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Provisional Chapters Established at Missouri and Colorado

Above: Induction Ceremony for the Missouri (Alpha Kappa) Provisional Chapter. Right: New members of the Kappa Alpha Order at the University of Missouri .


of twenty-fi ve men at the University of Missouri were inducted into Kappa Alpha Order as members awaiting initiation. Held on the front lawn of the Chapter House, Councilor James M. Schmuck (Alpha Eta–Westminster ’69) installed the chapter offi cers and led the Induction Ceremony with the assistance of Chiles Province Commander M. Tyler Griffi n (Alpha Delta–William Jewell ’98) and Executive Director Larry Stanton Wiese (Gamma Omega–Midwestern State ’87).

On Thursday, January 28, 2021, a group of seventeen men at the University of Colorado were inducted. A fi rst of its kind, the ceremony was held virtually on Zoom. Neal Province Commander Douglas “Doug” W. Hanisch (Epsilon Tau–Northern Arizona ’98) installed the chapter offi cers and led the Induction Ceremony with the assistance of Assistant Executive Director for Chapter Services Anthony M. Graziani (Zeta Pi–Florida Gulf Coast ’97), Director of Chapter Development Aristeo “Ari” S. Ruiz (Zeta Tau–Austin Peay State ’14), and Associate Director for Chapter Development Steven L. Gros (Delta Xi–McNeese State ’16).

Provisional certifi cates were issued to both Provisional Chapters. Once they have completed their chartering requirements, they will be fully restored as the Alpha Kappa Chapter and the Zeta Alpha Chapter, respectively.

Kappa Alpha Order is currently in the process of establishing or restoring Active Chapters at the following institutions:


Missouri State University (Gamma Beta Chapter)

Murray State University (Delta Nu Chapter)

Purdue University (Epsilon Rho Chapter)

University of Colorado (Zeta Alpha Chapter)

University of Missouri (Alpha Kappa Chapter)

University of North Carolina at Charlotte (Epsilon Xi Chapter)


Indiana State University (Zeta Iota Chapter)

University of Louisville (Beta Omicron Chapter)

University of Southern California (Beta Sigma Chapter)

University of West Florida (Epsilon Sigma Chapter)

Western Carolina University (Delta Alpha Chapter)

News, Notes & Recognition

Sta Updates


Jacob A. Seay (Zeta Omega–Coastal

Carolina ’17) has been named the Director of College and University Relations e ective May 17. He will manage expansion and recolonization strategy, developing opportunities by visiting campuses. Since joining the sta in December 2019, Jacob has served as an associate director for chapter services and development.


Damian C. Doolittle (Zeta Psi–Campbell

’17) departed the sta in April 2021 to pursue new opportunities in North Carolina at Sanford Rose Association - Rhonemus Group. He joined the sta in December 2018 as an associate director for chapter development.

Sinclair B. Kouns III (Gamma Alpha–Louisiana Tech

’14) departed the sta in May to attend law school. Sinclair joined sta in May 2019 as an associate director for chapter services.

Brandon A. Ashlock (Gamma Alpha–Louisiana Tech

‘18) graduated in November 2020, with a bachelor's degree in civil engineering having previously served as a summer intern. He served as the Number IX and as a facilitator for the Emerging Leaders Academy.

Cooper W. Carroll (Delta Kappa–Stephen F. Austin

State ’17) is from Austin, Texas. He graduated in December 2020 with a bachelor’s degree with a double major in history and geography. He served as the Number III for two consecutive terms.

Joseph R. “Joe” Hamner (Delta Phi–Jacksonville

State ’16) graduated in May 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in geography commissioned into the U.S. Army as a Signal O cer. Joseph helped lead fundraising events for his chapter including a bass tournament to raise money for a local young woman with muscular dystrophy.

Luke D. Snyder (Epsilon Rho–

Purdue ’21) is from Bremen, Indiana. He graduated in May 2021 with a degree in Interdisciplinary Agriculture. He served as Number IV ansd was involved on campus with the Agronomy Club.

Jacob T. Woodard (Phi–BirminghamSouthern ’18)

graduated in May 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in business administration. He served as Number I, Number II, IFC representative, and the Province Undergraduate Chairman.

