Karina Acosta Architecture Portfolio 2018

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2017_Masterplan All hands and Hearts base camp_ Building planning and construction_ Haibung [Nepal]_ Built

2015_Riformare Milano_ Helianthus house_ San Cristoforo suburban railway station Milano [Italy]_



2017_Sherbaug farm_ Housing and urban planning_ Bhavnagar - Gujarat [India]_ Under construction

2014_Town Planning Studio_ Upgrading an Empty Space_ Dresden [Germany]_




Introduction_ Curriculum Vitae_ Skills_

2016_Cidade Jardim Cumbica_ Urban Renewal Elements for a favela_ Guarulhos - SĂŁo Paulo [Brazil]_

Other works_


[Design Skills]

2016 _Master’s degree in Architecture_110 magna cum laude/110 [Politecnico di Milano_Milan_Italy] _Competition “Atmosphere” (Italy) _Competition Roca (Spain)

Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Indesign Adobe Flash Adobe Premiere AutoCad Sketchup 3dsMax Rhinoceros SolidWorks V - ray

2015 _Competition “Cinque Piazze per Milano” for the city of Milan (Italy)_ First prize winner _Exposition of the project “Ri - formare Milano_ Helianthus house” in Urban Center_Milan _Enrollment to Escola da Cidade_ Faculdade de arquitetura e urbanismo_São Paulo_Brazil_6 months

[Other Skills] 04

Project Architect with practice in all the aspects of the project realization from the programming, space planning, design development till the construction. My talent for versatility is exemplified by role in various type of projects in international and various contexts. Skilled in applying creativity to design, highly appealing, interesting, yet functional designs that are placed in different contexts in the world. I’m sociable, helpful, ambitious, dynamic and open minded with great adaptability in different workplaces.





[Yoga& Meditation]



2014 _Enrollment to DIA_Dessau Institute of Architecture HS Anhalt_Germany_8 months 2013 _Enrollment to English Master in Architecture _ Politecnico di Milano_Milan_Italy _Bachelor’s degree in Architecture_ [Politecnico di Milano_Milan_Italy] _InternationWal Workshop: “Cities Revisisted Intensive Workshop” Budapest (Hungary) 2012 _Competition for the city of Como (Italy)“Tredici progetti per Como”_ First prize winner _Pubblication of the project in the book “Tredici progetti per Como Lungolago”_ Stefano Fontana,Epifanio Li Calzi,Andrea Pirollo_Maggioli editori

[Work Experience] 2017 _Volounteer team leader architect_All Hands and Hearts project_Haibung_Nepal 2016 _Staff Architect_Tamboli Castings Limited_ Bhavnagar_India 2015 _Staff Architect_Ricardo Caruana Arquitetura_SĂŁo Paulo_Brazil

[Language Skills]

2014_2017 _Freelancer Achitect_FIBB studio_Saronno_ Varese_Italy 2013 _Internship architect_ADM Architettura_Milano_ Italy













RES SU M E [Contact] KARINA ALEXANDRA ACOSTA CELEDON Via Monte Grappa 32_20010_ San Giorgio su Legnano_Milano [Italy] Cel. +39 340 8176689 email: karinacosta11@hotmail.com




2017_Masterplan All hands and Hearts base camp_ Building planning and construction_ Haibung [Nepal]_ built


On April 25th, a 7.8 earthquake hit Nepal near the capital city of Kathmandu, the worst of its kind in more than 80 years. More than 9,000 people were killed, a further 23,000 were injured and the mass destruction to infrastructure and homes was vast. Aftershocks continued to shake the country in the weeks that followed causing further fear for those who left homeless and vulnerable by the initial earthquake. Basic necessities of livelihood continue to be at risk, including access to food, clean water and sanitation. The government of Nepal declared a state of emergency and asked for international agencies to lend support. That’s where All Hands Volunteers comes in.



