A-‐Z OF SCHOOL INFORMATION Updated 15/04/2015 This document is set out alphabetically to help you find school information quickly
24 Glenhuntly Road Elwood Vic 3184 Ph (03) 9531 6560 Fax (03) 9531 5271
LETTER FROM THE PRINCIPAL............................................................................................. 3 STAFF................................................................................................................................. 3 WELCOME PROGRAM ........................................................................................................ 3 ABSENCE FROM SCHOOL.................................................................................................... 4 ALLERGIES/ANAPHYLAXIS .................................................................................................. 4 ASSEMBLIES ....................................................................................................................... 4 ASSEMENT AND REPORTING SYSTEM................................................................................. 4 BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL CARE (BASC) .............................................................................. 4 BIRTHDAYS ........................................................................................................................ 5 CALENDAR ......................................................................................................................... 5 CLASSROOM HELPERS ........................................................................................................ 5 CLASS MASSES ................................................................................................................... 5 COMMUNICATION WITH PARENTS..................................................................................... 5 COMMUNICATION WITH TEACHERS................................................................................... 5 DISCIPLINE ......................................................................................................................... 6 EDUCATION MAINTENANCE ALLOWANCE .......................................................................... 6 FEES ................................................................................................................................... 6 HOMEWORK ...................................................................................................................... 6 HOUSE TEAMS ................................................................................................................... 6 LIBRARY ............................................................................................................................. 7 LOST AND FOUND .............................................................................................................. 7 LUNCH ORDERS.................................................................................................................. 7 MEDICAL ISSUES AND EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION ............................................ 7 MUSIC TUITION.................................................................................................................. 7 NAPLAN – NATIONAL ASSESSMENTS .................................................................................. 7 NEWSLETTER...................................................................................................................... 7 PARENTS & FRIENDS ASSOCIATION .................................................................................... 7 PARKING/DROP OFF ZONES ............................................................................................... 8 PASTORAL SUPPORT .......................................................................................................... 8 SATCHELS........................................................................................................................... 8 SCHOOL BOARD ................................................................................................................. 8 SPORTS AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION ................................................................................... 8 STUDENT DIARIES .............................................................................................................. 8 STUDENT WELLBEING & HANDLING ISSUES AT SCHOOL ..................................................... 9 SWIMMING PROGRAM ...................................................................................................... 9 TIMETABLES....................................................................................................................... 9 UNIFORM & UNIFORM SHOP ............................................................................................. 9 VISITORS .......................................................................................................................... 10 WEBSITE .......................................................................................................................... 10
LETTER FROM THE PRINCIPAL On behalf of Father John Petrulis, the staff, parents and students I warmly welcome you to St Columba’s School. St. Columba’s is a Catholic school which holds Jesus’ teachings as central to our lives. The school aims to inspire the hearts, minds and souls of our students to be the best people they can be, academically, socially and emotionally, physically and spiritually, and to enable them to become life long learners. We look forward to working with you in our supportive community, sharing our beliefs, our expertise and skills, and our friendship.
STAFF ADMINISTRATION: ........................................................................ Mrs Paula Ryan CLASS TEACHERS: Ms Rhode (Prep), Miss Adelia (1/2A), Ms Young (1/32Y), Miss Munoz (3/4M), Mrs Cromie/Mrs Saliba (3/4CS), Mr Mill (5/6M), Miss Pimenta (5/6P). DEPUTY PRINCIPAL:................................................................... Mrs Bern Bradley LIBRARY TECHNICIAN:........................................................... Mrs Lorraine Everitt LITERACY LEADER/PREP LIBRARY TEACHER:.......................... Mrs Helen Hall MANDARIN (LOTE) TEACHER:...................................................Mrs Sarah Huang MATHS LEADER: ................................................................................ Kath Davies MUSIC TEACHER:.............................................................. Mr Christopher Lazzaro PE TEACHER: .............................................................................. Mr Rodney Curtis PRINCIPAL: ........................................................................ Ms Daniella Maddalena READING RECOVERY TEACHER: ............................................ Mrs Liz Tankovich STUDENT WELLBEING LEADER & CHAPLAIN: ....................... Mrs Bern Bradley TEACHER AIDES: Mrs Norma Pullen, Mrs Andy Szkibik, Mrs Julie Watson, Mrs Freda Minas, Mrs Lorraine Everitt, Mrs Gabby Moohan, Mrs Bec Long, Ms Katrina Alley
WELCOME PROGRAM To support our new families to make the transition into the school community we set up a Welcome Family Program. A Welcome Family is allocated to you to welcome you into the school community by introducing you to your Class Representative (who is also a representative of our Parents and Friends Association (PFA)), being a contact when you have questions about day to day concerns or queries, inviting you to informal coffee morning, keeping you informed of upcoming events within the school and ensuring you are receiving all communications.