These men join Steven L. Gros (Delta Xi–McNeese ‘16) and Gabriel A. Rodriguez (Alpha Iota–Centenary ‘18) as the associate director team.

Stu Hollandsworth (Alpha Eta–Westminster ’16), Jacob Cox (Zeta–Randolph-Macon ’19), and Winchell Gallardo (Mu–Tulsa ’16) left the sta in December, 2020.

FALL 2020

An Open Letter from the Knight Commander pg. 2

KAJ_Sum20_C1_P5.indd 1 Interview with KAs recovered from COVID-19 pg. 30

Evolution of an Organization pg. 10

Marlon Gibson leads on Race and Grace in KA pg. 68

9/22/20 3:08 PM

2021 FCA Awards and Leadership

The 2021 Annual Conference of the Fraternity Communications Association (FCA) was held virtually. Kappa Alpha Order was recognized with two major awards for The Kappa Alpha Journal:

 3RD PLACE, FEATURE STORY DESIGN: Rejoice, O young man in thy youth!



The Kappa Alpha Journal—

Second-best magazine in the Greek community.

This Yoder award is given for overall excellence of a total publication as demonstrated in a magazine, newsletter, or tabloid. Every issue published within the judging timeframe of the 2020 calendar year must be submitted. All magazines will be judged, from cover to cover, on writing, design, readability, and relevance of the publication to its intended audience.

This year, FCA received more than 750 entries in four main categories for 34 separate awards. FCA has 71 member organizations including national fraternities and sororities as well as leadership and honor societies. The Association provides outstanding networking, educational, and recognition opportunities for its members.


Brent E. Buswell (Beta

Eta–Oklahoma ’08), Director of Communications, was elected to his rst term on the FCA Board of Directors as Director of Finance.

Also, Jesse Lyons (Delta

Alpha–Western Carolina

’98), Assistant Executive Director for Advancement and Editor, rejoined the FCA Board as Past President in advance of the organization’s centennial celebration in 2023. Jesse previously served on the Board including a two-year term as President.

KAOEF recognized by the Foundation for Fraternal Excellence

The 2020 Annual Seminar of the Foundation for Fraternal Excellence (FFE), was held virtually August 24-26. During the organization's Awards of Distinction ceremony, the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF) was recognized with two major awards:








Satcher Leads the PAC

The Fraternity and Sorority Political Action Committee (FSPAC) has elected Former Knight Commander Ben W. Satcher Jr. as its President for 2021. Ben is the Executive Vice President for the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation and recently completed a term as President of the Foundation for Fraternal Excellence.

The FSPAC is the largest political action committee focused solely on higher education issues. In this age of hyper-partisanship, FSPAC contributes to individuals regardless of political party who believe in the benefits and personal growth opportunities fraternities and sororities offer collegiate men and women. No undergraduate dues are ever contributed to the FSPAC. Ben is the second KA to serve as President of the FSPAC and KA is the first fraternity to have two presidents in FSPAC’s 15-year history.

Chapter Chartering

Delta Lambda–Middle Tennessee State

DATE: November 14, 2020, by Knight Commander Simmons LOCATION: Embassy Suites in Murfreesboro, Tennessee INITIATES: 30 GPA: 3.74 (Spring 2020)


February 14, 1969

Since the provisional chapter was established in December 2018, members have been involved in philanthropy and service within the Murfreesboro community and on campus, including organizations such as the Ronald McDonald House Charity, Long Hollow Summer Camp, and volunteering at other local and religious organizations throughout the last several semesters. The chapter as a whole has participated in school-sponsored activities like the Raiderthon fundraiser, benefiting Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital, and the IFC’s “Movember” initiative. Recently, the chapter paired with the Eta Psi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. to raise funds and gather more than 100 personal care items for those affected by tornados that struck the Nashville area early this year. The members have completed an estimated 300+ hours of service during their time as a provisional chapter.

Members hold officer positions with organizations including their student ambassador program called “Blue Elite Team” and AFROTC. Members are also actively involved in Club Lacrosse and Hockey. Members participate in student worker positions like Certified Flight Instructors for the Aerospace program. Members have volunteered at various local church camps.