[common area] [washing area]


[white tent]


[Base Camp Masterplan]


In Sindhupalchowk, Bachchhala Devi Secondary was completed in April 2017. Then Chamuna Primary, Kakaling Secondary and Janakalayan Primary schools were all finished in July 2017 – providing 23 classrooms and yet more WaSH facilities. In addition to building these schools, the teams added renewable energy and new playgrounds, but they didn’t stop there. Already, they have spearheaded many critical Renew projects driven by community needs, including female masonry training, school reading projects and language lessons. In addition we continue to collaborate with each community to identify community-led projects where we can work side-by-side with community members to accomplish their goals and get work done in

[Concrete hand made] volunteers doing hand made concrete for the school foundation


[Kalikasaran School_Haibung]


In parallel with the school project of Kalikasaran, we were working at the base camp, for the accomodation of the volunteers. They are temporary buildings made by Bamboo structure and CGI walls; the main structures made by a team of volunteers are: the kitchen, the office, showers, toilets, and washing area. With this project we use our creativity using as less material as possible, and having as final result a minimal but with an effective design. This project was a real challenge because we had the opportunity to design and build our own projects at the same time.

[Kitchen] final result




[Office] building front side facade

[Door detail]


3. 3.00


3.00 6.00





1. Main entrance 2. Storage area 3. Standing desk area 4. Common working area 5.Common exposition area




2017_Sherbaug farm_ Housing and urban planning_ Bhavnagar - Gujarat _ Under construction


Located on a 250-acre family farm outside the city of Bhavnagar in India, this site is surrounded by fertile farmland with mango plantations. The client is a resident of Bhavnagar, and inherits a typical “Jain” [Jain Dharma is an ancient indian religion] culture, which has houses that follows the “Vastu Shastra” rules for a new house. Thus, the foremost requirement was of a multidimensional space, at one lever with an upper terrace. There was an existing mango tree adjacent to the house area, so the house was built around the tree, using it as epicenter of the house. The interior spaces are located according to the Vastu rules; the scheme of them is semplify in the next page.







1. New main entrance 2. Delimitation boundary 3. New pedestrian and vehicle path 4. Demolition trees 5. Agricultural area 6. Farm House 7. Cow Barn 8. Corn Barn

7 8


[Sherbaug farm top view]


[Vastu diagram] NW


guest bedroom



NE living room

center toilet

master bedroom


open space tulsi plant staircase block



dining room




[Farm house_Plan]



[South facade] The staircase brings to the rooftop of the house. Solarium, relaxing area and open air yoga place are some of the several activities that could be done in this area.


[mango tree]



[reflecting pool]



[foundation wall]




[Construction site_Panoramic view]


[são paulo]


2016_Cidade Jardim Cumbica_ Urban Renewal Elements for a favela_ Guarulhos - São Paulo [Brazil]_

A series of visits in the favelas of Paraisópolis, Heliopolis, Campo Limpo, Cidade Jardim Cumbica (located in the state of São Paulo), has allowed me to highlight a strong conflict between the urban plans dictated by the Municipality of São Paulo between the urban and architectural projects professionals and the will of the inhabitants. This thesis, wanted to highlight some of the most important aspects that characterize the favela Cidade Jardim Cumbica, and that are common to other Brazilian favelas; in order to make clear the urgency of the implementation of new policies and interventions to reevaluate this reality. The various solutions of pedestrian systems, vertical connections and housing units are solutions conceived

for a progressive improvement of housing conditions in terms of space, lighting, accessibility and social integration within the favela. One of the objectives that this project proposes is on the one hand, to inform and educate the community on its rights and on the belonging of places, promoting the care, production and self-construction of its spaces, thus increasing the possibility that space public can offer: meeting, trade, production, relax areas, green areas, playgrounds, cultural areas, etc; on the other hand, the project proposes the creation of mediation spaces, through the improvement of the critical issues present in the area, modifying the empty spaces or with criticality creating spaces for the community of strong identity. For this reason the punctual

interventions that are proposed have the ambition to intervene in a minimal manner but obtaining a strong incision. The urban design is an important aspect of the proposal, not only because it helps to integrate these spaces with the pre-existing consolidated favela but also because it is the most immediate action, both in its realization and on the impact that this reflects on the area taken into consideration. The abacus is a tool that allowed me to act in a timely manner in those situations, elements and systems that represented a critical point for the area; the elements are complementary to each other, creating different situations that aim to improve the conditions of the inhabitants.

