May - July 2014
Vol. 1, NO. 4
FREE FEATURE: Small Equines
WOLF CREEK RANCH SHETLANDS Darcy & Lorraine Bailer - Alberta Canada
started out showing Arabians on the Class A circuit for about 18 years and then one day, I saw a Miniature Horse, well from then on their was no turning back! I reasearched for the blood lines, conformation, and refinement that was in the United States as I showed thier more often than Canada. Only due to the lack of horses and shows as we are so very spread apart in our region. I was in Miniatures for around 25 years showing successfully at the AMHA World Shows and regional shows in the United States but thought to myself this is getting to be repetitious. I wanted more, I had a mission, a passion, and I went into the AMHR A division. After a few years of that and the success that followed I started thinking again repetitious. I went into the B section with the Shetland cross. Now there is something to work with!!!! more motion, it was exciting. This went on for a few more years then I wanted even MORE, so one day I went to a local Show in Washington and saw the Ponies ”WOW” I want one of them (Pony) It was the Moderns, well they are not the pony for everyone so I started out
The jester with Lorraine and Fran with the Foundation and the Classics and learned to build myself up to the Moderns. I now have Moderns and they are the most exhilarating pony to drive! I have been showing for several years attaining 28 National Champions and 8 National Grand Championships Issue 4 2014
in this short time. I am the first and the ambassador to the moderns in western Canada. There are no others at this time of bringing them here. Since then a few people have acquired other styles of Shetlands in different provinces and one other person shows in the United States as that is where the shows are for now, excluding Manitoba
Abby & Lorraine which will hold the shows for all of the ASPC/ AMHR sectors. At this time there is a great misunderstanding of the organization of ASPC. AMHR is not a different sector it is under the umbrella of ASPC. It is all one organization within different height divisions. American Shetland Pony Club has been around for about 100 years and has developed into a wonderful organization for different heights of ponies for all people to enjoy. There are so many different sections to learn and styles for the equine enthusiasts. We here at Wolf Creek Ranch Shetlands we are very selective to get the as you would say “4 off the floor” leg movement. We are breeders not producers, our first foals have the very extreme motion on all four legs which is very hard to achieve. It is not all shoes as some people say and think. Shoeing a horse enhances motion NOT to make the motion. We have bred ones that only require plates on thier hooves as their motion is so extreme, this is what we strive for here at the WCR. We have a passion for the equine. I am involved with the ASPC as the Representative for the International Committee for Canada and also the Modern Committee. In Canada I promote and educate people on the ASPC, thier not just not Shetlands as they own AMHR, NSPPR, ASPR. Within the ASPC itself there is Classics, Foundations and Moderns. They have Show Ponies, Sport Ponies, Miniatures, everything and so much to learn. It really is exciting. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me and talk ponies in ALL their sectors.
Canadian Miniature Horses Magazine Summer Issue, 2014 /
2014- Year of the Horse
elcome to 2014. My goal in producing this magazine is to "Promote the Miniature Horse". I would like to give as much information out there to all who do not realize, how much fun it is to have a miniature horse. To educate that all miniature horses are not the stereotypical "shetland" that everyone heard about when they were growing up, to be mean and unruly...NOT TRUE.. To have the miniature/small horse market grow with excitement on having these little ones. We the breeders and friends would like to receive the good prices which reflect our hard working efforts we have achieved in working and showing these horses. When you advertise in our magazine we are promoting these little guys to “present non-owners” to keep them alive. All the registry magazines only go to members. Its great to promote within the circle of owners, as you know already how great these horses are, but its time to spread the word to those who don’t. We need more people to buy... and see the experience we all see in having these great horses around. I want everyone to sit back and understand the passion I have keeping the "Printed" version available for everyone..I know that the digital is the way of the future, But I enjoy sitting down with my coffee in the morning reading “A” magazine. Don’t forget how nice that is, not just flipping through a digital copy and forget about it..I was told that an I Pad does not have that “just printed smell”. Lets remember why we love these little horses...Lets keep them around..the more people know about them, the more healthy and safe they become, and the less stress we feel when they are around if we are having a bad day.
