapter has grown from less than 10 members to over 30. They have recently decided to induct a third new member class in the same academic year, which is a tribute to their dedication. They were also recognized as one of the top philanthropic fundraising chapters by raising over $100 per man! This chapter also demonstrates a strong reverence for the Kappa Alpha Laws, customs of the Order, and KA Values as exemplified by their Crusade and Council of Honor programs.

The Cross & Rose Award is the highest recognition given by the Order for community service. It awards a chapter program that excels in all aspects of service and community impact, hours and dollars donated, the potential ease of continuing the program, interaction with other groups and individuals, percent of the chapter involved, and the adaptability of the program to other communities.


summer 2012

Chapter Excellence

Carl Albert Award for Chapter Improvement

substantial improvement – starting with many disadvantages and still rising to notable success. It is fitting that a chapter that accomplishes the same feat would receive an award named in his honor. Kentucky – Theta This chapter has improved drastically in nearly every area of chapter operations over the past year. Within this time, the chapter has increased in size by 60%, rising from 40 to 68 men. With this increase in membership, the chapter has spent more time on membership development and strived to attend every

The Carl Albert Award for Chapter Improvement is named for Carl Albert, an alumnus of Beta Eta Chapter at Oklahoma University. His life accomplishments are amazing; coming from a very poor family rising to become Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, the highest elected office ever achieved by a member of Kappa Alpha Order. He is not only an honored and historical figure, KAPPA but alsoALPHA a manORDER whose life exemplifies the very concept of

University or IFC sponsored educational event. These brothers have also increased their scholarship standards, raising their collective GPA to a 2.86. Ritual is another area the chapter has strived to improve by establishing a Council of Honor program and setting a goal of 100% memorization of the ritual. An alumnus of this chapter writes, “Whenever I am


Operational Awards

University of California, Berkeley 2010

During the 2012 Province Councils across the Order, the chapter awards listed here were presented. The awards are based on national applications received prior to the 2011 deadline and are granted by majority vote of the Executive Council.

Most & Outstanding Community Service Hours Per Man

Scholastic Excellence Awards

Chapters must log and complete an outstanding amount of hours relative to the number of men in their chapter through their Project Outreach efforts. This may include MDA events, local philanthropic work, participation in interfraternal service events, or community service and volunteerism. Missouri Southern State Delta Pi

(106 hrs. per man; 2,977 total hrs.)

Roanoke Beta Rho

(100 hrs. per man; 2,700 total hrs.)

Oklahoma State Beta Xi (90 hrs. per man; 3,611 total hrs.)

Missouri S&T Beta Alpha

Drury Beta Iota

(65 hrs. per man; 3,649 total hrs.)

(46 hrs. per man; 1,047 total hrs.)

Bowling Green State Zeta Lambda

Westminster Alpha Eta

(51 hrs. per man; 1,111 total hrs.)

(43 hrs. per man; 2,813 total hrs.)

Delta State Delta Beta

Transylvania Alpha Theta

(49 hrs. per man; 2,454 total hrs.)

The following chapters achieved a 3.25 semester GPA during the fall 2010 or spring 2011 semester. Chapters meeting these criteria exhibit excellence and will not receive any lower level scholastic awards. California-Berkeley Alpha Xi

Richmond Eta

William Jewell Alpha Xi

Duke Alpha Phi

Southern California Beta Sigma

Washington & Lee Alpha

Emory Epsilon

Southern Methodist Beta Lambda

Princeton Zeta Beta

Vanderbilt Chi

Outstanding Scholastic Achievement Award

(42 hrs. per man; 2,053 total hrs.)

Most & Outstanding Dollars Donated Per Man Chapters must organize and execute effective Project Outreach fundraising events and efforts. They must log their amounts, properly donate, and return information to the national administrative office. As with service, these may include MDA events, local philanthropic work, or participation in interfraternal fundraising events.

Chapters qualify by achieving one of the following: 1) have a collective GPA average higher than both the all men’s and all fraternity average; 2) be academically ranked in the top 25% of fraternities on their campus; 3) achieve a 3.0 GPA for both the fall 2010 and spring 2011 semesters. Clemson Delta Omicron

Louisiana State Alpha Gamma

Southwestern Xi

Georgia Gamma

Miami Epsilon Lambda

Tennessee Pi

Florida Southern Gamma Pi

Millsaps Alpha Mu

Tennessee-Chattanooga Provisional

Maryland Beta Kappa

Mississippi State Beta Tau

Miami Epsilon Lambda

Millsaps Alpha Mu

Oklahoma State Beta Xi

Georgia Gamma

($150 per man; $21,725 total)

Florida State Gamma Eta

Missouri Alpha Kappa

Tennessee-Martin Delta Upsilon

Drury Beta Iota

Vanderbilt Chi

North Texas Gamma Lambda

Furman Iota

North Carolina Upsilon

Tulane Psi

Louisiana-Monroe Gamma Nu

Univ. of the South Alpha Alpha

West Virginia Wesleyan Beta Chi

($536 per man; $41,805 total)

($339 per man; $25,053 total)

($181 per man; $4,171 total)

Washington Beta Omega

($105 per man; $2,723 total)

Roanoke Beta Rho

($465 per man; $12,550 total)

($113 per man; $8,950 total)

($105 per man; $4,208 total)

($114 per man; $8,471 total)

($207 per man; $12,636 total)

($108 per man; $4,300 total)

Delta State Delta Beta

Tennessee Pi

($164 per man; $8,201 total)

($164 per man; $8,201 total)

Southeastern Louisiana Epsilon Kappa

Washington Zeta Mu

($145 per man; $5,651 total)

($104 per man; $3,340 total)

summer 2012


The Kappa Alpha Journal

Chapter Excellence around the young men of Theta Chapter, I am truly proud to be a KA.” Southwestern – Xi In the spring semester, this chapter was the top fraternity on campus academically in addition to exceeding the school’s All Male Grade Point Average. They raised hundreds of dollars through MDA Shamrock sales, hosted three blood drives, and assisted with a program that provided meals for impoverished children. This chapter is involved in multiple activities, majors,

clubs, and sports teams across campus. The Dean of Students on their campus wrote: “I have had the opportunity to work with this chapter for the past 18 years, through some really great times, and also through some really tough times. I can truthfully say…they represent the core purpose and spirit of Kappa Alpha Order. I believe the chapter has made extreme progress over the past several years which certainly makes it worthy of a Kappa Alpha Order award.”

Washington & Lee – Alpha Traditionally this chapter has done very well with recruitment and academics and has members who are individually very involved on campus. Within the chapter however, there lacked a presence of leadership and accountability. This past year the chapter’s leaders recognized the operational deficiencies and successfully addressed them by holding members to higher standards of conduct. The chapter made the individual development of members a priority by creating

a Council of Honor program, improving new member education, and providing volunteer opportunities in the community. Additionally, this chapter embraced its proximity to the National Administrative Office as a resource, dramatically improving its communications and relationship with the staff at Mulberry Hill. By maintaining excellence with recruitment and academics and dramatically improving their internal accountability and operations, they rose above mediocrity to merit this honor.

Operation Crimson Gift Century Society

Excellence in Educational Programming

All members either donated or volunteered through blood drive efforts

These chapters must schedule speakers and/or workshops, attend opportunities on campus, and lead an overall educational approach to member education, which might include Council of Honor, The Crusade, and other areas of leadership and values education.

Delta State University Delta Beta (100 donors, 50 members)

Missouri Alpha Kappa (103 donors, 110 members)

Oklahoma State Beta Xi (38 donors, 40 members)

George Mason Epsilon Phi (53 donors, 53 members)

Missouri S&T Beta Alpha (58 donors, 56 members)

Randolph Macon Zeta (25 donors, 25 members)

Georgetown Beta Delta (22 donors, 25 members)

North Carolina State Alpha Omega (118 donors, 59 members)

Southeastern Louisiana Epsilon Kappa (88 donors, 39 members)

Mississippi State Zeta Pi (60 donors, 79 members)

North Texas Gamma Lambda (35 donors, 40 members)

Tennessee-Martin Delta Upsilon (43 donors, 61 members)

Excellence in Chapter Finances These chapters should have submitted all national reports on time and maintained generally a zero balance with the national administrative office. They also maintain great local records, utilize the tools of OmegaFi for record keeping, budgeting, and collecting, as well as maintaining a minimal accounts receivable from their membership dues. Westminster Alpha Eta

University of Tennessee Pi

Missouri S&T Beta Alpha

Southeastern Louisiana Epsilon Kappa

North Carolina State Alpha Omega

Overall Excellence in Communications These chapters demonstrate and document their efforts in print, digital, and other formats to effectively connect and communicate with all constituencies and stakeholders for their chapter, including other KA chapters, their campus and surrounding communities. Southeastern Louisiana Epsilon Kappa

Missouri S&T Beta Alpha

Excellence in Fraternal Communications

These chapters show effective communication and promotion of the Interfraternal spirit on their campus, connection to the faculty, staff, and administration and promotion of their efforts to the surrounding community.

Best T-Shirt Award The best t-shirt shall be original, promote the values of the Order, and be unique to the chapter applying.

Maryland Beta Kappa

the kappa alpha Journal

Excellence in Campus & Community Communications

Arkansas State Delta Eta


summer 2012

These chapters must also show the coordination of a year-round approach to recruitment, using the Order's values and chapter's accomplishments to effectively recruit and retain new members. Missouri Southern State Delta Pi

Southeastern Louisiana Epsilon Kappa

Millsaps Alpha Mu

Outstanding Recruitment & Chapter Growth Austin Peay State Zeta Tau

Millsaps Alpha Mu

Millsaps Alpha Mu

These chapters demonstrate a superb commitment to year-round recruitment, unique events, branding and marketing, and an overall strategic approach to growth. Further they must show a significant percentage increase in their membership. Millsaps Alpha Mu

Missouri S&T Beta Alpha

These chapters show effective communication and promotion of fraternal brotherhood amongst other KA chapters, to include newly chartered chapters and those winning national awards.

Maryland Beta Kappa

Overall Excellence in Recruitment & Chapter Growth Auburn Nu

University of Tennessee Pi

On Campus

Editor's Note: Chapter updates are printed if received by the deadline. If your chapter is active and not listed, please contact them to urge them to submit an update for the next issue.

