10 Life, Style, & Arts
Volume 8 Issue 7
Privileg Performance & Prospec On the relationship between co-editor
Drives and pays for gas but does not pay for insurance
Drives to school and pays for gas and insurance Did not specify whether they drive to school
Four Year College Bound
Drives but does not pay for gas or insurance
ar C
Workfo rc
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Drives but did not specify whether they pay for gas or insurance
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Does not drive a car to school
l P re u t Fu vs. s e c n a n fi r a C
r o e g e l ol
C n i t s
litary i m e,
After H School vs Grad
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(one dot=one student)
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Workforce, military or trade school bound
ACC Bound
car to school, and if so, if they paid for their own gas, insurance or both. This question attempted to quantify the issue of monetary privilege. For some, driving to school is a privilege extended by parents because they can afford it. For others, it is a privilege earned by teens who work for their own money. Hence, our survey asked seniors if they had a job and if so, the number of hours a week they work. Other questions were also asked on the survey, but they were later thrown out to streamline the data. The Hawk offers no conclusions on the data, but rather leaves it to the reader to draw conclusions. We picked a few statistics to publish, which can be found on the front cover and these pages, with the goal only to get people thinking about how monetary privilege, high school performance and future prospects may be linked.
Four Ye
Through a series of surveys conducted in March and April, The Hawk set out to investigate how students’ wealth (privilege), high school success (performance) and future plans (prospects) were related. Our main question: what is the true determining factor in the pursuit for higher education? A ten question survey was written and distributed to over 100 seniors in four different classes: an AP government class, an on-level government class, an AP English class and a regular English class. The class types were purposefully chosen with hopes of getting a diverse range of seniors to answer the questionnaire, but The Hawk did not choose based on their roster. Instead, a random class of each type was chosen. Because the study hinged on seniors’ future plans, any survey on which seniors said they were “undecided,” about their future were also deemed unusable. So, we ended up with 58 usable surveys. Questions asked students about their plans after high school, grades in core classes and number of AP courses taken over their four years for obvious reasons. We also asked students whether they drove a
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Nyssa Kruse