Thank you:
Karen Bittner
Karen Bittner (204) 768-2808
Darcy & Lorraine, Joanne Seabloom, Valerie Gravelle & Kim Horton CARTOON ILLUSTRATOR
Janet Mann
Volume 1, Issue 4, 2014 Canadian Miniature Horses Magazine All rights reserved. The contents of this publication has been created in part of Karen Bittner Designs, can not be reproduced by any means in whole or part, without the prior written consent of the editor/owner. Canadian Miniature Horse/Karen Bittner Designs makes no warranties for products, services, or products of service or events advertised in this publication. Canadian Miniature Horses/Karen Bittner Designs will not be Responsible for any injury or damage resulting from readers participating in any event or activities included in this publication.
What is a Falabella? P 6-8
Feature - “Small Equine” Do you know the difference? P9
Miniature Horses Vs. Ponys P10-11
P 15
Stallion Showcase
Miniature Horse Directory Issue 4 2014
Conner wants to ride “Lexi” to school?
Submitted by: Traci Ducharme
y youngest son Conner is 5 year old, is a true horse lover from as soon as he could walk. We purchased him a grade miniature horse named Lexi 3 years ago, ever since he has been possessive of his favorite pet. In September. Conner started school and struggled to lug his heavy back pack, that is nearly the size of him to the end of the lane. On the first week of this new struggle he suggested that he ride Lexi to school instead of having to catch the bus. At first I dismissed Conner, mom & lexi this suggestion explaining to him it would take him going to catch the bus. the whole morning to ride to school, and he would miss his first classes. Not to long after this it dawned on me that he could ride Lexi to and from the bus, we have done this since. Every day I go and saddle Lexi while Conner gets his shoes on and his lunch in his bag. From the front door to the end of our long lane Conner rides Lexi to the bus. Every day after school he steps down from the bus and gets a lift onto Lexi, and rides back up the long lane to the front door. It has become such an enjoyable time that even Lexi will stretch her neck, ears forward in anticipation as Conner steps down off the bus to his best friend. One afternoon on our way back to the house Lexi was spooked from our neighbours dog running up behind her. Lexi jumped forward and then stopped realizing her dear passenger was coming off balance. Poor Conner was first thrown off balance and second his heavy back pack pulling him backwards was too much for him to hold, pulled him to the ground. Luckily Conner landed smack on top his back pack with both arms and legs straight up in the air. He was so surprised at what had happened so quickly he had no chance to cry. I quickly checked him, Lexi too, nose to his cheek sniffing him. I ask him if he was fine, when he answered back with " I just did the turtle mom" I started to laugh as I plunked Conner back on Lexi to finish the ride back to the house. Ever since this incident, when ever one of the kids fall off their ponies they yell out " Turtle, Turtle" in memory of Conner's first turtle fall. This has always made me laugh at the moments created with our dear miniature Lexi and how miniature moments can forever change how a family spends time together. I had to share this with you as I read the CMHM and see how so many others enjoy their miniatures as much as our family enjoys our sweet bundles of fuzz. CMH
Nova Scotias.. Submitted By: Amber Lewis
little stars
Every Mountie needs a horse This is my son William lewis with his buddy “Shorty” (mini) - picture on the left-
My husband Charles Lewis and my boys William and Benjamin Lewis with Shorty. They took part in the local parade this summer. Shorty was a Shortysaurous and the boys were cavemen!