Chapter Spotlight:

Furman University Iota Chapter

Iota chapter continues to set the standard for

fraternities at Furman University. With the largest number of brothers on campus, including 22 new brothers in the spring class, they continue to maintain a grade point average above the all-fraternities and all-men’s averages. Iota brothers hold leadership positions in several other campus organizations. The current Interfraternal Council President and five Student Government officers are proud to call themselves KAs. Iota has athletes on the varsity football, tennis, soccer, golf, and track teams and club rugby and lacrosse teams, not to mention being the defending intramural All-Sports Champions. Recent fundraising efforts at their new member date auction helped Iota raise almost $5,000 dollars for MDA. They also won the largest team award at the local MDA Muscle Walk with 80 brothers walking behind their very own chapter brother Luke Christie, the National Youth Chairman for MDA. Brother Christie spoke on behalf of MDA at the Graves Province Council this spring; he was initiated shortly thereafter. In April, the brothers participated in the Poinsett Corridor Cleanup Project, a Furman initiative to clean up the Greenville community. Brother Ben Green recently started Operation Smile Club at Furman, an organization which provides funding for underprivileged children to have cleft lip and cleft palate surgery both in the United States and abroad.

summer 2012

Imaginatively, the brothers have made resourceful use of the eight-acre property at their Iota Lodge by planting several organic gardens and building a chicken coop and run. Their efforts have been featured in several school and local publications including The Paladin newspaper and Edible Upstate magazine. Several fruit trees rest beside the gardens in which an array of vegetables and peppers grow. Iota’s sustainability efforts have brought community recognition and philanthropic opportunity as the excess produce is donated to local charitable organizations. Outside of the garden, improvements to the three-story chapter lodge include the recent building of a basketball court, and planned installment of solar panels alongside weatherization of the upper two floors to make the lodge’s energy use more sustainable. The significant positive impact that Iota has on Furman’s campus is mirrored by an individual commitment to uphold our motto “Excellence is our aim.” The brothers continue to strive to raise the bar for the fraternity man and young gentleman. Visions for the future, filtered by the high standards set forth by Kappa Alpha ideals, challenge the brothers to never settle but to continue to excel in their community and beyond. – Caleb Hopkins, V Top: Several brothers with Luke after the MDA walk. Above left: Brothers Will George and former Number I Nick Millette in Iota's organic garden. Above Right: Home grown organic produce.


The Kappa Alpha Journal

= Award Recipient (see page 30)

On Campus

Arizona Provisional Chapter (Gamma Epsilon) Now up to thirty members, the provisional chapter at the University of Arizona is getting closer and closer to chartering, which could be as soon as fall. Gentlemen have been participating in philanthropic and fundraising events, such as MDA’s Muscle Walk and sorority events. Brothers are helping the community with volunteer work, particularly by helping to send books to Africa. This fall, the chapter will be moving back into the KA house, and twenty-three brothers are moving in. Brothers Blake, Clay, Tyler, and a few others will be living in this summer, doing repairs and improvements to the house. On behalf of the brothers in Arizona, we would like to thank all the alumni and parents for all of the support. – Federico Diez, V Arizona State Epsilon Omega Website: Facebook: KappaAlphaASU The chapter initiated 7 new brothers this spring and did a fantastic job at Relay for Life during Greek Week raising over $19,000 with the help of Alpha Chi Omega and Delta Chi. We also had Brother Chris Cancilla gain a position as Senator of the Undergraduate Student Government. – Justin Goldman, V

California-Berkeley Alpha Xi The gentlemen of Alpha Xi continue to succeed in and out of the classroom. Boasting a 3.1 GPA, our chapter places among the top 3 fraternities on campus which is in fact higher than the campus all men’s average. In addition, Alpha Xi has maintained great involvement in the community through activities such as mentoring and hospital volunteering, leading to over 1000 total hours of community service during the academic year. Finally, the chapter outperforms even athletically, winning the IFC soccer championship three out of the last five semesters and reaching the finals in IFC softball and basketball. This strong record of achievement will only continue to motivate the chapter to excel onward, upward, higher higher! – John Ladd, V Delta State Delta Beta Kyle Swafford, I, John Michael Miller, II, and Michael Oleis, VI, from Delta Beta Chapter were all initiated into the Delta Mu Delta business honor society this semester. This honor society recognizes business students that are in the top

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summer 2012

20% of all College of Business students. The members are chosen by their outstanding grades in business classes, overall GPA, and on character and involvement. – Michael Oleis, VI Duke Alpha Phi This spring, the Alpha Phi chapter launched its inaugural spring philanthropy week benefitting the Muscular Dystrophy Association and the Durham Chapter of the American Red Cross. Philanthropy week started off with a three day Operation Crimson Gift blood drive co-sponsored by the Duke Red Cross Club and culminated in our chapter's participation in the MDA Muscle Walk in Raleigh on March 24th. The Red Cross expects donations of over 200 units. For the Muscle Walk we created a team fundraising page weeks in advance and began our efforts with a letter writing campaign to family and friends. We also reached out to the Duke administration and received support from deans at the highest level of the school's leadership. All in all, we raised $7,644 for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. It was extremely rewarding to see our hard work directly affecting

Austin Peay State Zeta Tau Twitter: @KA_ZetaTau The spring semester has been full of great strides within various areas on campus. They held their signature Gentleman's Philanthropy Week which raised over $3,700 dollars for MDA. In addition, the chapter had members take over distinguished campus leadership roles, including Jesse Brewer becoming the Student Body President, Tahji Peebles becoming the Interfraternity Council Director of Administration, and Daniel Bunger becoming a SGA Senator. Finally, at the Student Leader Awards, Thomas Carvell was awarded the Adult Learner of the Year Award and Brother Kelvin Rutledge was awarded the APSU Fraternity Man of the Year Award. – Kelvin Rutledge, V

AUSTIN PEAY State: Brothers pose while raising money by working the Nashville Predator's hockey game

On Campus

= Award Recipient (see page 30)

our community. Our chapter only hopes to build on these philanthropic efforts in the future. – Christopher Brown, I Eastern Kentucky Delta Mu Twitter: @KappaAlpha_EKU Delta Mu has had another successful spring raising $1,500 during our Old South week, with most benefits going toward our contestants in our Magnolia pageant. One of our contestants brought a special visitor to go along with her talent; attending was William Edward Lee, a twice removed, 4 time descendant of Robert E. Lee. Following up the 8-week new member education program we initiated 3 great new members into the chapter. Delta Mu also plans to host the first golf scramble in the summer with alumni and friends for chapter fellowship and philanthropy. – Brody Collis Layton, V Elon Epsilon Mu Twitter: @KA_ElonU The gentlemen at Elon initiated 17 new members on April 15th. In March the chapter held a profit-sharing fundraiser for MDA at the pizzeria on campus. Elon students, faculty, and even the school’s President, Leo Lambert, were in attendance. President Lambert, who supports MDA, was happy to see the large support from the students. The chapter assisted with the Special Olympics, with 20 members volunteering their whole day. On April 29th the chapter will hold its first Homerun Derby competition, between fraternity

DELTA State: Delta Beta Chapter raised $3,778 for MDA in 2011, the 10th highest amount in the Order.

and sorority members, as a fundraiser for MDA. Home Run Derby t-shirts were made and a dunk tank was employed to drench friends in between their at-bats. April 16-20 the chapter also competed in Greek Week on campus. Province Commander David Hagan and Deputy Province Commander Rob Wall attended and spoke at one of our weekly chapter meetings. Following, we had a cook out and were joined by Jim Donathan, faculty member and Deputy Province Commander for Academic Affairs. The cookout was an excellent opportunity for the chapter members to bond with the three men and a chance for everyone to interact in a more comfortable

and social setting. It is our executive board’s goal to continue improving our philanthropy, our service, our academics, our alumni relations, and of course, to keep brotherhood at an all time high. – Ted Russell, V | Francis Marion Delta Tau Facebook: FrancisMarionUniversityKA Twitter: @KA_DeltaTau During the spring semester, the brothers at Francis Marion University have focused their efforts toward campus and community involvement. Brother Zeb Freeman led and organized our Ms. Greek Pageant philanthropy event, which was a huge success. The event raised over $1000 dollars for MDA, and was recognized by community and campus news outlets. Another aspect of student life that the chapter has been heavily involved with this semester is student government. Active brothers, all currently hold the offices of Student Body President, Chief Justice, along with several Senate seats. Currently, the chapter is busy planning their annual golf tournament, The Frank Jones Memorial Classic. – Joel H. Ivey, V

George WASHINGTON: Brothers gather for a historic photo following their initiation at the Maryland chapter house.

summer 2012


The Kappa Alpha Journal

= Award Recipient (see page 30)

Georgia College: Brothers and friends gather with Darius from the educational and philanthropy based program, "Darius goes west."

George Mason Epsilon Phi The Epsilon Phi chapter of Kappa Alpha Order had a successful recruitment period, inducting 9 new members. They also participated in the MDA Muscle Walk in March, raising over $1,300 for Muscular Dystrophy. Epsilon Phi also hosted their 3 annual Operation Crimson Gift Blood Drive with Chi Omega, and had over 40 donors give blood. The brothers also participated in Relay for Life and attended a Habitat for Humanity trip to help build houses in North Carolina during spring break. – Jason VonCanon, V George Washington Alpha Nu Website: Over the course of the spring semester, the Alpha Nu chapter proudly emerged as the George Washington University's premier Greek organization. We held our recruitment events, and on March 31st, 20 men traveled to the University of Maryland campus to undergo a full day initiation ceremony. Moreover, our brothers have received recognition with regard to our academic standing. During the first semester of the school year, the Alpha Nu Chapter received a combined GPA of 3.31, placing us first among all IFC fraternities at George Washington and eighth among KA chapters. – Trent Hagan, V

after school program to spend time with the kids. Each of our members is in at least one organization on campus other than KA. We had a group of brothers go to Henryville to help with tornado relief. We are preparing for our spring initiation where we plan to initiate 3 new members. We are continuing to better ourselves and the community around – Brandon Davis, V James Madison Zeta Theta Website: Zeta Theta held its annual Rose Bowl sand volleyball tournament between the sororities to raise money for MDA. Alumnus advisor Nick Langridge was recently appointed Acting Vice President of University Advancement at JMU. Over 40 brothers teamed up with our neighbor, the Harrisonburg Baptist Church for their "Operation in as much" which helps needy families with yard work, minor home repairs, and maintenance. – Michael Slarve, V

University of Kentucky Theta Website: This spring has been a great semester for the brothers at Theta Chapter. We initiated two new brothers, Brock Hannah and Tucker Lyles, on April 13 at St. Raphael Episcopal Church in Lexington, Ky. Improvements in a community service and campus involvement were a chapter wide goal this semester. Led by Jackson Buchanon, the brothers of Theta Chapter participated in community service project with Central Kentucky Riding for Hope located at the Kentucky Horse Park. The brothers helped the organization with landscaping, painting, and repairs on the grounds and plans to return next fall to provide more help. Another chapter goal for this semester was to improve alumni relations. Keeneland Racetrack is an old tradition for Kentuckians of all ages and a great place to host an alumni event. Prior to the races on April 14th, the day of the Bluegrass Stakes, an alumni event was held for any alumni attending the races. Many attended and enjoyed laughing, sharing tradition and telling stories from the past. – Major Robinson, V Louisiana-Monroe Gamma Nu The men of Gamma Nu are wrapping up the semester. They just concluded their Old South week several weeks ago. It was a huge success. There was an overwhelming support of alumni as well as parents. Brother Rick Sanders proposed to his fiancé during the award

