Exceptional Learners in Music MSU College of Music July 12-13 Facilitator: Karen Salvador, PhD
MUS 891 sec. 303 [1 credit] Sat and Sun 9:00-4:00 103 Music Practice Building Email: ksalvado@umflint.edu
Course Aims: Study special education law and its application in music settings. Examine labels-based approaches to specific exceptional populations, including strategies, modifications, and adaptations. Compare and contrast music education and music therapy. Learn about provision of music therapy as part of special education, “consult-to student” services. Consider universal design, including strategies, adaptations and modifications based on domain-specific adaptations and modifications. Develop a vision for an inclusive music program, including considering ideas “outside the box.” Set goals for your specific setting and situation. Assignments Submit all written assignments via email as .doc or .docx attachments to ksalvado@umflint.edu The writing should concisely and completely address the question. Style specifics are not important, but I expect the writing will: (1) be organized, (2) be free of errors in grammar, mechanics, and spelling, and (3) contain graduate-level thought. Late assignments will not be accepted. Writing Assignment #1: 2-3 pages Due: by 6PM July 12 What populations do you currently serve in your position? In a perfect world, what is your grand vision for including students with special needs in your program? What is holding you back? What questions/dilemmas/concerns do you have? I’ll read these and infuse our work on Sunday with them. Writing Assignment #2: Due: by 6PM July 14 Using information from this class, set at least three goals for yourself with regard to your students with special needs. [Goals could relate to a specific student; specific class; increasing rates of participation/inclusiveness; etc.] For each goal: What supports will you need? How will you get that support? Who are the stakeholders and how will you communicate with them? How will they be affected? How will you know if you succeeded? Grading: Writing Assignment #1 Writing Assignment #2 Active Participation in Class Total:
20 Points 30 Points 50 Points 100 Points
91% and higher: 86-90 81-85 76-80 71-75 66-70 61-65 60 and below
4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.0
Selected References:______________________________________________________ 1
Salvador MUS 891 Summer 2014 Adamek, M. S., & Darrow, A. A. (2010). Music in special education, 2nd ed. Silver Spring, MD: The American Music Therapy Association. Hammel, A., & Hourigan, R. (2012). Teaching music to students with special needs: A label-free approach. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 163-178. Lapka, C. (2006). Students with Disabilities in a High School Band:" We Can Do It!". Music Educators Journal, 54-59. doi: 10.2307/3401113 McDonald, R., & Miell, D. (2009). Music for individuals with special needs: A catalyst for developments in identity, communication, and musical ability. In McDonald, R., Hargreaves, D. & Miell, D. Musical Identities. New York: Oxford University Press. Salvador, K. (2013). Inclusion of people with special needs in choral settings: A review of applicable research and professional literature. Update: Applications of Research in Music Education 31(2), 37-44. doi: 10.1177/8755123312473760 Welch, G.F., Ockelford, A., Carter, F-C., Zimmermann, S-A., & Himonides, E. (2009). ‘Sounds of Intent’: Mapping musical behaviour and development in children and young people with complex needs. Psychology of Music, 37(3), 348-370. http://disabilitycompendium.org/compendium-statistics/special-education http://idea.ed.gov/ http://nichcy.org/ [national dissemination center for children with disabilities]—transitioning to http://www.parentcenterhub.org/about-us/ Schedule:
[Subject to Change]
Block 1: Saturday 9-12 Introductions/Housekeeping. Special education law. Labels-based approaches. Block 2: Saturday 1-4 The IEP. Music therapy, models of service, compare/contrast with music education, educating stakeholders. Balancing the needs of the group with the needs of individuals. Special guest: Denise Travis, MT-BC. Vision. Block 3: Sunday 9-12 Universal design. Domains of difference. “Good and Inclusive Teaching.” Rates of participation; thorny issues around LRE. Thinking “outside the box.” Block 4: Sunday 1-4 Music as an optimal environment for exceptional learners; defining needs in music settings; “doing the math;” advocating for supports; goal setting.