Wh at is a
Submitted By: Joanne Seabloom
he Falabella Miniature Horses are named after the Falabella family, they are the purest of the Miniatures horses,They are said to originate from small sized descendants of Andalusian and Spanish Barb horses. They were originally brought to Argentina by the Spaniards, when they first arrived in the 15th century, with the intent to conquer Argentina. Once defeated, the horses were left to roam free. For centuries, inbreeding and the harsh environment, caused a reduction in size and produced naturally small horses. In the 1840s, these small equines were seen within herds near the southern Buenos Aires area by Patrick Newell, and he started to build his herd in 1868, with the smallest he could find. He selectively bred them to develop a true small horse. Patrick Newell passed this on to his son-in-law, Juan Falabella. He then shared his knowledge with his son Emilio, who passed it on to his own son, Julio Falabella. As Julio worked with his father throughout his youth, he continued with his Father’s life’s work. Over many years they used several breeds of horses, including the native Argentine Criollo horse and equines with Pinto and Appaloosa markings to breed down in size. They continually kept the smallest and best quality in each generation. By the 1950s, Julio took over his father’s Falabella Farm. Julio had created tiny sized Falabellas in every colour. Pintos and some very rare and colorful Appaloosas were his favorites. With his dedication and knowledge, he produced the perfect little horse, that were some of the smallest in the world. A century of natural heritage and breed development was completed. Julio set out to show his tiny and colourful Falabella Miniature Horses to the world! In the 1960s Julio Falabella sent his Falabella Miniature Horses to the USA and other Countries. In 1962, President Kennedy’s family purchased some of these tiny horses, bringing instant fame to the Falabella Ranch. Twelve of the finest little horses were imported to the USA in 1962 by John Ellena. He chose six of them to take to his Regina Winery. He used these six little horses to pull a scaled down stagecoach to promote the winery. They became a big attraction until the sale of the winery in 1970. The Falabellas of the Regina Winery made a big impact on the
Miniature Horse breed in the USA. In 1971, Norman Fuller purchased the 22 Falabella horses left, when John Ellena passed away. He bred this herd and then in 1974, he had them registered with AMHR. A few years later, they were also registered with AMHA. Some of the richest and most famous people bought Falabellas. They were playmates for kings, princes, presidents and movie stars. Through the 1970's the Falabellas were being imported in small groups. By this time, Julio had a large number of Falabellas on his huge ranch in sizes as small as 28 inches with perfect horse conformation in all colors. During this time, the Falabella Miniature Horse became a registered breed through the Falabella Miniature Horse Association. Julio passed away in 1980. The Falabella Farm and his life’s work was continued in Argentina by his wife, Maria Luisa de Falabella and son Julio and daughter, Maria Angelica Falabella. Angelica, later moved to the USA in 1995 and brought her very best Falabellas with her. These included her smallest and most colorful Pintos and Appaloosa horses. Both Falabella Farms continued to produce and export Falabella Miniature Horses all over the world, until Maria Angelica Falabella’s retirement in 2006. Falabellas are still at the Falabella Farm in Argentina and there are many located within the United States, Canada, Europe, and the United Kingdom and a number of other Countries. On April 27, 2006, Laurie Stevens of Toyland Falabellas International acquired Angelica Falabella’s entire herd at her Falabella Farm in South Carolina. Most were the special picks which Angelica kept for herself. Some were very small Falabellas, of only 26” to 30”. Their bloodlines go directly to the Falabella horses of Argentina. These are the last of the Angelica Falabella herd from her South Carolina Ranch. There are only 1,640 Falabellas registered in the Falabella Miniature Horse Association (FMHA) since its incorporation in 1973. Only small herds are known to exist in the USA and Canada and most other countries, and their number is estimated to be only several thousand in the entire world. There is a strong demand and limited supply due to the small number in existence. The Falabella Blend Registry opened to help promote the importance of the Falabella in the Miniature Horse breed today. At the present time, there are only 657 registered FBR. This is a very small number, considering that the Falabella breed is an important foundation of the American Miniature Horse breed. Falabella Miniature Horses Association:
They were playmates for kings, princes, presidents and movie stars
Issue 4, 2014
FEATURE Small 21 years ofEquines a special bond Do you know the Difference?
The American Sh
Misty of Chincoteague and along came Stormy
Shetlands were first imported into the United States in the 1800’s. The American Shetland Pony Club was established in 1888 to govern the growing interest in these hardy little ponies here in the United States. Today, ASPC is one of the oldest equine registries around. Since its early days, the ASPC has registered more than 160,000 American Shetlands. Today’s American Shetland business is going strong and the offerings have expanded. Shetland enthusiasts in this country can now participate in one of four beautiful Shetland Divisions: Foundation, Classic, pleasure and Modern. They can measure up to 46” at the wither. CMH
ned y be somewhat more refi Foundation Shetlands ma con re mo ors, still. they are than their imported ancest ey Th ds. er American Shetlan servative in type than oth ssubstance than today’s Cla should have more bone and uld sho d Foundation Shetlan sic American Shetland. A sturdy body in a compact ng, have a well-balanced, stro line. high tail-set and wellpackage with an excellent top sprung ribs.
