Bleard's Sports Retail

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This space is a more open as in which customers can gather around and chat or do some work in an open area. As you can see this area is quite modern and has high comfortability e.g. multiple comfortable seating arrangements, because of this it attracts customers. This space is welcoming to students in college or university. It is quite a vibrant area in which there are many colours apparent. It is quite a wide area which is suitable for small groups which is ideal as larger groups may bother other people around. This space makes me feel relaxed and looks quite welcoming and appealing because it looks like a nice place to chill and get work done. The layout is quite appealing for me, I don’t mind the colours. I think the designer was trying to communicate a nice modern area for people to relax. I think the idea the designer was trying to explore was is a modern space which attract customers, and what would make them stay and come again.

Perspective drawings

This is an interesting place as there are big colourful objects and mini games which typically kids would be interested in going. As you can see there are many interesting features in this space such as a plane, mini games, a tent and a building without a roof. There are many vibrant colours present such as green, orange and blue with makes it inviting and encourages parents with children to come to this place. I think the designer was trying to communicate that the place is laid out with many obstacles all different in different corners in the room therefore this place does not have one feature but many as the children's attention as spaced out not making one place to crowded. I also think the designer was trying to gather information in what attracts children's attention for future projects.

2 perspective views showing left and right views

Elevation drawing

This space is an attractive space which encourage people to go in the store because of their unique stairs, this space tells me that is expensive and lures people in by its aesthetically pleasing object – spiral stairs-. This space is Armani shop NY, the name changes what I think about the space since it states "NY" it proves that it is a one-of-a-kind place and intrigues me making me want to visit however the Armani kind of makes me loses interest as due to it being an expensive brand which is slightly off-putting, the space invites rich people in instead of everyone. The lack of colours shows us that this place targets mature young adults, it is not inviting for children. The size of the space is quite large compared to my other examples as this has 2 floors. In my opinion I like the style and the design of the place and like the spiral stairs however this place doesn’t feel inviting due to the expensive brands due to it being called the Armni shop.

Entrance of store

More detailed elevation of spiral stairs

Perspective views left & right

Detailed spiral stairs showing complex form and structure

Simple elevation of spiral stairs

This is an open space and is a museum which is probably meant for kids to go as usually museums are not for kids. As you can see there is a car and mini shops. The space tells me that it is encouraging children to visit museums. There are many vibrant couloirs which is meant to invite people in. There's a car in the middle which may attract people however if a lot of people go, I feel like the area in the middle where the car is may get too crowded. The space compared to other spaces I've looked at is quite large I think the designer was trying to communicate and make this place welcoming even if it is just a museum trying to appeal this place to a younger generation.

This is a unique gallery; this is a place for people that are interested in mathematics and learning all sorts. In this case the gallery showing a plane instead of showing maths devices used in the past is a little confusing as the plane is one of the main attractions. The colours evident are a very vibrant purple and led lights placed around which give it more welcoming. The space is laid out with its main attraction being the plane held up by pillars, compared to my other places this place is unique by having a plane in the ceiling as that creates an impact when people first walk in and engage them to stay longer in the gallery. Th is space is welcoming, but I feel like the main attraction is the plane whilst everything else isn't as good as the plane. I think the designer wanted to make this place welcoming to people that are interested in maths a show them how far maths has come forward and how important it is in the world.

This is a massive space with multiple layers, it is a museum, you can see paintings on different levels. It's mostly people moving around and enjoying the painting and view. There aren't many couloirs displayed apart from painting you can see there; the space is layered out with every spiral ground new thing are apparent which makes people walk and explore whilst enjoying the art displayed, compared to my previous spaces in which I've researched spaces this is the biggest due to many layers I like this space as a museum as I would be curious to go to other floors a there would be lots of different thing to explore, I like the layout and simple colours displayed. I think the designer was trying to make the place aesthetically pleasing inviting customers in, I think the idea the designer was trying to demonstrate is that simplicity is key and modern building are more inviting.

Incorporated ideas

floor design

Sports pitches combined into 1 football pitch, basketball pitch tennis court and rugby pitch.

Sketchup Spiral stairs entices customers to go in store, visual attraction

Basketball hoop for people to play whilst inside Clothes, footwear for customers to buy product

Plan view to see things from above

Interesting cylinder counter, for Customers to purchase products

Mini football pitch Safety feature so customers don’t fall, also feature for customers spectate people playing basketball

Due to using SketchUp I can see how my product looks like in 3d I can see where are my objects although there are features like a mini football pitch and basketball, footwear shopping and clothes it is not interesting enough it is quite a simple project and in not interesting enough, it may be due to lack of ideas or may be due to computer issues for future projects I need more interesting features in my design.


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