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ABSENCE FROM SCHOOL Parents should notify Paula (school office 9531 6560) by 9.00am on the day of absence if your child is unwell or will not be attending school. If your child will be away for an extended time, parents should notify the principal ( and the classroom teacher/s by note or email (teachers emails can be found under Locations and Contacts on the school website). Early Departure if a student needs to leave school early for an appointment or other reason, a parent MUST sign their child out on the early departure register at the office window.
ALLERGIES/ANAPHYLAXIS Sharing of food is not allowed to help protect children who suffer from allergies. We ask that NO NUTS or nut products be brought to school.
ASSEMBLIES Assemblies are held on Friday mornings at 9.00am upstairs in the Open Area. Parents/Carers are welcome to attend assembly. On some occasions the time for assemblies will change, you will be notified of these changes in the school newsletter.
ASSEMENT AND REPORTING SYSTEM Ongoing assessments including observations, samples of work and student selfreflections, make up the body of evidence teachers use to track student learning. A portfolio of student work is developed throughout the year. Each piece is accompanied by either a teacher assessment or a student reflection. Student goal-setting meetings are held in Term 1 – where the student, parent and teacher meet to identify main areas for the student to work on. Parent-TeacherStudent interviews are held in Term 3 (early August). Students attend these formal meetings to talk about how their learning. Parents can request a meeting with teachers to discuss specific issues of their child’s learning.Student reports are prepared and sent home at the end of Terms 2 and 4. These reports indicate to students and parents how the child is progressing against the Victorian standards. The report is accompanied by written comments and by the student portfolio.
BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL CARE (BASC) Hours 7.00am - 9.00am 3.30pm - 6.30pm For more information or to arrange a booking phone Andy on 0407 558 316. Special all day programs are run on school closure days (depending on numbers) except the Monday before Cup Day. The program is operated in the school hall. The children participate in a range of fun activities as well as breakfast and afternoon tea. Enrolment forms are available from the school office or from Andrea Szkibik our BASC Co-ordinator or from the school website
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BIRTHDAYS Children may bring in something to share with their class to celebrate their birthday eg: jelly lollies (snakes etc) or icy poles. Please note due to allergies, cakes will not be shared with children for birthdays. If your child is having a party and only a few are invited, please ask the teacher to assist handing out invitations or post them individually so as to not cause disappointment in other friends.
CALENDAR A monthly calendar of events can be found under News and Events on the school website. Upcoming dates will be advertised in the weekly newsletters
CLASSROOM HELPERS Each year Helen Hall, our Literacy Leader, runs a workshop for parents interested in supporting the teacher in the classroom. Usually parents help with the Literacy and Numeracy program. In Prep–2 classes, the Class Reps organise a roster for each term. However parents with particular skills in the Arts, ICT or any other area run little workshops as needed. All parents and other helpers who assist with learning at the school must have a Working With Children card, or be a registered teacher with the Victorian Institute of Teaching or have some other regular criminal record check and provide a copy to the school.
CLASS MASSES Throughout the year, each class will hold a class mass, either in classroom or in the Church. Classes will send an invitation inviting family members to join them at their class mass. These masses start 9.15am and usually go for 45minutes. Sometimes a class will hold a morning tea in the Parish Centre downstairs, and parents may be asked to provide a plate to share. In 2014 each class will plan and hold a Saturday evening Mass at the church.
COMMUNICATION WITH PARENTS We make every effort to communicate with parents about the many events and activities of the school. This can be by newsletter, special notes and sometimes by SMS. The website at is a good way to find out about what’s happening, as is the weekly newsletter.
