1 minute read
Definition of Asana
from Teaching Methodology
by Kareena mx
Asana is spoken of as the first part of Hatha Yoga.
1. Asana is a specific position which opens the energy channels and psychic centers. 2. The Hatha yogis also found that by developing control of the body through asana, the mind is controlled. 3. The asana practice is foremost in hatha yoga. When you practice asana, steadiness develops, Prana moves freely and there is less chance of disease occurring.
Characteristics of ASANA
• Stable • Comfortable • Stillness of mind • Effortlessness • Absence of tension • Minimum muscular activity • Absence of thought processes by contemplating on the infinite are the characteristics of asana Notes for the teacher to review:
1. LessonPlanning 2. Observation 3. Improvement