“GRASSMERE’S ANTEBELLUM BELLE” Submitted by: Stephane Forbes
lassic American Shetland Ponies are a refined version of both the British Shetland and their early American ancestors. They have been carefully planned, bred & improved over the last 120-plus years. This breed is often regarded for their outstanding toplines, well-made bodies and refinement about the ears, head and throatlatch. By nature, the Classic American Shetland is often docile with a pleasing personality. Because of this temperment, these elegant but sturdy ponies are extremley versatile. Classics can be found in almost every equine role “PADDINTON BEAR” from pet to chilSubmitted by: Janet Mann dren’s leadline and riding mounts to school ponies to driving teams with four or more ponies up and dazzling show horses. They have been used siccessfully in therapeutic programs for the physically and mentally challenged as well.
hetland Pony
Small Equines
Do you know the Difference?
Submitted By: Seabloom Miniatures
he American Shetland Pony Club’s modern pleasure Division combines the style and traditions of the exciting Modern American Shetland with an easier approch to showing and an emphasis on manners and behavior. In general, Modern Pleasure Shet“JUBULATIONS TOODLES” lands come between the beautiful, well-made Submitted by: Tina Ferro Classic American Shetland and the thrilling & dynamic Modern American Shetland on the American Shetland Pony Clubs’ pony scale.
good headset, superb carriage and high action most often define a great Modern American Shetland performances or halter pony. Today’s, Modern Shetland Pony combine the beauty and hardiness of the more traditional Shetland - today’s Classic American Shetland - with the excitement and animation of a Hackney pony. The result is simply elegant in motion. This sophisticated pony with its extreme action and spirited personality is truly at home in the show ring, Modern Shetland Ponies excel in performance classes including roadster, fine harness, and pleasure driving.
“MICHIGAN’S VICTORIA’S SECRET” Submitted By: Stephanie Forbes
he American Show Pony goes back to the former Harness Show Pony division offered by the American Shetland Pony Club Inc., before the mid 1900s. The ASPR requires an emphasis on motion and “DUN-HAVEN TOUCH OF CLASS” performance up to Submitted by: Mary Wahl 48”. Superb carriage animated gaite and overall brilliance are the halmark of today’s American Show Ponies. They can be of Shetland or Hackney breeding or a combination of the two.
he American Min iature Horse Regi stry recognizes tw divisions. The A D o ivision (up to 34” in height) and the Division (over 34 B ” up to 38” tall). Th ese versatile horses do just about anyt can hing a full sized ho rse can do. Extre easy to keep, vers mely atile, friendly an d fun for all ages American Minia , the ture Horse is ve ry popular all over world. The AMH the R National Show is the largest “sm horse show in th all” e World, offerin g classes from ha driving, performan lter, ce, showmanship to obstacles and ev thing in between. Th erye miniature horse co mes in all colors, w their wonderful te ith mperaments you ca n find them as pets gorgeous show ho to rse s to therapy ho rses for the physic challenged and co ally mpanions to the eld erly. What ever yo age, ability and in ur terest in yourses, th er e is a miniture ho for you. rs e “LTD
Submitted By: Ka ren Bittner
Do you know when the next Events are near you?
