8 Keys to make the Dream Work!
About Len and Karen Allen
T.E.A.M.W.O.R.K Keys and clues to success are everywhere. As a matter of fact the so called ’secrets to success’ have all been revealed, they are no longer secrets. In this newsletter you will find 8 powerful, transformational keys which, if applied, will enable you as a leader, manager, business owner or team player to make even the most outrageous dreams WORK. There is no such thing as an unrealistic dream really, just unrealistic timeframes and unrealistic expectations. Any dream can work if you are prepared to do the relevant research and put in the hard work. Any dream can work if you are prepared to practice patience and persistence. But above all else absolutely any dream can work if you have dedicated people who are on your side because ultimately it takes T.E.A.M.W.O.R.K to make the DREAM WORK!
Len and Karen Allen often referred to as the 'dynamic duo' or 'double impact', have been described as two of the most inspirational and influential coaches, consultants and community leaders within the United Kingdom. Passionate about transforming lives they both spend most of their time Making A Difference. The Allen’s provide a myriad of services which include lifestyle and business coaching, consulting and public speaking. As authors, event hosts and youth campaigners Len and Karen design all their services around their life's mission which includes inspiring, empowering and transforming live through education and enterprise.
For Further Information visit the website www.lenandkarenallen.com
What first-time IT managers really need to know.
What is the Vision? Do you have 1.WeThe Vision asked 5 accomplished managers the things they would’ve done a clear vision for your business, differently at the onset of their careers your family YOUR LIFE! The dream will not survive without a VISION. Questions to ask yourself when considering what the vision is, include: Where are we now what did it take to get here? Where are we going? Short – Mid – Long term goals
What will we need to do, have and become in order to get there? Where do we see ourselves in the big picture? How do I see myself? Perception is everything. The dream will only work in accordance to the VISION that the team holds in their mind. If one person is out of sync, the vision could be put at risk. The vision is the foundation upon which all great dreams are built. It is imperative that the entire team are all on the same page.
2. Excellence
Excellence is both an attitude and an action.
Excellence is about being and doing the best you can at all times. Inside and out. Excellence is about always representing the vision of the leader whether it be at work, at home, in business or otherwise. Excellence is about always going the extra mile. Excellence can be obtained if you: ...care more than others think is wise; ...risk more than others think is safe; ...dream more than others think is practical; ...expect more than others think is possible.” Anonymous
The Vision Excellence Attitude Management Work Order Responsibility Keep the dream alive!
T.E.A.M.W.O.R.K 3. Attitude
Your attitude will always determine your altitude. In life, in relationships, at work, at play in everything you do.
Consider your attitude towards your superiors, your peers and your subordinates. What adjustments need to be made, what changes need to be put in place? Treat others how you want to be treated. It is a MASTERKEY to success. Be positive, see the good in others, speak life.
4. Management
What type of manager are you? Are you a dictator or a diplomat? Do people love you or hate you? Do you even care???? What do you have management over? Three things you must learn to manage as part of a team: 1. Time – Make the most of the time you are at work, use it wisely and diligently. 2. Emotions – You are working with different types of people from differing backgrounds who have different challenges. You must learn to respond wisely and not react impulsively. 3. Position – As a manager you are by default in a position of leadership and as a result you have influence over others. That privilege must be handled with care. How are you using your position to advance and enhance the vision?
5. Work
As a leader or a team member you need to ask yourself, why am I here? What is my motive/reason for being a part of this team? Ultimately your role as part of a great team is to make the dream work!!!! What is your philosophy regarding work? Is work a privilege and a pleasure or a burden? How you perceive work will determine HOW you work. You are part of a team and you must WORK but you must also decide what that means to you. Do you have a strong work ethic? Will you be remembered for your efforts or will you be swiftly replaced?
6. Order
The Vision Excellence Attitude Management Work Order Responsibility Keep the dream alive!
Where there is no order chaos looms. All great dreams are built with bricks of order.
The VISION lays the foundation, ORDER builds the walls. What is the structure? What are the procedures and protocols? Who does what and when? Who is the backup? Who covers for who? Keeping the vision at the forefront will help you to keep things in order. Develop systems that people can follow. Staff can be replaced but systems can be replicated.
7. Responsibility
Responsibility and accountability are master keys to making the dream work.
We live in a blame culture where most people are not prepared to take responsibility for their actions but would rather blame others for the position in which they find themselves. Taking responsibility is a rare quality of great leadership. You must frequently ask yourself two questions: 1. Who or what am I responsible for? 2. Who or what should I take responsibility for? You are always responsible for at least three things: 1. Your attitude 2. Your Actions 3. Your Answers (the way you respond to situations)
This is a little story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.
8. Keep the Dream Alive Be Creative Be innovative Ask Questions Seek out fresh Ideas Research and re-search Look closely Listen keenly Improve and upgrade
8 Keys LIVE!! Want to motivate and inspire your management teams or staff? Then book Len or Karen Allen to experience 8 Keys LIVE! Your teams will be: Inspired Motivated Empowered Focused & Determined to make the dream work!
Len and Karen Allen Coaching, Consulting, Changing Lives. www.lenandkarenallen.com Email Contact: karenallenyesucan@hotmail.com gethelp@lenallen.com Phone Contact: 07958 958 686 07983 549 929
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