[UK1] [LAU6] [PIN1] [FUNG4] [LIN4] [YE2] [YU5] 屋漏偏逢連夜雨 Solo Exhibition by GO HUNG 高哼個展 20TH AUGUST - 17TH SEPTEMBER 2022 Strinkflation 縮水式通脹 hotel soap, cardboard pulp, found tin foil container, 11.5 x 22 x 11.5cm, 2022 Cover Image:
1 Kyodo. (2022, July 18). ‘Which cities are the most expensive for expats to live in?’. South China Morning Post. scroll_0&pgtype=article&campaign=3185613scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/3185613/guess-which-cities-are-most-expensive-expats-live?module=perpetual_https://www.
[uk1] [lau6] [pin1] [fung4] [lin4] [ye2] [yu5], a Cantonese colloquialism which loosely translates as ‘it never rains but pours’, is a new body of work inspired by the day-to-day challenges faced by underprivileged members of society since the outbreak of the pandemic.
Recycled everyday materials from the streets, such as used paper, packaging materials and hotel soap bars are repurposed into Go’s signature installations, each a tangible reminder of the income inequality that is prevalent in Hong Kong but equally poignant in a global context.
Hong Kong has been named the most expensive city to live in 2022, according to various studies1. With the minimum wage HK$37.50 per hour and the average rent $39 per square foot for a subdivided flat, a low-income family of four is likely to be spending more than half of their monthly outgoings on rent and faces a waiting time of 6.1 years to access public housing. In 2020, the Hong Kong Poverty Situation Report identified one fifth of the local population as living in poverty.
6.1 Years, a bunk bed installation made of found plastic road barriers, references this waiting time. Cramped in a tiny unit, the bunk bed is where most activities take place in subdivided flats, be it having meals or doing homework. Wood fleas are a common problem in subdivided flats, occasionally so serious that dwellers prefer to head to the streets to spend the night outside, perhaps next to road barriers.
“We have been living with Covid-19 for around three years, it has become part of our daily lives, and it seems fine to some of us. Life goes on. It brings up a new form of ‘normal’ in order to keep daily activities and society running. It’s easy to forget that some of the unluckier ones have lost their jobs and are struggling to get by. It is not hard to find news headlines reporting on stress, mental and physical health issues due to unemployment, time spent in a tiny, ill equipped living space for too long, the inability to make healthy food choices.” observes Go Hung.
Karin Weber Gallery is excited to announce [uk1] [lau6] [pin1] [fung4] [lin4] [ye2] [yu5] by Go Hung, one of Hong Kong’s most versatile conceptual artists, in his first solo exhibition with our gallery.

“Go Hung is a social realist. His works express for a cluster of society often marginalized due to either wealth or intellectual disparities. The work Up represents the slippery path people endure when up against a rigid structural and/or systemic disadvantages.” – Art collector Jacobo Garcia Gil.
The installation highlights the plight of some families who are forced to move home four times within 6 years.
Most students turned to online lessons during the pandemic, but their contemporaries in subdivided flats do not have wifi access at home and rely on other peoples’ networks. “Mo wifi can borrow” (Cantonese English meaning there is no wifi one can borrow) is engraved onto the exercise book in Ask to Join. “Sometimes we take things for granted, but fail to notice some people in society lack things as basic as wifi,” remarks Go TheHung.title of the installation C(rumble) View has a double meaning: “C View”, a sea view greatly improving the value of an apartment juxtaposed with the ‘crumble view’ of subdivided flats, caged homes and cubicle apartments. Many lack windows, rendering them technically ‘inadequate housing,’ as defined by the Hong Kong government.
6 Years represents the rental issue as landlords of subdivided flats are charging a per square foot rent which is amongst the highest in the world.
Opening photo in Karin Weber Gallery, Hong Kong, 2022
“Each work represents how times are tough whilst life gets tougher for the low income families. – A local designer.
A share of proceeds from this show will be donated to Oxfam Hong Kong.
“Salute to the low-income families and underprivileged groups in HK with unusual material: soap.” – A local curator.
[uk1] [lau6] [pin1] [fung4] [lin4] [ye2] [yu5] is representative of Go Hung’s engagement with social inequality in his artistic practice. Originally trained in digital arts, his 2012-13 participation at a REITIR workshop in Iceland marked a turning point in his artistic focus as he developed a new awareness of poverty and the correlation between consumerism and income inequality.
His ever-evolving readymade installations reflect life as it happens in Hong Kong’s streets, with a unique, often wry and humorous twist. His works constitute a metaphor for the wasteful, consumerist culture we, as a global and globalized society, seem to struggle to let go of.
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Two related works, Hands Stop and Mouth Stop, resembling cotton gloves and rubber gloves, and hung on the bunk bed, are Cantonese metaphors referring to unemployment or underemployment faced by low-income Birthfamilies.Day
“Congratulations for hosting another meaningful installation art exhibition!” – A local collector.
is inspired by the news coverage of popular hotel staycations when overseas travel was restricted, with celebrations frequently marked by helium balloons on show inside hotel windows. Go uses laundry soap to recreate the balloons, offset by a conditioned wall signifying dilapidated living conditions.