APPROVED CANADIAN SHOWS - Approved May 17th Browns Southwestern AMHR Show Ingersoll, ON Kit Bartle 519-732-0263 Call: 207-887-4050 AMHR - Approved June 28th Wild Rose Miniature Horse Show Olds, AB Carl Earl 403-485-6465Call: 937-316-6234 Amhr - Approved July 26th MHCO AMHR Classic Show #1 Mount Forest, ON Anne Savage 905-778-8880Call: 1-519372-2290 AMHR - Approved August 1-2 WCMHC Finale Megadome Olds, AB Carl Earl 403-371-9506 Call: 417-888-0686 AMHR
AMHR Stallion Sweepstakes Auction “Wauk - A- Way Catch The Wind" HIGH SELLING STALLION
On March 1-8th, 2014. 24 miniature horses were involved in the AMHR Stallion Sweepstakes Auction. The highest selling breeding went to “Wauk-A- Way Catch The Wind” owned by Pamela Walsh from Tuscarora, MD. Congratulations to all the people who partisipated in this event. CMH
~ Prince County Miniature Horse Show -July 26, 2014 ~ Old Home Week Miniature Horse Show -August 8 & 9, 2014 Contact: ~ Dundas Miniature Horse Shelley Fraser Show -August 24, 2014 902-629-1497 ~ Evangeline Miniature Horse Show -August 29, 2014 Issue 4, 2014
- Approved August 17th Hanover Fall Fair MH Show Hanover, ON Sheila Klerks 519-363-2827 Call: 815-476-2593 AMHR - Approved August 23rd MHCO AMHR Classic Show #2 Mount Forest, ON Anne Savage 905-778-8880 Call: 1-519-372-2290
PENDING CANADIAN SHOWS - Pending July 5th Prairie Winds Summer Show Brandon, MB Don Jones 204-763-4315 Call: 951-536-4144 AMHR, Classic - Pending June 6 BCMHC Spring Classic Cloverdale, BC Rinda Pullen 425-334-4664 AMHR - Pending July 5th OSESA Jubilee Jerseyville, ON Kit Bartle 519-732-0263Call: 207-887-4050 AMHR - Pending July 6th Manitoba International Show Brandon, MB Don Jones204-763-4315Call: 951-536-4144 AMHR, Classic, Modern, ASPR - Pending August 2-3 OSESA Extravaganza Ildeston, ON Kit Bartle 519-732-0263 Call: 207-887-4050 AMHR, Classic, Modern
What is the difference? By Valerie Gravelle
of perfection for the miniature horse, can be f you are like most miniature horse breeders, summarized as: a small, sound, well-balanced you’ve had people say to you: “Oh you have the horse possessing the correct conformationminiature ponies!� Now after reading this, you will al characteristics required of most breeds with be able explain to them the difference between the refinement and femininity in the mare and two. Miniature horses are not the same as ponies. boldness and masculinity in the stallion. The A pony is an equine that is shorter than 58 inches head should be in proportion to the neck and at the top of the withers. Most ponies look differ- body and the face should feature a broad foreent from full-size riding horses, since they tend head and prominent eyes that are set wide apart. to have wide, strong bodies, The ears should be medium muscular necks and their legs Miniature horses are in size, carried alertly and tend to be short in comparison pointed with the tips to their size. There are many not the same as ponies. curving slightly inward. The breeds of ponies, with some neck should be in proporbeing taller than others. The Dales and Fell po- tion to the body and the shoulder should be well nies can reach 58 inches at maturity, whereas the angulated to allow a free-swinging stride. American Shetland pony matures at 46 inches The body should be well-muscled and wellor less. The miniature horse is shorter than the proportioned with straight legs that are parallel smallest ponies. To be eligible for registration when viewed from the front or back. Since the with the American Miniature Horse Association, breed objective is the smallest possible perfect a miniature horse must be no taller than 34 inches horse, preference in judging the miniature horse at maturity measured at the top of the withers shall be given to the smallest horse showing the at the base of the mane. A full-grown minia- perfection of the breed. In order to be true to the ture horse weighs between 150 and 250 pounds. breed standard, miniature horses should not have Although some miniatures resemble ponies, the short legs, thick necks or big bellies which are goal of the miniature horse breeder is to breed characteristics of dwarfs. As you can see, there are a tiny horse with everything the same as a full- obvious differences that make the miniature horse size riding horse only a lot smaller. The standard such a wonderful animal to own and enjoy!
For more information on advertising in our next issue of the Canadian Miniature Horses Magazine Contact: Karen Bittner - email:
Issue 4, 2014
MINIATURE HORSES RSES tallion MINIATURE HORSES S h o w i n g o f f o u r. . . . . .
Miniature Horses
Surefire Miniature Horses "Where success is a Surefire thing"
6 Times World Top Ten in Country Pleasure Driving and Halter Classes Sire: Sierra Dawn Unos Monarch AMHA Lifetime Top Ten producing sire Dam: Scott Creek Mystic E Motion
Lisa Mangles - Port Alberni B.C.
Painted Pasture Ranch
Painted Pasture Ranch
Home of the “Overo” Miniature Horses
Home of the “Overo” Miniature Horses
Champion Halter & Performace
Grand & Reserve Champion (O.M.H.S.)
