Appropriate pp p Use of Social Media and Cell Phones
Karen Haase Harding & Shultz ((402)) 434-3000
Raise yyour hand if … You have a cell phone You use text messaging You’ve taken photos with a cell phone camera You’ve ever forwarded a message You Y h have a F Facebook, b k M MySpace S or Twitter account
What’s Wrong with Cell Phones? Nothing! Cell phones are useful tools when used appropriately and with ggood jjudgment g
What’s Wrong with Facebook? Again, Again nothing! Facebook is just like a cell phone – you have to use good j g judgment.
So how do kids get in trouble with i technology?? Cyberbullying Sexting Ignoring I t Internet t Safetyy
Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying, v: the use of technology such as computers and cell phones to engage in repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others.
Cyberbullying y y g Example of cyberbullying b b ll i on iChat (Apple’s instant messaging) i )
Divagirl: Hey, loser, watch your back. t t323 What tmt323: Wh t r u talking about? Divagirl: Why don't you kill yourself while u r ahead? tmt323: Why can't you just leave me alone? Divagirl: Ugly girls like u need to be put in their place.
How Common is Cyberbullying? ďƒ˜ one in four students between the g of 11 and 19 have been the ages victim of cyberbullying. ďƒ˜ Approximately A i t l 65 percentt off kids kid know of someone who has been cyberbullied.
So what’s what s the big deal?
School-Related Consequences Neb. Rev. Stat. 79-2,137 Definition: “ongoing ongoing pattern of physical, verbal or electronic abuse” Consequences: ─ Loss of extracurricular privileges ─ Detentions D t ti ─Short and Long Term Suspension ─Expulsion E li ─Alternative School Assignment
Examples p Seattle, WA.: Students who “liked” Facebook page bullying a classmate p all suspended Memphis TN: Honors student suspended for 180 days for commenting on a friend’s status
Finkel v. Facebook (N.Y.) High school students created private Facebook page about classmate • Called her a “slut” slut • Said she had AIDs • Said S id she h used dd drugs
She sued Facebook and kids who created page Facebook F b k di dismissed i d ffrom llawsuit; it students initially left in the case
Sexting? Sexting, v: (a combination of sex and texting) is the act of sending sexually ll explicit li it messages or photos electronically, p y p primarily y between cell phones.
How Common is Sexting? g Sexually suggestive photos sent: – 20% overall –22% girls –11% 11% young teen girls (ages 13 13-16) 16) –18 % boys
How Common is Sexting? g Sexually suggestive messages sent: –39% of all teens –37% girls –40% 40% boys 48% of teens say they have received sexting ti photos h t or messages.
Serious Consequences: Jessica Logan
Criminal Implications Under Nebraska Law Neb. Rev. Stat. 28-813 et. Seq. Makes sexting (images) a class IV felony for offenders under 19 Class IIIA felony for 19 and up Both punishable by: • Up to 5 years in prison and/or • $10,000 fine q sex offender registration g • Require
Internet Safety
Wisconsin v. Stancl High school student posed as a girl, tricked male classmates into sending p nude photos Then blackmailed boys who sent the pictures Thirty-one y victims
So What DOES Belong on Y Your Ph Phone or P Profile/Page? fil /P ?
Just ask your Grandma
The Grandma Rule: If you wouldn’t’ ld ’t’ show h it tto your Grandma, don’t photograph it! If you wouldn’t write it to your Grandma,, don’t text it! If you wouldn’t tell you Grandma about it, don don’tt post it! If you wouldn’t say it to your Grandma don’t say it during a Grandma, cell phone call!
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