《6年》《生《6.1年》年,香港貧困狀況報告確定了五分之一的本地人口生活在貧困中。月支出可能超過一半用於租金,並面臨元的最低工資和每平方英尺根據各種研究,香港再被評為訝的收入不平等問題。成高哼的標誌性裝置,每一個都切實地提醒著香港甚至全球都普遍存在,令人驚從街上回收的日常材料,例如用過的紙、包裝材料和酒店肥皂條等,被重新創作系列新作品啟發自新型冠狀病毒疫情爆發以來,社會弱勢群體面臨的日常挑戰。「屋漏偏逢連夜雨」,粵語俗語,大致翻譯為「不雨則已,一雨傾盆。」,是一是香港最多才多藝的概念藝術家之一。凱倫偉伯畫廊很高興地宣布「屋漏偏逢連夜雨」,高哼在我們畫廊的首次個展,2022年生活成本最高的城市1。以每小時37.5港39港元的平均租金計算,一個低收入四口之家的每6.1年的輪候時間進入公共住房。在2020是一張由塑料路障製成的碌架床,標題參考了公屋的輪候時間。擠在一個狹小的單位中,碌架床是劏房戶主要的活動空間,無論是吃飯還是做功課。藝術品標題木跳蚤是劏房的常見問題,偶爾情況嚴重致居民寧願到街上過夜,也許睡在路障旁邊。高哼觀察到:「我們與2019冠狀病毒病一起生活了大約三年,它已成為我們日常生活的一部分,對我們中的一些人來說似乎平常。生活仍要繼續。它提出了一種新的“正常”模式,以保持日常活動和社會運轉。人們很容易遺忘一些倒霉的人因此失去了工作,正在艱難度日。在新聞頭條中不難發現由於失業、長時間生活在狹小且設備簡陋的生活空間和無法負擔購買健康食品的選擇等所導致的壓力和身心健康報導。」兩件相聯作品,《手停》和《口停》,分別外表像勞工手套和橡膠手套,掛在碌架床上,在粵語隱喻低收入家庭面臨的失業或就業不足的問題。日》的靈感來自於因海外旅行受到限制而流行起來的宅度假新聞報導。慶祝活動經常以酒店窗戶內展示的氦氣球為標誌。高哼使用勞工梘重新製作氣球,並掛在處理過的牆壁上,與破舊的生活條件成強烈對比。代表租金問題,因為劏房的業主收取的每平方英尺租金是世界上最高的。該裝置突出了一些家庭在6年內被迫搬家四次的困境。疫情期間大多數學生轉向網上課堂,但居住在劏房的同齡人在家中沒有無線網絡1Kyodo(2022年7月18日)。〈Whichcitiesarethemostexpensiveforexpatstolivein?〉。《南華早報》。取https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/3185613/guess-which-cities-are-most-expensive-expats-live?module=perpetual_scroll_0&pgtype=article&campaign=3185613 引言 9

1110 學歷的他,在2012-13年參加了冰島的藝術表達社會不平等。具有數碼藝術「屋漏偏逢連夜雨」反映了高哼利用居所」。在技術上被香港政府定義為「不適切觀」。許多人沒有窗戶,這使得它們對比劏房、籠屋和板間房的「破碎景View」,海景令到住宅升價十倍,題具有雙重含義。香港人嚮往「C裝置藝術道。線網絡這樣基本的東西。」高哼評論但沒有註意到社會上有些人缺乏像無「有時我們認為事情是理所當然的,《詢問是否加入網絡》的練習簿上。意思是沒有無線網絡可以借用)刻在「Mo連接,並且依賴於其他人的網絡。wificanborrow」(粵語英文《C(rumble)View》的標 REITIR 施會。本次展覽的部分收益將捐贈給香港樂擺脫的過度消費主義文化。我們的地球和全球化的社會似乎難以諷刺和幽默的轉化。他的作品隱喻了頭的生活,帶有一種獨特的、經常是他不斷發展的現成裝置反映了香港街新的認識。主義與收入不平等之間的相關性有了作的轉折點,藝術計劃,這標誌著他藝術創因為他對貧困以及消費 評價 「高哼是一個社會現實主義者。 開幕照片於凱倫偉伯畫廊,香港,2022品代表了人們在面對僵化的結構和/或邊緣化的社會群體發聲。作品為由於財富或智商差異而經常被他的《Up》這作《詢問是否加入網絡》,高哼,勞工梘,枱,70.5x50厘米,2022年開幕照片於凱倫偉伯畫廊,香港,2022 」偏逢連夜雨件都係表達低下階層這幾年來器物,造成的精緻的立體作品,每一「Go展!」「恭喜舉辦又一次有意義的裝置藝術–收入家庭和弱勢群體致敬「用不尋常的材料:肥皂,向香港低–系統性劣勢時所經歷的滑坡。」藝術收藏家JacoboGarciaGil。。」香港策展人。–本地收藏家。Hung利用勞工皂加上拾回來的『屋漏』苦上加苦的生活細節。–香港設計師。