AMHA - AMHR ~34” Black/White Overo
AMHR ~32" Black/White Overo
Sire: LTD’S Magic Man 19 Times National Champion & Multiple Hall of Fames & more Dam: Kohoka Paparika
Sire: LTD’S Mi-Te Fine Champion Halter & Performance from sire LTD’S Magic Man Dam: Squires Montana Angel Eyes
Karen Bittner - Manitoba, Canada
Karen Bittner - Manitoba, Canada
WindSwept Miniature Horses
WindSwept Miniature Horses
ShowRings Miniature Horses
Stud Fee $500/mare + $1/day mare care
AMHR Canadian National All Stars no.1 Model Stallion and In the USA All Stars
1997 AMHA /AMHR Silver Smoky Black Splash
30.5” ~Multiple World Top Ten Senior Stallion Sire: Lazy N Red Boy Dam: Cross Country Snow Capade Kayla Brennan - Saskatchewan, Canada mini_
2003 AMHA - AMHR Bay ~29.5”
Sire: NFC Rowdys Commander Dam: Little Kings Starlight Bliss Kayla Brennan - Saskatchewan, Canada mini_
Issue 4, 2014
AMHA - AMHR ~30" Black Pinto
is no. 6 Model Sire: Circle S Bill Bailey Dam: NXS Golden Rowdys All That Barb Ring - Pilot Butte, Sask. Canada
Ken-Mar Farms LLC A powerful little guy who can add action to your small minis!
Sire: Double Stuf (HOF) Dam: T.A.M. Peperment Twist Reg #147009A #303439B
Double D Miniatures
ASPC - AMHR Chestnut Pinto
Drs. Kenneth and Mary Wahl Greenback, TN USA
S h o w i n g o f f o u r. . . . . .
Bartkewhich Miniatures
ShowRings Miniature Horses
We have several beautiful mares by Duffy, offereing him for sale or stud service Sire: Dippers Duff ~29” Dam: Darmonds Onyx ~30” - Other beautiful horses available Dennis & Donna Russell- Sask., Canada
Multiple National Top Ten Winner
2004 AMHA - AMHR 32.5" Sorrel
AMHA - AMHR Palomino
Sire: Ben Addition By George (for sale) Dam: JEM Lady Go Diva
AMHR All Stars no. 1 aged stallion 30-32” Sire: Willow Creeks Obsessive Dream Dam: Buckeye WCF Exotic Dancer
Mary Ann Bartkewich - Erickson, MB. 204-636-2448 ~ fax: 204-636-2448
Barb Ring - Pilot Butte, Sask. Canada
Little Bit Miniatures
Little Bit Miniatures
Squires Montana Miniatures
"A horse for everyone"
2013 National Futurity Champion 2013 National Reserve Champion Sire: Rhapsody’s Latin Tango Dam: Tibbs Sheeza Dream Cindy or Sarah Hunter Strathmore, Alberta
- Offering afordable Quality -
"A horse for everyone"
AMHA - AMHR 32.5" Bay Pinto
National Top Ten Producer Foals & yearlings available Sire: Kegleys Desert Gold Dam: Tid Bit Cindy or Sarah Hunter Strathmore, Alberta Issue 4, 2014
"Where the sky is the limit"
AMHA - AMHR 29" Buckskin
He has movement & style of a large horse Direct son of “Boones Little Buckeroo” out of a “King Supreme” daughter Sire: Little Kings Buckeroo 30.5” Dam: Little Kings Vanilla Supreme 32” Dorothy Brockmier - Montana USA
C heyenne
a dedicated horse g irl
Submitted by: Meighan Janzen
Cheyenne Spulnick was born July 14, 2011. She has had her own miniature horse since she was 2 months old. Cheyenne is a dedicated horse girl, she will go out to brush and ride her minis on the coldest days. Her first miniature horse, is her little black mare Lucy. Lucy is a
Having fun with my Dad
Cheyenne Loves all her animals, she loves sharing apples with her minis
taller B class miniature that she rides everyday in the summer, and as much as I will let her in the winter. Cheyenne and Lucy showed in lead line class in the summer of 2013. Lucy and Cheyenne ride both bareback and with a saddle. She enjoy trail rides, checking fence with Grandpa carrying the fencing pliers and staples in the saddle bags. Last spring we purchased a couple of two year old 27� stallions that we had gelded (the next day) for Cheyenne. North Star Red Ryder and North Star Nugget have been her little buddies since day we got them. Cheyenne she loves looking after them, as she can’t ride all three at once. She rides Lucy and ponies Nugget and Ryder
Cheyenne, at her fist horse show
behind her. Cheyenne has learned so much from her miniatures- she can clean hooves, brush, help saddle, halter, and lead. We set up obstacle courses for her to lead her minis over, around, and through. When it is time to come in the house summer or winter we have to have a bargaining chip to get her to come in. Cheyenne has a love for all animals she has goats, a couple of bunnies, and a guinea pig shehelps feed all of them and helps clean stalls and cages, after she is all done working with them. We are so thankful for these little minis, they have a wonderful temperaments and are teaching our little girl responsibility.