Beta Gamma–Charleston

DATE: November 21, 2020, by Knight Commander Simmons LOCATION: Emeline in Charleston, South Carolina. INITIATES: 34 GPA: 3.267 (Spring 2020)


January 15, 1904

Since the provisional chapter was established in April 2019, members have been involved in philanthropy and service within the Charleston community and on campus, including organizations such as the Lowcountry Food Bank Muscular Dystrophy Association and a local children’s hospital throughout the last several semesters. The chapter has participated in school-sponsored activities including IFC Street Sweep and collected jackets for the Veterans Affairs Cold Cloth Drive. In Spring 2020, the chapter participated in the IFC Basketball Tournament Fundraiser, which raised more than $6,000 for the local children’s hospital. The members have completed more than 80 hours of service per man during their time as a provisional chapter.

Members hold officer positions and membership within extra-curricular organizations including Charleston 40 Tour guides, Student Government Association, Honors Engage, Greek Emerging Leaders Program, Impact Scholars, Honors Entrepreneurship Living Learning Community (ELLC), Honors Ambassador, Student Veterans Association, Department of Geology Benthic Acoustic Mapping and Survey Program, Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps, Outdoors Club, and Hillel Jewish Student Union. Members also participate in athletic organizations including the Club Rowing Team, Club Baseball, Club Soccer, and Tennis Club.

2021 National Undergraduate Chairman and Vice-Chairman Elected

The Undergraduate Conference met virtually on January 18, 2021, and elected the following officers for a one-year term.

NATIONAL UNDERGRADUATE CHAIRMAN Caleb L. Lambert (Epsilon Alpha–South Alabama

’18) A junior from Oxford, Alabama, Caleb is pursuing a marketing management degree from the University of South Alabama. He has served as Number IV, Number II, and is in his second term as Number I. Caleb also serves as an Associate Justice for the South Alabama Student Government Association.

NATIONAL UNDERGRADUATE VICE-CHAIRMAN Zachary K. “Zach” Wollermann (Gamma Eta–Florida State ’19)

A junior from Tallahassee, Florida, Zach is currently pursuing degrees in political science and English lit media and culture (pre-law). He has served as Number I, Number II, and has previously served on the Interfraternity Council. He is currently a member of the expansion committee for fraternities on behalf of the Fraternity and Sorority Life Office.

Executive Council Updates


On September 17, 2020, David

P. Barksdale (Tau–Wake Forest

’83) submitted his resignation as Senior Councilor to Knight Commander C. Douglas Simmons III.

Barksdale served as the Commander of Smith Province from 2006 to 2011. In 2011, he was elected to the Executive Council at the 74th Convention in Phoenix, Arizona. Barksdale was elected in 2019 as Senior Councilor at the 79th Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana. He resigned because of personal and professional obligations. The Executive Council subsequently met by telephonic conference on September 18. During that meeting, the Executive Council elected King

V. Aiken Jr. (Kappa–Mercer ’83)

as Senior Councilor.

King served as the Commander of the John Hardeman Province from 1995 to 1997 and again from 2006 to 2008. In 2008, he was elected by the Advisory Council to the Executive Council, where he has served since.

Saloom joins the KAOEF Board

Dr. Russell J. Saloom (Gamma

Phi–Louisiana ’74) joined the Board of Trustees of the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation. While an Active Member Dr. Saloom served as co-rush chairman for two years, social chairman, new member educator for two years, and started his chapter’s house fund, which led to the construction of a chapter house in the early 1980’s. He graduated from Louisiana State University’s (LSU) School of Medicine and is board-certified in Ophthalmology. He entered private practice in Baton Rouge and specializes in Ophthalmology, with subspecialty interest of Ocular Plastic and Reconstructive surgery. He has been the Ophthalmologist for the LSU Athletic Department for more than 20 years, where he works with the trainers and athletes. He is a member of the White Province Court of Honor and is a member of Forever KA, the Loyal Order, and the Crimson & Gold Society. He resides in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, with his wife Laura Day. They have two children, Elise, a Delta Zeta at LSU and, James, an initiate from Epsilon Kappa Chapter at Southeastern Louisiana, and Former Number I, and boasts several more family members who are initiates.

Aiken’s election created a vacancy in the office of Councilor. Stephen J. LaFollette

(Delta Phi–Jacksonville State

’84), was elected on October 8 to fill the vacancy. As an Active Member LaFollette served as the Number VI and the Number I. He has spent the last 24 years as a volunteer starting first as Alumnus Advisor for Delta Phi, and then as the Commander of the Dunwody Province since 2009. He is a member of the Loyal Order, Military Division, Crimson & Gold Society, and the Dunwody Court of Honor. He is married to his college sweetheart, April, who is a member of Alpha Xi Delta. His daughter, Caroline, is a member of Chi Omega and his son, Caleb, is an initiate from Delta Phi as well. Professionally, Stephen is a financial advisor and the founder of Longleaf Wealth Management Group.

2020 Awards For Chapter Excellence Chapter Excellence


George C. Marshall Award For Chapter Excellence

The highest honor that can be bestowed upon a chapter is the George C. Marshall Award of chapter excellence. This award is presented annually to the top one to three chapters in the Order in recognition for their superior operations and performance.

California–Alpha Xi

• Top GPA of fraternities on campus • 3.729 GPA Fall 2019

• 3.877 GPA Spring 2020 • 13% Growth in Membership • Raised 13,525 including $4,224 for The Oakland African-

American Chamber of Commerce Resiliency Fund and more than $7,000 for The Independence Fund • 894 hours of community service • 76% of Chapter involved in another student organization • Team captains of 4 sport teams • 5 intramural championships


• Top GPA of fraternities on campus • 3.41 GPA Fall 2019

• 3.65 GPA Spring 2020 • Largest fraternity on campus with 79 members • Raised $3,249 to sponsor a child to go to MDA summer camp • 1,069 hours of community service • Held joint blood drive with 115 donors • 100% of Chapter involved in another student organization

Carl Albert Award For Chapter Improvement

The Carl Albert Award for Chapter Improvement is awarded to one to three chapters annually who show advances in their chapter the most year over year. It is named for former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Carl Albert (Beta Eta–Oklahoma ’29).

Campbell–Zeta Psi

Samuel Zenas Ammen Award For Chapter Excellence

The Samuel Zenas Ammen Award for Chapter Excellence is awarded to chapters that are in the top 15-20% in the Order based on the applications received. It is named for Samuel Zenas Ammen, Kappa Alpha Order’s Practical Founder. Ammen committed his time as a member of Kappa Alpha Order to improving, rst the ritual and operations of our very rst chapter at Washington College, and later to the chapters across the nation as he served as Knight Commander for two terms, totaling nine years. Much like our practical founder, the Ammen award-winning chapters exhibit a commitment to excellence. They strive to be the best on campus and in the nation in every aspect of chapter operations.

Academic excellence has been a priority of many Knight Commanders. Through the work of our chapters, and elevated standards from the Executive Council, we continue to see a rising national GPA and successful brothers on campus.

California–Alpha Xi Millsaps–Alpha Mu Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi Presbyterian–Beta Pi South Alabama–Epsilon Alpha Tulsa–Mu

Scholastic Achievement Awards

National Scholarship Trophy

This trophy, located at the national administrative o ce, is awarded to and engraved with the chapter that achieves the highest combined GPA for the year.

Stanford–Alpha Pi

(3.845 GPA) Scholastic Excellence Awards (3.25+)

Awarded to chapters that in one semester, or both, achieve a GPA at or higher than 3.25


Alabama–Alpha Beta (3.530) Auburn–Nu (3.510) Campbell–Zeta Psi (3.352) Charleston–Beta Gamma (3.267) Georgia College–Epsilon Nu (3.274) Houston–Gamma Mu (3.510) Jacksonville State–Delta Phi (3.370) Millsaps–Alpha Mu (3.394) Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon (3.620) Mississippi State–Beta Tau (3.540) Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha (3.689) Presbyterian–Beta Pi (3.250) Southern Illinois–Zeta Sigma (3.273) South Alabama–Epsilon Alpha (3.420) South Carolina–Rho (3.28) Texas Tech–Gamma Chi (3.321) Westminster–Alpha Eta (3.250)