Purdue: Brothers cook dinner for local fire department. the kappa alpha Journal


summer 2012

Georgia College Epsilon Nu It has been a busy and exciting semester for us at Georgia College. We started off our semester strong with spring recruitment. We have been going to an

On Campus

On Campus

= Award Recipient (see page 30)

ceremony. The brothers of Gamma Nu will be finishing out the semester strong in hopes of earning the highest GPA in IFC on campus. The recruitment committee has launched their plan for this summer as well as early into the fall. – Zach Lawrence, V Maryland Beta Kappa Website: The Beta Kappa chapter would like to congratulate our 15 newly initiated brothers who also enjoyed their first Greek at the University of Maryland. The Beta Kappa chapter will be hosting two philanthropy events in the coming weeks, one for our brother Ryan Strasdauskas who was diagnosed with leukemia over a year ago (and is doing well) and a blood drive, Operation Crimson Gift. We look forward to giving back at a Miss America Fundraising event in Washington DC. All this included completing 427 hours of community service. Brother Thomas Gregan was elected to be the Vice President of Student Activities of the George Mason Interfraternity Council for the upcoming school year and Brother Sean Hobaugh was selected to be the Director of the 2012 George Mason Greek Week Steering Committee. – Drew Robinson, V Miami Epsilon Lambda On April 1st at the Greek Awards Celebration, Epsilon Lambda took home the following: Chapter Academic Achievement Award, Excellence in Brotherhood and Sisterhood Pillar Award, Excellence in Community Pillar Award, Excellence in Community Service and Philanthropy Pillar Award, and the Excellence in Leadership and Values Pillar Award. Middle Tennessee State Delta Lambda In March we had a “Reporting for Duty” mixer with the lovely ladies of Zeta Tau Alpha. We adopted three male and three female soldiers and put together care packages for them. The care packages consisted of things from a list of items the troops had requested (snacks, magazines, soap, DVD’s and video games). We also split into groups and had a competition in which we made banners to send the

Indiana State: "Lead the charge!" Brothers rally to take the chapter in a new direction this year.

troops thanking them for their service. We ended by writing individual letters thanking the troops and showing the great deal of respect we have for them. The KA brothers and ladies of ZTA had a great time dressing up in camouflage Army gear, and truly enjoyed doing this good deed for the soldiers serving our country. We held our Convivium on February 17th this year at the Double Tree hotel in Murfreesboro. It was our first Convivium in several years so the brothers and alumni were very excited and ready to bring back this great tradition. Brothers and their dates were able to socialize with alumni and their families. Our keynote

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speaker, David Chaltas, is a Robert E. Lee impersonator and he recounted Lee’s life to the attendees. – Eric Clements, V & Jeremy D. Duke Mississippi Alpha Upsilon Brother Ian Mallett was inducted into Gamma Sigma Alpha, a National Greek Academic Honors Society. Joshua David Holdenried has been awarded the IFC Academic and Leadership Excellence Award. This award recognizes members of the Interfraternity Council who excel through academics and campus involvement. There was a pool of over 50 competitive applicants and four

The Kappa Alpha Journal

= Award Recipient (see page 30)

On Campus

applications stood out the most. The award itself includes local and national recognition and $300 allotted to the chapter's philanthropy. Missouri Alpha Kappa This winter, the new executive committee of Alpha Kappa has been busy implementing a scholarship program and incentives to return the chapter to the University of Missouri’s top ten average. At this year’s Henry C. Chiles Province Council, held at Westminster College, the chapter picked up an academic achievement award as well as the Operation Crimson Gift award for success in blood drives and donations. Also this spring, the chapter has been paired with the lovely ladies of Kappa Alpha Theta for Greek Week. Members participate in a week of sporting events, service events, and a skit and dance competition. The chapter looks to initiate 13 new members this spring. Looking forward to the summer, the chapter has put together recruitment committees that will be more effective and reach a wider range of states and cities. – Tad Schmidt, III Missouri Southern State Delta Pi Facebook: This semester Delta Pi initiated four new active brothers as well as Price Harper, a special initiate, older brother of Clint Harper, IV, and the son of former Chiles Province Commander Jim Harper. This March, the brothers took a week to raise money for St. Baldricks, raising over $1,000 for children's cancer awareness and treatment. Just recently the chapter voted unanimously to join The Crusade in the order to further strive for excellence and bring home another Samuel Zenas Ammen Award for Chapter Excellence. – TJ Steen

with our own philanthropic events, Zeta Nu participated in other fund raising events and won the intramural softball tournament on campus. – Eric Horton, V Oklahoma Beta Eta Website: Twitter: The Beta Eta chapter has had an incredibly successful semester and looks forward to a strong finish. The chapter has held several philanthropic events including a benefit concert for the Muscular Dystrophy Association, which featured popular country singer Josh Abbott. We sold over 500 tickets raising over $5,000 for MDA and was hailed as "the most successful philanthropic event for Spring 2012 on campus". In April, we held our annual Old South blood drive. The chapter will be rounding out the semester with an alumni poker tournament. – Daniel Applegate, V Purdue Epsilon Rho The brothers of Epsilon Rho participated in many events over the past semester. We organized a food drive in with Sigma Delta Tau that raised almost 600 pounds of food for a local shelter as well as organized a team for Relay for Life that raised over $1000. Several brothers also coordinated a trip down to Henryville,

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Ind. to assist with clean-up in wake of the tornadoes that ravaged the area the previous week. The gentlemen also cooked dinner for local firefighters and participated in a trade dinner with the university’s cooperative house, Maclure. – Shane Rafferty, III Randolph-Macon Zeta The Zeta chapter is proud of its achievements inside and outside the classroom. This semester we held a successful MDA fundraiser at the University of Richmond. Our chapter raised over $1400 and logged a successful 63 hours, which is three hours per brother. We have also completed other community service hours by cleaning up and performing maintenance on the highway road our chapter sponsors. Nicholas Lapres, II, and Corey Gill hold positions on the school’s Interfraternal Council. Also Lapres, Justin Thorn, Andrew Rowe, and Josh Albert all made Dean’s List for Fall 2011. Our chapter also consists of one campus tour guide, five members of varsity sports teams, two writers for the school newspaper, two Student Government Delegates, four Orientation Leaders, three subject tutors, two executive officers of Greek Ministries, two Judicial Board members, one College Life committee member, three Resident Assistants, one on-campus

North Florida Zeta Nu Zeta Nu is joining The Crusade and Kevin Presnell, IX, will be attending the Emerging Leaders Academy this summer, participating in The RoundTable track for implementation. Also, the brothers raised $1,803 in the spring during Old South week for MDA by hosting a brother auction and holding events throughout the week. Zeta Nu also initiated three new brothers. Along

Mississippi: Brother Joshua David Holdenried (center) with his IFC Academic and Leadership Excellence Award.

On Campus

= Award Recipient (see page 30)

Oklahoma: Brothers and guests enjoy their chapter–organized MDA fundraising concert by the Josh Abott Band.

EMS squad member, and the Senior Class Gift President. – Patrick Dugan, V Richmond Eta Eta chapter added twenty-three new members this spring. Two brothers were elected to the governing council in the Robins School of Business. Eta has been increasingly involved with its alumni by hosting an alumni and brothers cookout for the celebration of Convivium while also inviting alumni back to campus for the UR spring celebration of Pig Roast. To better inform our alumni, we also created a Facebook page that is updated regularly. Eta chapter will graduate nineteen seniors who have all had an influence on the chapter. The senior class boasts two Division I athletes along with three gentlemen who have achieved the highest possible marks in their respective majors. We hope that the tradition these seniors have established will not graduate with them. – Houston Oldham, V Roanoke Beta Rho The brothers of Beta Rho have been experiencing an eventful and highly successful semester. At Province Council, Beta Rho received an award for the most service hours given per man, as well as a second award for the most philanthropy money raised per brother.

In addition, Beta Rho also garnered several leadership awards. Patrick DelBuono, I, was elected Ammen Province Undergraduate Chairman. He was awarded the college’s prestigious Bob Hines Award for Leadership. James M. Luck III, former I, was named Greek Man of the Year, the highest honor a Greek member at Roanoke College can receive. Looking forward, Beta Rho looks to continue its tradition of exceptional leadership and hopes to improve its recruiting of new members. – Andrew J. Bernstein, V

other spring sports such as baseball and tennis. Junior Andrew Carey was elected as IFC president—a position that greatly reflects his leadership throughout the Greek system and the campus as a whole. Alpha Alpha has begun to work with Food With Friends, a community service organization that works to provide food to the hungry in the surrounding community. Overall, Alpha Alpha is proud of its success in all areas on campus, and hopes to continue to excel on such a path. – Warren Snead, I

University of the South Alpha Alpha The brothers of Alpha Alpha have enjoyed a successful spring semester, both inside and outside the classroom. The chapter highlighted its academic achievements with multiple members joining the Order of the Gownsman, a prestigious academic honor society on campus. Alpha Alpha was also recognized at Province Council upon receiving an award for academic excellence, honoring the chapter’s 3.14 GPA. The chapter grew through a successful recruitment week, adding ten new members, all of who are already contributing positively. Freshman Hal Smith was recognized as Conference Defensive Player of the Week for his performance on the lacrosse field. Multiple other members have performed well for the Tigers in lacrosse and

Southeastern Louisiana Epsilon Kappa Website: This spring Epsilon Kappa hosted Horace H. White Province Council. At Province Council the chapter won its 2nd Samuel Zenas Ammen Award for Chapter Excellence in history along with six other national awards. The chapter also was the Top Team in the Baton Rouge MDA Muscle Walk raising over $2000 in March. Three brothers were elected to the SGA Senate and four were selected to be DSA Leadership ambassadors. The chapter also has been busy with recruitment, initiating Scott Knight, Nick Mayeur, and Cody Ritter this spring. Epsilon Kappa is looking forward to ELA, The RoundTable, and Stewards of the Order this summer. – Kent Landacre, I

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The Kappa Alpha Journal

= Award Recipient (see page 30)

On Campus

Southern Indiana Zeta Omicron Zeta Omicron received several awards from the University’s annual awards night, “Grand Chapter.” The Greek Man of the Year was Will Hooper, Outstanding Chapter Officer was Caylin Blockley, and Outstanding School Spirit Benjamin Hirschauer. The chapter achieved a Gold Level of Excellence Award for Chapter Excellence, a Silver Medal for Greek Olympics, a Silver Recognition for Leadership, Scholarship, Philanthropy and Service, and a Gold level of Excellence Award for Chapter Growth—not to mention winning Greek Week four years in a row. Finally, Alumnus Advisor Tom Murray was named Outstanding Chapter Advisor. Stanford Alpha Pi Our spring was extremely successful and we are excited that 29 out of 30 bids were accepted. These new members come from a range of athletic teams and university clubs, as well as several international students. With a packed spring calendar full of fun events to enjoy in the California sun, we are set for a great spring for our chapter. – James Balassone, I