Submitted by: Stephanie Flanery I am self taught at anything I do or make. A few years back I had a friend ask me to make her a flag with a serama chickens on it never done any painting before but I will try. So made hers made one for myself as a background for my birds and that is how I started doing custom banners. Mind you been in the flag pole business for 28 years. I also do glass etching , for awards for some of our Poultry show. I have shipped all over it is a joy to me to see the smiles on peoples faces. I also back into making dog and mini
coats. I will try anything anyone asks me to do. I now have 3 mini's and one shetland I rescued, They are such a joy to me. my banners run 25.00 and up depending on size ad design, double sided or single sided. will work with anyone on payments. Thank you so much for the honor of including me in your Miniture horse world. remember these are all handpainted 360-893-6545 Washington state
Self Taught Show Banner Artist! Issue 4, 2014
Horse Club News
Horse Club News
Miniature Horse Club News Miniature Horse Association of Nova Scotia Submitted By: Kim Horton
he Miniature Horse Association of Nova Scotia with our three miniature fun shows. The has been meeting monthly to prepare for first show will be held in Parrsboro at our upcoming show season. Here is a listing Spirit Reins Ranch on June 7. The second show will be of our upcoming a two day event being events: During the held in James River, month of May we will Antigonish County on be holding two driving June 21 & 22. The third clinics for our memand last show for the bers. Gillian Allen season will be held at will be our clinician. Colchester County on As a teacher and educaJuly 5. There will be prize tor by profession. Gillian money at each of the is keenly interested in three shows with a wide driving education at variety of classes from the grass roots level. line classes to draft pairs With this in mind, she driving. High point has pursued completing and reserve high point the Instrutor of Beginawards will be given out ners (IOB) Certification at our awards banquet with the National in the fall/winter from Dorothy Best conquering new endeavours , with her miniature Coaching Certification the points accumulated horse ”DJR Mini Wheat” skijoring in Parrsboro NS. P r o g r a m at these three shows. For (NCCP). This is recognized by Equine Canada more information about our club, a complete listing of and Nova Scotia Equestrian Federation. One of the clinclasses and registration information, please visit our webics will be held in Antigonish County and the second site at one will be in Pictou County. We will have a busy spring CMH
Welcome Janet Mann Our Cartoon Illutrator from funnyfuzzballs Illustrations, Janet will be drawing a cartoon strip for every issue of our Canadian Miniature HorsesMagazine for 2014. Funny topics involing a day in the life of a Miniature horse and friends! “Harry & Larry” If you like to check out her Facbook at : w w w. f a c e b o o k . comfunnyfuzzballs Illustrations (This is Cartoon strip #2) Issue 4, 2014
Horse Amber Marshall as Amy Fleming Miniature Club Listings From the CBC TV Show “HEARTLAND”
With a special guest! Plus:
For all our subscribers Amber will be sending along something special for each person in this issue. If you would like to advertise in this issue or would like to subscribe to our magazine. Contact: note: items subject to availabiliy
Prince Edward Island Miniature Horse Association Morgan Ings-Bernard, President Shelley Fraser, Treasurer 218 Vickerson Road Rte 222 Dunstaffnage PE C1C 0R6 902-629-1497
YOUR CLUB could be here
contact Karen to see how
Would you like to belong to a Miniature Horse Club?