1. [Pedestian system]

C. [Pedestrian areas]

2. [Water collection system]

B. [Sitting area]


E. [Verical flux]

F. [Rain garden]

G. [Horizontal flux]

I. [Community garden]

J. [Vertical garden]

K. [Terrace garden]

3. [Biodynamic agriculture]


A. [Community miradouro]


D. [Vertical connections]


Vertical connections, is a type of vertical infrastructure that facilitates the development and access of those mixed homes within the area. It consists of a series of staircases, platforms and corridors, which cling to the pre-existing facades of the houses, generating new access distributed vertically and no longer horizontally, verticalizing the occupation and leaving more free space on the ground floor for public areas.


1. [Pedestian system]

phase 1

Building with a need for structural reinforcement

phase 2

reinforcing structure and adding a floor to expand the house

phase 1

Building with large family and possibility of expansion

phase 2

reinforcing structure and adding a floor to expand the house

phase 1

empty area near the building

phase 2

addition of a prefabricated concrete structure

wooden structure prefabricated concrete panels

prefabricated concrete structure


phase 3

pedestrian platforms for vertical connection of buildings

phase 3

vertical connection with steel platforms

phase 3

vertical connection with concrete staircases


[Front view of the intervention]

H.[Containment vessels]


The containment tank in addition to being an element that allows the collection of water from the river and rains in the event of an excessive cycle of precipitation, is an element of urban furniture and a meeting point for the community. Unlike the other elements of the abacus, it has a particular meaning if placed in the points of the source of the rivers (point mostly polluted in critical situations of a favela), since it also serves as an element of sensitization on issues related to nature and health for the community. Depending on the height of the water level, the pool has different functions: if it is empty, it serves as a stairway for socializing, playing, etc. Half-full serves as a water attraction for children and adults; if full instead it creates a sense of suspension of the bridge that crosses it.


2. [Water collection system]

concrete tank

gabions for bank protection gabions for bank protection

auxiliary drainage ø: 1,40 m


[filtering plants]

Inhame [Oxalis tuberosa] Taboa [Typha angustifolia] Papiro [Cyperus papyrus] Iris [Iris pseudacorus] Sombrinha [Chinesa cyperus aternifolius] Alface d’agua [Pistia stratiotes] Cavalinha [Equisetum] Ninfeia [Nymphaea] Marrequinha [Salvinia] Banana d’agua [Typhonodorum] Lirio do Brejo [Hedychium Chrysoleucum] Gengibre branco [Hedychium Coronarium]

filtering plants


[containment vessel]

L.[Greenhouse do-it-yourself]


The greenhouse is a proposal that takes as its main element the use of containers to create greenhouses for the winter seasons, the size of the greenhouse changes depending on the number of containers that make up the structure, in addition to this the greenhouse has a second level where there may be in addition to the storage of useful materials for cultivation, an area reserved for the sale of products for nearby residents. The greenhouse wants to be part of a system that works cyclically with different components including: fields and / or systems of community gardens and the real market, of which the greenhouse works as an intermediate point between the production and the real sale and proper of the products.


3. [Biodynamic agriculture]

P. [Market]


The market is a structure that allows the buying and selling of products that come from dynamic agriculture. It works with a system of sales stations that make space flexible. The market is connected to spaces for the storage and processing of products which in turn are connected by a railway line that allows the transportation of these products. The market is a meeting place for the whole community, and it is also a place of openness to other neighboring communities.


