12 months of Motiv8 in 2019 January saw the filming of a new Motiv8 video to show the mutual benefits of Motiv8’s relationship with Job Centre Plus. A useful video that explains how we can help people get back on track https:// youtu.be/2GSqxPEaPG0
February featured #TimetoTalk, a campaign to highlight the benefits of talking about mental health. Kris is one of our participants that shared his Motiv8 story with us https://motiv8mcr.org/success-stories/ kriss-story
In March we launched our reusable water bottles and travel mugs for staff. Sustainable awareness is important to us and is one of our cross-cutting themes. We have sustainable development champions across all our hubs, and are always looking for new ways to be sustainable.
12 months of Motiv8 In April there was a great photo opportunity taken by our colleagues from our Manchester hub while attending an Open Day at SPIN (Supporting People in Need) and hearing about Andy Burnham’s #abedeverynight campaign!
In May it was the final of the Northern Housing Awards. We didn’t win this time, but it was an honour to be shortlisted for this prestigious award. Fingers crossed for next year!
In June there were lots of relevant awareness days:
Empathy Day
Men’s Health Week
Loneliness Awareness
Volunteers Week
Employability Day to highlight organisations who help to close employment gaps by supporting disadvantaged people into work.
12 months of Motiv8 In July we got some great feedback from a Community Mental Health practitioner who praised our colleague Emma for the way she supported his client.
“Emma was able to humanise the questions, being mindful of how stressful this sort of thing can be for many of our service users. She was able to improvise during the meeting once she recognised how anxiety provoking it was for our client and was able to interpret his verbal and non-verbal responses very accurately. I was left with a very positive impression of Emma's skills but also of Motiv8's professionalism and the value of your service to our clients.
In August it was a busy month for our specialist partners. Some of our Motiv8 participants enjoyed a great team building day at Challenge 4 Change, and others had a cultural visit with the Wai Yin Society to Chatsworth House.
In September Cheryl told us her Motiv8 story. It can be viewed on our website at https:// motiv8mcr.org/ success-stories/ cheryls-story
12 months of Motiv8 In October we helped our co-funders at The National Lottery celebrate their 25th anniversary. This was part of their ‘selfie’ campaign to thank everyone who plays the game, which of course helps fund projects, such as Motiv8! Motiv8 is funded by The National Lottery Community Fund and the European Social Fund.
In November we received our 5,000th referral! A big thank you to all of our stakeholders across Greater Manchester who refer people to our Motiv8 programme. Keep them coming!
In December
as we head into the New Year, the Motiv8 team would like to wish you all a very happy Christmas and New Year! To find out more about Motiv8 and how we support people to get back on track, visit our website at www.motiv8mcr.org