Salvador, karen 4 year review feedback

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June 15, 2015


Karen Salvador, Music Department


Brian DiBlassio, Chair, Music Department Barbara Dixon, Interim Provost

From: The CAS Executive Committee and Albert C. Price, Interim Dean, CAS The CAS Executive Committee and I have reviewed the notebook and supporting documentation submitted in connection with your four-year review. We thank you for the time and care taken in compiling this information and also thank the Music Department for its participation in this process. Music is an important department within the College that we value as a field of study in its own right, as well as a component of a high quality liberal arts education for our students. This memo is intended to evaluate your progress towards promotion and tenure in the College’s three major areas of achievement. These standards encompass: teaching excellence, scholarly achievement, and engaged, effective service. Teaching excellence is the prime consideration for promotion and tenure within the College of Arts and Sciences and at the University of Michigan—Flint. Scholarship appropriate to the discipline is also an essential element of a successful case. The Executive Committee and I wish to remind you and your department that our assessment of scholarship reflects your progress thus far. At the time of your promotion and tenure review your scholarship will be subject to external review. Until that time your department, the Executive Committee, and I will be unable to offer a definitive assessment regarding your scholarship’s quality and impact. Finally, service to the University, profession and community is similarly an important component of a successful promotion and tenure case at a University that has achieved the Carnegie designation as an “engaged campus”. Each of these three areas has a different threshold of achievement. We remind you that the threshold for each must be met at the time of a promotion and tenure review in order for the Executive Committee and Dean to make a positive recommendation in your case. We desire your success as a teacher, scholar and University and community citizen. In support of this end, we provide the following comments and recommendations. Once again, they are intended to serve

as an assessment of your progress thus far and to guide you and your department at this point in your probationary period. Teaching Excellence: The College’s Standards for Promotion and Tenure (2008, rev. 2010, 2012) outline College expectations in the major areas of review. Your department offers a favorable assessment of your teaching, and provides evidence from a number of sources. Your teaching includes a wide range of classes that are important components of the CE Endorsement. The Executive Committee also noted that you provide formal advising for fifteen (15) students. The peer reviews of your teaching are also supportive of the conclusion that you have met or exceeded the threshold for teaching excellence. As you prepare your notebooks for your promotion and tenure review, both you and your department should be certain to address all relevant components of the College’s definition of teaching as outlined in our Standards document. In particular, the Department may wish to take steps to conduct a systematic review of former students so that their assessments can be incorporated into the Department recommendation. Overall, your record of accomplishment meets the expectations for teaching within CAS. Scholarly Achievement: Your departmental review committee notes that since your arrival at UM-Flint you have published five (5) papers and a book chapter. The Executive Committee and I observed that there was a consistent pattern of research leading to publication that should be continued as you move toward the tenure review. Your research agenda is well identified and continuous. Overall it was the consensus view of the Executive Committee, with whom I agree, that you are on track to meet the threshold for scholarly accomplishment required by CAS. Engaged Service: Your departmental review committee has very positively evaluated your service to your department, CAS and the Flint Community. The work that you contributed as the Music TCP Coordinator, was well received and appreciated by your department and CAS. The crucial role that you played in achieving NCATE accreditation for the Music Education TCP was an outstanding service contribution. Similarly, your participation in the organization and execution of Secondary Redesign was well received by your department, Education Unit and CAS. The Interim Dean specifically acknowledged the effective leadership role that you have undertaken with the assignment as Secondary Coordinator on the Education The Executive Committee and I believe you are meeting or exceeding the College threshold in the area of engaged service. Summary: Based on the examination of the materials contained in the review binder, we believe that you are meeting or exceeding College expectations in teaching and scholarship and engaged service. The Executive Committee and I expect that you will continue progress toward promotion and tenure at UM-Flint. Please consult with Interim Dean Price if you have any questions regarding this review.

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