September 23, 2013 To; Karen Salvador, Assistant Professor of Music
CC: Lois Alexander, Brian DiBlassio, and Kazuko Hiramatsu - Music Department Two-Year Review Committee
Gerard Voland, Provost
From: The CAS Executive Committee and Albert C. Price, Interim Dean CAS Re: Two Year Review
The CAS Executive Committee and Ihave reviewed the notebook and supporting documentation submitted in connection with your two-year review. We thank you for the time and care taken in compiling this information and also thank the Music Department Two-Year Review Committee for its participation in this process. This memo is intended to evaluate your progress towards promotion and tenure in the College's three major areas of achievement. These standards encompass: teaching excellence, scholarly achievement, and engaged, effective service. Teaching excellence is the prime
consideration for promotion and tenure within the College of Arts and Sciences and at the University of Michigan窶認lint. Scholarship appropriate to the discipline is also an essential element of a successful case. The Executive Committee and Iwish to remind you and your department that our assessment of
scholarship reflects your progress thus far. At the time of your promotion and tenure review your scholarship will be subject to external review. Until that time your department, the Executive Committee and Iwill be unable to offer a definitive assessment regarding your scholarship's quality and impact. Finally, service to the University, profession and community issimilarly an important component of a successful promotion and tenure case at a University that has achieved the Carnegie designation as an "engaged campus". Each of these three areas has a different threshold of achievement. We remind
you that the threshold for each must be met at the time of a promotion and tenure review in order for the Executive Committee and Dean to make a positive recommendation in your case.
We desire yoursuccess as a teacher, scholar and University and community citizen. In support of this end, we provide the following comments and recommendations. Once again, they are intended to serve
as an assessment of yourprogress thus far and to guide you andyourdepartmentat thisearly point in your probationary period.
Teaching Excellence: The College's Standards for Promotion and Tenure (2008, rev. 2010,2012) outline College expectations inthe majorareas of review. The IVIusic Departmenttwo-year review committee hasindicated that you have been a successful teacher across a range of courses in yourfirst two years. The student evaluations and peer evaluations reveal a very positive response to your teaching. The Executive Committee and I have noted that you are in general a successful teacher and responsive to the concerns ofstudents. Overall, your performance in teaching meets or exceeds the expectations for a two year review. The progress on teaching excellence should be continued.
Scholarship: The Executive Committee and Iobserve that you have made significant progress toward a record of scholarship that could be consistent with a positive tenure review. The publication of two articles in peer reviewed journals isapplauded. An additional article underconsideration in a peer reviewed journal indicates a commitment to scholarship that isalso consistent with positive progress toward the goal of promotion and tenure. The solicited bool< chapter due out inearly2014is also consistent with an ongoing commitment to scholarship. Overall, the Executive Committee and Iagree that your scholarship at the two year mark is on tracl<.
Engaged Service: You review committee indicated that you have performed appropriately well in the category of Engaged Service. The majority of your service remains within the context of NCATE which is appropriate for a two year review. The engagement with Flint Area Music Education (FAIVIE) and the National Association of IVIusic Educators (NAIVIE) is similarly indicative of service to UM-Flint. Overall,
your performance in the engaged service component isconsistent withthe expectations ofjuniorfaculty at UM-Flint.
Summary: The Executive Committee and I believe that you have made progress toward meeting the expectations regarding teaching, scholarship/creative activity and engaged service. This progress in teaching and scholarly/creative activity must be maintained. We look forward to your future development as a teacher, scholar and engaged faculty member at UM-Flint. Please contact me if you have any questions. It is my intention to meet with you and your Chairto discuss this review at some point in the fall semester. Please contact Sheena Lewis to arrange the meeting.