May and are headed to graduate schools across the nation. Now granted with the privilege of a new, on-campus house, Pi Chapter hopes to continue to assert Lee’s ideals of gentlemanly conduct on the University of Tennessee campus. – Steven Cook, V Tennessee-Chattanooga Provisional Chapter Website: www.tennesseechattanooga. The brothers at the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga have recently inducted our 24th member. We hosted our 2nd Big Brother / Little Brother Event. We participated in the MDA Muscle Walk at the Chattanooga Zoo. It was an exciting time and we are glad to have these new bonds within the fraternity. We have recently had our first mixers with sororities on campus including Delta Zeta and Kappa Delta. Our IFC relationship is very important to us and we have at least 5-6 delegates a week attend the weekly meeting. Harry Wolverton, former I, was in charge of the annual Greek Show. The Greek Show had a spectacular turn out and the school could have not been any happier. Wolverton won IFC Man of The Year at the SGA Annual Award Banquet. The first alumni newsletter will be out by the end of April and we are very proud to be even closer to our charter. – Tyler Mabry

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Texas-Arlington Provisional Chapter (Delta Iota) Facebook: KappaAlphaOrderUTA The members of the UT Arlington Provisional Chapter have started working on the requirements to become a fully chartered chapter. On March 26th, 18 gentlemen were inducted into the chapter. Over the past few weeks we have started to make our name known on campus and started planning for the future of our chapter. – Cody Paul, I Virginia Wesleyan Epsilon Omicron This semester was great for the men of Epsilon Omicron. We have been actively involved in making a difference on and off campus. We were involved in a variety of philanthropic events including Habitat for Humanity, volunteering for campus cleanup, hosting successful blood drives for the Red Cross, and so many others. We had the unique idea to raise money for MDA this year by having a "hit a KA with a water balloon" fundraiser. We are continuing to show how involved our chapter is by playing intramural sports like volleyball, dodge ball, and softball. We have also had some well attended socials and plan on creating more Greek unity by partnering with the other IFC fraternities on our campus. – Luke Wade, I

University of Tennessee Pi University of Tennessee’s Pi Chapter received numerous national awards in 2011 and looks to build on a bright future. A winner of back-to-back Marshall Awards, Pi Chapter is set to open their brand new, $2.2 million house in Summer 2012. Yet again, we’ve achieved one of the top GPA’s on campus with a Fall 2011 average of 3.11. Pi Chapter has initiated 33 gentlemen in the last calendar year and the chapter currently has more than 60 active brothers. Brothers have been participating in philanthropy events like Habitat for Humanity “builds” and are gearing up for their annual corn hole tournament/band party in late April that raises money for MDA. Brothers will be attending a spring formal in Hilton Head, SC. Pi Chapter continues to have a strong relationship with the local Bearden United Methodist Church where they landscape the site each semester and attend church as a chapter. Numerous brothers are graduating in

Tennessee-Chattanooga: The brothers in Chattanooga are fiercely focused on chartering their chapter in the fall of 2012.

On Campus

= Award Recipient (see page 30)

WAshington and Lee: Alpha Chapter brothers working the "Bull & Oyster Fest" fundraiser for the Free Clinic.

Wake Forest Tau Tau chapter partnered with Piedmont Down Syndrome Support Network to host an event called “Kidsfest” on April 14th. The chapter teamed up with Reformed University Fellowship every Monday to play dodge-ball with children at a local orphanage and with Alpha Delta Pi Sorority to raise money for Ronald McDonald House and fix up a campsite. – Austin Rees, I Washington and Lee Alpha The Alpha Chapter continues to raise the bar. Fall and winter semesters have been highly productive for KAs at Washington and Lee. This fall, the chapter achieved a GPA of 3.213 and raised $1000 by selling beach party tank tops. A new bathroom was constructed in the mansion, a successful letter writing campaign on behalf of MDA was undertaken, and Anderson Wasden, the fraternity's former president, was elected National Undergraduate Chairman. The chapter sent members to the local fundraiser for the Rockbridge Area Free Clinic which provides free medical and dental assistance to low to moderate income citizens. – Ben Ruffel, V

Westminster Alpha Eta This past semester, Alpha Eta finished with above a 3.0 active GPA average with 11 members on the Dean’s List, 4 of whom are members of the academic honor society known as Alpha Chi. Recently, we have had 8 brothers recognized in Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges, as well as 2 members awarded the Omicron Delta Kappa Award, which recognizes the top 3% of college students who show exemplary scholarship, leadership, and character. On the athletic field, our members hold captain positions in basketball, football, baseball, soccer, and tennis. This year we boast 13 newly initiated members hailing from Missouri, Illinois, and Swaziland Africa. – Adam Ross, I

top 10 GPA's in the Order, with a 3.26 GPA in the fall of 2011. Twelve new members were initiated this spring. – Jason Massey, I

William Jewell Alpha Delta Website: www.williamjewell. Alpha Delta continues to have leaders on campus, especially in athletics, with members of the football, basketball, baseball, tennis, swimming, and track and field team. Along with athletics, Alpha Delta continues to hold one of the

Middle Tennessee State: Creating care packages for US Armed Forces in Iraq, during a dry mixer with the women of ZTA

summer 2012


The Kappa Alpha Journal

Make a Muscle Make a Difference


From one KA to another, thanks for your many years of outstanding support. Let’s continue to show our strength together for MDA. Be the next to flex.


LUKE CHRISTIE MDA National Youth Chairman Iota-Furman University

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summer 2012

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Sports Page

The unlikely story of one member's journey from living in a van to college football star. Like many KA athletes over the years,

J.J. Hayes (Gamma Xi – Lamar ’11) has enjoyed his share of success on the playing field. His strength, vertical leap, and quick hands made him a dangerous on-field asset for the Lamar Cardinals. And like most KAs across the country, the 6 ft. 3 inch, 210 lb. wide receiver is just one of the guys. Hayes’ journey, however, from a small town in East Texas to the campus of Lamar University—and what he overcame along the way—is far from typical.

J.J.’s story Hayes was raised by a single mother on a row of one-story public housing in Diboll, Texas. As a young boy, J.J. was placed in situations most adults may never face. While growing up, he struggled with abuse his mother suffered at the hands of her boyfriends. Eventually, he felt angered when he couldn’t protect her. The instability forced Hayes to spend as much time away from home as possible. He once slept on a playground slide and another time on a park bench. His turbulent home life and feelings of helplessness drove Hayes to attempt suicide. Twice.

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The Kappa Alpha Journal

Sports Page

Long since branded a troublemaker by unaware educators, Hayes met a strong role model in his high school football coach. He had to miss the 2006 football season with a broken femur from a preseason scrimmage, but he stuck around, going to all practices, wearing his uniform even though he couldn’t play. He went on that year to star in basketball, track, and even as goalie for the soccer team. J.J. found the support and structure he desired, and he stayed at school, practices, or with coaches, as late as he could. Hayes started doing what he now does today. He excelled. His senior year on the football field was outstanding. When his mother moved to New Orleans, Hayes stayed behind in Diboll. He told his mother he’d spend all his nights with family friends. Those families offered Hayes their homes and much more. Many times he accepted, but often, he would stay elsewhere. Hayes’ grandmother in Arkansas gave him a van that the unlicensed Hayes drove 250 miles back to Diboll. Many nights he spent sleeping in that van. For a while Hayes kept the van a secret, but eventually after two years of playing football at Navarro College in Coriscanna, Tx., it became widely known. It was in this van that Hayes was offered a truly life-changing offer. The coach at Lamar offered Hayes a scholarship to play football and off he went. He finally got rid of the van.

Greet Your Brothers

playing basketball, and they approached me about KA,” says Hayes of his first encounter. “I didn’t even know it was a fraternity at first, but they let me hang out with them and I met some of the guys. They were all really cool—they didn’t push anything on me at first. Then they asked me if I’d be interested in becoming a KA. I could tell it was the right thing for me because I never really had a lot of brothers growing up. I didn’t really have a family but just by hanging out with them, they made me feel like one of the guys, one of the brothers. I thought it was right for me, I liked other fraternities on campus, but I just didn’t get the same feeling.” When asked about what he likes best about KA history and values, J.J. is spot on. “I’m a religious man. When I first came to KA one of the first things they pointed out to me is that they are really a Christian-based fraternity. I really appreciate that; I really had a lot of respect for that. Because if I’m going to do something, I want it to match up with what I believe in.” The chapter rallied behind Hayes. “They were at almost all the home games, I liked that a lot,” says Hayes. “It made me want to play harder.” He was also

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“[KA has] kept me level, kept me with the right group of people, I should be doing, or always checking in on me, always keeping up with me. It shows they really respect and appreciate me as a person, a brother. I really appreciate them for that.”

It was at Lamar where J.J. broke records and joined KA. He also set his sights on the NFL. Hayes holds the Lamar football record for yards in a season (951, in 2011), the most yards in a game (212, in 2011 against Northwestern State) and the most catches in a game (14, in 2011 against McNeese State). 2011 was a special year even off the field. It was the year J.J. was initiated. “I met Bill Travis (Gamma Xi – Lamar ’08) and Brian Pearson (Gamma Xi – Lamar ’08) in the rec center, they were

GREET YOUR BROTHERS! Gamma Xi's newest members including J.J., following their fall 2011 induction.

Sports Page

LEFT: The chapter always supported J.J., both on the field and off. RIGHT: Celebrating after another touchdown!

surprised to learn that a couple of the managers on the football team were already KAs. Dalton Locklear (Gamma Xi – Lamar ‘11), one of Hayes’ pledge brothers, even tutored him in physics. “It is exciting to see that one of Lamar’s best football players who would have had an open ended invitation to any of our fraternities, saw that the values of KA appealed to him,” says Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs Jay Lambert, also a KA initiate from Southeastern Louisiana University. “Yes, this article is about J.J. being a football player, but it could just as well be about him being a fine young man.” Indeed, it actually is. “A couple of days a week, J.J. joins a group of us who play basketball at 6 a.m.; not only is he a great teammate, but he is always composed and respectful...and, yes he is dominant at basketball as well.” J..J. says KA has been an important component in his development. “They kept me level, they kept me in the right group of people I needed to be in, things I should be doing, always checking in on me, always keeping up with me and football. It shows they really respect and appreciate me as a person, a brother. I really appreciate them for that.” But he’s also made an impact on the

chapter. Number I, Stephen Dressel (Gamma Xi – Lamar ’09) explains, “J.J. is one of the kindest people you are ever going to meet. He is very humble. We are all excited to see what his future has in store for him, either in football or his other endeavors. No one deserves the success more than J.J.”