4. [Public buildings]



[Railway facade]

[milan] [accesses]


2015_Riformare Milano_ Helianthus house_ San Cristoforo suburban railway station Milano [Italy]_

accesses new path

[main poles]


The helianthus house is a residential unit that allows life ways following the function of the pole in which it is. A public space has been envisioned, that will allow residents to collaborate and share their skills and knowledge with the wider public. Formally, the idea of the building has been derived from the goal of sustainability. The building strives to be energetically to be efficient per se. A big hall works like the core of the entire system, connecting all the functions: living, working enjoying. People are allowed to share different times of the daily live. The name helianthus comes form the genus of plants which have the ability to track the Sun and use its energy, but also take crucial elements from the Earth. The designed house could belong to the same genus, using sustainable resources coming from the Sun and from the Earth.

orticulture - green areas

sports center

cultural center

commercial areas

[interaction land/water]

green water










[Ground floor plan]







[First floor plan]







[Second floor plan]







[Third floor plan]



2014_Town Planning Studio_ Upgrading an Empty Space_ Dresden [Germany]_


In a vision of regeneration of the abandoned highway, strech close to the central station of the city (Dresden Hauptbahnhof), the main road, that where supposed to be for the connection of the main highway are now planned to be part of the footpath network, since the position of the road is close to the central pole of the city. The project’s aim is to offer a new space to the community, hence the considered functions are thought as useful for inhabitants and for tourists. The central space access is made by a series of steps surrounded by trees and the core of the area is an open air park with small artificial lakes, this is a link between two areas of the city: the central one next to the central station and the other the offices area. The sorrounded of the central area are offices and commercial area with terraces that face in front of the central park; this is more flexible space, where many functions take place.

[abandoned area] view of the area before the intervention



[connection flux of people]


[open new entraces]

[create terraces]

[light voids]



the main goal of the project is to create the connection of the area with the straircases 52

[infinity lake]

the infinity lake rapresents the core of the area, is a social meeting point for the comunity


this element helps the connection from the top of the area with the bottom, creating a phisical link of both.

[type garden]

A1. Quercus pubescens A2. Fraxinus pennsylvanica A3. Tilia platyphyllos



A1 A3







A2 A2

A3 A2


A1 A1

[offices|shops] the idea is to give activities and liven up the flux of people in the area, giving new services



Ballet_ Architectural modeling_ Traveling_ Photography_


There is nothing quite like traveling, like seeing a new place for the first time or returning to a favorite place, I got inspiration for this portfolio from my travels. A benefit to traveling is coming to see one’s native country in a different light, in a different way. This is done through being able to compare and contrast home from a foreign location, done most always through traveling. A new perspective may be formed.



William Teixeira photographer “Io sono, tu sei egli è” photography exhibition [2014] “Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.” Oscar Wilde

[Architectural modeling]

Cidade Jardim Cumbica - Masterplan Model [Brazil - 2016] The masterplan of the intervetion in the favela, expected the development of the housing structure, the proposal provides for the minimum demolition of housing, limited only to those that have a strong criticality, then about 33%, while for the rest of the houses are provided several alternatives to make them safer from of hygienic - sanitary point, structural view; accessible, creating vertical links systems.



[Architectural modeling]

Residential house model - Canzo Asso Villa [Italy - 2014] A building with two floors and a basement, connects with a suspeded walkway the house with the road. It interacts with the surrounding thanks to the several transparent surfaces that faced to the nature and the harmonius view.

[Cidade jardim Cumbica - favela] SĂŁo Paulo - Brazil [2016]


[Cidade jardim Cumbica - favela] Sao Paulo - Brazil [2016]

[Bundeswehr Military History Museum] Dresden - Germany [2015]

[Ilha Grnde - Puffer fish]

Rio de Janeiro - Brazil [2016]

[Sammlung Moderne Kunst] Monaco - Germany [2015]

[Stabilimento balneare] Liguria - Italy [2017]


[Contact] KARINA ALEXANDRA ACOSTA CELEDON Via Monte Grappa 32_20010_ San Giorgio su Legnano_Milano [Italy] Cel. +39 340 8176689 email: karinacosta11@hotmail.com

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