Final Process Book

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course process book


course overview PROJECT ONE Lamp Design For this project the task was to create a lamp. The goal for me was to experiment with a new material while keeping form and function in mind. PROJECT TWO PrEP Talk Campaign Focused around creating a campaign to promote HIV prevention methods, specifically the pill PrEP. We worked with the Project Him team to create a variety of assets to use. PROJECT THREE Self-Directed This open-ended project allowed me to explore branding and designing across different mediums. I chose to brand an identity for an Italian cafe.

research and inspiration At the beginning of every project the first step I took was doing research. Whether that was through articles, books, exploration done on previous projects and much more. Every project required different means of research and the time it took. The research was ongoing throughout all projects as they progressed. On the following pages is the research I did throughout the semester in regards to the projects from this course. This step helped lead to the finished product.


research and inspiration


prep campaign

The research for the lamp project revolved

The research for the PrEP campaign was

heavily around material. I researched different

very extensive and divided up among the

materials such as plaster, wood and concrete.

class. I started by researching behavioral

Once I chose to do concrete I viewed a lot of

cycles and how to change people’s behavior.

tutorials and ways to use concrete to create a

This was significant because the campaign

unique form.

promoted taking PrEP daily along with other preventative methods to stay HIV free.

The Pinterest page created to generate inspiration and ideas.

Throughout the design process we looked to previous, successful medical campaigns as well as what was attractive to the target audience which is gay men.

research and inspiration

self-directed Going into my self-directed project I knew I

I brainstormed ideas about restaurants and

wanted to incorporate my experience abroad in

bakeries and landed on the idea to design an

Florence, Italy. My goal was to bring something

identity for a cafe inspired by Italian lifestyle.

from Italy that I miss to me, essentially part of

This lead to researching and brainstorming key

their lifestyle and transport it here. Because I

aspects of Italian cafes.

had lived there I had a lot of personal research and experience that I had previously gathered.

Book used for Italian terms and lifestyle research.

The research didn’t end after my original ideas

Marbling paper became part of my idea which

formed. As I got into naming the cafe, materi-

required research on technique as well as

als, techniques I was continually researching

pulling inspiration from other artists who

ideas and inspiration. I was very inspired by

created marbled paper.

the architecture and marble used in Italy. As well as pulling color palettes and typography from photographs I took.

process and production The production process is one of my favorite stages in design. I love experimenting with new materials and pushing myself to create forms and mediums that I haven’t done before. Between the three projects I ended up expanding my skills and ended up with pieces that were different from any past project.


process and production

concrete form Choosing concrete as my medium forces me

What the process came down to was creating

to experiment a lot. Because the material was

a form that I taped together, mixing the

new to me it took several mini mock ups and a

concrete, pouring it in the form, using a cup

variety of tools to make it all come together.

to create a space in the form for the bulb, and letting it dry. Taking the form off of the concrete lead to a few cracks but was fixed with a thick, gray glue.

Color overlay effect used throughout the campaign materials.

prep talk As a group we landed on a logo and look and

The look and feel of our content needed to look

feel. A problem we faced was wanting to

professional and reliable but also wanted it to

use stock imagery with lifestyle photos but

be light hearted and stay away from looking

keep it from feeling cheesy. I helped come up

clinical. We decided to add illustrations to

with the color overlay treatment to make the

achieve this.

photography feel like more of a texture rather than a focal point.

process and production

illustration treatment

logos and color palette

typography and first style sheet

Prep style sheet

PrEP Typeface Panton Family Morgan and I did the social media portion of the campaign. We aimed to generate awareness through bold visuals and short messages. The channels we focused on were Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The goal is to drive awareness and lead the audience to more information on the website as well as contacting Project HIM.


BEVO cafe bevo After researching Italian cafes and lifestyle

After pulling together a name, type

I started developing a brand identity. After

treatments and a color palette pulled from

brainstorming dozens of names I landed on

the photography I started experimenting with

Cafe Bevo, which means drink in Italian. It

marbling using the desired colors.

is short and simple making it memorable and easy to say while still having a connected meaning.

process and production

marble process After pulling together a name, type

The process consisted of first taking a

treatments and a color palette pulled from

container and filling it with about an inch of

the photography I started experimenting with

water. Next I purchased nail polishes that were

marbling using the desired colors.

in my color palette and pouring some on the surface of the water.

Because the nail polish floats I then swirled

Lastly, I let the paper dry and scanned the

it and mixed it to create the desired marble

successful prints. Those were then used

pattern. Once the pattern was where I wanted

through out the branding identity.

it I placed the paper on the surface of the water so the nail polish adhered to it.

finished product In the end I have produced three finished projects. I am happy with how they turned out and the experience I gained along the way. Each one had it’s own challenges and got me to critically analyze my process of creating.


finished product

The final form is a geometric, hanging lamp made of concrete. I painted the inside of the lamp gold to produce a warm glow that contrasts the harsh, industrial exterior.


The final product for the social media campaign was a variety of designed posts to go on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. As well as designing the Facebook page.

Two of the cover photos to be used on the PrEP Talk Facebook page.

prep talk

finished product

Bold graphics and messages used to grab viewers attention.

prep talk posts

finished product

cafe bevo

The final product for Cafe Bevo consisted of wine packaging, water packaging, pastry bags and paper, espresso cup, menu, business cards, coasters, stickers and towels.

Kara Schlabaugh Spring 2015

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