Motiv8 newsletter—Spring 2019 Lights, Camera, Action! New case studies on website Meet Kris, Ledora and Mark, three of our clients who were happy to share their Motiv8 journeys and explain how the programme helped them to get back on track. We also revisited Tracey and Lee to get an update on their stories, one year on… View their stories at
Motiv8 is a Greater Manchester programme to help people aged 25 and over improve their lives and get back on track The programme has been set up thanks to funding from the European Social Fund and The National Lottery Community Fund as part of the Building Better Opportunities Programme. Motiv8 is a Manchester Athena project, a partnership of Greater Manchester social landlords working together to improve peoples’ opportunities around employment skills, health and wellbeing The project is being led by Jigsaw Group alongside ForViva, Bolton at Home, Stockport Homes and Wythenshawe Community Housing Group and covers the whole of Greater Manchester.
Motiv8 - 2 years on… It's been more than 2 years since Motiv8 went live across Greater Manchester. Since then we have had over 4,000 referrals to the programme. Our clients have achieved over 5,000 positive outcomes through improvement to their health and wellbeing, self-confidence and development and financial and employability skills. Over 600 clients have gone on to find a job or start a training course following their journey with us.
Kris’s story This time last year, when 39 year old Kris was referred to Motiv8, he was at his lowest ebb. He had been suffering with depression for some time and was also recovering from thyroid cancer. He was then made redundant and didn’t know where to turn. Kris said: “To the outside world I look normal, it’s not obvious that I’ve got mental health issues and one of the things about Motiv8 is that they look at the whole situation and not just individual elements. “Having a personal action plan, specifically focused on my needs, has been great for me. There is a whole team of people to support and advise you and they have specialist partners too, such as Shelter, who have helped me with my housing situation. I also visited Motiv8’s partners at Challenge 4 Change, who provide a brilliant activity centre that helps build your confidence. “I have built up a great relationship with the Motiv8 team and the trust between us is mutual. They’ve also got me to speak out and share my experience, something that I never thought I’d be able to do. They have given me so many useful opportunities and I’ve grabbed them with both hands. I just want to say to people that there is help out there. Don’t be afraid to ask!”
Great news—Extension to the Motiv8 programme We are pleased to announce that The National Lottery Community Fund and the European Social Fund will continue to fund Motiv8 for up to another three years, helping us work with even more people across Greater Manchester who need support to get back on track.
Support from Motiv8's specialist partners Motiv8 has a whole range of external specialist partners from the voluntary and community sector who provide the programme with services to help our clients get back on track.
We recently filmed our partners so that you can find out first hand about the support that they can give. Click on the link below to find out more:
Job Centre Plus video shoot! We recently filmed a short video about our relationship with JCPs across Greater Manchester. Staff at one of the job centres explain the mutual benefits of the partnership. “Some of our JCP clients need lots of support. Referring them to Motiv8, where they get tailored support to addresses their various challenges, can be just what they need to get back on track.�
This video has been uploaded to our website in the How we can help section: 3
Double award-winning Motiv8 success in 2018! Motiv8 was delighted to win two prestigious awards last year: Housing Heroes Award for Support and Care team of the year 24 Housing Award for Care and Support Provider of the Year.
“A brilliant example of the benefits of partnership working.” Alison Inman, President of the Chartered Institute of Housing.
And exciting news just in—Motiv8 has been shortlisted for the Northern Housing Awards for Resident Support/Advice Programme of the Year. Winners are announced on 23rd May—fingers crossed!
To find out more about Motiv8, please contact us: Telephone: 0161 331 2048 Email: Web: Follow us @Motiv8GM