Education Design

Page 5

design drivers

Mindset + preparedness

Social connections

the physical environment

learning happens best when

can provide cues and indicate

Highly flexible

Hosting + Integration

classrooms and informal

hosting technology is key

people, technology and place

spaces must be highly flexi-

for blending learning en-

preparedness with support-

are brought together in in-

ble to support new learning

vironments. It’s important

ive spaces and technology

novative ways. Space supports

behaviors resulting from new

to colon distribute power

and by reinforcing plans and

sought after social connec-

technology spaces should

throughout the room, design

communication. It’s import-

tions by: ensuring engagement

support: new ways of learn-

for video streaming and cap-

ant to have: a strategic plan

with content and visibility on

ing like hands-on activities

ture dash considering camera

and alignment identified plat-

screen or in person. Consid-

and shifts from one mode of

angles and multiple displays

forms and pedagogies access

ering sight lines so those on

learning to another. Modifi-

for content and remote us-

and equity for all support

site can see and be seen by re-

able (user adaptable space)

ers. support, pixels and pen-

and communication.

mote participants. Being sensi-

and convertibility (repur-

cils “ - digital and analog

tive to presence disparity so

posing space). Loosening spa-

tools such as whiteboards

remote and on-site partici-

tial boundaries by valuing “in

visual and share thinking and

pants can contribute equally.

between places“ outside the

tandem. Consider what’s next-

classroom for learning.

voice interfaces, Al and VR are already being tested to

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