COMMUNICATION WITH TEACHERS You can communicate with your class teacher, via email (addresses can be found on the website), through a note in your child’s dairy or see them before or after school and request a meeting time that suits you both. .
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DISCIPLINE As a school we follow an assertive discipline procedure that has restoration of relationships as the focus. The procedure is made clear to students by a classroom poster. The classroom rules or expectations are developed at the beginning of the year and children learn behaviour expectations.
EDUCATION MAINTENANCE ALLOWANCE The allowance is paid in two instalments and to be eligible the claimant must: a) be a parent or guardian of a primary or secondary school student up to the age of 16 and b) hold a current Centrelink Pensioner Concession or Health Care Benefit Card or a Veteran Affairs (TPI) Pensioner Card or be a foster parent as at the first day of term 1 for the first instalment and the first day of term 3 for the second instalment and c) submit their application to the school by the due date.
FEES Each year the School Accountant advises the principal on the fees for the coming year. Where a large increase is advised the School Board review and ratify the decision to go ahead. For each student there is an annual curriculum levy that covers all books, most excursions, computer use and much more. For each family there is a family school fee, and an extra $150 per child for more than 1 child families. Fees can be paid monthly by Direct Debit, in three equal parts or annually. Other options are available by agreement. Families that have particular financial burdens are offered assistance please arrange a time to meet with the Principal.
HOMEWORK It is an expectation that all students have some homework on four nights of the week which is set by the classroom teacher. Other teachers (eg specialist teachers) may also give homework from time to time. Prep – Reading with parent/guardian for 15 minutes Year 1/2 - Reading, and Maths or Literacy task (eg spelling) 15 minutes Year 3/4 – Reading, and Maths, Literacy 30 minutes Year 5/6 – Maths, Literacy and Research 45 minutes
HOUSE TEAMS Each student is a member of one of three houses - BLUE, YELLOW, RED. Siblings are all placed in the same house team. Each child is allocated to a house team on commencement of starting school. An Interhouse athletic competition for the whole school is held annually.
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LIBRARY Students are encouraged to use the library regularly and can borrow during break times. Each week in class time they have the opportunity to borrow a book to take home. Each student needs a library bag.
LOST AND FOUND A lost and found cupboard is located downstairs in the school hall. Items collected from the yard or that are left lying around will be placed in this cupboard.
LUNCH ORDERS Lunch orders can be made every Friday (unless otherwise notified). An order must be written on a brown paper bag with Name, Class and Order with correct money. Each year a price list is sent home. Lunch orders are provided by the ‘House of Bread’ on Tennyson Street Elwood.
MEDICAL ISSUES AND EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION When children have chronic or temporary health problems, parents must provide the appropriate and up to date management plans, medications and medication permissions. From 2014 all parents will update medical forms, emergency contact information and excursion permissions and using the CareMonkey application. Parents who do not have a computer, tablet or smart phone device can come to the office to update the information on our computer.
MUSIC TUITION Separate, individual music lessons are available through Creative Music. A flyer is available in your Prep pack, and from the school office. Lessons are conducted during school hours.
NAPLAN – NATIONAL ASSESSMENTS Students in Years 3 and 5 undertake the National Literacy and Mathematics tests in August of each year. A comprehensive report is sent home to each parent (in September), which provides parents with further indication of how their students are progressing compared with children in the State of Victoria.
NEWSLETTER A weekly update and a fortnightly edition is sent home via email and posted on the school website . If you do not have access to a computer/internet, please request a newsletter to be given to your eldest child by Paula at the office.
PARENTS & FRIENDS ASSOCIATION St Columba’s has a very friendly and hardworking Parents & Friends Association which usually meets once a month on a Friday morning at 9.30am in the staff room. Updates on what the association are doing in regards to fundraising/social activities and meetings is in the weekly newsletter which is forwarded to all parents via email link.
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PARKING/DROP OFF ZONES St Columba’s is a busy place, especially in the morning. Good places to park include the side streets surrounding the school. Parking in not permitted directly outside the school between 8.30am and 9.00am, this is a drop off zone. This area is to only be used to drop off and pick up children. Please DO NOT leave your vehicle unattended. Move on quickly so others can also use it for its intended purpose.