This is a great way to learn about the breed. The clubs listed are very outgoing and love to have fun. Fun shows/registry shows and everything in between. Contact them and start having fun. Enjoy your “Mini”. Miniature Horse Association of Nova Scotia
Promoting the Miniature Horse Breed
Kim Horton, Treasurer (902) 364-2258
Ontario Small Equine Show Assn. Strachen Edwards, President 19 Heathwood Crt Cambridge, Ont. N1R7W1 (289) 880-0477
Miniature Horse Club of Ontario Carolyn Aarup, Treasurer RR#1,
Box #2, Hwy #26, Fire #205822 Meaford, Ont., Canada N4L-1W5
Western Canadian MHC
Yvonne Campbell, President 9-51124 Range Rd 264 Spruce Grove, AB. T7Y-1E8 (780) 987-5175
Amber will be Featured and on the COVER of our next issue of the Canadian Miniature Horses Magazine
Breeders Directory Alberta
Fireside Miniature Curly Horses
Curly Horse are Hypoallergenic for most people! Mary and Jim Stewart High Prairie, Alberta 780-523-2192
British Columbia
Illinois USA
Painted Pasture Ranch Miniatures
Cherie Kramer Abbotsford, BC 604-856-9080
Giter Dun Miniatures
Montana, USA
Victorias Falabella Miniatures
Dorothy Brockmier PO Box 501 Plentywood, Montana 59254 Phone 406-765-7574
Seabloom Miniature Horse Ranch A.M.H.A. & A.M.H.R. Joanne Seabloom Lone Butte, BC 250-395-3369
Squires Montana Miniatures
Registered Breeder of purebred Falabella Minis 3650 Boag Rd. Queensville, Ont. 905-960-2736
Ferme Gali Chevaux Miniature Horses
Snowy River Farms
*Pirate’s Little Skipper EB & LTDs Don Diego Crystal & Deborah Mckay Kamloops BC 250-572-3704
linda Laflamme Becancour, Quebec 818-297-2116
Bartkewich Miniatures
Quality tack for miniature horses and shetland ponies
For All Your Advertising Needs Please Contact Karen Bittner, Advertising Sales: 204-768-2808 or email:
New Advertising Rates for 2014 Check out our website. Club Listing: $100.00 for a year includes listing here and more! Contact for information
Breeders/Listings $50.00 Issue or $140.00 year
Printed advertising cost includes ad design and “free” website advertising, and a printed copy of the magazine -All ads are in color no B/W.
Note: Publication of this magazine goes out 4 X’s year
Pretty performance horses that can and do compete at a National level. Mary Ann Bartkewich Erickson, MB 204-636-2448
Home of the New Miniature Gypsy Horse! Melanie Block 11292 - 105 East Street, Neponset, IL 309-540-0181 cell; 309 594-2318 home
Pint Size Miniatures
Miniature Tack & Supplies
Bellbottom Farm and Bohemian Gypsy Cobs
All around Performance Champion Horses, A.M.H.A & A.M.H.R. Karen Bittner Moosehorn, MB 204-768-2808
We are on Facebook!
Click on our page and “Like” us. We have specials, updates & contests that may only limited to our FB page
Your #1 supplier of miniature horse tack!
“On Just a Tablespoon a Day”
*Builds a Healthier Horse- rich, show ring coat *Eliminates hoof cracking “He looks so much better! His feet are great! His hair is shiny and his skin in not dry and flaky anymore”...Amy Thornpike “I’ve been raising and breeding miniature horses for quite a few years now, and I’ve never experienced 100% conception rates until I began to feed Seablend”...Colleen Beaudoin
1-800-393-5357 Issue 4, 2014
Visit us at:
Silvertip Paint & Quarter Horses
e TIMwiAcTROPHY LEGACYTWO 2001 Palomino Homozygous Tobiano
2003 Black Sabino/Overo
2006 Black Homozygous Tobiano
Our dedicated horse girl... Cheyenne and her “Minis” Cheyenne Spulnick, was born July 14 2011 she has had her own miniature horse since she was 2 months old. Cheyenne is a dedicated horse girl, she will go out to brush and ride her minis on the coldest days. Her first miniature is her little black mare Lucy. Cheyenne rides everyday in the summer and as much as her mom will let her . See Cheyenne inside this issue! Silvertip Paint & Quarter Horses Contact: Meighan Janzen Fraserwood Manitoba, Canada Phone: 204-643-5590 204-990-6312 Email: