Feb.. - April/ 2014
Vol. 1, NO. 3
FREE FEATURE: Miniature Horse Inspirationals
Inspirational stories - Scooby Boo - Mini Miracle - Pony parties
Canadian Youth Incentives Is your horses tail lights on?
Photo Curtisy of: Windsweep Miniatures
SPOTLIGHT on the “Crew” family Quiero W Submitted by: Trish Crew
Emma & Katie having fun with Quiero at the Tilbury Christmas parade.
e are a relatively "green" family having grown up in the city. We lived in a subdivision until June when we moved to a hobby farm. It was a huge change but not once have we had any regrets! My oldest daughter Emma (9) has a passion for horses and my little one Katie (5) has followed suit. We met a fantastic blessing named Dee shortly after moving in. Dee is a horse enthusiast and owning three horses of her own, she has taken our entire family under her wing to teach us the joys of horse ownership. We all knew we wanted a horse "one day" but being as green as we are wanted to gain more knowledge and experience so we wouldn’t put anyone in danger. Dee had called us one day Katie & Quiero having a lesson with Dee to let us know that her friend Louise was looking to sell her miniature horse and his cart. Dee thought maybe it would be a good stepping stone for our family (since we all love horses). We went to go visit Quiero on November 11th and it was love at first sight! Since then our boy has been staying at our friend Dee's while she teaches us everything about harnessing, driving, saddling, riding and how to properly care for him. He had been such a joy, and we look forward to going over to see him and care for him every day! CMH
How is your minis weight? Not so good
Submitted by: Sarah Grant
GreaSuper t
s many of us know, winter is well upon us. Some of us only have an inch of snow where others have none and some like myself have over two feet of snow! With the cold weather, snow and light changes in the fall and early winter months our minis have grown amazing winter coats! Many of us choose to blanket our minis as well to keep our little ones nice and cozy warm. Whether you choose to let your little ones be woolly mammoths or of you choose to blanket your little ones. There is something many of us forget or over look. Many of us forget the importance of feeling our horses to check what kind of body condition they are in. We can not truly see the conditions of our animals when they are hidden under winter blankets or their own woollies. What you may see when you pull off that blanket or run your hands along your minis sides may surprise you. Maybe all your great feed has packed on a little to much pug on sparky or maybe Miss Sassy just isn’t getting the feed she really needs. Maybe Sparky is eating it all. Just taking the time to make sure we pull off blankets or run our hands along our miniatures can make sure they are doing their best and will be ready to go back to work in the spring, whether that be just hanging and going for walks or hitting the show ring. Please, through out the winter, take the time to check your equine friends’ body condition. This can save you a lot of time and money. It can also count as bonding time with your best friend and will help you manage your friends diet to the best of your ability. CMH
The two mares pictured were rescued in September from the same place. as you can see they have huge winter coats where the rest of mine were just starting to wool up. As you can see the sorrel looks like she is in much better body condition. She is definitely in better condition then the buckskin filly. but she is only one number higher on the weight scale. Her big winter coat she grow to protect there skinny body, did a wonderful job at hiding her true body condition.
A little knowledge goes a long way
Canadian Miniature Horses Magazine Spring Issue, 2014 / www.canadianminiaturehorsesmagazine.com
2014- Year of the Horse
elcome to 2014. My goal in producing this magazine is to "Promote the Miniature Horse". I would like to give as much information out there to all who do not realize, how much fun it is to have a miniature horse. To educate that all miniature horses are not the stereotypical "shetland" that everyone heard about when they were growing up, to be mean and unruly...NOT TRUE.. To have the miniature/small horse market grow with excitement on having these little ones. We the breeders and friends would like to receive the good prices which reflect our hard working efforts we have achieved in working and showing these horses. When you advertise in our magazine we are promoting these little guys to “present non-owners” to keep them alive. All the registry magazines only go to members. Its great to promote within the circle of owners, as you know already how great these horses are, but its time to spread the word to those who don’t. We need more people to buy... and see the experience we all see in having these great horses around. I want everyone to sit back and understand the passion I have keeping the "Printed" version available for everyone..I know that the digital is the way of the future, But I enjoy sitting down with my coffee in the morning reading “A” magazine. Don’t forget how nice that is, not just flipping through a digital copy and forget about it..I was told that an I Pad does not have that “just printed smell”. Lets remember why we love these little horses...Lets keep them around..the more people know about them, the more healthy and safe they become, and the less stress we feel when they are around if we are having a bad day...and keep then within our family.
Thank you:
P 4-5 P 6-9
Does your Horse have Tail Lights?
Karen Bittner (204) 768-2808 kcbittner@tcmsnet.com
Sarah Grant, Robin Bidwell, Trena Anderson, Adele Harding, Kayla Brennan, & Kim Horton CARTOON ILLUSTRATOR
Janet Mann EDITOR
Valerie Jane Gravelle Published Feb. 1, 2014 • PRINTED BY DERKSEN PRINTERS
Volume 1, Issue 3, 2014 Canadian Miniature Horses Magazine All rights reserved. The contents of this publication has been created in part of Karen Bittner Designs, can not be reproduced by any means in whole or part, without the prior written consent of the editor/owner. Canadian Miniature Horse/Karen Bittner Designs makes no warranties for products, services, or products of service or events advertised in this publication. Canadian Miniature Horses/Karen Bittner Designs will not be Responsible for any injury or damage resulting from readers participating in any event or activities included in this publication.
Feature - Inspirational Stories Scooby Boo & more P 10
P 13
Karen Bittner
CANADIAN MINIATURE HORSES MAGAZINE Moosehorn, Manitoba, R0C-2E0 www.canadianminiaturehorsesmagazine.com E-mail: kcbittner@tcmsnet.com
“Hope” - The Miricle Baby
Miniature Horse Club News P 15
Miniature Horse Directory Issue 3, 2014
The Latest in Equine Safety Press Release by: Lisa Zwick Founder: Sami Gros
OODLAND HILLS,Calif., Nov. 18, 2013 Tail Lights™, the first and only LED safety lighting system in the world for equine use, Tail Lights is a safe, highly visible, fun and fashionable way to warn oncoming motorists of a horse and its rider in any
*Actual visibility of the Tail Lights product may vary considerably depending on product model, configuration, applications, power management settings and features utilized, as well as the natural performance variations produced by the design of individual components. Tails Lights has launched a Kickstarter crowd-funding campaign to raise $100,000 USD in backing to be used for mass manufacturing. Tail Lights is a set of highly
type of lighting or weather. Founded by Sami Gros, Tail Lights is the world’s first set of highly visible LED warning lights that drape through a horse’s tail. Setting the standard for equine safety, Tail Lights is available in a variety of colors, are durable and dependable with different lighting settings for all types of use, including law enforcement and search and rescue. Water resistant and ergonomic, Tail Lights allow for free movement of the tail, as well as a gorgeous visual presence on the road. Be visible. Save your tail. Visit www.tail-lights.com.
visible LED warning lights that drape through a horse’s tail to provide a safe, visible, fun and fashionable way to warn oncoming motorists of a horse and its rider. The Tail Lights Kickstarter campaign launched November 18 and runs through January 2, 2014. “Tail Lights was developed after I experienced a life-threatening accident while riding with a friend,” explained Sami Gros, founder of Tail Lights. “Despite using reflective gear, the horse ridden by my friend was hit from behind by a car we were approaching the barn around dusk.
Sami showing off her “Tail Lights”
Issue 3, 2014
easy access. The optional Tail Lights cantle bag will be large enough to store clothes, food or anything needed on the trail. Based on initial tests, Tail Lights can be seen over a half mile away* and allow the horse to be visible at almost any angle. Scheduled to be available globally and in a variety of colors, Tail Lights are lightweight, durable and dependable with three different lighting settings – solo, group and emergency – to accommodate all types of use, including law enforcement and search and rescue. For those who support the Tail Lights Kickstarter campaign, Tail Lights offers apparel, the product at a discounted rate and a custom model, based upon amount pledged. For more information about Tail Lights’ www.tail-lights. com. Press Contact: Lisa Zwick Moxxi Communications (949) 230-8794 lzwick@sbcglobal.net
Be Visible - Save Your Tail Issue 3, 2014
After failing to find a better product for equestrian safety, I designed and built Tail Lights, the first LED light source for horses. My goal is for all horses and their riders to be safe – all times and in any kind of weather.” Tail Lights consists of six water resistant LED lighting strips of variable lengths in the shape of a horse’s tail. The LED strands are attached to the base of the tail by a specially designed neoprene tail wrap. The lights do not emit heat and are water resistant and ergonomic, allowing for free movement of the tail, as well as make an attractive visual presence on the road. Tail Lights will be sized to fit all horses and the battery can be stowed in any cantle bag for
FEATURE Inspirational Stories
SCOOBY BOO Bidwell Submitted by: Robin Bidwell
e found Boo on Craig's list for sale. We went to see him and actually had never been in contact with a mini before. What we saw was nothing like the photo that accompanied the ad. His hooves had not been done in about 2 years. His joints cracked when he walked. He was visibly uncomfortable even walking. We knew he was coming home with us. We called our farrier to come out and take care of his hooves immediately. We loaded him up in a friend’s trailer and took him home. We immediately got him all the care he had been lacking. Boo will be 12 in January, he was 7 when he became part of our family. He is 29 1/2 inches tall. He is registered by World Class Miniature Horse as a silver dapple stallion. He lives at our home in Lutz, FL with two larger horses and four dogs. My husband Ken and I have 2 children, Parker (23) and Marina (19). Before every visit Boo is bathed and groomed from head to hoof. He wears a braid in his mane and tail. Boo wears high top "Chuck Taylor" type tennis shoes purchased from Build-A-Bear workshop. He needs two new pairs about every 6 weeks. They are necessary to keep him from slipping on the floors inside facilities. He is potty trained. I take 2 plastic containers and ask him to poop in the first. He steps over the container and goes into it. I ask him to pee in the second and he stretches over it and does. He learned this behavior in
four days. He rides in his own mini van. We took out the back seats and put light weight, interlocking rubber mats on the floor. We built a padded rail system to provide as safe an environment as possible. We open the side door and he jumps in. It's much more convenient to pulling and parking a trailer. After our visits we go through the fast food drive thru and get apple pie or apple slices.
A Little horse making a big difference Boo and I visit nursing homes, veteran's homes, rehab centers, schools, mental health facilities and two local hospitals. We go room to room and visit the residents. In some facilities we visit with patients in physical therapy. We started in 2011 and have visited over 400 hours inside over 65 facilities and 30 schools. We presently make 4-6 visits weekly. We also walk yearly for a few charities, Alzheimers, Autism and Brain Cancer. We are currently working with a local hospital to provide a type of hippo therapy to their patients. Helping to rehab children with stability and walking impairments. Currently we are working with the Pasco County school system to provide a one hour clinic at each of
their elementary schools. We educate the children about miniature horses as well as animal assisted therapy. There are usually 75-100 children per group and we give each a chance to meet and pet Boo. We have completed 25 of 36 schools to date. He also visits the University Of South Florida, Tampa campus each semester during their final exams to help reduce stress. In August, Boo was nominated and chosen as Fox 13's Hometown Hero. The segment can be seen at: http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=wZywsCHWATw
We take this voluntary job to heart. We often visit elderly that have been tossed aside by their families, children that have been removed from their homes, teenagers that have taken the wrong road, sick people of all ages that just need a bright spot in their day. We visit where ever a need exists. And the striking part is that Boo himself was once tossed aside. Hope and second chances <3 See Scooby on FB at facebook.com/scooby.boo.com
FEATURE What Inspires You? Submitted By: Trena Anderson
onnecting in Spirit is here to throw open the doors to bring awareness to all the energetic possibilities available and celebrate the excitement of the ‘2014 Year of The Horse’. One area of inspiration for us that evokes a sense of love vibration and enthusiasm is the focus upon our Miniature Ponies. As a horse lover I’m very connected to the energies and wisdom that Equus offers. I have learned through my own personal journey of discovery that the Miniature Pony is equal to any regular size horse in Spirit, wisdom and healing offerings. These
within each of us. Being a Certified Equine Gestal Coach I incorporate my Intuitive Awareness talents alongside my Life Skills abilities in my coaching business. The union of these aspects combined with the wisdom and intuition of my equine partners, is the energetic cocktail that assists clients in clearing energies that have been blocking their path to success and happiness. What has been amazing to observe is that these tiny creatures embody the same gifts of awareness and healing that their full size cousins offer. The
‘Everything is Energy’
little guys are a power- packed prized package in their own individual wholesomeness. They offer acceptance and support in their simple presence. They evoke feelings that open our heart space and connect us to that child like innocence of fun and creativity that still exists
Issue 3, 2014
true gift of the Miniature Pony is that they are easily transferred to elderly resident facilities, school programs and easily accommodated due to their size and manoeuvrability. Their willingness to learn and be of assistance is a huge blessing despite their mini size. Sharing the excitement with both the young and the old has been truly an inspiring contribution. At Connecting in Spirit we celebrate the awareness that ‘Everything is Energy’. We recognize that being joy and tapping into what makes other’s smile and laugh is what brings forth true connection! We invite you to connect to those aspects around you that invite excitement… Have you shared an experience with a Miniature Light worker that has brought tears of joy to yourself or another? We invite you to celebrate the Year of the Horse with us and share in your inspirational experiences. Options are open and limitless- you can go to our website and share your story or simply contact someone close to you and take the time to introduce yourself to one of these special little Beings! CMH
Do you ever wonder.. Do You Ever Wonder?
Who Is Inspired By Pony Parties? Submitted By: Adele Harding
grew up on a small farm in Southern Alberta, and I can never remember a time when I didn’t desperately want a horse! We had cattle, occasionally sheep, chickens and even ducks, but no horses. These animals were great, but they couldn’t substitute for my passion for horses, and in particular my dream to own a miniature horse! When I was 15 I was finally able to purchase my first full sized horse, and I was able to enjoy owning and riding horses for several years after that, but I never forgot my dream to own a miniature… One day I came across an ad for three adorable little grade pony mares for sale. Here was my opportunity to fulfil my dream, so I jumped at the chance! It turned out that two of these mares were in foal! I will never forget when that first foal was born. She was a perfect little black filly, and I fell in love immediately! I was hooked on breeding miniatures from then on, and eventually began looking for registered stock. I sold the original mares (with the exception of the black filly), and have been building my herd ever since. At one point, when I was boarding my horses out, a relative of my landlords was visiting, and he had a young daughter that wanted to meet my ponies. After introducing them to my herd, the father asked me how much I would charge to do a birthday party for his daughter. The idea of putting on parties had never occurred to me before, but what a great way for me to share my horses with others, especially horse l ov i ng children t h at
don’t have the opportunity to be around horses! I remember the feeling of loving horses without owning one, and pony parties have turned out to be a great way to provide opportunities for fellow horse lovers of all ages to enjoy equine companionship! My party business started out mostly for fun, putting parties on for friends, but in 2013 I took the necessary steps to take it public as well. I travel t o p e o p l e ’s homes,and offer pony rides in their own back yards! I have nearly as much fun putting the party on as the kids have participating in it! I enjoy sharing my miniatures with kids and their parents immensely, and I absolutely adore the temperaments I have found in these ponies! They are willing, tolerant, friendly, and so much fun to work with. I couldn’t ask for better horses to work with, or a more enjoyable way to spend my time with them! I work to integrate most of my breeding herd into my parties as well, even the ones that are too small to be ridden by most children. They can pull the cart, or just come along as petting ponies! My foals tend to be big hits as well, and I believe it is great socialization early on! CMH
Issue 3, 2014
e p o H
A 2013 palomino filly who has changed my life forever.
Inspired by a Miracle Submitted by: Kayla Brennan Hope was healthy, active, nursing, and leading a normal
Hope and her buddy Zam (pictured below)
n July 16, 2013 – after waiting for FAR to long, a filly was finally born at Wind Swept Miniatures in Regina, Saskatchewan. She was different, I could tell right away when I looked at her on the TV screen. Hope was born with a rare an abnormality called micro -opthalmia – meaning she never fully developed eyeballs. I was forced with a huge decision in front of me. I called my vet and set up an appointment for him to come and fully examine her. He arrived on July 17, did his full exam, and gave me the news that I needed to hear to make my decision. Besides having no eyes; this filly was 100% healthy and normal. This is rare in horses with conditions such as this, and he was surprised, and thrilled, just as I was. So, thus my decision.
foal’s life, just with the slight hindrance of not being able to see. Since the day she was born, she has been my 100% main focus. She is very intelligent, bright, happy, and has so much personality, it could melt anyone’s heart! She is the best lunger, the best baby I’ve ever had to break to halter, and now my best friend. She quickly stole the hearts of my family and friends. I have plans to do therapeutic work with Hope when she is older – nursing homes, disabled children camps etc. It should be known that even though life throws you a curve ball, you can always make the best of the situation. Hope brings me such joy, and love. She was my eye opener (No pun intended ). Not everything can be perfect, but they can bring you more joy then you could ever imagine. CMH
Hope loves goin g for a walk with Mr. Fraser Morric e and her mom
Kayla with Hope (picture on the left)
You can follow Hope on her Facebook page at: www.facebook.com /hopethemiraclefilly or
Please visit us on Facebook or at www.wcmhcyip.com
It is with great excitement that the WCMHC Youth Incentive Program (YIP) can announce a new YIP Coordinator as well as a YIP Marketing/Media person.
Please welcome Sarah Hunter and Kaycee Lunde to the team.
Sarah Hunter
The Western Canadian Miniature Horse Club Youth Incentive Program (WCMHC YIP) is aware that The Youth of Today are the Adults for Tomorrow and with this Youth Incentive Program (YIP) we are encouraging their writing skills as well as assisting them with building their confidence in the show ring. YIP has opened the doors for numerous youth that would not otherwise have the opportunity to experience this wonderful, amazing breed of equine; the Miniature Horse. YIP is one of the only youth programs available to Miniature Horse enthusiasts. The program is based out of Alberta, Canada but is available to all youth currently living in Canada. Miniature Horses are easier to handle with the right care and attention, which is taught and encouraged through this program, any youth at any level of confidence can make a best friend with one of these special little critters.
Sunny Balshaw & Heather Ward Century Farms Quazar Reserve National Champion Youth Showmanship 8-12, Under Reserve National Champion Open Obstacle Driving, Under 3rd - Youth Country Pleasure Driving 8-12, Under 4th – Open Hunter, Under 7th – Open Country Pleasure Driving Over 30”-32”
Kaycee Lunde
8th – Youth Jumper 12 & Under, Under 8th – Youth Versatility, 12 & Under, Under 8th – Ladies Country Pleasure Driving, Under 9th – Youth Senior Halter Gelding 8-12, Under 9th – Youth Hunter 12 & Under, Under 9th – Open Versatility, Under 10th – Youth Obstacle Driving, Under
Congratulations at the 2013 Nationals Sunny Balshaw & Heather Ward
6th – Multi Color Gelding, Over 6th – Youth Halter Senior Gelding 8-12 Years, Over 8th – Youth Showmanship 8-12 Years, Over
Jennifer Waddell
Reserve National Champion – Open Pleasure Driving, Over 32”-34” Reserve National Champion – ThreeFour Year Old Pleasure Driving, Under Reserve National Champion – Golden Age Pleasure Driving, Under 3 – Pleasure Driving Stake, Over 32”-34”
TSL’s Rhyme N’ Time 5th – Gelding 3 Years & Over, Over 34”36”
THR’s Dark Desire (sorry no picture) National Champion – Ladies Pleasure Driving, Under National Champion – Stallion Pleasure Driving, Under Issue 3, 2014
Loon’s Call Farm Miniature Horses
Submitted By: Valerie Gravelle
lthough I have had horses in my life for almost fifty years, I didn’t get involved with miniature horses until 2002 with the purchase of a weanling colt Sunfires Robin Bobbin and a two year old stallion L’il Beginnings Tango Tango. Before bringing my boys home to our eleven acre farm in Trent River Ontario, I entered them in the Norfolk Country Fair and Horse Show on the Thanksgiving weekend. Both horses placed in the top five in their respective classes, with Tango taking first place in the Senior Stallion class against horses with more show ring experience. Since this was my first time showing, I was very pleased by how well Tango and I had done, although I give Tango all the credit for our success. In 2003, I bought my first mare L’il Beginings La Reina, from her breeder Mary Lou McEachern. She was soon joined on the farm, by quality miniature horses from Minnesota, Colorada, Florida and Illinois. After my divorce, I re-established myself in the beautiful Haliburton Highlands about 100 kilometres north of Peterborough, on a 30 acre farm and Loon’s Call Farm was born! Eventually I was able to buy back my minis from my husband who’d won them in the divorce settlement. I gradually added a number of horses with Boones Little Buckeroo in their pedigrees, to form the basis of my breeding program specializing in Alvadars Double Destiny and Ima Boones Little Buckeroo Too bloodlines. I am eagerly looking forward to my foal crop in the spring of 2014! CMH
Welcome To.....
WHERE THE SKY IS THE LIMIT Take a quick look at our web site for other horses for sale, we may have something for you!
Sire: Double BB Sultan of Swing Dam: McSperitts Cutters Summer Love “Pete” tested LWO, Sabinio Gene positive, 50% of his foals test either LWO positive or homozygous pinto. His foal have been really refined and upheaded. “Pete” settles all his mares, and is great with the foals, Used for pasture breeding.
For Sale: 2,000.00
“Big Sky Hearts On Fire” “Pete”
FOR SALE Squires Montana Miniatures
Dorothy Brockmier PO Box 501, Plentywood, Montana 59254 Phone 406-765-7574
http://www.hoofweb.com/squiresmontana/home.html email: dlminis@nemont.net
Issue 3, 2014
Horse Club News
Horse Club News
Horse Club News
Miniature Horse Club News Miniature Horse Association of Nova Scotia AGM & Year End Banquet Report Submitted By: Kim Horton
ver 60 people including a strong and growing contingent of youth attended the 2013 Annual General Meeting and Awards/Christmas Banquet of The Miniature Horse Association of Nova Scotia (MHANS). Membership returned Roger Gouchie as President and Kim Horton as Treasurer. Vacancies for Vice- President and Secretary were filled by Kandice Smith and Andrea Wall, respectively. On the basis of points earned at Club shows in Parrsboro, Antigonish and Truro, awards were presented for both High Point and Reserve champions in five different classifications. Halter Horse (tied) - Pat Sheehy with JEM Hail to Bobby and Cassidy VandeWeil with Bailey’s Irish Cream. Reserve Halter Horse (tied) was won by Sab's Dream Dinger shown by Darryl Green and Double D Yo Da Man shown by Kim Horton and owned by Robbie Horton. High Point Performance Horse was won by Sab’s Dream Dinger-Spirit shown by Darryl Green (adult) and Bailey’s Iris Cream shown by Cassidy VandeWeil (youth). Reserve Performance Horse went to Double D Yo Da Man shown by Robbie Horton (adult) and Gentle Ben shown by
Sydney DeYoung (youth). The High Point Gymkhana Horse winners were Sab’s Dream Dinger-Spirit shown by Darryl Green in the adult category. In the youth category there was a tie with Glen Eagle’s Little West Man shown by Samantha Langer and Gentle Ben shown by Sydney DeYoung. The Reserve Gymkhana Horse went to Atlantic Jemstone shown by Kim Horton adult) and Bailey’s Iris Cream shown by Cassidy VandeWeil (youth). The High Point Novice Horse was GMHF Diego shown by Brenda Green. Reserve Novice Horse was Country Lane I`m A Broker`s Bandit shown by Amanda Huybers and owned by Anthony Connors. The High Point Team was Lorick Lea Maxwell and Double D Krakker Jak shown by Brenda Green. The Reserve Teams was a tied and won by Atlantic Jemstone and Double D Yo Da Man shown by Kim Horton; and D Best Hardy Buckaroo and DJR Minnie Wheat shown by Dorothy Best. Monthly meetings will resume in February with tabling of dates by the various committees for Club shows in the coming summer. CMH
Welcome Janet Mann Our Cartoon Illustrator from funnyfuzzballs Illustrations, She will be drawing a cartoon strip for every issue of our Canadian Miniature Horses Magazine for 2014. Funny topics involving a day in the life of a Miniature horse and friends! If you like to check out her Facbook at: www. facebook.comfunnyfuzzballs Illustrations Issue 3. 2014
Next issue is our:
Stallion Edition
Miniature Horse
Canadian Miniature Horses Magazine $50.00 per stallion ad (1 horse per picture)
Sample Stallion (A.M.H.R. & A.M.H.A.)
Sire: Place sires name here Dam: Place dam name here Contact: Email. Phone. Website Info about the horse LFG ect..
Size: 2.16” X 3.33’ (B/C size) Sample add (left) To Place your ad: contact: kcbittner@tcmsnet.com
Club Listings
Would you like to belong to a Miniature Horse Club?