BOTH FALL 2019 & SPRING 2020

California–Alpha Xi (3.957 & 3.877) Centenary–Alpha Iota (3.350 & 3.624) Tulsa–Mu (3.410 & 3.646) William Jewell–Alpha Delta (3.380 & 3.550) William & Mary–Alpha Zeta (3.260 & 3.649)

Semester Academic Achievement Award (3.0–3.24)

Awarded to chapters who in one semester, or both, achieve a GPA between 3.0–3.24

FALL 2019

Alabama–Alpha Beta (3.043) Auburn–Nu (3.043) Charleston–Beta Gamma (3.073) Jacksonville State–Delta Phi (3.080) Millsaps–Alpha Mu (3.088) Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon (3.110) Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha (3.23) Presbyterian–Beta Pi (3.100) South Alabama–Epsilon Alpha (3.000) Westminster–Alpha Eta (3.060) South Carolina–Rho (3.054)


Northern Arizona–Epsilon Tau (3.130) Sam Houston State–Gamma Tau (3.130) Transylvania–Alpha Theta (3.023)

BOTH FALL 2019 & SPRING 2020

Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi (3.03 & 3.130)

Project Outreach Awards

KA is pledged to the pursuit of excellence, and our brothers are committed to the development of themselves and others. With this challenge, we must assume responsibilities in many areas. Chapters across the nation o er their time and resources each year to bene t local and national philanthropies and charities.

Outstanding Dollars Raised for Charity Per Man

Alabama–Alpha Beta ($103.00 per man) California–Alpha Xi ($180.34 per man) Jacksonville State–Delta Phi ($108.00 per man) Millsaps–Alpha Mu ($224.30 per man) Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon ($174.00 per man) Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi ($390.21 per man) Presbyterian–Beta Pi ($228.11 per man) Southern Illinois–Zeta Sigma ($104.00 per man) William Jewell–Alpha Delta ($121.33 per man)

Outstanding Volunteer Service Hours Per Man

Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi (99.2 hours per man)

Knight Commander’s Cup

Awarded to the chapter with the best overall e ort in Operation Crimson Gift, the Order’s blood drive initiative.

Unfortunately, restrictions prevented chapters to host blood drives and no chapter met the threshold for this award in 2020.

Chapter Operations Awards

Chapters are recognized, based on their applications, for a variety of areas of operations.

Excellence in Chapter Finance

These chapters should have submitted all national reports on time, maintained generally a zero balance, maintain great records, utilize the tools of OmegaFi for budgeting and collecting, and maintain a minimum accounts receivable from their membership. California–Alpha Xi Mississippi State–Beta Tau Tulsa–Mu Westminster–Alpha Eta

Excellence in Educational Programming

These chapters schedule speakers and/or workshops, attend opportunities on campus, and lead a comprehensive approach to membership education, which might include Council of Honor, The Crusade, and other areas of leadership and values education. California–Alpha Xi Campbell–Zeta Psi Tulsa–Mu

Outstanding Recruitment & Chapter Growth

These chapters show the coordination of a year-round, values-based approach to recruitment, using chapter accomplishments and involvement to recruit and retain new members. California–Alpha Xi Tulsa–Mu

Outstanding Correspondence

California–Alpha Xi Campbell–Zeta Psi Millsaps–Alpha Mu Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha Presbyterian–Beta Pi South Alabama–Epsilon Alpha Tulsa–Mu William Jewell–Alpha Delta

Outstanding Marketing and Advertising

Alabama–Alpha Beta Campbell–Zeta Psi Centenary–Alpha Iota Millsaps–Alpha Mu Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha Northern Arizona–Epsilon Tau Presbyterian–Beta Pi Sam Houston State–Gamma Tau Transylvania–Alpha Theta Tulsa–Mu William & Mary–Alpha Zeta

Project Outreach Award

California–Alpha Xi Campbell–Zeta Psi Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi Northern Arizona–Epsilon Tau Tulsa–Mu

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