Salvador annual review 2012

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Karen Salvador Annual Review Completed 5/9/12 Teaching and Facilitation of Student Learning: 1. Courses taught (with enrollments) a. Fall 2011 i. MUS 180/EDE 123 (15) ii. MUS 100 W2, (23) iii. MUS 100 W3, (27) b. Winter 2012 i. MUS 185/ECE 120 (161) ii. MUS 381 (12) iii. Teacher Candidate supervision (32), EDE/S 469 Music student teacher seminar (2), EDE/S 360 Teacher Intern supervision (4). 2. Innovations/Improvements in teaching over past academic year ďƒź MUS 185/ECE 120: Addition of practicum during class time (at the UM-Flint early childhood development center) one hour per week. ďƒź MUS 381: Utilized Skype for three real-time observations of practicing music teachers. 3. Note course or program development All courses were newly redeveloped this year except MUS 180, which was revised somewhat from how I taught it at Michigan State, where it is a 400-level class. 4. Summarize and comment on student evaluations (include instructor report sheet and all ratings) Fall 2011: Overall, my teaching received high ratings. It is interesting to note that ratings were generally higher in my traditional class than the online classes. This may be due to the students in the online course reporting a neutral desire to take the course (3.3 3) while the students for my traditional course were more interested in taking it (4.4). While none of my ratings were below 4.1, most were in the 4.6 to 4.7 range, and I received particularly high marks for being an excellent teacher overall, being well-prepared, being open to contributions from students, being available outside of class, responding in a timely manner to student needs, and being enthusiastic. There may be sampling issues; in MUS 100, 29/50 students responded, and in MUS 180, 10/15 students responded. Comments were generally positive, including: “The instructor. Dr. 1 Includes one student who took this course as independent study (MUS 391). 2 Includes one student who was registered in F11, but needed a remedial placement. 3 I have reported means.

Salvador is amazing! She expects a lot from the students, but in a way where we can achieve it. She is very proficient, and you can just tell she was a wonderful teacher, which makes her a wonderful mentor to her students. She made the class fascinating, very hands on! It was NOT an easy class, at all! However, she taught in such a way that it made it fun to be challenged. I enjoyed this class and hope I have her again.” (From a MUS 180 student in response to: “What did you like most about the course?”) Winter 2012: MUS 185 had the lowest scores of my 2011-12 course load. However, responding students reported neutral interest in taking the course (3.2). Furthermore, only 5 of 16 students in MUS 185 responded, so results are not likely to be representative. Nevertheless, no rating (other than the already mentioned “desire to take the course”) was lower than 4.2, most ratings were between 4.4 and 4.6, and I received high marks for being well-prepared (4.8). This is the first time I have taught this class, and I was not as confident as when teaching my other classes. MUS 381 was the first upper-level course I have taught, and the first course I have taught geared toward music majors. 6 of 12 students in the course responded, and scores overall were high, except “desire to take the course” (4.2). A 50% response rate does not support generalization. Nevertheless, it was gratifying to note that I received ratings of 5.0 in two categories (well-prepared and high standards) and 5 ratings of 4.8 (learned a lot, excellent teacher overall, graded assignments returned quickly, enthusiastic, and welcomed comments and questions). Students in EDE/S 360 and EDE/S 499 did not have the opportunity to evaluate me. 5. Detail independent studies, thesis supervision, mentoring of undergrad student research or presentations. Co-Author with Kristina Gammon (social work undergraduate from Fall MUS 100): “Online Instruction as a Route to Engagement in Higher Education,” for The Scholarship of Teaching. We have not yet heard if it was accepted. Liz Sauvie (music major): helped design a 1-hour presentation/workshop that she presented on music in early childhood for the SKIP program at Freil Elementary on March 9, 2012. 6. Evaluate student advising with approx. number of student advisees. I have one advisee, Celia Norkus. We met twice this year, and advising seemed to go fine. I have also met with a number of other students to talk about their career plans and other concerns (Lauren, Phillip, Bruce, Eduardo, Sara K, Kristen, Dan Z.).