It was in this van that Hayes was offered a a scholarship to play college football. The Next Chapter So what’s next for J.J. Hayes? He’s worked out with coaches and attended six professional workouts with teams, including the Indianapolis Colts, Houston Texans, Baltimore Ravens, and Green Bay Packers. He’s known for being an aggressive receiver that can make plays, scoring highly in the vertical jump (39 inches) and bench press. “Yeah, just give me the ball and

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follow me,” he says. The NFL draft was on April 26th, but as of press time, Hayes had still not been picked up. According to a few articles online, J.J. needs to show his skills off in front of as many coaches as possible. That will be the best way for him to get a shot at the league. From anyone who’s met him or read his story, no one is counting J.J. out. Making a team camp and training with them is now the plan. J.J. Hayes was asked what message he’d like to convey to the readership of The Kappa Alpha Journal. “I’ve told a lot of people about my story and if I had to give a message to (the Order) I’d say follow your dreams. There are going to be obstacles in your way and people telling you that you can’t do something. But they should only make you push harder. So, I think that’s probably my message, just do what you really want.” And then, J.J. said something funny. But it really wasn’t funny—it was fitting for such an outstanding young man. “I appreciate you calling me and wanting to know about me. I love how KA treats me. I just want to thank you for that.” Thank you J.J., and best of luck from all your brothers.

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Sports Page

Winter Sports Review

Basketball Westminster – Alpha Eta Eleven KA players saw action Squad went 17-11 Won the St. Louis Intercollegiate Athletic Conference title Advanced to the NCAA Division III playoffs Joe James ’11, Guard Most Valuable Player of the SLIAC tournament after hitting a three-pointer to give the Blue Jays the title as time expired. 1st in minutes (836) 1st in free throw shooting (87 of 102, 85.3%) 1st in steals (37) 2nd in assists (51) Scored 313 points (11.2 per game) Best Game: 30 points, four steals versus Cornell of Iowa. Skylar Tolson ’10, Co-captain/guard 1st in three-pointers (58) 3rd in minutes played (749) Scored 257 points (9.2 per game).

Others seeing action: Co-captain Mark Wright ’11 Mookie Valandra ’11 (109 points, 3.9) Frank Lamzik ’12 Dan Hohenstein ’09 Chris Jacobs ’12 Greg Wright ’11 Garrett Gilbert ’11. Milsaps – Alpha Mu

Taylor Meades ’10, Guard All-Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference first team Lead the squad with 304 points (12.7) and 52 three point goals. His top two games were 23 points against University of Dallas and Trinity.

squad, who started every contest. 3rd in minutes played (641) 3rd in points scored (229, 9.5) He had a best game of 25 points versus Boyce College. Roanoke – Beta Rho

Guard Connor Toomey ’10 saw action for the Roanoke squad. Hampden-Sydney – Alpha Tau

Dee Vick (Alpha Tau – Hampden Sydney ’91), Head Coach Led his alma mater to a 19-8 record.

Volleyball Stanford – Alpha Pi

Twelve KA players led the Stanford squad to a 22-7 record and the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation championship game.

Univ. of the South – Alpha Alpha

Erik Shoji ’09, Libero 1st first player in the 22year history of American Volleyball Coaches Association All-American selections to be named to the first team four times. His coach called him “the greatest libero in collegiate volleyball history.” 1st on team with 304 kills (2.65 per set) 2nd with 172 digs.

Lewis Affonti ’10 Guard/forward was a key player again for the 12-12 University of the South

Brad Lawson ’09, Outside Hitter First team All-American for the third time.

Other seeing action Guard Kevin Wilson ’11 (19 games) Guard Murray Kastner ’10 (18 games) Guard Jackson Griffon ’11 (11 games)

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1st on team with kills 451 (4.10 per set), 1st on team with save assists 1st on team with 149 digs. Evan Barry ’09, Setter Named to the All-American second team 1st on team with 1,336 set assists (12.04 per set). Brian Cook ’11 367 kills (3.50 per set), 164 digs Eric Mochalski ’11 100 total blocks, 215 kills (1.97 per set) Also on the team and contributing Jake Kneller ’10 Denny Falls ’11 Scott Sakaida ’11 Dylan Kordic ’09 Chandler Kaa ’10 Grant Delgado ’11 Daniel Tublin ’11

Swimming Duke – Alpha Phi

Five KAs on the Duke squad Steve Gasparini ’12 Competed in a number of events at the Atlantic Coast Conference championship. 2nd place 200 medley relay team 3rd place 400 medley relay 7th place 400 freestyle relay 12th in the 100 backstroke Competed in the 100

Kurt Kovach ’08, Guard 2nd in rebounds (114, 4.1 per game) 40 assists Scored 216 points (7.7 per game).

Kelsey Weymuth ’09, Forward Named to the SLIAC All-Sportsmanship Team 1st in rebounds (138, 4.9 per game) Shot 52.3% from the field Scored 142 points (5.1).

by Jay Langhammer

Sports Page freestyle, 100 butterfly, 200 butterfly and 200 IM preliminary races. Ty Stahl ’10 23rd in the 100 backstroke Swam the 50 freestyle and 200 backstroke prelims. Also on the squad Jacob Biez ’10 Greg Hoffman ’11 Luke Suchomel ’12 Emory – Epsilon Mu

Matt O’Brien ’10 Rceived All-American honors 8th place finish in the 200 butterfly and 11th place in the 100 butterfly at the NCAA Divission III Meet. Stanford – Alpha Pi

Larry Reinhard, Jr. ’11, Diver Washington College – Beta Omega

Four swimmers were major contributors. At the Centennial Conference Meet: Greg Lee ’12 2th in the 100 butterfly 3rd in the 200 butterfly 4th with the 200 medley relay 5th on the 200 freestyle relay 5th on the 400 medley relay 6th place finish with the 400 freestyle relay. Austin Auger ’10 4th place 200 medley relay 5th in the 100 breaststroke 5th in the 400 medley relay 6th with the 800 freestyle relay. Robert Mix ’11 6th place 800 freestyle relay 14th in the 1650 freestyle. Ross Miles ’10 Centennial Conference winter Academic Honor Roll. William Jewell – Alpha Delta

Joshua Sawyers ’12 Southwestern – Xi

Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference meet:

Patrick Flanigan ’10 5th place 400 freestyle relay 8th in the 100 freestyle. Also on the squad: Adrian Gomez ’11 Michael Perri ’12 As we go to press, most of KA’s spring professional and intercollegiate athletes are involved in their seasons. Here are some of our leading competitors in spring action so far.

Golf Brandt Snedeker (ChiVanderbilt ‘00) Ranks 12th among PGA Tour players in 10 tournaments through the end of April. Won a playoff to earn $1,080,000 at the Farmers Insurance Open. Wes Roach (Alpha Phi-Duke ’09) Now playing on the Nationwide Tour 11th place finish and a $12,720 payday at the TPC Stonebrae Championship. J.B. Murphy (Iota-Furman ’09) A regular for Furman Tied for 27th at the Southern Conference meet. Will Reitan (Beta RhoRoanoke '12) Placed 20th at the Old Dominion Conference event.

Football Wiliam Vlachos (Alpha BetaAlabama ’08), Center Played in the Senior Bowl Signed as a free agent by the Tennessee Titans.


Alex Flink (Zeta BetaPrinceton ’10), Infielder Millsaps infielders Keith Shumaker (Alpha MuMillsaps ’11), Infielder Kevin Wall (Alpha MuMillsaps) ‘09 Jared Welch (Epsilon-Emory ’11), Catcher Austin Carden (Alpha Epsilon-Rhodes ’08) Travis Perkins (Alpha Epsilon-Rhodes ’09), Outfielder Blake Stevens (PhiBirmingham Southern ’11) Pitcher David Bourbannais (PhiBirmingham Southern ’11), first baseman/pitcher Stephen Denton (PhiBirmingham Southern ’09), Outfielder

Soccer Davy Arnaud (West Texas A&MGamma Sigma ’00) Longtime pro soccer standout Captain of the Montreal Impact expansion franchise in Major League Soccer. On March 17th before a crowd of 58,912 at the Olympic Stadium in Montreal, he scored the first ever goal for his new team. Bobby Warshaw (Apha Pi -Stanford ’08). Playing his second pro season for the FC Dallas club of Major League Soccer

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The Kappa Alpha Journal

Will Salley (AlphaWashington & Lee ’10), Tri-Captain & Catcher Nick Hoag (Alpha EtaWestminster ’09), Catcher Matt Musser (ZetaRandolph-Macon ’09), Catcher duo of infielder Jack Rogers (Alpha Alpha-University of the South ’11), Infielder Will Nealy (Alpha AlphaUniversity of the South ’09), Outfielder.


Furman tennis team features 11 KA players on the the squad while


Washington & Lee lacrosse team features 12 KAs, led by co-captains Jack Switala ’10 and Joe LaSala ’10

More details on these and other spring sports athletes will follow in the next edition of The Journal.

Chapter Eternal

Brothers listed herein were reported and recorded as of May 31, 2012.

The Official Badge of the Order is shown as worn on a “hatchment” (a crepe of piece of black ribbon 1/2" wide and 3/4" long). Brothers are to wear this arrangement during a period of mourning as set forth in the Kappa Alpha Laws (App. 103).”

Alabama Alpha Beta Roy Hunt Maley Jr., 1947, 04/16/2012

Guyton Bobo McCall, 1946, 02/22/2012 Benjamin Henry Williams, 1951, 01/21/2012

Arizona State Epsilon Omega Eric Sean Paul Rogers, 1990, 03/27/2012

Florida Beta Zeta The Honorable Thomas Hendry BarkDull Jr. 1946, 07/13/2010 Joseph G. Heyck Jr., 1954, 02/02/2012

Arkansas Alpha Omicron James Monroe Maxwell, 1940, 04/23/2009 Auburn Nu William Sidney Fuller, 1950, 03/11/2012 Dr. Edmund “Mac” MacDonald Molnar, 1951, 02/27/2012

Florida Gulf Coast Zeta Pi Jesse Dylan Strouse, 2005, 04/02/2012 Florida State Gamma Eta John G. Bianco III, 1983, 05/05/2012

Bethany Beta Beta Jack Brenning Behrendt, 1948, 06/06/2011

Furman Iota Malcolm Evans Ward Jr. , 1947, 10/21/2011

Birmingham-Southern Phi Louis Ed Dunlavy, 1948, 03/06/2012 John Bigham Barnett Jr. , 1974, 10/13/2011

Georgia Gamma Frank “Pat” Patrick Bowden , 1953, 12/19/2011 Nathanial Pratt Secrest, 1942, 08/06/2011 James Edward Sheffield , 1959, 12/08/2010