14 15 6 Years 6年 laundry soap, found wood board 27 x202237.5cm

17 6.1 Years 6.1年 found plastic road barrier 203 x 230 x 2022116cm 16

18 Ask to Join 詢問是否加入網絡 laundry soap, found table 70.5 x 202250cm 19

21 Birth Day 生日 laundry soap, tin foil, wall paint on found wood panel 76 x 2020-202276cm 20

C(rumble) View laundry soap, found clear plastic, chicken wire 71 x 202252cm 22 23

24 Collective Dream laundry soap 23.5 x 7.5 x 5.5cm 2022 25

Ex(tra)penses laundry soap, Lux soap, chicken wire, found board 46 x 202258cm 26 27

Hand Stop 手停 laundry soap, Lux soap, chicken wire, hanger 36 x 20 x 202212cm 28 29

31 Mouth Stop 口停 laundry soap, chicken wire, hanger 38 x 202240cm 30

Meat On 肉隨 laundry soap, chicken wire 11 x 23 x 202231cm 32 33

Needle Hasn’t Poked into Flesh 針唔吉到肉 Lux soap, chicken wire 36 x 24 x 20229cm 34 35

Strinkflation 縮水式通脹 hotel soap, cardboard pulp, found tin foil container 11.5 x 22 x 202211.5cm 37

Trapped 困 laundry soap, found table 61 x 61 x 202211.5cm 38 39

Up 上 laundry soap 22pcs, size 2022variable 40 41

‘Useless/Useful2010 Participatory Fashion Exhibition’, The Rag Factory, London, UK ‘FEEDBACK’,2008 House Gallery, London, UK ‘Microwave2007 International New Media Arts Festival’, Hong Kong Film Archive, HK ‘FILE – Electronic Language International Festival’, SESI Gallery, Sao Paulo, Brazil ‘Faster2006 Than Sound’, Bentwaters Airbase, Suffolk, UK ‘Free Range 2006 Art & Design Degree Shows’, Atlantis, Truman Brewery, Bricklane, London, ‘TakeawayUKFestival Do It Yourself Media, Node London’, Dana Centre, London, UK Artist in Residence Ceekayello2021-2020 - Classic Craft, Modern Meaning, HK HKwalls2019 AiR, The Nate, HK REITIR,2013 Siglufjordur, Iceland AIRatX,2011 Institute for (X), Aarhus, Denmark Awards HKADC2008 Arts Scholarship, Scholar of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council
Celebration 60 - People Of Our Times, British Council, HK Winner2007 of University of the Arts London Portfolio Competition, Hong Kong, Guangdong Province and Macau, China
‘Classic Craft, Modern Meaning’, Public Hong Kong Tram, HK ‘Hong2019 Kong Arts Collective’, 41 Water Street, Sai Ying Pun, HK ‘HKWalls x District15 Pop Up Co-Art Exhibition’, The Nate, 176 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, ‘CreativeHK Kowloon Opening Exhibition’, Creative Kowloon, Ki Lung Street, Sham Shui Po, ‘HKwallsHK - Street Art & Mural Festival’, The Clubhouse, 6 Stewart Road, Wan Chai, HK ‘Like.Follow.Comment.Repeat.’,2015 Solo Exhibition, MC3 Creative Space, University of Hong Kong, HK ‘WYSIWYG’2012 Solo Exhibition, Art One Gallery, HK ‘AIRatX,2011 Institute For (X)’ Solo Exhibition, Bureau Detour, Aarhus, Denmark GO HUNG 44
Born in 1980, Hong Kong Currently lives and works in Hong Kong Education MA2009Visual Arts (Digital Art), Camberwell College of Arts, University of the Arts London, UK BA2006(First Class) Digital Arts w/ Creative Advertising, London College of Music & Media, Thames Valley University, UK HD2001Product Engineering and Design, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, HK Exhibitions (selected) 2022‘[uk1] [lau6] [pin1] [fung4] [lin4] [ye2] [yu5]’, Karin Weber Gallery, HK ‘Ragpickers’, Novalis Art Design, HK Art Central, Karin Weber Gallery, HK ‘zau12021 san1 gwat1 tung3’, Square Street Gallery, HK ‘Second Skin’, Karin Weber Gallery, HK ‘disCONNECT2020 HK’, Schoeni Projects, Hysan, HK ‘Urban Whistle’, Art Depot Gallery, Beijing 798, China

