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Excelsior Napa

The 1865 Wine Club

Exclusively for KA alumni, this is a unique opportunity to support Kappa Alpha Order and the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation. Your 1865 Wine Club Membership and purchases directly support critical leadership education, scholarships, and internships. KAs who join the 1865 Wine Club will receive two shipments per year (six bottles each) of handcrafted Napa Valley wines made exclusively for the Order. There is no long-term commitment.

For additional questions, and to sign up, check out www.ExcelsiorNapa.com

The inaugural shipment has commenced but you may still join to receive the second shipment for 2021!


2020 Alumni Directory

Did you miss your chance to purchase the 2020 Alumni Directory? Well don’t wait; now as it is available upon calling the National Administrative Office. Complete with color introduction with an engaging design, this tome includes the names and information for every KA ever initiated. Each chapter subhead also includes founding information and founders. Get your copy today!

$100 | Call 540-463-1865 and speak with Erika Brooke.

&Character achieve- ment These men of good report are to be commended—they have been leaders of their chapters and members, addressed very serious situations on a variety of fronts, and held their own as bold leaders of men. From risk management to reputation management and several stops in between, these mature brothers stepped up to the mantle of leader in every sense of the term. Some implemented groundbreaking diversity and inclusion education; some held their members accountable to the point of removal, and others saw high achievements during a pandemic. Much has been said about who we should look to for inspiration and who we should honor. Here we honor the future of the Order, because indeed it belongs to them. Stirring stories of a high tone of thought and action from today’s KA undergraduate leaders—these are the inaugural recipients of the Knight Commander’s Commendation.


Taylor Anderson

(Alpha Upsilon–Mississippi ‘16)



` Led the chapter through one of the most significant media events in recent history ` Held members in question accountable and coordinated with all parties to maintain relationships and image ` Represented KA and Alpha Upsilon

Chapter exceptionally well through a very difficult time for the chapter ` Worked closely with his advisors, the National Administrative

Office (NAO), and University administration to lead Diversity,

Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) educational efforts for the chapter

What do your future plans hold?

I recently graduated with a master’s degree, but I’m still uncertain. The KA alumni base has already been beneficial and opened the door to more opportunities that my specific undergraduate degree did not provide.

How do you see yourself being involved as an alumnus?

I hope to continue staying involved with KA and my chapter at Ole Miss by donating and advising in any way that I can.

Were there substantive skills that KA provided to you?

KA provided me with many things: experience, relationships, and training. My time as president was the most influential time in my life. I experienced new challenges on a daily basis that have prepared me for my future better than anything else I could hope for, and those are something I will always remember and never regret.


“Taylor was one of the most mature and levelheaded leaders I have ever encountered. He navigated the chapter through a very difficult situation and used it as an opportunity to begin conversation on how we can be a more inclusive community. His calm and steady leadership style was instrumental to the success of the chapter during his term.

"Both Taylor and Holman (see pg. 20) represent the best of fraternity life here at The University of Mississippi. It was an honor to be able to work closely with them and see their tremendous growth as men. I am so happy they are being awarded the Knight Commander’s Commendation because their dedication to Alpha Upsilon and Kappa Alpha Order as a whole is truly unmatched.” — Arthur E. Doctor,

Jr., Ed.D., Director of Fraternity &

Sorority Life at the University of


Stephen East

(Beta Tau–Mississippi State ‘16)



 Successfully led chapter through rebuilding phase  Drastically improved relationship with the

National Administrative Office, volunteer leadership, and university administration  Led the chapter to increase its recruitment numbers by more than 40%  Led the chapter to raise $20,000 for the Independence Fund, donating a track chair to a severely wounded veteran

Was there one substantive thing that KA provided to you? What do your future plans hold?

The most substantive thing that KA provided me with was training for the real world. As I took on leadership was training for the real world. As I took on leadership roles that KA offered such as recruitment chairman and president, my progression as a leader improved and president, my progression as a leader improved at an extremely rapid pace. I realized that running my at an extremely rapid pace. I realized that running my chapter was similar to running a business–managing chapter was similar to running a business–managing a group of 100+ individuals that come from all different backgrounds, being challenged with the task of communicating effectively with all of those individuals, managing the fi nances of the chapter, planning large events, recruiting new members year after year, communicating with entities outside of the chapter, and most of all remembering the overall goal of ensuring the everlasting prosperity of my chapter for years after my active membership. Being able to see the resemblance of running a chapter to running a business helped me excel during my time in KA, always trying to understand where things went wrong and how I can mitigate those issues in the future. My skills in communication, leadership, networking, organization, work ethic all increased tenfold during my time in KA, and I have never lost my curiosity to learn. The training the KA gave me will be invaluable as I move forward in life and enter the business world. As I move forward in life and complete my Master of Professional Accountancy at Mississippi State University, I will begin work as an Audit Associate for KPMG in their Memphis, Tennessee, offi ce. KA has

"The most substantive thing that KA provided me with was training for the real world ... managing a group of 100+ individuals that come from all different backgrounds."

been extremely helpful to me on this career path as I believe the vast majority of my experiences gave me an advantage during job interviews. I had countless situations where I could explain how I worked with a group to complete a task or how I overcame adversity and saw my goals through to the end. Not only that, but I also learned how to build a network and work with many different types of people, which will certainly be helpful in the real world. At the 2019 Convention in New Orleans, I even had the opportunity to network with successful KA alumni who work in various industries, thus furthering my network and learning more about possible career paths in my future.