California Alpha Xi Frederick Augustua Chadbourne Jr., 1942, 02/23/2012 Kenneth Robert Mitchell, 1932, 03/02/2012 Centenary Alpha Iota Charles “Rusty” Favrot Read Jr., 1966, 01/21/2012 Charleston Beta Gamma Ryan Martin Ward Grand , 2008, 11/15/2011 Spencer Gladding Pitts, 2007, 04/15/2012 Hawkins Francis Wilber , 2006, 04/13/2012 Davidson Sigma Charles Steinwehr Wilson Jr. , 1952, 11/18/2006 Delaware Beta Epsilon William Bradway Vanneman Jr., 1947, 03/15/2012

Emory Epsilon The Honorable Thomas R. Bryan Jr., 1956, 01/09/2008 Rev. Samuel T. Cobb, 1947, 11/18/2003

Georgia Southern Delta Theta John Thomas Lunsford , 2000, 04/30/2012 Hampden-Sydney Alpha Tau Dr. Edwin Booth Vaden, 1939, 12/07/2010 John Hopkins Alpha Lambda Edwin B. Lehnert, 1942, 11/06/2006 Richard Lee Morgan, 1951, 04/15/2012 Kentucky Theta Richard Lawrence Hurst, 1955, 07/31/2011 Louisiana State Alpha Gamma John Walton Barton, 1938, 03/03/2012 Carl Davis Bonner, 1948, 01/10/2012 COL Frank M. Pender, 1942, 12/05/2009 Louisville Beta Omicron Wallace Cavan Westenberger, 1942, 12/12/2009 Marshall Beta Upsilon George Thomas Buskirk, 1947, 09/22/1999

Oklahoma State Beta Xi Thomas Russell Chapman , 1964, 06/26/2011

Tulane Psi Edward Frank Stauss Jr., 1932, 04/12/2012

Presbyterian Beta Pi COL Augustin “Gus” Hansell Watt, 1948, 01/25/2011

Tulsa Mu Carl Mark Travillion, 1956, 04/12/2012

Maryland Beta Kappa Charles “Chuck” Lorenz Burton, 1943, 03/12/2007 Dr. Thomas E. Florestano, 1953, 03/31/2012

Randolph-Macon Zeta Douglass O. Hill, 1941, 08/23/2010

George Washington Alpha Nu John Virgil Duley, 1942, 02/05/2012 Frank Hunter “Hank “ Strickler, 1939, 03/29/2012

Mercer Kappa Richard Francis Reid, 1951, 10/29/2011 William Luther Paris, 1945, 07/17/2010 Dr. William Emmett Pound , 1940, 04/18/2012 Middle Tennessee State Delta Lambda Ronald Craig Vannatta , 1971, 02/04/2012 Millsaps Alpha Mu James Dudley Galloway, 1941, 09/24/2002 Mississippi Alpha Upsilon John A. Croom, 1930, 04/15/2004 Mississippi State Beta Tau Charles “Charlie” Jordan Nunnery, 2004, 08/05/2007 Robert Penn Taylor, 1938, 11/14/2009 Peter L. Virden, 1957, 12/05/2006 Missouri Alpha Kappa Theodore Patten Blank , 1948, 01/13/2012 Charles M. “Chuck” Williams, 1947, 06/19/2011 Missouri State Gamma Beta Thomas William Taylor , 1966, 11/18/2011 New Mexico Beta Phi Quentine R. Kielich, 1944, 08/21/2001 North Carolina State Alpha Omega Charles Lamb Gilliam , 1941, 11/27/2011 Ed Leigh McMillan II, 1961, 03/29/2012 James Harrison Whitner III, 1952, 02/26/2007 John Graves Vann Jr., 1941, 03/21/2010 Northwestern State , Gamma Psi Richard Matthew Bison , 2001, 02/14/2012 Michael Patrick Daly, 1973, 04/16/2012

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Roanoke Beta Rho Dr. Thomas Edward Butt, 1955, 12/05/2011 South Carolina Rho Jack Smyster Folline, 1955, 03/23/2012 Stuart C. Hope, 1950, 01/29/2012 Southern California Beta Sigma The Honorable Volney V. Brown Jr., 1947, 02/22/2008 Walter C. Eichenhofer, 1940, 01/14/2012 Carl J. Fesmire, 1945, 04/11/2008 William B. Middleton , 1942, 06/15/2010 Edward Paul “Ned” Reilly, 1942, 02/05/2012 Southern Methodist Beta Lambda Frank P. Carvey Jr., 1940, 01/02/2012 Gordon William Smith , 1937, 03/04/2010 Stanford Alpha Phi Philip Norman Hughes, 1954, 12/06/2011 George Rylands Moore, 1942, 10/11/2011 Tennessee Pi Grady Turner Smith, 1960, 03/05/2012 Texas A&M Epsilon Delta Oscar “Oscie” Barnard Nelson, 1993, 01/09/2012 Texas Omicron Bert A. Huff, 1948, 12/13/2009 Thomas Adickes Gose, 1946, 01/12/2010 Harold Lee Shappell, 1943, 06/06/2011 John Bruce Steward, 1941, 03/21/2009 Robert Jenkins Wynne, 1935, 12/19/2007 Texas–Arlingtion Delta Iota Ellis Meade Harnist, 1982, 03/08/2012

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North Carolina Upsilon Keith Morehouse Van Kirk, 1936, 08/09/2005 Univ. of the South Alpha Alpha Alvan S. Arnall, 1957, 02/03/2012 Vanderbilt Chi Rev. William Franklin Anderson II, 1942, 11/18/2008 Virginia Lambda Conrad William Kuhlthau III, 1953, 04/16/2012 Virginia Military Institute Beta Commission COL William Howard Dabney, 1960, 02/15/2012 COL Alexander Henderson Morrison 1939, 04/08/2012 COL Harold “Buz” Berlin Snyder, 1982, 02/14/2012 Washington & Lee Alpha Ernest “Buddy” Ramey Eanes Jr., 1951, 05/04/2009 West Texas A&M Gamma Sigma Eddie Allen Meadows, 1972, 04/15/2012 Michael Lewis Smith, 1976, 11/15/2011 West Virginia Wesleyan Beta Chi Thomas B. Dunn, 1962, 04/24/2012 Herbert L. Sharp, 1941, 10/02/2010 Western Carolina Delta Alpha Maurice “Marty” Marv Allen, 1984, 03/31/2012 Clark Dexter “Rick” Wagar, 1968, 03/02/2012 Philip C. Woodruff, 1966, 10/14/2011 Westminster Alpha Eta Robert Martin Sperber, 1937, 03/06/2012 Wofford Delta Robert Dennis Jennings, 1953, 10/19/2011

Duke Alpha Phi Deems “Butch” L. Allie, 1957, 03/01/2012 The Honorable Henry “Sandy” A. McKinnon Jr. 1940, 01/10/2011 Dr. Bruce Newell, 1947, 02/19/2012 Dr. Hayes Mac White Jr. , 1940, 06/21/2007

Georgia Tech Alpha Sigma Robert Sydney Burns, 1951, 12/30/2011 Thomas Strong Moss Jr. , 1958, 09/14/2009 Julian L. “Hootie” Wade Jr. , 1951, 02/18/2012

Carroll Franklin Hoffman, 1961, 04/30/2012 Gregory Benny Key, 1968, 03/25/2011 William L. O’Field, 1962, 02/08/2012 LTC Donald Harroll Stallings, 1966, 03/17/2011

Foundation Today

Board of Trustees Elect New Leadership The KAOEF annual Board of Trustees meeting was held in Atlanta, Ga., on April 14th. The following brothers were elected to lead the KAOEF for the coming year.

The Board also welcomed its newest members to the meeting:

Derick S. Close (Alpha Omega – North Carolina State ’78), Charlotte, N.C.

Chairman Barry B. Donnell (Beta Lambda – Southern Methodist ’58), Witchita Falls, Tx.

Malcolm H. Liles (Gamma – Georgia ’71), Nashville, Tenn.

Vice Chairman Todd D. Reaves (Nu – Auburn ’89), Columbus, Ga. Treasurer James R. Estes, Jr. (Alpha Kappa – Missouri ’60), Columbia, Mo.






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The Kappa Alpha Journal

Foundation Today Gifts in memory/honor of a brother or friend of KA are accepted by the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation. Listed are gifts received from January 17, 2012, through May 31, 2012.

Donation In Memory of: Deems L. “Butch” Allie by James M. Leggett Dr. Edwin P. Rather Todd R. Angle by Marcus E. Angle Jr. Clifford A. Atkins by Joan Atkins Berry Danny E. Atkins by Joan Atkins Berry John B. Barnett Jr. by Southwest Alabama Alumni Chapter

Randall Holcomb by Robert B. Glenn Jr.

Ron C. Vannatta by Robert A. Pugh

William K. Downey by Erik T. Showalter

Stuart C. Hope by G. Spruce McCain

Julian L. “Hootie” Wade Jr. by J. Charles Curry Jr. Carroll B. Hart

J. Michael Duncan by Erik T. Showalter

Richard L. Hurst by Palina W. Hurst Dr. Emmett L. Irwin by Paul K. Barsley Robert D. Jennings by William E. Penny W. Baxter Jennings by Jay f. Rutherford Jr. J. Lane Johnston by The Hon. W. Gus Elliott

James R. Estes by Larry S. Wiese

P. D. Walden by Charles C. Phillips Jr

William W. Featheringill by Benjamin W. Satcher Jr.

Gerald R. Wheeler Jr. by India B. Wheeler Gary D. Widmer by Henry L. Van Brederode Webster Williams by William Boyd Reeves

Dr. H. Bennett Kinard III by LT James M. Tallman, MD

Jonathan W. Beniot by Roland B. Major

Donation In Honor of:

John R. Kirkman by William McCausland

Frank Benson by Kenneth E. Strumm

David M. Kirkpatrick by James E. Hardin

Alpha Beta Chapter - University of Alabama by Hugh P. Whitehead

Robert P. Blake by Sidney E. Grisell

Jane L. Kreuter by Adam A. Kreuter

The Honorable C. Howard Bozeman by Larry S. Wiese

Kenneth Earl Little by Larry S. Wiese

Haron L. Brown II by C. Glenn Pierce II Dr. Thomas E. Butt by Herbert H. Butt Thomas R. Chapman by Sam O. Leake Jr. Jay C. Conrad by John D. Peeples Robert E. Cox by John K. Ewing William H. Crisp by CPT Sidney E. Wood Jr. USN (Ret.) John V. Duley by Robert L. Tull L. Ed Dunlavy by The Hon. William M. Acker Jr. Dr. Thomas E. Florestano by John H. Dammeyer W. Julian Foy by John Michael Moore Lucille Gallini by Robert B. Glenn Jr. Clyde H. Garner by Guy S. Kirby III Ryan Martin Ward Grand by Gwen Langley Jay Allen Greenleaf by H. Allen Yokem Dwight L. Hafeli by Dwight T. Hafeli David T. Hagood by LT James M. Tallman, MD Benjamin F. Hamel Jr. by Robert S. Hamel Ellis M. Harnist by Richard A. Block

George F. Hoff by William E. Dreyer Carroll F. Hoffman by John P. Justice Jr. Jesse S. Lyons Jack Michael Miller Larry S. Wiese

Roy H. Manly Jr. by The Honorable William M. Acker Jr. W. T. Goodloe Rutland Dick Medley Thomas W. Miller William J. Meng Jr. by LT James M. Tallman, MD Kenneth R. Mitchell by Larry S. Wiese Hendley V. Napier by Delores W. Leslie Thomas C. Neal by Clyde L. MacGowan Jr. William J. Neely by William E. Watson Charlie J. Nunnery by Richard Edward Mattiace Jr. George Phillips by Phillip R. Herrold John D. Rather IV by Dr. Edwin P. Rather J. Guy Revelle Jr. by Gertrude Revelle Larry F. Robb by Larry S. Wiese Judith A. Roberts by CPT James S. Roberts Thomas M. Sharpe by Donald A. Randall Robert J. Slack by Elizabeth Fox Slack Grady T. Smith by Andrew G. Shockley The Honorable Joe D. Sparks by William Boyd Reeves Alexander P. Steiner by Raymond J. Steiner DDS Calvin P. Stephenson by Fred B. Sheats Jr. James B. Strange by James E. McGinnis Jr. Frank H. Strickler by Robert L. Tull Basil W. Tydings by John W. Simpson

Francis E. Gardiner Jr. by Benjamin W. Satcher Jr. Blake A. Glover by Stuart F. Whetsell

G. Patterson Apperson III by Erik T. Showalter

Anthony M. Graziani by Stuart F. Whetsell

Beattie B. Ashmore by Ben W. Satcher Jr.