7. Note teaching circles, pedagogical workshops/conferences attended and describe the direct benefits to your teaching gained from them. Workshop Title Celebration of Teaching4

Location UM-Flint Michigan Rooms

Date/Time 4/6/12, 9:00-1:00

Getting your Scholarly Activity Done

UM-Flint Tuscola Rooms

3/14/12, 1:30-3:30

Embracing Experiential Learning: Implications and Provocations

UM-Flint Michigan Rooms

2/10/12, 9:00-2:00

Final Design Phase: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Creating Significant Learning Experiences— Assembling Components into a Coherent Whole What I Wish I Had Known My First Years

UM-Flint 12/9/11, Ontario Room 11:30-2:00 UM Flint 11/11/11, Ontario Room 11:30-2:00 UM Flint Happenings Room UM Flint Ontario Room

Benefits New professional connection (Elizabeth Kattner-Ulrich, Dance) two items for my reading list New professional connection (Alicia Kent), started writing group with other new faculty Learned more about highimpact teaching methods, possibility of incorporating undergraduate research into MUS 185 in Fall 12 Discussion of grading, eliciting feedback from students Measuring achievement, using clickers

11/2/11, 5:00-7:00

Balancing requirements of tenure-track position

Creating Significant Learning Experiences— Building Strong Primary Components Engagement for UM Flint Significant Learning and Happenings Community Room Transformation

10/14/11, 11:30-2:00

Syllabus design, outcomesbased course design

8/31/11, 9:00-12:30

Getting started with Blackboard

8/24/11, 10:00-12:00

Learned about “high impact practices” and ways courses can be more engaging to students and the community Learned how to set up my online course in BlackBoard

UM Flint White Building

8. Include additional information if it is relevant and important. 4 I presented regarding my teaching as part of the Course Catalyst Design project as part of the “Teaching Showcase.”

9. Describe general education or implementation efforts this year. Not Applicable. 10. Describe efforts in assessment of student learning that helps your programs achieve their stated goals and demonstrates the college’s commitment to ongoing improvement. a. Liaison for the Music Department to the Education Unit for collection and presentation of key assessment data, key assessment rubrics, syllabi, etc. for NCATE Institutional Report. b. “Test case” for NCATE standard 1 data collection: Met several times with Sapna Thwait and Roy Barnes to work on design of table for Standard 1 data collection, presented this design at the Ed Unit meeting on April 20, 2012 c. Participant and poster presenter, 6th Annual Assessment of Student Learning Summit. University of Michigan-Flint. Flint, MI. d. Assessor, UM-Flint Voice Juries, Fall 2011 e. Assessor, Lauren Ball Senior pre-recital and recital; Jen McMillan Junior pre-recital and recital; Colton Sayre pre-recital. f. Adapted the Education Unit’s “Unit Plan” (Assessment 3) for MUS 381 g. Utilized variety of assessment strategies in courses, including but not limited to: Lesson planning projects, peer teaching, journals, multiplechoice and short-answer tests, and reflections. Professional Development and Creative Work 1. Publications and creative works that appeared in 2011-2012. Provide complete citation, copies of publication, etc. None. 2. Work completed, submitted, and accepted for publication, or in press. Include letter of acceptance where appropriate. Salvador K. (Under review with Update: Applications of Research in Music Education) “Inclusion of people with special needs in choral settings: A review of applicable research and professional literature.” 3. Research or creative work in progress that you will complete 20122013; progress toward long-term goals. Completed required online training modules so that I may propose and conduct research with human subjects as a PI at UM-Flint. Set the following goals for writing this summer: a. Revision (with statistics consultant) and resubmission of “Access to Music Education with Regard to Race in Two Urban Areas” b. Divide dissertation into publishable articles, write, and submit for review.