高哼 1980年生於香港 現生活並工作於香港 學歷 2009 英國倫敦藝術大學坎伯韋爾藝術學院,視覺藝術(數碼藝術)碩士學位。 2006 英國泰晤士河谷大學倫敦音樂與媒體學院,數碼媒體藝術及創意廣告學士 2001 香港專業教育學院,產品工程與設計高級文憑 展覽(擇錄) 2022 「「屋漏偏逢連夜雨」,香港凱倫偉伯畫廊 Ragpickers」,香港Novalis Art Design畫廊 Art Central,香港凱倫偉伯畫廊 2021 「周身骨痛」,香港Square Street Gallery 「第二層皮膚」,香港凱倫偉伯畫廊 2020 「disCONNECT HK」,香港希慎廣場
Schoeni Projects 「Urban Whistle」,中國北京798藝術區藝術倉庫 「Classic Craft, Modern Meaning」,香港電車 2019 「Hong Kong Arts Collective」,香港西營盤水街41號 「HKWalls x District 15 Pop Up Co-Art Exhibition」,香港尖沙咀The Nate 「Creative Kowloon Opening Exhibition」,香港深水埗Creative Kowloon 「HKwalls - Street Art & Mural Festival」,香港灣仔The Clubhouse 2015 「讚好、追蹤、回應、重覆」,香港大學MC³ @702創意空間 2012 「WYSIWYG」,香港Art One 畫廊 2011 「AIRatX, Institute For (X)」,丹麥奧胡斯Bureau Detour 2010 「Useless/Useful Participatory Fashion Exhibition」,英國倫敦The Rag Factory 2008 「FEEDBACK」,英國倫敦House畫廊 2007 「「微波國際新媒體藝術節」,香港電影資料館 FILE – Electronic Language International Festival」,巴西聖保羅SESI畫廊 2006 「Faster Than Sound」,英國薩福克Bentwaters Airbase 「Free Range 2006 Art & Design Degree Shows」,英國倫敦Truman Brewery 「Takeaway Festival Do It Yourself Media, Node London」,英國倫敦Dana Centre 46 47 藝術家駐留計劃 Ceekayello2021-2020 - Classic Craft, Modern Meaning,香港 HKwalls2019 AiR, The Nate,香港 REITIR2013,冰島Siglufjordur AIRatX2011,丹麥奧胡斯Institute for (X 獎項 2008 香港藝術發展局獎學金 Celebration 60 - People Of Our Times,香港英國文化協會 2007 冠軍,University of the Arts London Portfolio Competition,中國香港,廣東省和澳門
KARIN WEBER GALLERY 凱倫偉伯畫廊 48 G/F, 20 Aberdeen Street, Central, Hong Kong 香港中環鴨巴甸街20號地下 +852 2544 ©art@karinwebergallery.comkarinwebergallery.com50042022KarinWeberGalleryAllRightsAreReserved 49
Established in 1999 by German-born Karin Weber and now in its 23rd year, Karin Weber Gallery is one of Hong Kong’s oldest contemporary art galleries. Situated on Aberdeen Street, in the heart of SoHo, the gallery presents a yearround program of curated exhibitions, talks, and collector events. As unique network of partners based in London and Mumbai allows us to source emerging and established contemporary art from around the world. We are equally passionate about presenting works by local artists. The gallery assists artists through exhibitions, art fairs, and residency programs throughout the world. Small in size, yet global in outlook, Karin Weber Gallery is one of Hong Kong’s truly international boutique galleries. 凱倫偉伯畫廊在1999年由德國的Karin Weber女士創立,今年踏入第23 一。的事業。面積雖不大,但放眼全球,凱倫偉伯畫廊是香港真正國際化的精品畫廊之我們畫廊代表的藝術家通過藝術博覽會,與其他畫廊的交流,還有駐留計畫發展自己並蒐尋新晉和有豐富經驗的藝術家。我們熱愛把香港本地的藝術推介給全球的藏家。我們的合夥人於倫敦和孟買有辦事處,使我們能夠幾乎遍布世界各地為客戶提供服務展覽、講座及活動給藏家參與。其中一間最具歷史的當代藝術畫廊。畫廊位於蘇豪區鴨巴甸街,我們每年策劃不同的年,是香港