David B Hagan by Stuart F. Whetsell

David W. Baker by Erik T. Showalter

Jason Craig Harris by Sam O. Leake Jr.

Beta Lambda Chapter - Southern Methodist University by Shawn M. Fyfe

Austin L. Henderson by Warren Henderson Hendley R. Holleman by Delores W. Leslie

James E. Bethea by Lyn E. Bethea

Rock N. Houstoun by Larry S. Wiese

Raymond B. Bottom Jr. by R. Scott Carr

Jonathan S. Howse Jr. by Stuart F. Whetsell

Dr. James L. Bowers by Erik T. Showalter

Richard Hudson by Larry S. Wiese

Marshall N. Bridges by James C. Bridges

Bernard G. Ille CLU by Charles W. Schmidt

Ethan J. Bush by Erik T. Showalter

Kappa Alpha Order’s Founding Nat H. Copenhaver Jr.

Andrew P. Carr by F. Michael Carr

Dwain P. Knight by Shawn M. Fyfe

R. Craig Cass by Larry S. Wiese

David Kent Landacre by Erik T. Showalter

Erik W. Charles by Robert M. Daniel Jr. Rev. Reynolds S. Cheney II by Benjamin W. Satcher Jr. Jacob A. Clark by Johnny D. Clark

Kenneth A. May by Erik T. Showalter

Derick S. Close by Larry S. Wiese

Joseph C. McDowell Jr. by Larry S. Wiese

G. Woodfin Cole by Robert L. Stewart Jr.

Justin T. McGee by Debbie L. McGee

John E. Crandon III by Robert M. Daniel Jr.

Randolph W. McLaughlin by William T. Green

George T. Cromwell Jr. by Barbara T. Cromwell Christopher W. Conkling by Amy L. Conkling

James E. Davis by Ben W. Satcher Jr. Wade H. Davis by Erik T. Showalter Delta Epsilon Chapter Newberry College by J. Woody Cromwell Barry B. Donnell by Erik T. Showalter Larry S. Wiese

the kappa alpha Journal


Walter R. Lunsford by Jesse S. Lyons Erik T. Showalter Marshall Andrew Martin by John C. Martin

Zach A. Clark by Johnny D. Clark

DFW Golf Tournament by DFW Alumni Chapter

Robert E. Lee’s Birthday by LTC William E. Wray Jr.

Dr. Edmund M. Molnar by The Honorable W. Gus Elliot S. Morgan Morton Jr. by Benjamin W. Satcher Jr. William C. Myers by Thomas W. Myers Adam R. Newell by Matthew T. Roach Matthew D. O’Neal by Erik T. Showalter Robert Stuart Pendley by Dr. Robert A. Pendley Spencer J. Pendley by Dr. Robert A. Pendley

summer 2012

C. Yates Pharr by Stuart F. Whetsell Dr. Robert L. Piper by James M. Groves Robert M. Pittenger by Erik T. Showalter Larry S. Wiese Jason L. Potts by Nicholas S. Palmer Eric William Ramirez by Georgina M. Sanz Todd D. Reaves by Larry S. Wiese Jerry J. Richardson by Ben W. Satcher Jr. Larry S. Wiese Bradley Thomas Rhodes by Shari Rhodes Riley M. Rustad by Marcy L. Rustad J. Pat Samter by Larry S. Wiese Dr. James Michael Schmuck by Stuart F. Whetsell Kirk Ward Showalter by J. Carlton Showalter Robert Lynn Smith by Mary Loch Smith W. Reed Sprinkel by Erik T. Showalter Robert W. Temple by Erik T. Showalter Matthew Pharis Tessier by Sidney B. Huston William H. Walker by Stuart F. Whetsell David M. & Keena Warren by G. Patterson Apperson III Donna S. Bartley Ava J. Bass Larry C. Clark Patsy E. Daniels William E. Dreyer J. Michael Duncan Patricia Ducharme Dina A. Dudley Edward J. Gehrke II David B. Hagan Chris L. Hudson Jesse S. Lyons Kathryn N. Koonce Ben W. Satcher Jr. J. William Schulz Erik T. Showalter Trawick H. Stubbs Jr. J. R. Ward Patricia B. Weeks Stuart F. Whetsell Larry S. Wiese Theodore L. Weise by Ben W. Satcher Jr. Stuart F. Whetsell by Erik T. Showalter Eddie S. Wilson by Ben W. Satcher Jr. Chris M. Woods by Erik T. Showalter

Joseph G. Heyck Jr. by Harry T. Snead

John T. Lunsford by T. Draper Watson

Kyle R. Fleischmann by Robert S. Pollock Gamma Chi Chapter - Texas Tech University by Charles C. Chesser

John W. Barton by Fred J. Grace III

John T. Bright by Andrew G. Shockley

Bensley H.L. Field by Larry S. Wiese

Curtis S. Perzinski by Erik T. Showalter Stuart F. Whetsell


Ashes From the

Psi Chapter rises again

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by William Sabo (Psi–Tulane ’80)

The Kappa Alpha Journal


A Category 5 hurricane, devastating fire, threat of rezoning and the seemingly impossible task of rebuilding a150-year-old wood frame house to today’s modern codes and costs couldn’t keep Psi Chapter down.

Challenges started in August of 2005 when Hurricane Katrina crippled New Orleans. Tulane closed for the entire fall term with its students scattered to schools throughout the south. The vacant KA house was damaged by the storm but repairs were made for the active chapter of about 55 men who returned in the spring of 2006. Then, on New Year’s Eve of that same year, a fire tore through the house, which was closed for winter break. The cause was electrical and no one was hurt but the house was a total loss. Then the real problem arrived: 150 years of the wear and tear had taken its toll on the house and insurance companies would only insure it for $236,000, what they said was the actual value of the structure. However, the cost to rebuild in today’s market would come

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Above: Photos of the damage caused to the Tulane chapter house after suffering a tragic fire on New Year's Eve 2006

The historic KA House at Tulane University, built the year the Civil War ended in 1865, suffered a tragic fire on New Year’s Eve 2006. Five years of setbacks and $900,000 later, it reopened in April to a celebration that brought alumni from across the country. With mixed emotions graduating seniors enjoyed the first and last major function they would attend in their own fraternity house during their entire time at Tulane. “This was the first time I’ve had a house since I pledged four years ago,” one senior remarked during the celebration. Chartered in 1882, Psi is the longest continuously operating chapter in he Order but there is still a long road ahead and a great deal of help needed to ensure this historic chapter continues to call 1036 Audubon Street its home for another 130 years.


KA crowd sourced initiative Psi Chapter and NOKAA have overcome insurmountable odds to get this far, but now they could use a helping hand. NOKAA is in a race to pay off its loan to Regions Bank that went to great lengths to help the chapter. They need to raise $900,000, at which point title to the house will be returned. Among many other funding ideas, Psi Chapter is asking for help from KA brothers throughout the country through an innovative funding strategy called Crowd Sourced Funding. The chapter’s web site has an easy PayPal option for anyone wishing to help. “The Crowd Sourced concept is to ask for a nominal amount of money from a large number of people, and to give them something in return,” Fitzpatrick said. “With the National Administrative Office’s help we hope to ask our KA brothers from all chapters throughout the country to donate a small amount. For decades the Psi Chapter has been the host to thousands of travelling brothers from across the country who ventured to New Orleans. Our house was their house. Any help a fellow KA could give us would be greatly appreciated,” Fitzpatrick said. Every donation will get something, from a token of appreciation to overnight stays in the mansion to a lifetime membership to all Psi Chapter amazing alumni events. For more information go to:

to $900,000. Alumni acted quickly, raising $200,000 in donations. But that money and the insurance funds were needed to clean up after the fire, shore up the ruins of the old house, begin the primary construction and pay off an outstanding loan for (ironically) fire suppression upgrades mandated by the university in 2005. “All of our insurance funds and fundraising efforts brought us about a third of the way there,” said Brian Fitzpatrick (Psi – Tulane ’80) who oversaw the project with the help of structural engineer Bill Sewell (Psi – Tulane ’56), Architect John Williams (Psi – Tulane ‘67), and Attorney Frazer Rankin (Psi – Tulane ‘67). With insufficient funds to start rebuilding, the house was shuttered. Then the City of New Orleans notified Psi Chapter of its intent to revoke the grandfathered zoning, which would prevent the property from being used as a fraternity house. “It was a perfect storm,” Fitzpatrick said. Brother Fitzpatrick and the rest of the Board of NOKAA, Inc., (the non-profit alumni corporation that has owned the house since 1938) finally turned to the Order’s Fraternity Housing Corporation (FHC) for help. After nearly a year of legal work the title was transferred to FHC, which became the principal borrower of the funds. The zoning issue was resolved and construction began May 11, 2011. The NOKAA and

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alumni would like to thank the Fraternity Housing Corporation and the National Administrative Office for all their assistance. Finally, on April 28, 2012 the house was re-dedicated in grand Kappa Alpha Order style and filled with actives and alumni, music and toasts, brotherhood and the spirit of Robert E. Lee. Five years of struggle, $900,000 of debt. Was it worth it? “Knights, Gentlemen, Brethren lift high your glasses here tonight…” Top: Psi alumni answering the invitation to celebrate the re-opening of the Tulane chapter house. Above: Like these stairs, Psi intends to climb upward.

