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the W edding experience W h a tt oe xp e c tf o ry o u rwe ddi ngp o r t r a i tp r o c e s s

ngday 1year-6 monthsbeforeyourweddi -pr e-sessi on phoneori n-per son consul t at i on t ogett oknow eachot herand t ot al k aboutpr el i mi nar yweddi ngpl ans. -cl i entsubmi t sweddi ngcont r act& deposi t . Thedat ei s booked! I’ m al lyour s! -Att hi st i meweschedul eyourengagementsessi on.

OneM onth Beforeyourweddi ngday -weddi ngdet ai lphoneori n-per son meet i ngt ogoover i t i ner ar yand t ot al k aboutf i nalweddi ngpl ans. -cl i entsubmi t sweddi ngdayi t i ner ar y,det ai l sand phot ocheckl i st . Anyot herspeci alr equest ssubmi t ed aswel l . -Att hi st i met hef i nalbal ancei sdue.

ngday afteryourweddi - weposta pr evi ew por t r ai ton Facebook f oryou t oshar e -appr oxi mat el y4 weeksaf t eryourweddi ngwewi l lemai lor cal lt oschedul ean i n-per son vi ewi ngappoi nt mentwher e you’ l lr el ax & enj oya sl i deshow and havean oppor t uni t yt o r evi ew yourpor t r ai t sW ewi l lal somakef i nalpr i ntand pr oductsel ect i onsatt hi st i me. -yourcust om por t r ai t swi l lbedel i ver ed 2-3 weeksf r om t het i met heor derwaspl aced.

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