PASTORAL SUPPORT St Columba's has been a recipient of funding for a Chaplaincy Program since 2007. Bern Bradley is our Chaplain, which complements her role as Student Wellbeing leader. Bern can be contacted in school hours on 9531 0015 or
SATCHELS All children are required to have a school satchel, (purchases through the uniform shop). The satchels are for notices, homework, diaries and readers. Each morning children in Prep–2 will place their satchels in tub for the teachers to change over readers. Children need to have a separate library bag for their library books on their borrowing day.
SCHOOL BOARD The School Board is an advisory body to the Principal. Parents are nominated to the Board for a term of two years with the option of a second term. The Board meets six to seven times a year – usually twice a term. There is an AGM at the end of each year. When positions become available parents are called upon to nominate.
SPORTS and PHYSICAL EDUCATION All students participate in Physical Education twice a week. The sports uniform is expected to be worn on these days only. Annually St Columba’s holds a House Sports (siblings are allocated to the same house colour and first time enrolments will be allocated their house team) event at Sandringham Athletics Track for all children in the school. Cross Country running competitions are held for Years 3 – 6 in Term 2 Interschool Athletics are held in Term 3 for Years 3- 6 and students try out to make the school team. Successful athletes at the Districts go on to represent the school at Zones. Years 5 & 6 participate in an interschool sports program in Netball, Football, Soccer in Terms 2 & 3
STUDENT DIARIES Preps – Year 2’s have a reading diary that is required to be filled out nightly Years 3 – 6 have a student diary that records their nightly reading, homework completed and any communication between teacher and parent. It is to be signed weekly by a parent/guardian.
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STUDENT WELLBEING & HANDLING ISSUES AT SCHOOL The wellbeing of each student is important to us. In the event that parents become aware of an issue that is affecting the health and wellbeing of their child they need to contact the classroom teacher. Often through working together these issues can be resolved. Where there has been no change, or the issue is of an ongoing or deeply confidential nature, parents should phone the school or email to make an appointment to speak with the Principal, Carol Morrison. Carol’s email is
SWIMMING PROGRAM The students from Prep – Year 6 participate in a short swimming program of 5 lessons at Waves pool in Cheltenham. This program is held in conjunction with a lifesaving component at Elwood Beach in Term 4.
TIMETABLES Each class teacher develops a weekly timetable of lessons. The teachers include the timetable in their Term Letter to parents outlining the curriculum and special events happening that term.
UNIFORM & UNIFORM SHOP Open Thursdays 8.50am - 10.30am The Uniform Shop is located at the back of the school hall. Parents will need to come through the BASC area and the two white doors leading through the sports equipment. If a parent/guardian can't purchase directly on a Monday they can download an order form from the website under ‘Enrolment Information’ or collect one from Paula. Please fill out the order form and attach cash or cheque made payable to "St Columba's Uniform Shop" and return to school with your child by Friday of the previous week so the order can be picked on the following Monday and sent to your child's classroom. The St.Columba’s school uniform is valued by the school community and it is therefore an expectation on enrolment at the school that all students will wear the uniform proudly. A timetable of when your child’s class is rostered for sport will be sent home at the start of each year. Any changes will be communicated by your class teacher.
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Navy Shorts Pale blue short sleaved shirt Maroon school jumper Navy socks Black leather shoes
Navy Pants Blue shirt & tie (optional skivvy) Maroon school jumper Navy socks Black Leather Shoes (not runners)
Maroon check dress Maroon school jumper White socks Black leather shoes
Navy/ blue check tunic Blue shirt & tie (optional skivvy) Navy tights or navy socks Back Leather shoes
For Girls:
Sport Uniform Navy track pants Navy shorts Blue polo shirt short or long sleeve Navy blue sports windcheater. White socks & runners
VISITORS All visitors (including parents) need to report and sign in and out at the office window if visiting the school/classrooms during school hours.
WEBSITE Our school website is a great source of information about school programs and events. Updates are made regularly with current information in regards to upcoming News & Events. Please visit the site for information regarding upcoming events, forms, BASC information, and to access the school calendar of events.
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