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Fastest Human Ever

Frank Wykoff Breaks World Century in :09.4 This Journal edition features the accounts of a select few KAs who are in the quest of reaching “the top of their game.” Archivist Kent McMichael (Beta Commission – VMI ‘95) found that in 1930, Frank Wycoff (Beta Sigma – Southern California ‘30) accomplished that task. He became the fastest human on the planet.

November, 1930 — The Kappa Alpha Journal Move over—and make room for Frank

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Traveling faster than any human being has galloped 100 yards before, Wykoff eclipsed the world record for the century to thrill a crowd of 12,000.

Wykoff, Beta Sigma, another champion, smiling twenty-year-old youngster of the University of Southern California. Traveling faster than any human being has galloped 100 yards before, Wykoff eclipsed the world record for the century to thrill a crowd of 12,000 when he won the event in the national collegiate track and field championships on Staff Field, Chicago, in :09.4. Wykoff established his remarkable record without the use of starting blocks, wiping out the existing mark of :09.5, held by Eddie Tolan, the University of Michigan’s great sprinter. The youth from the Pacific Coast, with his boyish face and wavy blond hair, not only eclipsed the record, but also defeated George Simpson, the Buckeye Bullet from Ohio State University, who, a year ago, raced to victory in :09.4, but whose world record performance was rejected by the International Amateur Athletic Federation because he made it with starting blocks. Wykoff ’s sensational victory was instrumental in helping Southern California carry off the team championship, making the Trojans track and field champions of the entire nation. The Trojans, previous winners of the eastern intercollegiate and Pacific Coastal titles, annexed 57 27-70 points, with Washington, finishing second with 40, giving the Pacific Coast runner-up laurels, too. Iowa was third with 30 1-7, with Ohio State fourth, with 29 1-10 and Stanford

fifth with 28. Forty-three teams broke into the scoring in one of the most spectacular meets ever held in the country. Besides Wykoff ’s world record, another world mark was tied; six records for the meet were smashed and another meet record was equaled. Only six of the fifteen records established in eight pervious N.C.A.A. meets survived the day’s assaults, and most of them just by bare fractions. Wykoff ’s achievement in cracking the world mark for the century was a thriller. He was away winging, first out of his holes, and led every foot of the race, with Simpson snapping at his heels after the first thirty yards. With a mighty drive at the tape, Wykoffs’s chest broke the white string a full eighteen inches ahead of Simpson. The Buckeye flier, defeated for the first time outdoors this year, made one of the worst starts of his career and was last of the eight sprinters off his mark. He overhauled them all except Wykoff who ran on to victory with the speed of a frightened deer. Simpson, disappointed in defeat, offered no alibis and blamed only himself for what he regarded as an inexcusably poor start.

Our Legacy

Legacy shares Cardinal’s history and his KA story on my tour of Busch Stadium by Michael Wilson (Alpha Theta – Transylvania ’00)

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The Kappa Alpha Journal

Our Legacy

Since the age of four I have been an avid fan of the game

the kappa alpha Journal

League Baseball to get tickets from away games. The tickets, which are framed together in order, are from every game from the time the team was 10.5 games back until their final victory and championship. His tour of the stadium included the various levels and suites, the press room, the locker room, the dugout and a brief introduction to the new skipper Mike Matheny (not always part of the tour). The only thing I wasn’t able to do was go out on the mound, to which he said “they get pretty upset when we let people on the field.” As a former pitcher myself, I understood. We being both former college players and fans of baseball we spent the time sharing stories of our lifelong love for the game and the Redbirds. Recently Rob’s wife gave birth to their first child Luke Charles. We joked that if the Cardinals are going to win the World Series every year we have children (my first daughter was also born last year) then we might have a lot more than we planned. In hopes that Rob’s son Luke will continue the family’s KA legacy I have already sent him a member-awaiting-initiation pin. Opposite Page: KA father and son, Alan and Rob Fasoldt. Rob is now the Director of Ticket sales with the Cardinals. His first year at Westminster, he almost didn't join KA. Above left: Alan and Rob in Rob's office. Above right: Rob's very own World Series Championship Ring.


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of baseball, more importantly I have been a St. Louis Cardinals fan. When I learned of a brother working in the Cardinal’s organization, I was more than excited. While attending a recent conference in St. Louis, I took the opportunity to explore Busch Stadium, courtesy of KA alumnus, Rob Fasoldt (Alpha Eta – Westminster ’96). We discussed his careers, both professional and fraternal. Rob is currently the Director of Ticket Sales and Services for the St. Louis Cardinals. His career in sports began after college when he interned for the Memphis Redbirds, the Cardinals AAA affiliate. From there he went to Richmond and joined the staff of the Richmond Braves. His next stop was working for the Dover International Speedway (NASCAR). He returned to St. Louis to work for the Blues prior to moving down the street to what he described as a dream come true. “Not many people get to work for the team they grew up cheering for.” As a member of the Cardinal’s staff he received his own 2011 championship ring. Rob took me to his office where we chatted about KA. Rob is a legacy; he is the son of Alan Fasoldt (Alpha Eta – Westminster ’63). His KA journey almost ended before it began. In an effort to make his own decisions in college, Rob joined another fraternity his freshman year at Westminster. It wasn’t until the week before that initiation that the men from KA were able to convince him to reconsider and join the Alpha Eta Chapter. As he described it, “my Dad had a few choice words with the chapter to help them see the mistake they were making.” Rob spent the next year pledging and was initiated as a sophomore. He told me the story of living in the same room as his dad and peeling back the paint to see things left by his father some thirty plus years ago. In his office hangs a unique piece of memorabilia. Following the World Series he reached out to counter parts across Major

March 4 Barry By Darren Pierce (Delta Psi – Appalachian State '97) “Surround yourself with wonderful people and wonderful

things will happen to you,” says Barry Williams, an assistant high school football coach and physical education teacher in North Carolina for the past 12 years. If ever there were words that summed up the KA experience, they are these. In April of 2010 Barry Williams (Delta Psi – Appalachian State ’97) was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. This was the second time cancer attacked Barry, and for a second time he beat this horrible disease. Unfortunately, cancer returned to Barry’s body for a third time in lymph nodes in his abdomen in July of 2011. After several rounds of treatment the cancer metastasized to his liver, and doctors became very pessimistic about the opportunity for Barry to 3-peat a victory over this horrible disease. The mean prognosis for someone with this severe of cancer was around one year, but doctors agreed, Barry was not a normal patient. They wouldn’t issue Barry a prognosis because of his strength and past experience beating the odds. Doctors believed there was an outside chance he could shock them again. But, the chips were stacked against Barry this time, and as many of you already know, we began praying for a miracle. On a ‘Hail Mary’ play, doctors decided to use a treatment known as RFA to treat the cancer in Barry’s liver. Barry received the treatment well. Barry, his wife Heather and his mother, then

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traveled to Houston for alternative treatment from a clinic known for having positive results in patient similar to Barry. And then a miracle – the doctors in Houston reported that the RFA treatment was successful and there was no evidence of cancer in Barry’s Liver. They felt confident in their ability to treat the presence of cancer in his abdomen. This strength of one man and his family is story enough to instill a sense of courage in any KA brother. However, the two-year war Barry and Heather waged against cancer had taken a financial toll on the Williams family. Medical bills racked up to near unimaginable proportion, and more treatment from Houston doctors was not going to be covered by insurance. That’s when the alumni from Barry’s chapter got moving. Over 15 years had passed since their initiation, but these brothers’ bonds were still strong. They and friends rallied and organized a two-day fundraising event entitled “March 4 Barry”. March 4 Barry was held in Wilkesboro, N.C. on the weekend of March 4th. The goal was set: to raise $30,000 to cover a significant portion of the medical bills already incurred and hopefully help with funding future treatments. The cause was promoted on Facebook, Twitter, online, and in the local press. “I had to twist Barry’s arm to let us have this fundraiser. He is just so humble and always thinks of helping others and giving back to the community,” said Darren Pierce (Delta Psi – Appalachian State ‘97), the founder of March 4 Barry. “Barry is surprised that so many people have contributed already… but he deserves this. He is an amazing person.” Brothers and friends in the area were asked to purchase a wristband from for only $25. Corporate and local sponsors were sought and confirmed. The March 4 Barry weekend was kicked off with a major concert event by a former high school baseball teammate of Barry’s. The primary event was a one-mile march (walk) on the morning of March 4th and included many more exciting events to support the cause. March 4 Barry, and all the efforts around it, became a complete success. $36,000 was raised for the Williams. Barry’s high school friend Bill Shell (Delta Psi – Appalachian State ‘97) even organized a supporting golf tournament, aptly named March FORE Barry that raised over $8,000 on May 11th. The alumni are considering making the golf tournament an annual event. Kappa Alpha Order has her fair share of brothers like Barry who face adversity and stare it down with intensity. Luckily, the Order is also blessed with thousands more who stand in awe of the strength of their brothers and rally to support them. The alumni from Appalachian State are fine examples of not only brotherhood, but KA’s enduring values of generosity, service for others, and honor. Clockwise: Brother Williams sits with his mother (left) and his wife (right) before the Walk 4 Barry event held at his highschool. Several alumni brothers helped organize the event which raised $36,000 for Williams while the golf tournament raised an additional $8,000. Current members of Williams’ high school marching band participated in the Walk 4 Barry.


The Kappa Alpha Journal

Rope Chain, 18”, #013R 10K...$135 GF...$25 SS...$22

Coat of Arms Cufflinks, #2579 10K...$444 GF...$78

Official Initiate Badge, #150 10K...$90

Encircled Cross Cufflinks, #2584 10K...$444 GF...$78

Medium Pearl Badge, #156 10K...$178

Oval Cufflinks, #3160 GF...$78

Medium Alternating Pearl and Garnet Badge, #203 10K...$178 Snake Chain, 18”, #snake 14K...$435 GF...$28 SS...$18

Medium Pearl with Garnet Points Badge, #205 10K...$178

Lavaliere, #L2647 10K...$52 SS...$25 (Chain sold separately.)

Large Plain Badge, #287 10K...$119

Plain Sweetheart Pin, #130 10K...$49

Pearl Sweetheart Pin, #080 10K...$119

Large Alternating Pearl and Garnet Badge, #288 10K...$200

Badge Shape Pendant, #2606 10K...$89 (Chain sold separately.)

Heritage Signet Ring, #4000 14K...$584 10K...$398 Silvertone...$198

Official Ring, #3091 14K...$598 10K...$455 Silvertone...$198

Official Jeweler to Kappa Alpha Order

Classic Ring, #3252 14K...$624 10K...$366 Silvertone...$188

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Brotherhood Ring, #287 10K...$219 SS...$84

K–karat gold, SS–sterling silver, GF–gold-filled, SP–silver-plated, Silvertone –25% palladium with jewelers alloy. the kappa alpha Journal 993

summer 2012

Badge Replica Ring, #3497 14K...$698 10K...$448 Silvertone...$228

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