1 minute read
Josef, Isabel and Mahmoud all face danger, hatred and abuse in their search for safety.
1. Complete the summary sentences about the character’s emotions. _______________________(character ) at the start of the story feels but then _______________________________________________________________ and at the end of the story they feel ________________________________________ a. Identify two feelings/emotions the character experiences. b. At the bottom of the graph, summarise the main events of the story. c. Place an X and an 0 on the graph to show the level of the character’s emotions at each of the main events in the story. d. Connect the Xs together by drawing a line. e. Connect the Os together by drawing a line.
2. Complete the emotion graph for a character.
Character’s Name:__________________________________________
Emotion 1: (use X on your graph)
Emotion 2: (use O on your graph)
3 Skim the story again and list four choices that the main character made.
4. Evaluate that choice and by each choice place a tick on the continuum.
5. If you could change one choice that the character made, what one would it be? Predict three different outcomes that might result from that change.