“Stephen did a great job managing the chapter through the ups and downs of his term. Stephen was always levelheaded when addressing high stress situations. He advocated for his members appropriately in various instances during his term. He was able to challenge ideas and ways of doing things to help move the chapter forward as well the Fraternity & Sorority Community at Mississippi State.” — John Michael VanHorn, Assistant Director, Fraternity & Sorority Life at Mississippi State

Carson Palmer

(Alpha Beta–Alabama ‘16)



 Traveled to all national organization’s headquarters with his IFC Executive Board and Dean of Students to establish better working relationships  Hosted a summit on campus for all national organization leadership to engage with university administration, chapter presidents, and

IFC Executive Board

Palmer hosted a summit on campus ... to engage with university administration, chapter presidents and IFC Executive Board

"One thing the past few years have taught me is how hard it can be to understand the meaning of a decision."

Bo Baker

(Tau–Wake Forrest ‘18)



 Successfully led chapter through rebuilding phase, in recruitment, finances, and more, following

Alumni Receivership, a membership review, and extensive conduct sanction from the University

What is one thing you’ve learned in KA?

One thing the past few years have taught me is how hard it can be to understand the meaning of a decision. Whether they determine what you have for lunch or where you go to college, decisions are as inevitable as they are plenty. But what makes some weigh more than others? For me, the big ones are those with enough meaning to seep into even the smallest decisions that follow. Joining KA stands out as one of those moments, and my experience since has been fi lled with realizing its impact on the most unassuming corners of life. But most of all, the greatest value of my KA experience has come from sharing its meaning with close friends.

Thomas J. “TJ” Price

(Zeta Nu–North Florida ’19)



 Successfully led the chapter through several risk management/ conduct issues, and communicated very well with the NAO through the entire process  Worked diligently to improve relationship with the University administration

Brent Glasgow

(Beta Pi–Presbyterian ‘17)



 Pioneered model relationship between

Director of Community Engagement Marlon

Gibson and Active Chapter leadership  Worked to repair damaged reputation and relationships with a diverse campus community  With Gibson’s assistance, recruited the Chief Diversity Officer to serve as the chapter’s faculty advisor and vocal advocate

What does your KA experience mean to you?

The Order has also helped me to build on my morals through our values and continuously strive to be better than I was the day before.

How has KA bene ted you?

Next year I will be attending the University of South Carolina School of Law. While I decided to go to law school on my own and with the help of my brother, mother, and grandfather, KA provided me with so many opportunities to build my resume during undergrad. I was able to intern on S.C. Governor Henry McMaster’s (Rho–South Carolina ’67) campaign, in the South Carolina State House after his election, and in Washington D.C. All of this provided me with great experiences that will last me a lifetime.

What was your favorite experience?

I think my favorite KA activity that I got to be a part of was the annual Beta Pi MDA Clay Shoot. This is always a great time because we got to help out such an incredible cause while hanging out with Beta Pi alumni and faculty, staff, and students from Presbyterian College.


“Brent has been a focused, determined, and optimistic leader over the last year. He maintained these qualities in the most dif cult of circumstances and he strove to develop new campus relationships between Beta Pi and other organizations on campus. His leadership presence and experience will be missed and a loss to the chapter, but his legacy will continue.”

– Daniel Adams, Director of Student

Programs at Presbyterian College

Pioneered model relationship between Director of Community Engagement Marlon Gibson and Active Chapter leadership

Holman Buchanan

(Alpha Upsilon–Mississippi ‘17)



 Recognized as an exceptional, mature leader and representative of the

Order by all who have worked with him including Director of Community

Engagement Marlon Gibson, the

Alumnus Advisor, Greek Advisor, and other national staff  Led the chapter to take their largest new member class in several years this past fall during a pandemic


“Holman was a leader who was admired by his peers and respected by administrators across campus. Leading a chapter of over 200 men is already a dif cult task but coupled with a pandemic would’ve have broken most leaders. Holman stepped up to ensure that members of Alpha Upsilon remained connected to the brotherhood of Kappa Alpha Order. His optimistic attitude was a driving factor behind why the chapter was able to navigate COVID-19 so smoothly.” — Arthur E. Doctor, Jr., Ed.D.,

Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life at the University of Mississippi

Zach Wollermann

(Gamma Eta–Florida State ‘19)



 Recognized as an exceptional leader by all who have worked with him  Led the chapter to rebuild damaged alumni relations  Proactively made improvements to the house  Enforced internal accountability measures within the chapter

What does your KA experience mean to you?