c. Analyze data from study conducted on MUS 463 at MSU, write, submit for review d. Design study re: MUS 185, submit to IRB for approval to collect data in Fall 2012—possibility of double study in which MUS 185 students are researchers and also subjects. e. Design study re: methods for teaching secondary methods, submit to IRB for approval to collect data in Fall 2012 4. List conference presentations. a. January 20, 2012. Strategies for inclusion of students with special needs in secondary choral ensembles. Michigan Music Conference. Grand Rapids, MI. b. October 7, 2011. Convener: Panel on inclusion of special populations in secondary performance ensembles. New Directions in Music Education: Revitalizing secondary music instruction. East Lansing, MI. c. September 15-17, 2011. With Co-presenter Heather Shouldice. The Real World: Differentiating instruction in the k-4 elementary general music classroom. Symposium on Music Teacher Education, Greensboro, NC. d. June 22, 2011. Access to Music Education with Regard to Race in Two Urban Areas. 7th International Symposium on the Sociology of Music Education, East Lansing, MI. 5. Other scholarly work a. March 25, 2012. Soprano soloist. Little Organ Mass (Haydn), with the Chancel Choir First United Methodist Church, Eaton Rapids, MI b. February 10, 2012. (Poster). Assessing Experiential Learning in an Early Childhood Music Practicum for Non-Music Majors: A Project in Process. 6th Annual Assessment of Student Learning Summit. University of Michigan-Flint. Flint, MI. c. January 27, 2012. Mezzo-Soprano, accompanied by Gabriela Hristova. University of Michigan-Flint Music Faculty Recital 144 French Hall, Flint, MI 6. Professional development that involves work with or participation from UM Flint students None 7. Internal, external, or other research grants. None. Professional and University Service: 1. Service, committee work, and other assignments a. Department i. Scholarship Committee ii. Starting in Winter 2012, secretary at Department meetings.

iii. Faculty Supervisor of the new UM-Flint Collegiate Chapter of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME), 2011present. iv. Represented Music Department at recruitment lunch, October 2011. v. Meetings with area teachers to build relationships between public school music departments and ours. vi. Will represent Music Department at Carman-Ainsworth Career Fair, May 16, 2012 vii. Will teach a course as part of the Summer Vocal Academy, July 921, 2012. b. College i. Member, CAS Governing Faculty c. University i. Member, UM Flint NCATE Standard 1 Committee. ii. Member, UM Flint Education Unit. 2. Professional service: editing, peer review, attendance/participation in professional meetings, invited seminars and lectures. a. Chair of Outreach and Retirees, Michigan Music Educator’s Association, 2011-present. b. Faculty Supervisor of the new UM-Flint Collegiate Chapter of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME), 2011-present. c. January-February 2012. Reviewer, Arts and Culture Trek grant applications, Michigan Youth Arts. d. November 11, 2011. Life as a New Tenure-Track Professor. Invited discussion guest for Michigan State University Music Education Doctoral Colloquium. Michigan State University, East Lansing MI. e. November 8, 2011. Assessment in Music Instruction. Invited lecture for MUS 862: Seminar in Music Curriculum and Methods. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. f. Peer Reviewer, Carin McEvoy Master’s Thesis, Michigan State University, Fall 2011. 3. Civic engagement In planning phase: professional development group for Flint area elementary general music teachers. • Appointed Board from among area Elementary Music Teachers • Designed General Organizational Structure in collaboration with this board • Consulted with Christina Hornbach and Cory Micheel-Mays (PresidentElect and Executive Director of Michigan Music Educators’ Association) regarding sponsorship; and through him to the executive board.

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Goal of recruitment of retired music teachers as mentors for beginning teachers through this organization. Goal of outreach to undergraduate music education students (UM-Flint, Saginaw Valley, Oakland) Will offer five 3-hour workshops in 2012-13.

4. External funding related to service. None.

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