Every organization carries a dream of not-worrying about meeting target-sales numbers without last minute scrambles. The concept of sales automation ingrains this dream. Although an impractical concept, CRM lead automation present features that takes you closer to automating your sales than ever before‌
Here are five features that could take you closer to concept of sales automation.
1. Lead Dashboard Intimation
When the speed of response could decide your prospect interest, CRM integration lets you engage and manages every lead. With CRM-management, you can follow each step of your client progress to eventual conversion.
CRM-process also sets clear protocols for lead management. This involves all leads being processed according to rules of lead management. CRM-Lead management also collects and streamlines leads through a sales funnel, building maximum impact for your collected leads.
2. Optimize and Set Customer Meetings
Client gatherings are a basic piece of obtaining every client. Kapture CRM empowers you to mastermind meeting designs in view of gathering of people hobby and viewpoint. This empowers you to abstain from turning-up in any event arranged to make a buy. This procedure incrementally builds your odds of procurement.
3. Manage Client Data It’s an overwhelming social desire to be remembered; Most of great sales person’s of the past posses an uncanny ability to remember people they have met only once. Rather than depending on complex memory palace techniques, Kapture CRM lets you
automate this complex process. Now you can save audience contact and past conversations to a central database, with provisions to add future conversations.
With storing your complete data on a cloud infrastructure, you can also access and edit data through a cloud interface.
4. Be Fool-Proof with Quotes and Invoices
A casual error or mistake on creating quotes could instantly undermine your chances with customer acquisition. An accurate quotation management can instantly increase your rate of response. CRM invoice creation lets you overcome errors caused due to speed and data-confusion.
This also informs you prospects that you are professional and diligent at your conduct at the first point of contact. It also builds trust on either side of transaction, helping you build strong base for all future transactions.
5. Managing your Sales Activities
As surprising as it comes, lead automation is all about managing your sales and marketing team to form a laser-focused team. And this forms the basic’s for sales
automation. With lead automation processes, you can build the necessary cohesion between different departments.
This enables you to focus and enable smooth-transition of your marketing activities to create sales activities.
With current marketing environment causing increasing lead volume with dwindling actual purchase, lead automation takes you a long-way at identifying and winning over valuable prospects. For understanding, how Kapture CRM improves your business, Contact us @ +91-7899887755 or