I would not trade my experience in KA for anything. Having had the opportunity to serve as Number I, along with serving as the National Undergraduate Vice Chairman on the Executive Council, KA has developed me both personally and professionally since joining my freshman year. I’ve been very fortunate to benefi t from the resources and opportunities Kappa Alpha allocates to their undergraduates, but more importantly, I consider myself even more fortunate to have developed the relationships I have with some of the greatest brothers, leaders, orators, men, and women who work within and for the Order. Through KA, I’ve gained lifelong friends, memories, skill sets ,and a sense of character that will resonate with me in my life forever.


“Zach is one of the sharpest students I’ve had the pleasure to serve and support. As a young chapter president, he quickly developed the skills needed to lead his chapter, but also found ways to in uence our IFC and FSL community through a number of challenges that led to many success stories. Zach is a shining star and mentor to many in our community. I look forward to all he will continue to accomplish personally and professionally.” — Chris Graham, Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life at Florida State

“Zach is one of the sharpest students I’ve had the pleasure to serve and support."

— Chris Graham, Director of

Fraternity and Sorority

Life at Florida State.

Caleb Adams

(Delta Lambda–Middle Tennessee State ‘20)



 Most effective and passionate provisional chapter Number I  Successfully led the chapter to complete their final chartering requirements  Maintained a 4.0 GPA during leadership term  Established excellent relationships and reputation for the new chapter with alumni

What do your future plans hold?

After graduation I will be starting a job in outside sales and am getting married on June 19th. KA has absolutely helped me with my career path. Through some of the experience I gained as Number IV and Number I, I without a doubt feel very prepared to enter the professional world.

What was your favorite KA activity and why?

My favorite KA activity was having the opportunity to have a role in initiation. I know how special it was for me when I became an initiated member of KA, and it was a huge honor to be able to pass that along to those that came after me.

How do you see yourself being involved as an alumnus (donor, volunteer, advisor, etc.?)?

After graduation, I want nothing more than to continue to be involved with KA. I have already reached out to my Alumnus Advisor and plan on being on the AAC for my chapter, as well as hopefully becoming the Alumnus advisor at some point in the future.

Successfully led the chapter to complete their final chartering requirements

Blake Barker

(Epsilon Theta–Western Kentucky ’18)


 Maintained excellent communication and relationship with the National Administrative

Office and volunteer leadership  One of the most proactive, energetic, and effective Number Is during the pandemic  Kept the chapter fully operational and stable through a very difficult time  Maintained excellent recruitment numbers despite the pandemic


“Blake Barker has been an outstanding leader for Kappa Alpha and has taken the chapter to new heights. Chapter membership improved greatly and chapter grades really took an meteoric rise during his presidency and beyond. Blake is one of WKU’s top male leaders, having served as Chapter President, IFC Of cer twice, and now as a WKU Alumni Ambassador.

“Beyond Blake’s vast achievements, he has displayed phenomenal emotional intelligence and the ability to communicate with all types of people. Blake’s rare blend charisma and hard work will take him very far in life. I am proud that he is a Hilltopper and part of the WKU Fraternity system.” — Andrew Rash, Coordinator of Greek Life at Western Kentucky University

Charlie Haug

(Epsilon Nu–Georgia College ‘17)



 Enthusiastic, passionate, proud KA representing the

Order’s brand superbly  Led advocacy for the IFC’s recruitment rights to the

University’s administration from overall restrictive policies  Led the chapter to increase their pledge class by nearly 60% this fall

What does your KA experience mean to you?

My KA experience meant the world to me, the memories and friendships I made in KA are what made college worthwhile to me. I lived with KA brothers every semester I could, I ran for an executive position every year I was a brother, and my experiences as President are 80% of what I spoke about in interviews, and I just got hired by a great company. I have so many reasons to be grateful to KA and Epsilon Nu, they facilitated my development like no other organization I have ever been a part of, and I have friends who will stand beside me when I am getting married too. I truly could not have asked for more out of a fraternity experience.

Tripp Knight

(Gamma Gamma–Memphis ’16)



 National Undergraduate

Chairman (2020)  Former Interfraternity

Council President  Emerging Leaders

Academy Peer Facilitator

What does your KA experience mean to you?

I received opportunities that I would not have had without it. This is coming from someone that has taken every opportunity KA has given me. Having experience from being the National Undergraduate Chairman as well as working experience from the internship in Dallas. You get what you put into KA, I put in a lot and got a lot back from it.

How do you see yourself being involved as an alumnus (donor, volunteer, advisor, etc.)?

I plan on staying as involved as possible. I see myself being a chapter advisor at some point or sitting on a Housing Corp.

Was there one substantive thing that KA provided to you?

Being president of my chapter prepared me for life more than anything. Running a chapter is like running a small company. Learning the different methods of communication based on the individual needs is the biggest. Understanding how to budget and market yourself is something you can even apply to your personal life.

"I received opportunities that I would not have had without it. You get what you put into KA, I put in a lot and got a lot back from it."

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