This is a great way to learn about the breed. The clubs listed are very outgoing and love to have fun. Fun shows/registry shows and everything in between. Contact them and start having fun. Enjoy your “Mini”. Western Canadian MHC
Yvonne Campbell, President 9-51124 Range Rd 264 Spruce Grove, AB. T7Y-1E8 (780) 987-5175 ycampbell@scm.ca www.wcmhc.ca
Ontario Small Equine Show Assn. Strachen Edwards, President 19 Heathwood Crt Cambridge, Ont. N1R7W1 (289) 880-0477 ss_showhorses@hotmail.com www.showsmallequine.com
Miniature Horse Club of Ontario
Major Distributor of the Canadian Miniature Horses Magazine stop by one of their contributing stores for a “Free” issue
Carolyn Aarup, Treasurer RR#1, Box #2, Hwy #26, Fire #205822 Meaford, Ont., Canada N4L-1W5 mhco@mhco.ca www.mhco.ca
Miniature Horse Association of Nova Scotia Roger Gouchie, President 4834 Hwy 211 Beckerton West, NS B0J-1A0 mffargouchie02@hotmail.com www.mhansweb.webs.com
Breeders Directory Alberta
Fireside Miniature Curly Horses
Illinois USA
Painted Pasture Ranch Miniatures
Curly Horse are Hypoallergenic for most people! Mary and Jim Stewart High Prairie, Alberta 780-523-2192 fyreside@gmail.com www.firesideminiaturecurlyhorses.com
All around Performance Champion Horses, A.M.H.A & A.M.H.R. Karen Bittner Moosehorn, MB 204-768-2808 kcbittner@tcmsnet.com www.paintedpastureranch.com
British Columbia
Pint Size Miniatures
Cherie Kramer Abbotsford, BC 604-856-9080 www.pintsizeminiatures.com
Seabloom Miniature Horse Ranch A.M.H.A. & A.M.H.R. Joanne Seabloom Lone Butte, BC 250-395-3369 seabloom@bcinternet.net www.seabloom.ca
*Pirate’s Little Skipper EB & LTDs Don Diego Crystal & Deborah Mckay Kamloops BC 250-572-3704 snowyriverfarmscdn@gmail.com http://www.snowyriverfarms.ca
Bartkewich Miniatures
Pretty performance horses that can and do compete at a National level. Mary Ann Bartkewich Erickson, MB 204-636-2448 bartk@inetlink.ca www.miniaturehorses.ca
Quality tack for miniature horses and shetland ponies pam@ozarkcanada.com
Home of the New Miniature Gypsy Horse! Melanie Block 11292 - 105 East Street, Neponset, IL 309-540-0181 cell; 309 594-2318 home http://minigypsy.wordpress.com/ http://www.americanminigypsy.com/
Giter Dun Miniatures
Montana, USA
Victorias Falabella Miniatures
Dorothy Brockmier PO Box 501 Plentywood, Montana 59254 Phone 406-765-7574
705-754-5752 flaggirl1956@hotmail.com
Squires Montana Miniatures
Registered Breeder of purebred Falabella Minis 3650 Boag Rd. Queensville, Ont. 905-960-2736 vickyayres@hotmail.com
Tracy Sammons RR 3 Owen Sound, Ontario 519 372 2290 cell: 519 375 1385 www.wetrockminiaturefarms.com
Ferme Gali Chevaux Miniature Horses linda Laflamme Becancour, Quebec 818-297-2116 lindalaflamme@tlb.sympatico.ca http://fermegali-com.webs.com/
Your #1 supplier of miniature horse tack!
For All Your Advertising Needs Please Contact Karen Bittner, Advertising Sales 204-768-2808 or email: kcbittner@tcmsnet.com
New Advertising Rates for 2014 Check out our website. Club Listing:
Wet Rock Miniature Farms
Snowy River Farms
Miniature Tack & Supplies
Bellbottom Farm and Bohemian Gypsy Cobs
$100.00 for a year includes listing here and all info on the website, Contact for info. Breeders/Listings $50.00 Issue or $140.00 year
Printed advertising cost includes ad design and “free” website advertising, and a printed copy of the magazine -All ads are in color no B/W.
Note: Publication of this magazine goes out 4 X’s year
We are on Facebook!
Click on our page and “Like” us. We have specials, updates & contests that may only limited to our FB page
Willow Creek Equine Services Custom Tack Lessons, Camps and Training Stallion Riding Lessons, Training, Camps, Custom Made Tack!
Find us on Facebook!
It’s not how fast you can get them broke it’s about how safe you can get them broke Contact: Sarah Grant Phone: 250-296-4447 Cell: 250-267-5136 Email: willowcreekequines@hotmail.ca
www.willowcreekequineservices.weebly.com Issue 3, 2014